The price of learning Thaumaturgy


New Member
When looking into building a Thaumaturg-gone-Exalted, it occured to me that the degrees in Thaumaturgy are vastly overpriced. 4/5 Bonuspoints are really expensive, exspecially when you compare the power a level of thaumaturgy gives you compared to the advantage of having an additional charm(same price).

What do you think? Is Thaumaturgy overpriced, and if yes, what should the cost be?
Actually, reading over Thaumaturgy again, I'd compare its cost to that of a charm instead of a specialty. It allows you to do magical effects, which you can power by motes or rare ingredients. I'll admit, I don't like the limitation of Thaumaturgy being tough for Exalted to get, though I bristle against the training time more. It does help to remember however that this is a whole field of study you're looking into, and that each degree learned accesses multiple powers of the field and level.

As for a cost change, I'd maybe bump down the cost by one BP (as they did for Solar charms), but I'd really take a hard look at the training time.
DasDom said:
what should the cost be?
I treat Thaumaturgy as Sciences.

Note that the XP costs in that system are optional. You can remove them and the system isn't effected really at all. One option I've heard of is to say that xp costs for Thaumaturgy are waved for essence-users. This makes a bit more sense in a game where magical crafting (and, therefore, the other, more potent Sciences) are used a lot.

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