The Queen's Madness - OOC

I used a female pronoun because of her chosen appearance

But then I used a male pronoun to even it out for him

So they have an equal amount of gender pronoun equality because he doesn't seem to prefer he or she but maybe he prefers she since her appearance is of a little girl, at least I think his appearance is a she.

Still equal~
Just do what I do and run around until you get a miraculous energy boost.

Try cooking something.
I can cook like I was born to do it~

Anyway, just stay up 'til it's time to do stuff and you should be awake when you get active.

I'll distract you with my texts.
It's all good!

Stay awake with me!

I'll suffer with you!

Anyway, cooking is just fun.

Fun fun fun.
That's the spirit!

Crack those eggs!

Something that rhymes!


Anyway, fire is good. It keeps you warm and gives you

another source of energy to cook with.

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