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Fantasy The Quest For Anark's Treasure

"What a perfect opportunity to try out my new blade!" Angus says as he readies himself for battle. "Hey Elf wanna give me a hand?" he yells to the elf with a bow.
Hitomu's eyes turned blood red, as he sent the dark elf flying into the distance landing into a rack of produce. His eyes returned to there normal light hazel color, he turned and saw a hellish landscape insuing behind him, "Guess arens will have to wait." He muttered, drawing his staff from his back.

"Please help!!!" Hitomu looked over surprised. His anger rose as he saw a hoard of orcs push a town woman to the ground.

Might as well have a little fun with them before we kill em'" an Orc bellowed, grabbing the girls dress and beginning to rip it off.

Hitomu was inragged. He began floating off the ground, the blood red color returned to his eyes, "Non timblo mala, Ach voi tru'um!" He yelled, floating higher and higher. The orcs color flushed from there faces, as they collapsed to the ground, blood began pouring from there mouths, until they where all dead. The woman screamed and ran away, joined by the rest of the frightened citizens. Hitomu dropped to the ground with a thud. Dropping to his knees, he grabbed at his heart, cringing in pain,
pace yourself. He thought, getting back to his feet, and pinpointing his next targets.
Setzu shadow walks, with his eyes closed. He senses the other shadowdancer and holds out his blade. The other one phases into his blade, and darkness leaks from his chest. He drifts back to the regular plane, and Setzu follows. The other shadowdancer hits the ground. His hood falls from his face, revealing a woman's face. Tears drift down her face. Setzu quickly removes his blade. And places his hand over her body, releasing souls into her. Her injury slowly heals. She mumbles, "I- I'm sorry." It was obvious Setzu was much more skilled at fighting. He picked her up and carried her into the inn.

"What's your name?"

"Kelly..." She slowly drifts off into unconsciousness. Setzu places her down gently, and travels back outside. A group of orcs collapse and Setzu looks impressed. Phasing and shadowdancing around the village, he destroys a few orcs, stealing several souls. Judging that he had a few souls to spare he deployed them across the feild of battle absorbing into orcs, imploding them.
Angus gets wide eyed at seeing the kid who gave him his new sword teleporting around the battlefield. After a brief second of recovery he charges into battle and tackles an orc and driving his blade deep in his gut. The orc grunts and punches Angus in the face leaving him a little dizzy. Angus rips the sword up through the orc's head nearly splitting him in half sending blood everywhere. The dwarf pulls out his old bagpipes and begins to play a song his great grandfather taught him, giving him and the floating man added strength.
A giant ogre emerged through a building crushing it, with screams heard from the inside silenced. It's dim-witted brain searched for enemies. He spotted a group and traveled for the them, slowly, crushing orcs as he went along. He let out a deafening response to the bagpipes. Setzu's souls shattered. Setzu ran across the shadows towards the humongous creature.
Matsu being flown into a produce stand picks up an apple and takes a bit out of it. He tosses the apple up in the air, pulls out his bow and fires an arrow, piercing the apple and a Orc's head. He teleports up to a roof and starts enchanting his arrows. He fires an enchanted arrow at an Orc. The Orc is impaled by the arrow and blown to bits as well nearby Orc's. Matsu grins as he pulls out another special arrow.
The huge ogre startled Angus making him jump. The ogre was nearly at a group of scared villagers ready to trample and eat them. Angus felt his inner hero kick in ass he rushed towards the ogre. When he got there he slashed the ogres Achilles tendon on the back of his huge foot. In pain the ogre kicked backwards sending Angus twirling through the air and onto a two story building.
Setzu shadowdances up to the roof the elf was on. He appears behind him, with a carved longbow, and a quiver of arrows. "Yeah I'm no good with a bow, but.." He pulls out three arrows and strings them up. He has a soul absorb into them, and he lets them go. The aim is way off and it falls a million miles short. But the soul guides the arrows back, straight into the ogres eyes. He drops the longbow on the ground, and pulls out his sword. Hr watches as the blind, achilles cut ogre hits the ground. It is stunned, and Setzu runs for a kill.
"Cheater." Mumbles Matsu. He sees a group of Orc's running through a area filled with spilled water forming a large puddle. He enchants an arrow with electricity and shoots it killing the group. He sees Setzu running to finish the kill. He pulls out an arrow and sends it through the head of his target before he could make it. "I'm the only archer, you demon." Says Matsu.
Hitomu saw the dwarf fly into a building, "damn." He muttered reclaiming his strength. He spotted an Orc running at him, "Och ra vinsnu." He whispered, and the orcs heart stopped sending him collapsing to the ground. He chuckled, "it's almost too easy." He smirked. Just then an ogre runs behind him slamming him into the dirt road, disoriented, he rolls to his back missing a club by an inch, his ears rang, as if a grenade had just detonated right next to him, suddenly his mind returned to him, he was lucky the time but the Orc wouldn't mis again.

He began to chant a familiar spell but he suddenly realized how weak his spells where making him, "Br'ra'taka!" He groaned the Orc stumbled back, Hitomu was getting to weak to kill, he would have to weaken him instead. The Orc fell to his ass, trying to get back up. Hitomu, took his staff and swung it gracefully into the back of the orcs head, killing it. He breathed heavily trying to see how many where left.
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Setzu grabbed the arrow, "Oh no you don't." Just touching it hurt him. He disposed of it into the shadowrealm. He jumped up and raised his sword ready to stab the beast...
The dwarf stood up and dusted himself off. "Can anyone help me down from here? I am just a dwarf." Looking down Angus realizes he still has on the tutu, in anger he rips it off and throws it on the roof. At this point the orcs seemed to be thinning out, many were retreating but a few were to headstrong to run from a fight.
Hitomu, laughed at the dwarf, he jumped onto the roof of the small building, and began running from roftop to rooftop, reaching the dwarf he grabs him tightly to his body, and jumps down realesing him, he ran into a heard of orcs and swung his staff in a circul sending the to the ground, he then focused on one Orc and concentrated he reshaped the molecules in his body so he was a walking bomb, with that he jumped back as the hoard blew up sending blood everywhere.
The dwarf began to play again, this time it started to heal the man that helped him off the roof. "You look a little sickly young man, just listen to the music and let it move you."
Hitomu scoffed as he ran twords an Orc, "Ach mor ma'anng" he shouted, preparing for the abomination to die. Instead nothing happened, until Hitomu collapsed to the ground coughing blood, his vision began to become weary, as he slipped into unconsciousness, there was nothing he could focus on except for one thing, the soothing sound of the dwarfs music, it filled him with power, his vision returned along with the color to his face, he wiped the plod from his mouth, and tried the spell once agin, "Ach mor ma'anng!" He shouted once again, only this time the Orc, fell to the ground blood pooling around him.
Matsu watches his arrows fly at Setzu and sighs. he snaps his fingers and the arrows explode before hitting Setzu. He jumps from building to building when he sees Hitomu casting his spell. He grabs his arrow and enchants it with a spell that weakens and destroys magic for a short time, causing pain when the wielder attempts to uses magic. He sends it straight at Hitomu aiming for his arm, thinking he was an enemy.
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Hitomu smirked as he smeared the blood off his face, he was replenished and ready to fight. He heard a whistle past his ear, his arm exploded in pain, he cringed pulling it from his arm. His eyes where a bright orange, "you imbecile!!!!" He yelled, "Cha'ta eeh!" He announced ready to snap the archers neck, but his magic was weaker and only was able to push him off the building, "what the hell, why didn't that work!, he then looked to his wound, poison, damn." He muttered to himself. It would hurt more, but the dwarfs music still seemed to heal him. "I don't have time for that bastard elf." He said to himself grabbing his wound and boiling his blood, dissolving the poison. He cringed but was now back at full power. The orcs where almost all gone, just a few more would finish them off.
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Matsu being pushed off the building teleports back to the top. "That usually works. You must have a bit more power than i thought. That or you are being buffed by a nearby source." Says Matsu turning his head to Angus. He pulls out a small blade from his sleeve and enchants it with the same spell and readies it to throw at Hitomu.
Hitomu realizes the archer is back. He stands, back to him, "...not this time." He whispers, "Mou oung, cha' at eeh." He yells, causing the archers blood to boil, but as well enchants him with a minor iron skin spell, causing him immense pain but not death. With that dealt with he an off twords the few orcs remaining.
Matsu falls to the ground in pain. He grabs his enchanted blade and cuts his wrist. He stands up blood trickling down his arm. "The enchantment works on me too." Says Matsu as the spell disappears. He grabs his blade and throws it at Hitomu.
The dwarf, completely oblivious to the archer rushes at one of the orcs lopping his head off in one quick motion with the golden sword. Angus turns and sees that one of the remaining orcs is wearing a headdress signifying a low ranking leader. Angus attempts to play a song to knock out the orc but not kill him in hopes of interrogating him later.
The blade missed, nailing an already dead Orc in the head, "Do you not understand, that I'm sparring you!!! You are no more than a pawn, in the game of chess!" He yelled launching the archer to the ground, "and stay there!" He yelled, blood slowly streaming from his eyes. He clenches his fist and the few remaining orcs collapse to the ground, except the leader. Which is now stumbling in fear, being outnumbered with no troops. Hitomu's head felt heaven, until finally he saw only black as he fell to the ground, unconscious.
Setzu phased to the blood weilder and knocked him down as well. "Whats with all the fighting?" He asks, curiously.

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