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Fantasy The Quest For Anark's Treasure

"I'm Hitomu, but call me what you will." Hitomu replied to Angus, "..And your Kelly?" He said a little unsure, " And I don't think I caught yours?" He asked Setzu.

See ya bud. :wizardHappy:
"I'm Setzu. Oakelridge then? It honestly sounds like a 12 year old made it up........... But I guess it's real." Setzu says concerned for a second.

"Well I am ready for anything!" Kelly says, happily. Her face was as bright as her tutu.
"Alright, than. I say because we "saved" the town than where I titled to some rewards." He said grabbing some packets of chuck, from one of the now empty street stands. A couple monsters, and a dwarf...what could go wrong. He thought to himself smirking.
Setzu liberated a few foods from the vendors- and a few souls from the orcs, of course sharing some with Kelly. He eyed her carefully. If the souls aren't making her stronger, then why does she use them... Well it couldn't be any stranger then Setzus power. Kelly was only the 3rd shadowdancer he has ever met, and the 1st one he doesn't have to kill. He turns his attention to Hitomu, "So are we leaving today, or do you wanna take a rest at an inn?" He asks, as dark blood streams down his arm. An unknown gash, was there and Kelly quickly starts to patch it up, with some gauze she carries around, usually for herself.

"What happened here?" Kelly asked. Setzu says 'I don't know' and Kelly just shakes her head and sighs. "You're lucky I'm a people person, without me this could have got infected." She finishes wrapping his arm, and it starts to get soaked with blood. "Well if we need to it can get rewrapped but it is fine for now. Just don't strain it!"

"Okay mom..."

"What did you call me?"

"What? I said... okay... Kelly!"
Matsu watches the group from the top of a building. He hops down and looks at the group. "Hey um i'm sorry about attacking you. I guess you got me back, I think I might have a busted rib. Anyways I heard yo guys talking about the cave, excuse my eavesdropping. Is there room for on more?" Asks Matsu smiling slightly.
"...I think we should leave as soon as we can." He said looking around, "this is no place to stay, I say we head to Bristtleton, and stay there for the night, we should be able to make it there by twilight. Then at dawn we will set of for the mysterious town." He said looking how faded it was from his map, something tells me no one has traveled there for a very long time. He thought to himself. "He saw Kelly help setzu, "they almost look like brother and sister." He whispered to himself smirking.

He looked towards the elf, and scowled. "Your not welcomed where I go...but I can't stop you." He said angered, "if you want to come you may, but just know I'm watching you elf." He added slinging his sack over his shoulder, and wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Are you all ready?" He asked. Looking at the team of ragtag heroes.
"Well I appreciate you semi-kindness. But yes I am ready to go." Says Matsu. He picks up a small rock and it glows red. He tosses it up and down. Then he missed the catch and when the rock hits the ground it explodes like a small firecracker.
"Sure thing." Setzu says, also picking up a rock and throwing it up. Midway through it disappears. The rock throwing, really reflects the way they fight he thinks. He smiles towards Hitsonu, looking at his sack, "I love not having to carry that on my back like that."

"Oh yeah, I moved all my stuff near yours, so I guess we are roommates now!" She smiles, "Now everyone be on the lookout for a tiara to match this tutu, and let's get on our way!"
"Alright." He announced gruffly, as they venture off towards the towns gate. "Yeah it's quite a hassle," he said a softer tone in his voice, he smiled at setzu. Walking out of the village he spit on one of the numerous Orc bodies laying dead. "A disgrace, I understand vampires, where wolves, even goblins, they kill for food...but orcs...they kill for fun." He muttered stepping over ones body.
"My people did the same thing." Says Matsu softly. "It's their religion. They think it's right. I'm not saying they are, its just in there blood." Says Matsu. He grabs his dagger and its starts pulsing with electricity. Then turns to fire. His blade starts shining with different colors as he adds different enchantments. This is how he amuses himself, by seeing how many enchantments he can add with out running out of power.
Setzu trudges along, kicking orc bodies out of the way as he goes. He gets to the body of a fairly young lady. Setzu sighs, as Kelly begins to break out into tears. He picks up her body and asks the bunch, "What do you think about a proper burial?" He asks as Kelly shadowwalks, not wanting to look at the dead lady.
"I don't think we have the time for that, the orcs could be coming back for all we know. We are too weak for another fight and we have no idea what the orcs are planning since we can't interrogate a body."
Kelly phases back. "NO! We are giving this woman a burial!" She has stopped crying, but her voice wavers.

"Kelly... just leave her body somewhere safe. We don't have time." Setzu says sad to tell her. Kelly phases away struggling to hold the body. She phases back, tears in her eyes. "Okay. Let's get going." Setzu says walking past more orcs, drawing towards the edge of town. Kelly follows closely, her senses on edge, wary of any orcs.
Hitomu, didn't understand the convection Kelly had to the stranger, the creatures of the earth confuse me. He thought to himself, even though...it somehow pained Hitomu to see Kelly so upset, "I'm sorry Kelly, but we must get moving, why don't we have a moment of silence for the poor stranger." He announced trying to comfort her. The walked in silence as they entered the forest.

"Keep your eye for any game, I can only imagine the long road ahead of us." He added, readjusting his pack.
"That's the good thing about dark elves. We see in a type of thermal vision. So ill see them coming. Well unless they dont have a heat signature." Says Matsu.
"Well put it to good use, even if it doesn't help us get meat it will give us a warning if anyone decides to mess with us." He said quietly looking through the trees, as they delved deeper into the woods. Hitomu cringed and put his hand to his heart. You need to pace yourself with blood magic, your just a beginner. He thought to himself feeling weak. He took a deep breath, and calmed down as they continued to walk.
Setzu watches as Hitomu clenches his chest. He hits a branch and steps back, "Whoops." He laughs feeling dumb. Looking around he noticed the forest getting a lot thicker and harder to travel through. Not to mention the mud puddles. He decided to shadow walk to get around this easily.

Kelly eyed Hitomu as well. "Are you alright?" She asks, a lot more upfront then Setzu. She dodges branches as Setzu disappears into the shadowrealm.
"Yeah it's just th....nothing I'm fine, thank you." He said with a brief smile before carrying on. Without thinking he stepped in a large mud puddle sinking into the earth, he grunted in dismay, and he pulls it back out sending flecks of mud across the ground. "So what's all your stories?" He asked looking around at the small group.
Setzu phases back and shrugs, stepping through mud.

Kelly starts, "I was a young girl in a small village, in the middle of a deep forest. We were a race of Superhumans. I grew up in an average family, nothing to tell. One night a *plague shadowdancer broke into the town. He found me, through an unlocked window, and took my soul. It's good to mention that Superhumans have strong physical bodys but weak souls we don't rely on. Once he took mine, I guess it made me into one. Probably because I am a body with no soul, I must hunt them to survive. I was thrown from our town, and ripped from my pleading parents arms. I've been on the run my whole life, alone."

*A plague shadowdancer is a type of shadowdancer. Depending on what race you are, when turned into one, you have different skills. For example Setzu is/was a human, so he just becomes much stronger with every soul he gets.
"Aslong as you can walk and fight, your an ally to me." He smiled, "I'm sorry to hear that Kelly..." He said more serious. He sniffed the air and smirked, he smelt meat close by, he strode ahead of the group, catching a better sent until he bushed branches out of his face, ready to pounce on the wild game, his expression drained from his face, as what he expected to be his next meal was really a hanging deer carcuss strung up on a large branch his eyes focused a few yards in front of him and saw two large trolls eating, the monsters turned there attention to Hitomu and the others, blood dripping down their checks as they continue to eat, "shit!" Hitomu muttered. Getting ready for a battle.

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