The Queen's Madness - OOC

ianbabyyy said:
Oh, I thought maybe you'd accidentally deleted your CS hahaha
Oh no xD I mean for my other character. I'm bored and I kinda want to make one to avoid replying in abother RP because..well I'm low on muse x.x
xEmoBunnehx said:
Oh no xD I mean for my other character. I'm bored and I kinda want to make one to avoid replying in abother RP because..well I'm low on muse x.x
Ugh. Don't talk to me about making characters. I have a problem. I need help.

And I'm the opposite. I've quite a bit of muse right now... but I'm so tired my brain is working too slow to put my thoughts on paper. Er, laptop.
ianbabyyy said:
Ugh. Don't talk to me about making characters. I have a problem. I need help.
And I'm the opposite. I've quite a bit of muse right now... but I'm so tired my brain is working too slow to put my thoughts on paper. Er, laptop.
xD You're addicted Ian. Do we need to make an intervention?

Luckyyyy. Can I borrow some?
@Sultan of Swat Ah! Well, there's a nifty little synopsis over in the Overview tab if you'd like to read through that and get caught up on what's happened. We just recently started Day 3 so there's still plenty of places to jump in.
xEmoBunnehx said:
xD You're addicted Ian. Do we need to make an intervention?
Luckyyyy. Can I borrow some?
Probably. I want to make another character so bad. I even know exactly who and what she is. I could fill out a CS in like ten minutes. But I already have three, I don't need another.

Yus. Have as much as you like. I'm certainly not using it at the moment.
ianbabyyy said:
Probably. I want to make another character so bad. I even know exactly who and what she is. I could fill out a CS in like ten minutes. But I already have three, I don't need another.
Yus. Have as much as you like. I'm certainly not using it at the moment.
*sigh.* @KillThemAll @Cosmo Ian has a problem's time to talk it out >.>

*takes some.* Yay :D

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