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Fantasy The Proxies of the Gods



The CS and Sign Up!


This is the sign-up for some un-proxy characters!

Like the travellers! People from other universes threatening the balance of the universe!

Or the evil magicians trying to overthrow the gods!

The Proxies open are Darthen and Anith! So take those spots while you can!

Character Name: The name of your character.
Name Meaning: If the name happens to have a special meaning.
Alias: Other names or nicks your character might be known by.
Gender: Male or Female.
Species/Race: Human, Demon, Etc. Or even Race and Nationality.
Age: How old is your character.
B-Day: When they were born.
Zodiac Sign: Zodiac sign for "personality" help.
Bloodtype: Also interesting for personality types.
Place of Birth: Where the character comes from.
Current Residence: Where the live right now.
Occupation: Their job.
School/Grade: Their school grade or college major.
Family: Any living or dead family members.
Gemstone: For birth month or even a favorite!


Height: How tall.
Hair: Hair color and style.
Eyes: Eye color.
Distinguishing Marks: Tattoos, scars, birthmarks, etc.
General Appearance: Basic physical description and clothing style. Pictures are also good.
Strengths: These are the thing your character is physically good at doing.
Weaknesses: These are things your character physically WEAK at.
More: Theme song goes here!


Allies: Friends and trusted people to the character.
Enemies: Their foes.
Current Goal/Purpose: Their agenda they would like to accomplish.
Aspirations: Personal dreams and desires!
Hobbies: Things they like to do.
Likes: Things they enjoy. Stuff, food, music, etc.
Dislikes: Things they hate!
Talents: Little things your character is good at. This can be anything from cooking to playing Sudoku.
Inabilities: Things your character is terrible at. For example, spelling or getting along with animals.
Fears: Things your character is afraid of, has a phobia of, or even small events they don't want to happen.
General Personality: This is the personality that the world sees. What people believe of your character. How the interact with other people.
Inner Personality: The part of your character's personality that they don't like to reveal to others. What people rarely get to see!
Fondest Memory: A memory that stands out as a favorite.
Biggest Regret: The one they they really regret about their life.
Secret: That one thing they don't want the world to find out.


Special Items: Any items that might be precious or important to the character.
Weapons: Weapons they might carry or know how to use.
Magics: Kinds of magics, spells or abilities they might have.


General History: Childhood and important events that helped make your character who they are today.

Present Life: The events in the present life that tie them to the current plot!

Special Historic Notes: A quick checklist of the major "events" in the character's life.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Izaya-Orihara-1izaya-orihara-16048592-1023-723.jpg.53d2f948d8996db66c35bf81f707477b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84846" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Izaya-Orihara-1izaya-orihara-16048592-1023-723.jpg.53d2f948d8996db66c35bf81f707477b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ko Wakashi


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_miv1z2rSG31s6g0k6o6_500.gif.2f9b45beea9aa8bfb8b7697649934fcd.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84847" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_miv1z2rSG31s6g0k6o6_500.gif.2f9b45beea9aa8bfb8b7697649934fcd.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name Meaning: Light .

Alias: Ken Tanaka, Nether.

Gender: Male.

Species/Race: Human, Japanese/Caucasian

Age: 17.

B-Day: November 13

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Bloodtype: O positive

Place of Birth: Nagasaki

Current Residence: Atlanta, Georgia

Occupation: Con man (to save money do he can be an architect)

School/Grade: Second year of College architect major


Father: Iwao

Mother: Aki

Grandmother: Akio

Gemstone: Crinite (He doesn't like this gem and prefers sapphires along with Opals)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Psyche_full_505333.jpg.debdd75671c39446b2e28528819fef57.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Psyche_full_505333.jpg.debdd75671c39446b2e28528819fef57.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5"10

Hair: Black and doesn't pass his neck, though it's un even.

Eyes: Brown, but he sometimes wears neon pink eye contacts

Distinguishing Marks: He has several scars along his body from the accident and even more on his wrist from the attempted suicide.

General Appearance: Basic physical description and clothing style. Pictures are also good.

Strengths: Great at parkor, horseback riding, and close combat

Weaknesses: Gymnastics, a lot of manual labor, and swimming




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_mj9m73BXbw1romnmlo1_500.gif.6a86f9f73674a4dab87c9a70c7a7e65b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84848" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_mj9m73BXbw1romnmlo1_500.gif.6a86f9f73674a4dab87c9a70c7a7e65b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Allies: No one

Enemies: No one (atm except for a few people like his neighbor, they two guys he sits next to in class, the teacher etc...)

Current Goal/Purpose: To carry out Zanz will without flaw

Aspirations: To be a famous architect

Hobbies: Drawing, collecting knives, writing...

Likes: Knives, drawing, his power, being alone, souls, the hard truth, architecture, parkor

Dislikes: Boredom, large bodies of water, humanity.

Talents: He is amazing with animals, he can design buildings in a flash, parkor, his calmness in battlehow sarcastic he can be (it truly is a talent)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Orihara-Izaya-Gif-durarara-34993297-500-269.gif.08d798892a0cc27487b6954c9e6adc72.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84851" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Orihara-Izaya-Gif-durarara-34993297-500-269.gif.08d798892a0cc27487b6954c9e6adc72.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Inabilities: Swimming, terrible with making genuine friends

Fears: He has a fear of swimming and can have a panic attack if he goes deep then the waist into water

General Personality: Ko is a complete sarcastic jackass. He is rude to almost everyone he meets and belittles them at every chance he sees. He has his charm of course but in the end he is a rude bastard. He simply sees people (even though he is one himself) as a foolish race that is made of nothing more then a bunch of mistakes. He can keep a level head in many situations and doesn't freak out with ease. He is often cold hearted and he loves to go around in circles to confuse everyone and he loves manipulating people as much as he loves manipulating darkness.

Inner Personality: Despite his distaste in humanity he can care, deep, deep, deep deep down he can somewhat care (did I mention it's really deep down). He has a nice caring side, though he doesn't show it to living humans, he shows it to animals and the souls of the dead. If by some miracle he actually gives a crap about a person, then he will be as loyal to them as he is to the god Zanz.

Fondest Memory: His tenth birthday were his grandmother took him to the pet shop and got him a dog, before showing him many famous buildings in their location. They later went to this kiddie restaurant and they ran out of his favorite food so his grand mother and him went home and spent the rest of the day trying to make it. They couldn't but it sure as hell was fun and he couldn't stop smiling and laughing that day. He remembers this with complete fondness as to him that was the best day of his life.

Biggest Regret: Going on the field trip...

Secret: The fact that he faked his death, and he was once suicidal

More:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/untitled.png.1ff6ec7a5431719a2a6aa597b5951199.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84849" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/untitled.png.1ff6ec7a5431719a2a6aa597b5951199.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Orihara-Izaya-Gif-durarara-34993303-500-281.gif.c2c1003afc083f9662b13f2cc5e352b6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84850" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Orihara-Izaya-Gif-durarara-34993303-500-281.gif.c2c1003afc083f9662b13f2cc5e352b6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Special Items: His grandmothers pocket knife, a stuffed Siberian Husky (his name is Snowy) ((Mess with this toy and he will end you -_- ))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Black-Rabbit.jpg.1ffa15cb409bb3d5be5e08c4a1204e5c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84854" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Black-Rabbit.jpg.1ffa15cb409bb3d5be5e08c4a1204e5c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His I pod

Weapons: Switch blades. He has a ton of switchblades that he takes with him everywhere (unless he has to go through security)


  • Can manipulate darkness and shadows
  • Can see when a person is close to death (most is at twenty four hours)
  • Can do necromancy
  • Can see and talk to the dead

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/th1OKFN0PM.jpg.732cce6e58dcbbc8ce0177edd4f650af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84852" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/th1OKFN0PM.jpg.732cce6e58dcbbc8ce0177edd4f650af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

More: He owns a

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Motorcycle_MZ_1000_S.jpg.ff7dc9cdef1ae7c3ccde92922eeb3d5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84853" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Motorcycle_MZ_1000_S.jpg.ff7dc9cdef1ae7c3ccde92922eeb3d5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

and has a license to drive one.

General History:

Ko lived with his mother, father and grandmother for most of his life in Nagasaki, Japan. He was often left alone with the elderly lady since his mother a successful business owner and his father a big time lawyer. For this reason Ko always had a really strong attachment to his grandmother, pretty much having her as his mother rather then then his real one. She was the one that helped him when he showed his love for architecture despite his young age. Unlike his parents (who simply believed it as a faze) she had a lot of faith and encouraged him all the way. Though sadly after ten great years with her, he was left alone when he was 10 11/12 old.

A month before his birthday Ko wanted to go on a field trip to see some temples pretty that were pretty far away from Nagasaki. Of course his grandmother obliged and drove him there. The two had a great time and she even bought him a stuffed toy from a toy store on their way back. As the two were driving along a mountain side, a truck driver that had fallen asleep. And as soon as the their car turned the corner they got hit right in the side and were sent off the cliff and crashed right into the ocean below.

As the car sank into the freezing water, his grandmother took out a switchblade she always had with her and was able to cut the two out of the seat belts and free them. With her help, he was able to get onto the surface and grab some wood that was drifting in the water.

However before she could grab onto something, more debris fell when another car had suddenly hit the truck that was totter on the edge of the cliff. The debris hit her on the head and she fell unconscious and started to sink. Unable to swim Ko still tried to save the drowning women, but before he could reach her the truck fell...directly on top of the women. Ko starred in shock as in that instant he felt a lot of his world crumble around him. He clung onto the driftwood for dear life hoping he would be rescued and his child mind believing his grandmother would be saved. Of course he knew this wasn't likely. He floated there for hours on end unable to paddle to the shore because of his broken arm and leg.

As he floated he felt his body get colder and the pain we unbearable, he soon started to close his eyes...and if he had he would have died. However before he could do this everything went black and looking up he saw the god Zanz. She told him that he had seen the hard truth of life and she believed he would one day aspire to be something great. So with that she touched the boy on the head and granted him powers as her proxie.

Ko had no clue what had happened and thought it to be nothing more than a hallucination. Because when he blinked he saw rescuers had arrived and were in the process of getting him to the hospital. He had major injures, a broken leg, arm, internal bleeding and hypothermia. The rescuers were honestly surprised that he had lived through all of that and his body didn't give out due to shock. When he woke up from the surgery he didn't even think about the visit he had from the god simply brushing it off as a near death hallucination.

His parents sued the one that caused the crash out of every penny he had, but they barely spent a dime for the funereal. Ken who was in a wheelchair at the time (he had to beg the doctors to let him go) watched as his grandmother was buried in the cheapest of cheap of caskets. When all was done a lot of things changed for him, and none for the better. His parents still left him alone barely taking the time to consul their son of the tragic even he had just witnessed, and just hired a few random babysitters to watch over him.

As he got older he got more and more rebellious and caused a lot of trouble. His parents wanted him to be a lawyer and a successful business man like them, so they took him to their work as he got older. He watched his mother be a tyrant to the people she supervised making their lives hard and endangering others for the sake of profit. And he watched his father's trial cases which dealt with some really fucked up things. Watching these thing he started to hate his parents more and more, he also began to loss a lot of faith in humanity.

Just to spite his parents he joined a fight club and formed a small time gang. He was one of the best fighters and he helped a lot in the small gang wars that happened around his town. However during one of these wars he and a few others were trapped in a fight completely outnumbered as they had been betrayed by someone they thought was loyal to their gang. Because of this betrayal Ko and his members beaten badly and causalities happened including the death of his best friend. The only reason he wasn't severely injured was thanks to his friend that had bought him enough time to get backup.

Of course he was then arrested and placed on trial for multiple accounts of destruction of property, assault, robbery etc etc. However despite all these crimes, he didn't get fined or sent to jail thanks to his father who only did it for the family reputation, and not out of love for his only son. After this trial they started to watch his every movement and had him homeschooled. They of course taught him how to be a lawyer and a business man. If they saw or heard a thing about being an architect....well things wouldn't turn out good for Ko.

With no one to support him and not being allowed to do one thing he truly loved he started to turn suicidal. As the days went on he got worse and worse having lost so much faith in people and even his own life and soon he attempted suicide. He made a total of six attempts but all of them failed for one reason or another. After the last attempt he was sent to a ward to try and rehabilitate, but his depression was through the roof. He zoned out everyone that tried to help him since he still wasn't allowed to do the one thing he loved.

One day he had enough and made a break for it after taking some time to plan his escape. He was able to do so and ran and ran not knowing where he would go. He soon found himself in front of his grandmothers grave. Not finding any reason, he took her knife that was resting in a hidden spot in front of her grave stone and started to do his final attempt.

However after slitting both his wrist he noticed a figure approach him and he only smiled at it believing it was death who was finally going to take him. He was right about this, however it turned out to be Zanz once more. The goddess sat on his Grandmothers grave stone and talked to Ko.

When the conversation between the two was over he was breaking down in tears as he sat in front of the grave till morning alone, though his wrist now healed. When daybreak came he stopped crying and held onto the blade before leaving the graveyard. He made a beeline to his house and gathered a few sets of his clothes and some other essentials.

He then ran away from home. With a few friends he knew in some unsavory places he called in some favors. With these favors he faked his own death so his parents wouldn't try and find him. Gaining a new identity he is now known as Ken Tanaka and he moved to the USA.

Present Life: He now lives in an apartment by himself with a small pet rabbit. He is in his second year of college and can speak fluent English. He is also a con man that goes by the name of Nether, finding this a good way to get some steady income. He of course knows of his powers and listens to Zanz and when ever he is ordered to do something he will listen to her with little question.

Special Historic Notes:

  • Terrible parents loving grandmother
  • Grandmother died in a horrific way a month before his B-day
  • Zanz makes him her proxie that day mometns before he was going to die
  • Had a terrible life, joined fight clubs and made a gang to piss of parents
  • Soon was homeschooled and not allowed to leave the house driving him mad
  • Became heavily suicidal he tried to kill him self six times before being sent to a mental ward
  • Escaped and tired to kill himself once more only for Zanz to stop him and talk to him
  • Chose to live and follow Zanz will
  • Escaped ward, faked death, moved to USA
  • Currently in college, making money as a conartist.



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I have much to say about my character, but I would really like for him to be a character with a later intro.

With Toreth as my deity I think that much of my role is rather obvious:

My deity: has a calm cool demeanor; He is not rushed or rash; he is as illusive as the wind; and confidently proud; as well as ingenuitive

My character is much the opposite. He is : Flustered; socially awkward; empty minded; obsessive. He is however very ingenuitive.

As for age. I will go with the average
age of the accumulative group. (*and I will edit this profile sheet at a later time)

I am also average

ethnicity will remain undisclosed for the full duration of the RP, But I have dark hair which I "streak" blond - To give me the electric look.

eyes, dark almond.

Talents: He is exceptional at understanding schematics and theory.

He played soccer, and in generally is fairly good at evaluating an accumulative scenario.

He sympathises, but has very little empathy towards people who are not like-minded.

otherwise, he draws.

Goals: To become an entrepreneur and travel the world in skyscrapers and help bring the world into the next era.

Overall, I am present, but My CS will not be completed until a fitting moment for my intro presents itself. I do hope you enjoy the temporary absence of Toreth's chosen elect; the acolyte of weaponry, intelligence and air.

ArcaneUnit said:
I have much to say about my character, but I would really like for him to be a character with a later intro.
With Toreth as my deity I think that much of my role is rather obvious:

My deity: has a calm cool demeanor; He is not rushed or rash; he is as illusive as the wind; and confidently proud; as well as ingenuitive

My character is much the opposite. He is : Flustered; socially awkward; empty minded; obsessive. He is however very ingenuitive.

As for age. I will go with the average
age of the accumulative group. (*and I will edit this profile sheet at a later time)

I am also average

ethnicity will remain undisclosed for the full duration of the RP, But I have dark hair which I "streak" blond - To give me the electric look.

eyes, dark almond.

Talents: He is exceptional at understanding schematics and theory.

He played soccer, and in generally is fairly good at evaluating an accumulative scenario.

He sympathises, but has very little empathy towards people who are not like-minded.

otherwise, he draws.

Goals: To become an entrepreneur and travel the world in skyscrapers and help bring the world into the next era.

Overall, I am present, but My CS will not be completed until a fitting moment for my intro presents itself. I do hope you enjoy the temporary absence of Toreth's chosen elect; the acolyte of weaponry, intelligence and air.
*Claps* Amazing I completely agree with your idea for the character and I'm okay with the fact that that's how you want to do it!


Madden the Mad

"Do you doubt me? Don't, trust me..."

"The most obvious is the most suspicious..."

"Stop thinking! You think too loud!"

All you need to know...

Character Name:

"Who's askin'?"

Madden LeClair


Maddy, Green Cloak,


"I think that's a little obvious...."



Human, Proxy, Part-French,


"I like to think it's infinite!"



"Why would you ask? Well, no matter! I expect presents!"

November 25th

Zodiac Sign:

"Well, if you know my motto you can guess!"



"I have no idea..."


Place of Birth:

"Hmmm, I think in England? Or Russia! Do't get fooled by France though! I am sure I was not born there!"

London, England

Current Residence:

Moscow, Russia


"I'm FUNIMPLOYED! In the words of Patrick the Smart!"

She is a major thief in all of the famous countries, it is also the origin of the nick, Green Cloak,


"Never finished!"



Elder Brother, Saladon

younger Brother, Tadeo

Younger Sister, Macy

Mother, Caroline

Father, Thomas


"Green, if it's green it's cool..."


Pretty, I know...

Height: 5 ft. 7

Hair: Short and black, with purple highlights,

Eyes: Black,

Distinguishing Marks: She has two very faint scars on her right cheek and the mark of Tunth under her right shoulder blade.


Quick attacks, close-up fighting, dodging,


She is not very strong and has very low stamina,

Me? What about me?


Tunth, the other Proxies she's been informed of,


The Silver Crescents she keeps hearing about,

Current Goal/Purpose:

To find the other Proxies,


To serve Tunth, to become a Singer,




Throwing Knives,

Pretending to be Sherlock Holmes and making the person next to her Watson,

Tea drinking,

Singing and dancing,



BBC Sherlock,


Bright Colours,




People claiming to be the best in her area in expertise,

Bland food,








Entertaining People,




All animals except for cats tend to hate her,

She can't do anything with numbers,

Talking to People Without Accidentally Insulting Them,



Her family dying,

The Gods,

The Dark,


General Personality:

She may at first seem dimwitted, stupid and childish. It's either that or people see her as unfriendly, cold and harsh, depends on her mood.

Inner Personality:

Madden is a girl filled with curiosity and wonder, she can see the best in everyone, even if she dislikes them. Her thoughts mostly revolve on her feelings about something, but she never shows her true opinion to anybody but herself. She is loud, she won't give a damn about what you have to say. Oh, she's intelligent, it just doesn't show, she likes to avoid problems and ignore them, never confronting anything head on, but when she does.... you better run.

Fondest Memory:

A memory that stands out in her head as a favourite is where she first seen a God, the sheer greatness makes it stand out.

Biggest Regret:

Not saving her best friend from death's grasp, she realizes that it was planned out that way, It does not not make it easier.


She is the well known theif, Green Cloak.


She is fluent in Spanish, Russian, English, Chinese and is trying to learn Japanese.

Special Lil' Me!

Special Items:

Her pet cat, Stan,

Her signature, Green Cloak,

Her headphones,

Her sentient gun, Sven,


A gift from Tunth, she has a sentient silver gun called, Sven, who shoots out random things, once even a coconut filled with toothpaste, however he can shoot out normal bullets, just chooses not to, to spite her...

"That gun is more of a bitch then me..."

"I heard that!"

Her dagger, a plain silver dagger with a leather handle, she named it Toni and on occasional boredom gives it a brain,


She has the power to make anyone she wants confused,

She can make whatever random thing she wants to pop out from nowhere, but she has no control over it, in a less befuddling explanation she can wish for something to appear and it will, but when and where she does not know, also she can't wish too much,

Making unsentient object sentient for a period of time, especially drawings,

Some more stuff 'bout me...yay!

General History:

Madden grew up in the streets of London, going to school, hanging out with her friends. One friend in particular stood out the most. His name was Stan and he was her best friend. One day they we're out having fun while it was summer, and a traffic accident with a cat happened, including her now dead best friend, Stan. Back then Madden was calmer, more down to earth, but now her behaviour copies the boy that died instead of her that one fateful day. Bright and much more louder.

She ran away from home sometime after turning fourteen, a year after previous events. She then somehow ended up in Russia, and started stealing.

"Why did I run away? Stupidity, pettiness, a lust for something new and financial problems,"

Present Life: She now is one of the greatest thief's in the world, living in Moscow and a proud proxy of Tunth, excited to meet the other proxies. The reason Tunth chose her was actually on a draw, Tunth apparently just threw possible volunteers in a hat and picked her name. She often gets nightmares about the death of her friend and running away, two very traumatizing moments in her life.

Special Historic Notes:


Going to School

Meeting Cousins

Death of Best Friend

Running Away from Home

Starting Stealing,

Meeting Tunth,


"I know that Zanz is inescapable... but your death killed me..."

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WIP but pretty much done but BBcode is struggles. Im going to reupload once I figure out how to BBcode.




Character Name: Luna Alma

Alias: Yue Alma

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Human. Half Chinese Half Itallian

Age: 18

B-Day: June 5th

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Bloodtype: O

Place of Birth: China

Current Residence: Chinatown, Italy

Occupation: College Freshman. Owner of cafe known as Novilunio. Small-time crime lord specializing in theft and redistribution of stolen goods.

School/Grade: College Freshman. Major in Network Security

Family: Elia Alma; Father (deceased).

Gemstone: Moonstone


Caffè Novilunio: Inherited after her father's death, Caffe Novilunio is a small coffee shop and restaurant which doubles as Luna's residence. Although it is well known for its coffee and food, Cafe Novilunio also serves as Luna's base of operations.


Height: 159 cm. 5ft 1in

Hair: Silver. shoulder-length.

Eyes: Silver/grey.

Distinguishing Marks: Has a hole in the center of her tongue where she was shot as punishment for lying.

The mark of Lars lies within Luna's left eye. The color of the mark is close to the color of her eye that it is difficult to see without looking very closely.

General Appearance: 158 cm tall. Silver Hair that reaches her shoulders. While going to school or other public places, she wears a hoodie and shorts. When working at the cafe or taking jobs, she wears a black and white suit similar to a bartenders outfit.

Strengths: Sneaking, dexterity, agility.

Weaknesses: Anything requiring lots of stamina or strength.


Allies: Friends and trusted people to the character.

Enemies: Detectives. Police.

Current Goal/Purpose: Take things I want.

Aspirations: "I kinda want to finish my collection...of everything."

Hobbies: Magic Tricks. Reading. Cooking

Likes: Money. Coffee. Romance novels

Dislikes: Loud noises. Guns. Animals. Half-rate corperate coffee shops.


"Magic. I'm good at magic. You know, card tricks. Slight of hand and that kind of stuff."


Language. Fluent in English and Itallian. Proficient in Chinese.



Inabilities: Trusting people.

Fears: Sudden loud noises. guns.

General Personality:



Charismatic and talkative. Usually seen smiling. Waves at and greets anyone who approaches her. Popular with the other students and teachers. Never spends much time talking to one person and trys not to be too close to anyone.



Less talkative than when she is at school, though still uses the same personality. Gives a more professional aura. Only makes small talk with customers if they initiate the conversation first.



In front of her clients, Luna adopts a slightly more sinister version of her Cafe persona. Her posture suggests boredom and confidence. Often laces her words with indirect threats. Sometime she smiles, but the smile hints at something darker and more vicious.

Inner Personality


"If my clients knew I secretly like to wear cute clothes, I wouldn't have clients."

Childish. Wants to make close friends but doesn't trust anyone enough to open up to them.Likes trying on cute clothes, but is too embarassed to wear them in public.

Fondest Memory: The time she managed to pick her father's pocket.

Biggest Regret: "Mmmmmm... I guess if I hadn't screwed up that one job for a mafia boss, he wouldn't have shot me through the tounge.

Secret: "I don't want regular people to find out about my underground side. Likewise, I don't want the people I work for to know I like to dress cute."



Special Items:

Black Cloth. A long strip of cloth that resembles a long scarf. Rumored to be woven by the god of thieves himself. Worn like a scarf, it reduces presence, making it difficult for people to notice the wearer. If the scarf is pulled up and covers the mouth and nose, it grants the wearer a certain degree of invisibility. If the cloth covers the entire face, it prevents people from recognizing the user; if used like this, the cloth is invisible.

Weapons: Stilettos. Chinese Swords


Thief's Sight: When active, Luna's left eye can show where people (and cameras) are looking. By displaying the cone of vision, it makes it easy for her to detect blind spots. Also grants improved vision and night visibility.

Silver Tongue: Words spoken when Silver Tongue is activated causes the dialogue to be more effective. Lies will be believed more often. Praise will gain more results.


General History:

Elia Alma met Luna's mother during the time he lived in China. It was a short love affair, however, as a result, Luna was born. Luna's mother was the daughter of a mafia boss. The family, wanting the next head to be male, ordered Luna to be disposed of. Alma took Luna and brought her back to Italy.

Back in Italy, Elia was a crook. Hidden under the innocent front of a simple coffee shop, Elia ran an extensive thieves market; stealing and selling his stolen goods. For the right price, personal requests would also be taken. From an early age, Alma taught Luna everything he knew about thievery as well as various martial arts and fighting techniques. By age 8, Luna was already a skilled pickpocket and a master at Scherma di Stiletto Siciliano style of fighting. However, due to this, Luna had difficult time at school. She never got along with the other kids and the teachers would often complain about her lack of respect and obedience.

At age 11, Luna entered middle school. Dispite her excellent grades, she had a horrible reputation, often skipping class and getting into fights. This was also the time she began officially helping her father with his work. However, she was still 11. People hated trusting a child with thievery and thus, the credibility of Elia Alma plummeted. There were still some that knew of Elia's skills and offered jobs.

During the conclusion on one job, Luna was tasked to deliver some money to a local mafia boss and lie about the amount. It was a simple assignment, but the boss easily saw past her lie. As punishment, he shot a hole through her tounge. Luna retired from thievery at age 12.

Upon her graduation of middle school and enrollment into high school, her father died. It was during a job for an famous art collector; he was to steal a relic housed in one of the most heavily guarded museuems in Italy. It was a simple blunder, something akin to carelessness. Elia's death was the tipping point. Those who still respected Luna's skills turned away, branding her as the daughter of an incompetient thief.

Those who knew Luna in middle school were astonished at her transformation. The once unruly girl who always got into fights was replaced with with someone completely different. Luna became the perfect student; attaining excellent grades and speaking eloquently and respectfully. Her abilities to manipulate her words allowed her to claim the top spot in the student council. She also reopened her father's cafe and it soon became famous for its excellent coffee and food. Underneath the facade however, Luna was bitter about the loss of her father, and the humilation she faced as the cost of his failure. She was determined to build herself up as the best thief in the world. Soon after reopening, the job offers slowly began flowing in. within a year, Luna built a decent reputation, though there were some that still doubted her abilities.

In the middle of her 3rd year of high school, she recieved an anonymous request. A job offer, one her pride wouldn't allow her to turn down.

"Steal what your father failed to steal."

Countless hours of preperation, multiple sleepless nights spent observing her mark, tracking the cameras and guards, every effort she spent was wasted. On the day of her heist, almost everything went as planned, but after grabbing the artifact, she was caught on her escape. In an instant, she was surrounded by police. As she fled, her persuers opened fire; one bullet struck her in the left eye, blinding her.

It was in that moment when time stopped. Everything was grey and frozen. Taken aback, Luna dropped the artifact in her hand... but someone, no, something caught it. A hand, a figure, seemingly made entirely of smoke and black bandage-like cloth appeared seemingly out of nowhere and snatched the falling object. The figure introduced himself as Lars, the god of thieves, as well as the one who issued the anonymous challange. According to Lars, the relic was placed in a location where he was unable to enter. As a result, he had many thieves attempt to recover the relic. Lars slipped the relic into Luna's open hand. "But no one has succeeded until now. Congratulations Luna Alma, the first being to fulfill the request of Lars, the God of Theves. Though the relic is still yours. You have 2 options; should you keep the relic, I will continue senting my best thieves to recover it. For that short while until I get it back, You can be content that you have stolen from the God of Thieves. However, should you return the locket to me, I will grant you knowledge and talent beyond that of a petty thief. Should you return the relic to me, I shall make you my speaker, my proxy."

Without hesitation, Luna offered the relic to Lars and knelt like a knight before a king. "I have proven that I have surpassed my father. If God Lars acknowledges my abilities, that is enough."

The smoke under the cloth mask seemed to smile. While Luna was still kneeling, Lars placed his hand on Luna's blinded eye.

"For my thanks, I grant you Thief's Sight!"

Instantly, the blood covering Luna's face vanished. Opening her eyes to face the god, the symbol of Lars glowed faintly in her mended eye. Lars moved his hand from her eyes to her mouth.

"For my speaker, I grant you Silver tongue!"

The smoke which made up Lar's body began to flow out, filling the air around Luna with a sweet-smelling fog. Breathing the fog in felt as tho she were breathing in pure knowledge.

"For my Proxy, I grant you Talent!"

As the last of the smoke consisting of Lar's body drifted away, the cloth, with nothing left to support it, tumbled to the floor in front of Luna.

"And for the one who shall embody everything I stand for, I grant you the Black Cloth!"

The greyness slowly faded back to reality. The police surrounding Luna were all unconscious, most likely due to the Lars' fog. Luna wrapped the cloth around her neck like a scarf and pulled out a knife. It was best not to take any risks with witnisses.

Present Life: Luna currently attends a University as a freshman majoring in network security. She hopes to use this knowledge to learn more about hacking and cybertheft. Luna still manages Caffè Novilunio, both as a coffee shop and as a job request hub. She owns many passports (stolen of course) and plans to travel around the world.

Special Historic Notes:

-Born in China

-Moves to Italy

-Learns to steal and fight

-Enters primary school

-Enters middle school. Begins helping her father with his work

-Fails at a job. Gets shot throught her tongue

-Quits thieving

-Graduates middle school

-Father Dies

-Builds new personality and inherites everything her father owned.

-Enters high school

-Reopens Caffè Novilunio for business.

-Recieves anonymous request to steal a relic her father failed to steal

-Attempts to steal the relic. Gets caught, but becomes Lars' proxy.


Dev Proxion


“It is always the brightest places that hold the darkest secret’s.”

Name Meaning: The meaning is simply ‘Godlike’

Alias: Scumbag, Bakers dozen and Dev-ious.

Gender: Male

Species/Race: American, Human.

Age: 19

B-Day: November, 29th, 1996

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Bloodtype: Type B

Place of Birth: New York, Brooklyn.

Current Residence: North Carolina, Charlotte

Occupation: He currently works at a bakery with his foster mom.

School/Grade: Homeschooled.


Mother(Alive,wish she was dead): Her location is unknown

Father(Dead): In a ditch

Foster Father(Alive): Charlotte, NC.

Foster Mother(Alive): Charlotte, NC.

Gemstone: Topaz...i prefer Ruby though.

More: The Heart and Soul bakery is where Dev currently works, while not at the bakery he is out with his father at the shooting range or boxing arena.



Height: 5’7

Hair: Auburn with white streaks, his hair is never below the base of his neck and is always well combed.

Eyes: Scarlet Red

Distinguishing Marks: Dev has Fenrir’s mark on his shoulder, he usually keeps it hidden, not wanting to be thought of as a proxy or worshiper of anything.

General Appearance: Dev is an average height of 5’7 with auburn hair and broad shoulders. His clothing isn’t always similar, the only thing he wears that is constant is his hoodie which is an always.

Strengths: Baking, shooting a gun, boxing, sprinting and car bombs.

Weaknesses: Social interaction, reading, and cats...fucking hate cats.




Allies: Hiro, my dog.

Enemies: Anyone who wishes to harm what i care for.

Current Goal/Purpose: Saving Lives.

Aspirations: “I just want to keep my family safe…”

Hobbies: Shoot firearms, and bake cookies.




-Spending time with Hiro-

-Working with mom-


-Things that go BOOM!!-








Talents: Baking and fighting.

Inabilities: Making friends, trusting people and completely eating an entire tub of ice cream.

Fears: Cats, how can anyone like cats? They’re evil, they make you trust them then they eat your soul and claw your eyes out!!

General Personality: Dev is rough and tough, someone who will punch your lights out in a second without a second thought. He is hateful, head-strong and doesn't like to make friends, friends will lie to you and deceive you. He is someone you can trust with your life, he won't trust you but you can trust him, he hates liars and will never be a liar, even though he lies to himself and others everyday.

Inner Personality: Fear, Passion and Sadness, these are the three traits of Dev that he makes sure to hide from people. While his passion pokes through the inner walls occasionally, revealing his soft and sweet side to people. His fear and sadness will never break through, he doesn't want to show people that he fears his death, fears the future and fears people and what they can do to him. He doesn't want to show people that he is sad on the inside, sad that his life couldn't be what it should have been...he wishes every day that his foster parents were his real parents...that he wasn't abandoned, left on the street, taught the way of the street.

Fondest Memory: "When i was nine years old me and my father had gone fishing, it was a sunny day and we were out in the middle of a lake, having a good time. Then i fell into the water, i did something stupid but i don't know why or how i did it. Anyway, i couldn't swim at the time...still, it's actually quite embarrassing to me. Before i knew it my dad had jumped in after me, he grabbed me and pulled me swam me back to the boat. This was the first time in my life where i had ever trusted someone with my life, i knew that he was going to save me....to protect me, and he did just that."

Biggest Regret: "My biggest regret is punching my dad when he had pissed me off when i was 16, so much to where i decided to punch him in the jaw, no hesitation in me."

Secret: How my original father died.



Special Items: A golden watch on his right arm, his hoodie, His fathers combat axe and Hiro, a Husky.



A Combat Axe


A Bretta Nano



Outrage: This move doesn't happen that often but when it does it is his most deadly one. When in raged his flames grow in power, heat and intensity. They are more consuming, more deadly and harder to control, it is not guaranteed that allies will be safe if near him.

Flame Manipulation: Users can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.

Eruption: Dev can call upon the lava in the earths core, it will take time to call it up to the surface, but once he does it doesn't shoot out like a volcano but it can surround the surrounding area in lava.

Flames of life: This is another situation involved ability, if he feels passionate about someone he can heal them with his flames instead of burning them. Doesn't mean he has to be in love with the person, he just has to care about the person enough to want to heal them, not burn them.


He has the magical ability to hot wire cars and make car bombs.


General History: Dev's mom was a prostitute and his dad was a scumbag looking to get some bang for his buck. He was a result of those two meeting, instead of aborting him like he wished they did, they decided that they could use him to get money. So he was simply a money making ploy for them, they would make as much money as they could off of him and then dump him on the streets. Well, time went on, he was mistreated, abused and hardly fed. Then came the day when they kicked him out of the house, he was five by that time, he tried his best to get back in, knocked and slammed on the door....but, it was no use. It was now Dev and the unknown, so, he began wandering...he wandered right into an orphanage..though, that was when he was six, it took him half a year on the streets to decide that he should find help. While in the orphanage he was taught alot of things, important things, one of them being that he can't trust anyone and that he should be angry at his father and mother.

When he was eight he was adopted by a happy married couple, their names will never be revealed. He moved in with them and slowly began to learn what love truly was and how it felt to know someone actually cared for him. He went to school, he graduated high-school and then once he graduated he started working at his moms bakery. Even though he was living a happy life with his new parents, he still hated, he still was angry..all that. He swore to himself he would kill his father, his father made his life a hell and he wanted to send his life to hell(or whatever the underworld for this system is.) One day he got the chance, this info i will not reveal but just know...his father is dead and he is the reason.

Present Life: Dev still lives with his mom and dad, no one knew about the murder of his father, he is the only one. It was made to look like an overdose on drugs, it was a clean get away...besides, his father was a low-life that had a major criminal record. Dev carries out the will of Fenrir daily, his parents don't know about his...um, condition.

Special Historic Notes:

-His Birth-



-Forced to kill a squirrel for food-

-Kicked out onto the streets-

-Enters a gang for a bit-

-Grazed by a bullet-

-Allowed to leave the gang-

-Sent to an orphanage-

-Gets into his first fist fight-

-Ganged up on by the kids-


-Enters home school-.

-Learns to bake-

-Learns to shoot-

-Falls in love-

-Breaks his heart-

-Kills his father-

-Starts working at the bakery full time-

-Saves up money-

-Looking for a house-



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[QUOTE="Sebastian Gump]Dev Proxion


“It is always the brightest places that hold the darkest secret’s.”

Name Meaning: The meaning is simply ‘Godlike’

Alias: Scumbag, Soldier of nothing.

Gender: Male

Species/Race: American, Human.

Age: 19

B-Day: November, 29th, 1996

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Bloodtype: Type B

Place of Birth: New York, Brooklyn.

Current Residence: North Carolina, Charlotte

Occupation: He currently works at a bakery with his foster mom.

School/Grade: Homeschooled.


Mother(Alive,wish she was dead): Her location is unknown

Father(Dead): In a ditch

Foster Father(Alive): Charlotte, NC.

Foster Mother(Alive): Charlotte, NC.

Gemstone: Topaz...i prefer Ruby though.

More: The Heart and Soul bakery is where Dev currently works, while not at the bakery he is out with his father at the shooting range or boxing arena.



Height: 5’7

Hair: Auburn with white streaks, his hair is never below the base of his neck and is always well combed.

Eyes: Scarlet Red

Distinguishing Marks: Dev has Fenrir’s mark on his shoulder, he usually keeps it hidden, not wanting to be thought of as a proxy or worshiper of anything.

General Appearance: Dev is an average height of 5’7 with auburn hair and broad shoulders. His clothing isn’t always similar, the only thing he wears that is constant is his hoodie which is an always.

Strengths: Baking, shooting a gun, boxing, sprinting and car bombs.

Weaknesses: Social interaction, reading, and cats...fucking hate cats.

((Theme song may come soon.))



Allies: Hiro, my dog.

Enemies: Anyone who wishes to harm what i care for.

Current Goal/Purpose: Saving Lives.

Aspirations: “I just want to keep my family safe…”

Hobbies: Shoot firearms, box and bake cookies.




-Spending time with Hiro-

-Working with mom-


-Things that go BOOM!!-








Talents: Baking and fighting.

Inabilities: Making friends, trusting people and completely eating an entire tub of ice cream.

Fears: Cats, how can anyone like cats? They’re evil, they make you trust them then they eat your soul and claw your eyes out!!

General Personality:

Inner Personality: The part of your character's personality that they don't like to reveal to others. What people rarely get to see!

Fondest Memory: A memory that stands out as a favorite.

Biggest Regret: The one they they really regret about their life.

Secret: That one thing they don't want the world to find out.



Special Items: Any items that might be precious or important to the character.

Weapons: Weapons they might carry or know how to use.

Magics: Kinds of magics, spells or abilities they might have.



General History: Childhood and important events that helped make your character who they are today.

Present Life: The events in the present life that tie them to the current plot!

Special Historic Notes: A quick checklist of the major "events" in the character's life.

[/QUOTE]*Nods head* Good, good! just finish it...

Character Name: Kaitou Sino Turuksan

Name Meaning: Kaitou is the japanese of Phantom thief.

Sino is the tagalog word of 'who'

Alias: Phantom Who, Kristian(Filipino name).

Gender: Male.

Species/Race: Human, Half-japanese Half-Filipino

Age: 30

B-Day: April 10

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Bloodtype: AB

Place of Birth: Philippines

Current Residence: Dasma Cavite, Philippines

Occupation: Teacher

School/Grade: Graduated with a Computer major in teaching



Gina Turuksan- Kaitou's mother and a Filipino. She once owned a beverage store. Currently retired.

Allan Turuksan- Kaitou's Older Brother, Half-Japanese, Half Filipino. Inherited their mother's beverage store. About 6" tall

Allie Turksan- Kaitou's lil' sister, Still a highschool student. A blonde. about 5" tall

-Away/Still unknown if alive-

Krow 'Kuruo' Turuksan-Kaitou's Father had been away from the country for about, 10 years





[see Photo above as basis]

Height: 5'5".

Hair: Black, usually ruffled.

Eyes: Brown

Distinguishing Marks: Er...None whatsoever.

General Appearance: Has a lean build, not buff, but is VERY agile




-Mostly agile.


-Hand to Hand combat, due to the fact that he can't land strong attacks.




Trusted individuals: Marie Walay- The Girl that Phantom Who unintentionally kidnapped. She's currently 17 years old. Their first meeting is when Who's on his second heist. She was allegedly trying to run away with the fake diamond he swapped with the 'Sapphire Dyamante'; A Blue diamond with the hue of a Sapphire. Currently resides with Kaitou at his apartment.

Marcus Nirvana- His Best Friend and wingman. He's Kaitou's intel during his heists.


"Hey, A show wouldn't be one if there aren't any antagonists now, would it?"

As Phantom Who: Dasma Police Dept.

Detective Juan Santos- The lead detective regarding the Phantom's heists.

Current Goal/Purpose: To find his father's whereabouts

Aspirations: "My goal? To be one of the Known thieves out there! like lupin, for example!"

Hobbies: Things they like to do.


-Novels/Comics/Mangas/Shows/Animes about Phantom thieves


Dislikes: Things they hate!

Talents: Parkour, In fact, this is the reason Phantom Who is born.

Inabilities: "Well...I'm terrible at singing."

Fears: "I Don't want my family to get involved with Who. It's the only way to keep them safe."

General Personality: A very kind and generous man, respected amongst the teachers of the school. On occasions, he is cheerful. Such as his Alter Ego, Phantom Who.

Inner Personality: "No one knows the curse i'm bearing.." He lived his adult life being hunted as Phantom Who. Due to this, he is very much protective upon who he trusts. When you approach him without him knowing, he'll pull out his Knife. May be aggressive if that happened

Fondest Memory:"Haha, I Remember that one time I met Marie...It was one of the most Exciting Thing i've ever done~"

The Night he met Marie Walay, It was the first time he was chased by the cops, revealing the Diamond he had procured and dropping it near them.

Biggest Regret: After Phantom who's 20th heist,he was hired in Far Eastern University. He was wearing an outfit resembling phantom who during their school's prom night. Thought it was really phantom who, but really, isn't.(At the moment)

Secret: "I am Phantom Who; Not even my family knows that."



Special Items: Julie's Amulet-An amulet that Julie stole a few nights before they've met. It resembles a Green Cat's eye attached to a golden string.

Weapons: A Butterfly knife-Carried for self Defense.

Improvised smoke bombs-Made using left-over fire extinguishers and flour. Used for escaping.

Magics: Kinds of magics, spells or abilities they might have. "Magic? I thought that only exists on fairy tales."

More: Phantom Who's Costume; A Velvet colored Suit, Black polo and White tie. He wears a Velvet fedora to hide his hair and face.


General History: When Kaitou was born, his father was an archaeologist at the time. when he was 10, he was sent abroad due to a 'relic' found there. He said he'll be back in a few years...But he never did. His life went normally, he gained a lot of friends. He was one of the popular ones at school due to his talent at parkour. He barely made out of collage with a nailing point of 85. At 20, after he graduated, he tried to find a school to work for. With not much schools to go near him, he had to wait. Kaitou Got bored while waiting, so he got into Phantom Thievery.Helped by his friend,Marcus. His first appearance is at an auction for a rare Blue Diamond. He didn't have the signature warning letters, he was just there. Interfering the auction.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you will be so kind. I'll be taking the blue diamond." Kaitou as the Phantom smiled, as the lights flickered and went out. He escaped through the vents, unnoticed. But the Man in a velvet suit was now in the heat. He's starting to become known. On his second heist, he met Marie. A 7 year old girl who stole a fake diamond; which planted by the phantom, were being chased after the Police. Kaitou took Pity and helped the little girl out by dropping an improvised Smoke bomb near them. He snatched the girl away like it was just a jewel. He got accepted int FEU afterwards, where he was respected amongst the teachers.

Present Life: After his 20th heist, he received a note. The note tells him to go steal a special Treasure. Signed by someone named 'Lars, God of thieves'. Intrigued, he researched about this 'treasure'. Turns out it was stolen by a 'proxy'. He plans to seek this proxy after a few weeks, and steal the treasure.

Special Historic Notes:

-Father went away

-10 years later, he became Phantom Who

-Met Marie at his 2nd heist. First time he returned a stolen item

-Got accepted into an international school

-10 years later, he was asked to retrieve a special artifact.


Is there anything i need to change?
Lilah Tunth] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23469-thepotatogod/ said:
@Thepotatogod[/URL] Accepted! I like how nicely this is coming along~ (^v^)
Keke, I would LOVE to be someone's rival. It'll be fun~ Thank you for accepting me~
[QUOTE="Sebastian Gump]he wanted to send his life to hell(or whatever the underworld for this system is.)

The system here is that depending on the person, they will either go into the nothingness or into an alternative reality...
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]The system here is that depending on the person, they will either go into the nothingness or into an alternative reality...

Then to the nothingness with his father!ather


Character Name: Tsukasa Hirano

Alias: Silver Devil

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Human Japanese

Age: 19

B-Day: March 24th

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Bloodtype: O

Place of Birth: Tokyo

Current Residence: New Zealand

Occupation: College Student. He works a number of jobs as a bartender at a popular bar where he occasionally plays violin as well, car repair shop and a shop attendant. Secretly an informant and assassin for hire.

School/Grade: Sophomore Majoring in Engineering


Father: Takeshi Hirano

Mother: Michiko Watanabe

Brother: Tora Hirano

Sister: Saya Hirano

Uncle: Takuma Hirano

German Shepard: Ruff

Bird: Keri

Gemstone: Aquamarine


Height: 6'1"

Hair: Grey

Eyes: Grey

Distinguishing Marks: Tribal Tattoo on right shoulder, burn scar on his back and mark of Aridis on his left wrist hidden by the bandages

General Appearance: Most people can spot him from far away because of his distinctive hair, eyes and his height. He has a lean but muscular body and very long legs and arms. His hair is often a mess with a fringe that covers his left eye. Tsukasa's outfits usually consists of a singlet, shorts or cargo pants, sports shoes, sunglasses, gloves and bandages that cover both his hands but leave the tips of his fingers exposed, cover his right elbow, left shoulder and both ankles. When working at the autoshop, he carries a waist pouch. As a bartender, he wears the standard bartender outfit, sometimes with regular sunglasses, Italian shoes and his trademark gloves. Same with the shop. He changes between the singlets and collared t-shirts, occasionally wearing a hoodie, vest or jacket as well.




Strengths: Fast, agile, nimble, skilled climber, fit, strong legs, jumping high

Weaknesses: body endurance is rather low, he gets injured easily, inflexible, bad at lifting heavy things, old injuries, weak arms

More: Theme song goes here!


Allies: His large network of sources, his dog Ruff, Linc, a half Russian who works with him at the repair shop and a friend from long ago, Kira, a fellow university student who is studying medicine and is trained in first aid, Takuma Hirano, his uncle and a powerful man.

Enemies: The murderers of his family

Current Goal/Purpose: Revenge

Aspirations: Secret

Hobbies: Obstacle courses, bike riding, repairing cars

Likes: Soft drinks, money, dogs, secrets, hiding, information, puzzles

Dislikes: Troublemakers, busybodies, obnoxious people, people who trespass into his territory, coffee, tea, disruptions, fighting,

Talents: Fixing stuff, poker, climbing, playing the violin, making drinks, kickboxing, reading people, soccer, speaking different languages

Inabilities: cooking, singing, cannot use a gun unless at point blank range

Fears: People breaking his stuff, false information, being unable to protect that which is important to him, being weak

General Personality: Tsukasa is the kind of person who is reliable and can be counted on to get the job done. In his interactions with others, he is always as polite and respectful as can be or required. At the bar, he will often read his customers and react in a way he believes will satisfy them. In school he plays a more reserved character as a good and respectful student trusted by the teachers. He works in a way that allows him to gain the trust of most people, being easy going and easy to approach. He maintains appearances to keep his connections and tells lies easily. Tsukasa is kind and helpful, being friendly and open in his interactions though he never really speaks unless spoken to. He pretends to be a harmless and ordinary guy who is very blur and trusting of others.

Inner Personality: In private, there are very few people Tsukasa can actually stand despite what he may portray. He can be cunning and secretive with a darker shade to his personality. He only speaks when spoken to unless necessary, is blunt with his words and less sensitive. Tsukasa in truth cares very little for the well being of others though he tries to avoid unnecessary casualties. The few that he cares about, he cares for greatly. This hidden side of Tsukasa is pretty badass and at times ruthless when trying to accomplish his goal. To the few who see this side of him, he is brutally honest. The only known people who know his inner personality are Linc and Kira, two of the few people he really trusts. He's a skeptic who very rarely trusts others and is always on his guard, keeping the truth of himself a secret, even from Kira and Linc whom he trusts. Much of his life is shrouded in mystery and secrecy and he will do just about anything to keep those secrets. Tsukasa has a fiery temper though he has learned to remain calm and rational even when outraged. He holds a strong hatred for himself with a bleak and cynical outlook on life.

Fondest Memory: The day he got Ruff when he was still young and innocent, his whole world full and not yet broken. It was his birthday, the last one he really enjoyed and adored, scoring a hat trick in an important soccer match, spending the day on a special date with his girlfriend and getting the german shepherd he'd always wanted.

Biggest Regret: That he couldn't protect the people that mattered to him the most

Secret: His past


Special Items: A locket containing the photo of his girlfriend, a half burnt family photo of his mother and siblings, his violin given to him by his dead grandmother, a music box that no longer works

Weapons: A sword from Aridis, army knife, pistol

Magics: Telekinesis - Ability to manipulate things with his mind.

Telepathy - This ability is really limited, he can only use it to read the thoughts of others and communicate telepathy but even then, he suffers from major headaches when he reads the thoughts of others that renders him incapable of any action for half a day after reading five minds and the person has to be within his line of sight for him to read their mind. As for communicating telepathically, he can only do it with one person at any one time.


General History: Tsukasa was born the second son of Takeshi Hirano and Michiko Watanabe in March. He grew up in a loving home with his older brother Tora and younger sister Saya unaware of his father's roots as the younger brother of a powerful mafia family boss. His early years were spent discovering his love of soccer, climbing and learning the violin after his grandmother gave him one. Tsukasa grew up with his childhood sweetheart, Mitsuko who eventually became his girlfriend. He used to be a kind and friendly boy who got along well with others. Life was good living in a simple home with a loving family until he turned 14, the year he got Ruff. The day after his birthday, Tsukasa's life crumbled when his entire family was murdered and he was incapable of doing anything to prevent it. One by one, they fell to the ground dead before his very eyes and he alone survived when the goddess Aridis made him her proxy. Initially filled with self hatred for being the only one who lived the event, he vanished without a trace and the death of his family was considered to be the tragic result of a robbery gone wrong. After wandering aimlessly with Ruff, he was saved by a Russian woman who was Linc's mother. He initially refused to speak and kept to himself, traumatised by the death of his family until Linc's persistent attempts to talk to him slowly got Tsukasa talking again. While they cared for him, he chanced upon the real reason why his family died and left to find his uncle, Takuma Hirano. Takuma took him in and raised him as he would his own son. He became one of the family assassins while keeping his newfound prowess and status as a proxy a secret, hunting down those believed responsible for the death of his family with many dying at his hands. He eventually earned himself the alias Silver Devil for his grey hair and ruthlessness. When he encountered Mitsuko at 17, Tsukasa unable to face her after the transformation he underwent and spurred on by his desire for revenge left Japan and headed to New Zealand, the new base of operations of his enemy where he continued his education and tried to pinpoint the exact people responsible for the deaths and his wounds. Since then, he encountered Linc again and befriended medical student Kira who often treats the injuries he gained.

Present Life: He lives alone in an apartment he bought with money from his uncle though everyone else believes it to be from his job savings and continues to try and find the killers so he can exact revenge. Ruff and a small bird called Keri are his only other companions in the house. He uses his powers very often but out of public eye.

Special Historic Notes:

Death of family

Discovery of the truth behind their deaths

Murder of enemies

Reencounter with Mitsuko

Hunt for revenge​
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