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The Prince and The Maid [1x1] (Twilight sparkle and Kitty-Chan)

Yuki stared at the food and milk for a bit, before taking one bite. He had hardly even noticed Nichole had left the room, he was so deep in thought. Continuing to eat, he kept his tail in his lap, and tried to keep his elbows off the table, though it was hard.
"I wonder just how upset mother's feeling." Yuki said to himself. Deciding he needed to see, he stood up, and made his way to his mother's room, using the table, wall, and anything else available to steady himself. "Woah." He whispered, as he almost fell over.
Yuki finally made his way to the queen's chambers, and stopped walking, panting in front of the guards. "Can you tell me how my mothers doing?" He asked. He wasn't usually permitted in his mother's chambers, and he wanted to know exactly how much this was effecting her.
"The guest just got her to eat something. The queen has been stressed and worried. The guest has been hhelping her out, your majesty. "Said one.
"Okay, thank you." Yuki replied. "I'll be going now." He turned, and began to slowly and shakily make his way back to the dining hall. His body hurt, but that wasn't going to keep him from getting back to his food.
"Oh, uh, thank you, Nichole." Yuki said, as he sat back down. "That was a bit more difficult. Maybe I should take it easy for a while."
"That's a lot of books you have there." Yuki commented, when he saw all the books in Nichole's arms. He had finished eating, and was now trying to think of something to do that wouldn't use energy. He could make the bouqet, but he figured it should wait a bit longer.
Yuki took the top one, and glanced at the title, before flipping it open. Scanning the first page, he began to read through it. Getting interested in the writing, he was turning pages quickly and reading the next pages.
Yuki was just getting lost in the pages, when he heard a faintly familiar voice, calling out in the cat's tongue. His ears flicked, and he looked up from the book. "Did you hear that?" He asked. "It sounded like someone was calling my name." Standing up, he leaned on the table, and looked around.
Soon afterward, a small white cat hurried into the room. "Yuki!" She shouted in cat, as she ran over to him. "I came as soon as I heard you'd been hurt! Are you feeling alright? You can hear me, can't you? Speak to me!"

Yuki sat back down, "I'm fine." He said. "Now, if you could explain...who are you?"

The white cat sighed, and looked down at her paws. "I should have known you'd forget me." She said. "After all, we only spoke once. I'm Princess Akari."

Well then, Hello, Princess Akari." Yuki replied. "Where exactly have we met before?"

"At a ball in my palace in the land of Fuyu, where my family rules." Akari answered. "As soon as I heard that your father..." She stopped, but then continued. "I hurried over here. Also, my mother and father have an offer for your mother."

"Oh, my mother's busy right now." Yuki said.

"Right right." Akari responded. "I wouldn't want to interupt anything important." She hopped up onto Yuki's lap, and laid down. "So, I'll just stay here with you for now."
"Oh, right. I forgot you don't speak cat." Yuki said. "This is Princess Akari, of Fuyu. We've appearently met at a ball before, and she came here because she was worried about me and her parents need to talk with my mother."

Akari looked up, just now noticing Nichole. She stuck out her tongue a tiny bit, before laying her head back down and closing her eyes. Purring, she snuggled in closely to Yuki's stomach.
Nichole said"oh um hello?" Then her eye twitched as akari stuck her tongue out at her. "I'll be back." Nichole said gritting her teeth and put down her book nearly breaking that part of the table.
"What's wrong?" Yuki asked. "You seem a little angry for some reason." He hoped he hadn't said anything insulting or stupid. The last thing he needed to be doing was making Nichole upset.
Yuki looked down at Akari, "Did you do something to upset Nichole?" He asked.

Akari opened her eyes, "Me?" She asked innocently. "Of course not. Why would I do such a thing? Besides, I just met the girl."

"So, it must of been me then." Yuki said, resting his head on the open book in front of him. "Why am I so stupid?"

"What!?" Akari asked, clearly alarmed. "Don't say that Yuki! You're very smart! And, she said she was fine!"

"And, then angrily stomped out of the room." Yuki replied. "I bet she hates me."

Akari sighed, she was getting more and more jealous of Nichole the longer she listened to Yuki. She jumped out of his lap, "Are there any spare dresses around here?" She asked. "I want to shift back."

Yuki nodded, and pointed down the hall. "Down to the end of the hall, take a left, go into that room, and we have a whole bunch of spare clothing." He answered.

Akari nodded, and headed that way.
Nichole walked in and sighed. "Sorry about my behavior yuki. I just saw something I didnt like was all." She curtsied and stood back up moving her hair behind her ear.
"Oh, it's okay." Yuki said, his face still in the book. "It's no big deal."

Akari had gotten into the room finally, by shifting back and quickly hurrying inside. She grabbed the first dress she saw, and slipped it on.

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