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Futuristic ~The Prophets: Character Sign-up~


Sad Shroom
Character Submission

Have you read all the other threads?If the answer is no... then hop to it, soldier! You won't defeat the evils of the galaxy if you can't be bothered to read up on essential facts, punk!

Character creation has always been my favourite part of RPing, so I hope you enjoy creating your characters! Remember, these characters are going to last you throughout the RP, so ensure you create characters who's stories you will enjoy playing out. I've given some guidelines on how to complete your form down below and also within the coding for the form - please ensure that you fill everything out correctly. Once you have submitted the form, I will PM you with any edits I need, or if the form suffers from too many problems, PM you to say your application has been rejected. This might sound harsh, but I have to ensure that appropriate players end up in the RP, otherwise it will likely fail.

  • If you've chosen to play as an alien character, especially one of the pre-designed ones, then I don't expect the Appearance Picture to be too accurate; simply find a picture if yoy can which is as close to the general appearance of the character as possible, and then ensure the highlight the differences in the Appearance Description section. Or, similarly, just don't use a picture - it's almost ridiculously hard to find appropriate picture even for human characters.

  • In the Combat Tab, only fill out the category which applies to your character. If they're a Purist/similar, fill out the 'Prophet' side and leave the other one blank. If they're a Quaternary Squadron member or any other non-prophet, fill in the 'Non-Prophet' side, and leave the other blank.

  • Age should refer to their age in terms of the character's species. That's a terrible description, but basically, if your character is a Trinivian, it should be '26 Trinivian Years', for example, or an Asan living on Adamia, '26 Asan Years' as Asan's have a universal standard. I advise you refer to the species details when working on this.

  • You are allowed two characters each, though if you do have two, ensure that they are given equal treatment.

  • I ask for detail in the form only so that I can ensure you are a player who is at the appropriate level for this RP. If you start writing in RP and want to deviate slightly from what you've written in the form, then that's absolutely fine; the form should not be a system of shackles for your inhibition.

  • The main plot will revolve around the Purists and the Quaternary Squadron. If you're fancying an alternative type of character, like perhaps a bounty-hunter, or an antagonist like a Vampyre, you must PM me first. It will be allowed, but it might mean that your character is somewhat disconnected from the central plotline, especially at the beginning.

  • Backstories are obviously very important, and I expect you to have a strong understanding of your characters past before the RP begins, perhaps with enough missing to allow creative leniency in story. However, I don't want to be reading your character's entire autobiography as that gets dull very quickly, so I ask for three paragraphs even though I expect you to know more than you're telling me.

Character Sheet:
[h]Character Name[/h]

[tab=Appearance and Core Information]
[imageFloat=right]PUT IMAGE HERE! Preferably art-based. If you can't find a suitable picture then don't worry![/imageFloat]

[b][u]Appearance Description[/b][/u]
At least a paragraph of written description of your character's appearance, including facial detail, standard attire, markings, etc.



No cross-breeds!
[b]Home Planet[/b]



A short, snappy, under-five word statement which describes your character, like 'The Carefree Captain', or 'The Tentative Trinivian'.
[b]Most Defining Personality Traits[/b]
Three adjectives which best describe your character.[/center]

At least two hefty paragraphs of detail (5+ sentences), including both weaknesses and strengths, and ensuring a rounded, non-cookie-cutter character.

[b]Quirks, Habits and Mannerisms[/b]

At least three hefty paragraphs. If you're introducing a new alien race, make sure you cover the specificities of that race and its home planet as an addition to this category.

What does your character want from life? Can be both huge and trivial (preferably more than one).

Either Purists, Quaternary Squadron or Other. If other, specify what exactly.[/center]

[sh]Prophet Combat[/sh]
[b]Plasmatics Type[/b]
Element and Discipline
[b]Plasmatic Abilities[/b]
Elaborate on the nature of your character's Plasmatic powers, including strengths and weakness.

[b]Ability Aptitude[/b]
How developed is your character in the various gifts of a Prophet?

[b]Weaponry/Non-Prophetic Combat Skills[/b]

[sh]Non-Prophet Combat[/sh]

[b]Combat Abilities[/b]
Include strengths and weaknesses.


[b]Other Combat Skills[/b]
Things like being good with mechanics, piloting, healing, etc. If a pilot of some sort, describe their ship.
Things like interests, likes, dislikes, fears, talents, hobbies, etc.

[b]Country and Timezone[/b]



A word of advice!If you're working on a character form and want to post it as a WIP, I recommend you keep it in the code box until it is complete. This is because the font coding is particularly temperamental and tends to mess up the tabs with little way to fix them. Cheers!

Character Database

  • Lysiria 'Domino' Dawn (@Xion136), 26 (52 AE*), 'The Dominion Gunner'

    Chrysalis Ayakashi (@Xion136), 22 (44AE), 'The Insurgent Archer' 34/35

    Doctor Julius Verstand (@Yuffie Kisaragi), 36, 'The Irksome Researcher'

    Koir Sheriem (@SkyGinge), 34, 'The Tidy Tishbite'

    Jadzia Strohov (@Kharmin), 28, 'The Dauntless Aviatrix'

    Setanta Igramo'el (@Felix), 27, 'The Silent Survivor' 36

    Arawen Terra (@Charcoal), 26, 'Attentive Listen, Forest Wanderer'

    (AE=Asan Equivalent)

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Koir Sheriem

  • Appearance Description

    At first glance, Koir stands as an ethereal figure. With stony hazel eyes, slim, frowning lips and a curved, though not ugly nose, she holds a sort of mystic beauty to some, though to others she seems an impassive, solemn figure. Racially, her ancestral settlers were of Indian origin. Her long, Raven-hair is often arranged in different styles, but when left straight, it reaches just above her hips. Years of farm labour followed by over a decade of training and developing as a Prophet has left her slim limbs strong with muscle. As a result of her travelling as a Purist, she does not have a standard choice of attire, though casually she has always been fond of more loose-fitting attire, and her fingerless gloves and black boots are never far from her person.







    Home Planet




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Doctor Julius Verstand

  • 91085a53a22b4d6bdc78730b7d40e2c7.jpg

    Appearance Description

    A tall man of a solid build, not particularly lanky but similarly not musclebound. His face is handsome, with chiseled features, deep-set eyes, and a high forehead. He commonly bears an expression of pure distaste or apathy, coupled with striking gray eyes create an imposing face. His hair is disheveled in a careless mess, often having to comb it out of his eyes. Though his natural blonde hair is still as present and potent as it was when he was but a child, he died a streak white on a drunk whim. He keeps it because he thinks it makes him seem more... More. He often gives more exaggerated tall tales when people ask him of its origins. He is nearsighted, and though the technology exists to easily cure him of this issue, he prefers the rectangular lens of his glasses. He tends to wear a long sleeve white button down shirt, with a black vest. His lower half is covered by black slacks and black shoes. The only accessory he consistently wears is a practical field satchel that appears to have been to Hell and back at least three times, with tears across it's faded brown leather.


    36 Asan years





    Home Planet




Sorry for the presentation error, I've tried to fix it, but my skill in BBCode is lacking. This is unfortunately the best I've got.
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Jadzia (pronounced:
YAH-jeh) Strohov

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Jadzia.jpg.5d92d98d8b80f188846383333e7bc54f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Jadzia.jpg.5d92d98d8b80f188846383333e7bc54f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Appearance Description

    Non-descript build and stature, Jadzia can hold her own with a wiry strength that is hidden beneath her flight suit. She is easily overlooked for her piloting skills as she doesn't carry the demeanor of a seasoned pilot. Long, straight brown hair and dark brown eyes contrast with the lighter skin that has been devoid of enough

    sustained sunlight to produce a tan. Her clothes are a piecemeal conglomeration that she acquired both from her time in military training and as a 'bush pilot' among the stars. The brown, grey and black colors signify nothing more than her lack of acceptance to any one faction -- Jadzia is her own driving force. She wears a laser pistol smartly in a worn holster on her right hip with calf-high dark boots complimenting the rest of the ensemble. She wears no tattoos, markings or jewelry.







    Home Planet




Yeah, my BBCODE-FU is lacking as well.



  • Jadzia.jpg
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Chrysalis Ayakashi

  • latest

    Appearance Description

    An El'Lyss born to rebel, her outrageous attire when not on duty has garnered many looks. Chrysalis is one of the taller El'Lyss, standing at around 4'9. Her golden eyes are one of the rarer colors from the spectrum, and her lilac hair does not at all reflect her personality. From how she usually keeps it, her ears are normally mostly or completely hidden from view. On her back she has a tattoo of El'Lyssian tribal markings from when they first discovered the Delta Aura, but other than that she is mostly untouched. Her normally dark skin never shows signs of a tan, despite her always being out and about.

    When in combat or space walking she keeps a deployable combat skin that serves as a flight suit, ensuring she is never caught unawares. The suit is the same blacks and reds that her normal attire reflect, and she always loses the coat. Her attire is bulkier then it really appears, to help store the extra panels needed for her combat armor.


    22 El'Lyssian Years (44 Asan Years)





    Home Planet




No clue how I screwed this up Dx also, one more in the pipeline. I just have to get up early ;-;
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[h]Wyrick Weiss Leclerc[/h]

[tab=Appearance and Core Information]

[b][u]Appearance Description[/b][/u]
Wyrick has an intimidating and powerful appearance. His hair is a mix of black and white and his eyes a distinctive bluish green. A tall, muscular and sturdy man with great presence, Wyrick is hard to miss even in a large crowd. He has a crescent moon shaped tattoo that covers the center of his chest and large hands and feet that he usually covers with thick, black, leather gloves and boots. Wyrick's outfit typically consists of fitting long pants with a thigh pouch, belt and a torn up, sleeveless cloak but no shirt to cover up his ripped muscles. He has sharp eyes, thick eyebrows, a cleft chin and bronzed skin with multiple scars littered across his body.

30 Asan Years
[b]Home Planet[/b]

The Bloodstained Berserker
[b]Most Defining Personality Traits[/b]

Wyrick is a very brief and gruff in manner. He's not a man of many words and has an intimidating stature and manner though it's not always intentional. He's socially awkward and actually a gentle giant but his lack of interaction with others and intimidating appearance hides this. Though a reliable ally on the battlefield and a powerful man, Wyrick is very careless outside of it, prone to breaking things and losing articles, especially technology.

Wyrick isn't very knowledgeable and clueless about most things outside of his culture and fighting. However, he can also be too shy to ask what he doesn't know, especially if everyone else seems to know what they are talking about. Though known for his great strength and power, Wyrick is not very intelligent or fast, often relying on his instincts and guts to make decisions. He's easy to fool as such and also slow on the uptake but incredibly stubborn, often refusing to listen to logic once he has made a  decision with his gut. Being a rather shy person, it takes time for him to open up to others though people tend to see him as cold.

If you overload him with information, Wyrick gets very confused and will tend to go against everything he was told. He believes strongly in his own abilities and doesn't like others telling him how he should do his battles or fight, often refusing advice and stubbornly sticking to his ways unless he's beaten or forced to acknowledge through fighting that he has to change. The arrogance he displays in battle is astounding as the insatiable bloodlust he displays and Wyrick often overestimates his abilities as a result, taking on far more than he can handle. He's a major rule breaker, in part due to his forgetfulness and inability to remember the rules for long periods of time.

When faced with powerful opponents, pushed to the limits or badly wounded in battle, Wyrick tends to lose control and go berserk, becoming incapable of distinguishing between friend and foe, requiring others to subdue him. With his large frame, weapon and rather slow reaction time, Wyrick tends to struggle against fast, small and sneaky opponents who are hard to land hits on and has difficulty trying to be stealthy and sneaky, being more liable to create a ruckus instead. He doesn't work well with others in fight due to being used to fighting on his own and his innate fear of going berserk and killing those around him.

[b]Quirks, Habits and Mannerisms[/b]
Wyrick's curiosity leads him to examine items that have sparked it, which often follow with them getting broken. He scratches his head when uncertain and confused though he doesn't always voice it due to his desire not to appear stupid. This rule breaker has a strong urge to take things he's not supposed to such as locked up items and often tries to explore areas that are closed off, causing numerous problems for others.
Wyrick and Alderic were twin boys born to a pair of loving parents on Utsuhei where he spent his early years a blissfully happy child. His early childhood had been spent with his twin brother Alderic and older brother Olric exploring Utsuhei and playing with the other children who lived nearby. The year he turned 10 and his mother fell ill, Wyrick heard of a herb high up in the mountains that could heal her and sneaked off on his own to try and find it. However, his brother Olric was aware of his plans and followed his younger brother out to protect him from his foolishness, leaving instructions for Alderic to inform their parents of where they went should they fail to return by the next day. The trip ended in a disaster when they were attacked in the mountains by natural aggressors with Olric dying from his wounds and Wyrick kidnapped. When Olric's body was found, both brothers were believed to be dead until Wyrick returned home days later, unable to remember anything with the crescent tattoo on his chest. Following this, he grew to be stronger and larger than most boys in his area, including his brother, his hair eventually changing from being just black to black and white, raising questions about what happened to him.

Not long after Wyrick returned, his mother passed away from her illness and his father died four years later in a mining accident, leaving him and Alderic orphaned. The two brothers were later enlisted as soldiers and moved to Stagen where they faced the planet's harsh environment. Wyrick thrived and grew to become strong and muscular while his younger twin did not and the two were separated when Wyrick was promoted and advanced quickly, leaving Alderic in the dust. He enjoyed the life of a soldier and the fighting, faring well in the army as one of their best young recruits.

At the age of 24, he was reunited with Alderic when his twin was finally deemed battle ready and the two exchange stories about their separate battles and the tales behind each scar they had gained. Everything was good until the first battle they shared. Wyrick was drawn into battle with a powerful opponent and was being overwhelmed when Alderic foolishly jumped in hoping to help his brother. Disaster struck and 
With the loss of the last member of his family, Wyrick disappeared, the survivors of that battle calling him the Bloodstained Berserker. Wyrick has been living in solitude ever since, a wandering traveler who has just recently returned to his home planet of Utsuhei.

What does your character want from life? Can be both huge and trivial (preferably more than one).

Either Purists, Quaternary Squadron or Other. If other, specify what exactly.[/center]

[sh]Prophet Combat[/sh]
[b]Plasmatics Type[/b]
Element and Discipline
[b]Plasmatic Abilities[/b]
Elaborate on the nature of your character's Plasmatic powers, including strengths and weakness.

[b]Ability Aptitude[/b]
How developed is your character in the various gifts of a Prophet?

[b]Weaponry/Non-Prophetic Combat Skills[/b]

[sh]Non-Prophet Combat[/sh]

[b]Combat Abilities[/b]
Include strengths and weaknesses.


[b]Other Combat Skills[/b]
Things like being good with mechanics, piloting, healing, etc. If a pilot of some sort, describe their ship.
Things like interests, likes, dislikes, fears, talents, hobbies, etc.

[b]Country and Timezone[/b]


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Lysiria "Domino" Dawn

  • 36fc7a41d329eb70575e23cc61725e031370659060_full.jpg

    Appearance Description

    Unlike her rebellious underling, Lysiria is around 4'1. Short as hell, she personifies the David versus Goliath ideal, always fighting those bigger than her - usually literally. Her hair is naturally bi-colored, which is where she gets her nickname, Domino, from. That, and she's clumsy, but more on that later. Her eyes are red, which are mostly common, making her hair the only "special" thing about her. Specifically her eyes are more of a crimson color, reflecting nicely in firelight. In all she is a quite strange appearance...especially when she pulls out her Resource.


    26 El'Lyssian years (52 Asan years)





    Home Planet





Took forever ;-; couldn't get it done last night as I wanted. But here she is. Leader of the El'Lyssian Domninion Guard and owner of the only armed El'Lyssian vessel ever... Lysiria "Domino" Dawn.
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Sétanta Igramo’el

He uses Seth or Zephania more often

  • Appearance Description

    Sétanta has a small, but muscular swimmers build, lean with broad shoulders and a huge chest. His skin is deeply tanned by years of work in the forge and living in the jungle. Various scars (also originating from the forge and jungle) and tribal tattoos make for an intriguing network of lines on his skin. His soft features make him appear much younger than he is, though that image completely vanishes when you look into his eyes. His light brown eyes show the pain, as if the things they have seen left a mark that can never be removed. Even when he laughs they look sad. His hair is light brown as well, but appears almost golden in warm sunlight (like in an Indian summer). He has dark symmetrical eyebrows, a small nose and soft lips with a little scar.

    He usually wears a black sleeveless hoodie, khaki trousers wit knee pads and heavy hobnail boots. He also owns a light grey leather vest (handmade from Bigurel hide), a green camouflage raincoat and a
    ceremonial robe from his tribe, but he rarely wears those.


    36 Rindian years (27 Asan years)





    Home Planet

    Rindia (see bio)



The dark red text is about things which Sétanta does not know about, but are parts of his character nonetheless.
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Arawen Terra

  • Appearance Description

    A contemplative looking figure of perhaps a little over six foot - his form is relatively thin, torso being short compared to his longer, but graceful looking legs. He shows perhaps a little muscle about the torso, his arms displaying the slightest hint of his years of intense exercise to hone his body in his variety of meditation based practices. Across much of his lower torso and forearm, one can find a huge variety of small cuts and scars from some years prior, it would seem. Features wise, he displays his youthfulness most in his high cheekbones, and deep, dark eyes of a hazel-ish colouration. His hair is of a complementing dark tone, somewhere between the tones of bark and obsidian - in the warmth of sun light, it tends to glow with a certain golden hue. In terms of clothing, he dons simple robes of a bland beige tone, strong and sturdy despite their shabby appearance, they endow him with a regal aura of continued and consuming calm.







Attentive Listener, Forest Wanderer

Most Defining Personality Traits

Calm, collected, thoughtful

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Emma Devins

  • tumblr_ngt4tx8FpI1rl195mo1_1280.jpg

    Appearance Description

    Emma stands at around 5'4", with a slight slouch and tired looking eyes. Her eye's are a dark brown, while her hair is a natural black, with a short haircut and some part of her head being shaven. While naturally Emma's skin is olive toned, most of her is covered up by clothes, and therefore looks quite pale for someone with her skin colour.

    Emma's usual attire is a big puffy jacket over a black shirt or singlet, with cargo pants and boots. She keeps herself comfortable and warm, with her pants having special modifications so she can reach her prosthetic limb with ease.







    Home Planet





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