The Queen's Madness - OOC

Yup. Most violent countries tend to have red-color themes. Like the Dominion from Starcraft.

Mmm, but I also picked Light, just to change it up a bit. Wouldn't be surprised if the Mad Queen

had the flags' colors changed, though.
Also, I mean in fiction. There are plenty of violent countries that have

non-red flags in reality. Just to clarify.
@KillThemAll And.. a bunch of aggressive nations have used red... case in point:





Mm, true!

Was thinking about the US in particular, lol.

But then I was like...

"Red White and Blue!? That doesn't count"

Forgetting that Red was in it...


Also, stairs shouldn't exist.

Everything should be ramps.

They're superior in every way.
Oh! Important announcement! I'm gonna be leaving early Wednesday morning, and won't be back until Saturday evening.

I'll be on a little bit, maybe, until Wednesday afternoon, and maybe a bit Saturday morning, but that all depends on if my ipod will connect to wi-fi.

So, um, try not to blow anything up while I'm gone, mkay?

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