The Queen's Madness - OOC

KillThemAll said:
Hmm, so she's more accustomed to the cold?
AUTOCORRECT I HATE YOU!! >.< Sorry about that..

Hm..kind of. But it's more like intense heat than anything. At one people she was quite used to the cold, but mainly extreme heats. (I may or may not be manipulating the climate >.> Since Aura is the only one who comes from around that area.)
xEmoBunnehx said:
AUTOCORRECT I HATE YOU!! >.< Sorry about that..
Hm..kind of. But it's more like intense heat than anything. At one people she was quite used to the cold, but mainly extreme heats. (I may or may not be manipulating the climate >.> Since Aura is the only one who comes from around that area.)
It's your place, you can do whatever you want with it.

Also, I'm just messing with you~

I changed your words.
-Emergency Character List for Meh to be Organized-

Joran Stronham

Vass Noira

Virah Alarasto

Richard Alarasto

Elana Kinge

Coster Sinclair

Joran Sinclair


Gregor Whytewynd

Viston Whytewynd

Erik Fally

Mother Alyara

-Borrowed Characters-

Spymaster Quinn

Josef Sword-Bearer the Bloody

-SirFlab's Rented Characters-

Siara Whytewynd (Only One for Now)
@KillThemAll :P Working overtime? Mm, for a refresher, since you posted for him, the offer of vassalization was sent to Quinn (If he gets it/gets incercepted by the lizardmen/ork, arrives after they are pushed out by lizardmen/orks is another matter), but.. you know, felt I should remind ya about it so Asavar can point to it as a, "I did my best," when things go tits up.
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Cosmo said:
@KillThemAll :P Working overtime? Mm, for a refresher, since you posted for him, the offer of vassalization was sent to Quinn (If he gets it/gets incercepted by the lizardmen/ork, arrives after they are pushed out by lizardmen/orks is another matter), but.. you know, felt I should remind ya about it so Asavar can point to it as a, "I did my best," when things go tits up.
Vassalization in what way?

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