The Queen's Madness - OOC

ianbabyyy said:
I love this OOC thread. I post a gif of smothering someone, and it turns sexual.
>.> I'm aloud to be sexual. You know why? I'm drinking a energy drink called P*ssy. (I'd put a U..but I don't know how RPN will take that xD )

It's fucking amazing.
@xEmoBunnehx I know it hates the C-word. Drop it and.. watch.

C*nt becomes -> I'm uncultured (Seriously, this is what it turns into)
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@xEmoBunnehx Isn't it? A real pain as one of my favorite things to call people is a C*nt Waffle.... makes it kinda... a pain. Hmm >.>...
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Well mine is there to kinda sitting in the hall drunkenly spooning a decapitated head
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@Murlock Chief Mine is occupied with everyone else, but even if not, doubt you would want him to run into your guy as he would throw him out of the guard for that.
It is a criminals head brewing without a license then allegedly resisting arrest (he walked in there and killed the guy)
@xEmoBunnehx Hell yes! So fun to yell at someone!


@Murlock Chief Doesn't matter. It isn't the why he has a head, it is the fact he has it.

1. He is drunk inside the castle. That is a no-no. Shows a serious lack of discipline and respect for the Queen. Even worse if he is on duty. If a guard wants to drink, he should be in the barracks or at a pub. Not in the castle.

2. He is holding a severed head inside the castle. Again, immensely disrespectful to the queen and incredibly undisciplined. The Guard are not headhunters or mercenaries.

Someone like that is not worthy of the rank and doesn't deserve to be anything more then a grunt. Asavar has no patience for people like that.
Well I'll tell you he drank at a pub also he didn't have the head when he started drinking but yea you have a point
@Murlock Chief Mhm. If he wanted to bring the head anywhere, it would be the City Guard and then he could file a report to Asavar or his commanding officer. Discipline... kind of a big thing with the ogre.
@Murlock Chief He doesn't really care if it is a first offense or not. They are Guard and so held to a higher standard. Has to have worked there or he wouldn't have gotten through the gates. They don't just leave that thing wide open.
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@xEmoBunnehx Point.. he.. probably isn't in the best mood right now.

@Murlock Chief ^_- Another recruit has had family that has served in the Guard for generations... didn't stop him from executing their family line when they stepped out of line.
xEmoBunnehx said:
>.> I'm aloud to be sexual. You know why? I'm drinking a energy drink called P*ssy. (I'd put a U..but I don't know how RPN will take that xD )
It's fucking amazing.
I meant this.

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