The Queen's Madness - OOC

I like her. She seems like she could be from a great deal of places, but she seems to fit in with either the Imperial Isles or Northern Camelot more than any other place I know of. The Imperial Isles has lots of violence and such in it, and her last name is fancy like theirs. Northern Camelot has lots of people with her attitude, and is made up of small villages along the border filled with mercenaries and thugs who act like such. Also, Northerners seem to have the same sort of brashness she has, so she could have Northern blood.
Also, assuming Dracula is from a Transylvania type of place, the more mountainy regions of Eastern Camelot fit, plus they're close to the Imperial Isles, so that would pretty much mix both backgrounds in a sort of half-breed thing. (Assuming Dracula is from the equivalent of Transylvania)
Mountainous region is probably for the best. I'd imagine after going on an over twenty year murderous rampage, she'd probably want to spend a great deal of time by herself once some of her humanity returns to get control of her, um, violence. On top of a mountain seems like a good place.

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