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Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas

Noémi saw her shrug but didn't say anything, just accepting that it meant she didn't mind.

"My name is... Anika."

Noémi smiled gently even though she was quite enthusiastic inside. She didn't want to scare Anika with her sudden movements or loud talking so she kept it down forty a few notches. 'Great. I found the right person!' She thought. Anika was quite pretty. Short, but pretty none the less. Her curly dark hair complimented her dark eyes and pale skin quite well.

"Nice to meet you, Anika." Noémi said elatedly.

The girl curtsied out of habit but didn't fix it. She didn't want to break the habit but her face did become quite pink from doing so.

"Heh... Sorry." She muttered, a flustered smile coating her face.

"Nice meeting you"

"Oh, yes. You too." Noémi said quietly.

The girl noticed Anika's hesitation but didn't comment on it; instead, she didn't understand why she was starting to be more shy around her. It's weird. Noémi's never this shy around anyone.
'Probably just... The weather? Maybe I'm just hungry... Yeah, hungry.' Noémi thought simply, deciding that hunger was the reason even though it plainly wasn't. The girl was just to naive to know.

"If you fine yerself in need of anything, I'll be down in our quarters. Do me a favor, Noémi and let our dear Cap'tin know when it's time for dinner."

Noémi turned around and looked at Mallory who was leaving. How did she not notice? Who knows.

"Yes'm. Will do." Noémi said politely, saluting in an odd way.

She knew pirates didn't salute but why not? She wasn't normal in the first place so why act like it... Although beside all of that, her face still turned a darker pink for a few seconds before leveling out. The girl turned back to Anika.

"Uhm..." Noémi started to say, "What do you do?" She asks, then looking at the instrument in her hands. "Oh... Never mind." She said biting her lip and noticing the awkward air between the two of them. "So... Do you like the stars?" She asks randomly, trying her best to find some sort of topic they can relate to.

Noémi wasn't used to talking to others her age, atleast she thought her age. Anika could've been older or younger for all she knew but she just figured that they were both sort of the same age.
'This is so weird...' She thought, shifting from her left foot to her right unomfortably. 'What do I do...?' She thinks, glancing up at the stars to calm herself down but quickly looking back at Anika, not wanting to be rude.


@GiannaCoco (Interacted)
Mio Del Abascal Marco Vega

"What seems to be the problem?" Mio was distant, and barely reacted to Sasha as he plopped into the room. When he finally looked up at Sasha he spotted the bottle of vodka, and everyone knows the quickest way to Mio's heart was through alcohol. "Well..." He muttered, and grabbed the bottle of vodka, downing half of what was left in it before handing it back. He let out a hearty burp, then added "... Looks like I'll have to find myself a new sparring partner. Don't think there's anyone on the ship who'll do. Or rather, anyone willing on the ship that'll do..." His thoughts wandered to Louise who'd refused to spar with him for years. He shook his head to clear the thoughts out then turned back to Sasha.

"You're alright Sasha. Sorry for breaking the door, I was... a bit crazy." He shrugged and held up the note that Vahlen had left. "Looks like Vahlen's gone... I gotta... I gotta go talk to Louise. Sorry." He pushed his way past Sasha and out of Vahlen's cabin again. He walked up out of the ship and onto deck, taking a look around for Louise. She was standing by the railing together with a gunner's lackey he hadn't bothered remembering the name of. "Louise!" He shouted, then quickly walked over to her side. His eyes were slightly red, and not only the irises, when he handed her the note and said "We've got to look for a new quartermaster."

@Queen Rai



Captain Louise De'Leone-Fitzgerald

Location: The Captain's Quarters - On Deck


The captain stopped walking, tossing a quick look over her shoulder to see Mio approaching her. Louise's eyelids fluttered shut as she masked a small eyeroll beneath them. She exhaled out her nose as the man's boots thudded to a stop beside her, opening her eyes as he spoke.

"We've got to look for a new quartermaster."

Louise didn't quite know what Mio meant. A new Quartermaster? Why? The captain took the note from Mio as he held it out, quickly unfolding it and letting her eyes wander to the signature at the bottom of the paper. Vahlen Balthazar Belandus...a name she knew all too well. The woman could feel a pit forming in her stomach as she began to read, and her heart sunk lower and lower with every word.

To whomever it may concern,

To leave without a proper goodbye, leaving with as much as I can carry with only this note left on my desk. I realize that this is no honorable way to leave a crew...
my crew...but I fear that it was the only logical choice I had. It is not possible to fit even a fraction of my reason for leaving on this scrap of paper, so I will not try. All I can do is offer my deepest and most sincere apologies. Believe me when I say I did not want it to come to this...I really didn't--

Louise stopped reading. She violently crumpled up the note, holding onto it for a moment before throwing it down and turning on her heel. She hugged her arms as she forced herself to look away from Mio. The two of them had been as close to Vahlen as friends could be. They were the terrible trio.

They were
best friends.

Louise grit her teeth, shaking her head as her shoulders began to shake with anger. How could he? Why did he? What made him?


@Prizzy Kriyze

Christina Dunois.

The evening light was dominant against her pale skin, her arms working furiously as she drove a broom across the boards of the main deck. Suds sloshed slowly with each stroke, every muscle in her back ached, the chest wraps that constrained her breasts hadn't given her room to breath for several hours at most. 'Why today of all days am I the one working extra hard?' Her thoughts ran aggressively through her mind as with each stroke she imagined the broom her rapier, confiscated, piercing the hearts of every last one of them, her boyish attitude had certainly begun to take over. She no longer thought about being a female, she had to be a male, externally and internally.

Thinking like a male was the first step, wasn't it? The gentle rocking of the ship let her bare feet take in all of the vibrations, it gave her a sense of stability despite the hypocritical emotions she was sealing up. Why was it she felt so at peace? Even as she'd watched that other male be tied to the stern, she felt as though he'd try to do something right, and those systematic and robotic strokes suddenly slowed, quelled by a fear of animosity. She was behaving like an animal, 'is this how a man 'ought to behave?'

The sudden rumble in her stomach turned her mood quickly, her thoughts as well, for in the same groan she had the craving for some scraps. Perhaps if she was lucky, she'd even manage to steal herself a decent meal once all of them were asleep, wouldn't that just be a treat.


@Queen Rai

@Prizzy Kriyze
"Yessir." She said obediently before going over to the cupboard and grabbing as many plates as she can without being at risk of dropping them before going over to the dining area and placing stacks on tables. She had to go back and forth because doing it all at once was very stupid and might lead to an accident. Next, she moved on to the utensils, grabbing handfuls and putting them on top of the plates to keep them clean. She finished a few minutes later.

Riley then wondered how she would call everyone to eat. She decided to go with the tried and tested method of shouting. She climbed onto the deck and took a deep breath.

"FOOD IS READY...uhh...COME GET IT!" She shouted as loud as she can. If anyone didn't hear she would approach them and send them on their way.
Samuel jumped as he heard Riley shout, his heart suddenly racing as he looked down. He moved his arms slightly, the rope burns across them were getting quite painful and he could feel it over his ripped sleeves. Samuel decided to stop moving himself, letting his arms and legs "relax" as he looked over at the Captain. He frowned as she turned away from Mio, and wondered why she was upset. He tried to stand, but the ropes held him back, obviously. He really wanted to help the captain, but the ropes were just about getting to him, and there was no way for her to get to her. Even if he could, he would most likely be killed or injured for breaking free.



(@Prizzy Kriyze)
"Pachelbel? Very modren, I'd be 'appy to give it a shot. I've got a favorite off Ergotzung I'd love to play. Simple, I'll lead for the first few bars and we'll see how we're doing."

Anika nodded at Mallory before she retreated back to her 'quarters' and cocked her head to the left, giving another smile, looking at her clarinet before looking back at Noémi. At least Anika was comfortable around the girl.

"So... Do you like the stars?" Noémi asked.

'Stars? How... Random' Anika mused at the sudden question before answering, gazing up at the stars. "Now that you have mentioned it, yes, I guess I do like the stars, the way they're just... there" Anika paused, noticing her shyness have drowned as it has been thrown mercilessly overboard, gone. Instead, her confidence took over the wheel, guiding her words expertly. She smiled, the locket she owned was freezing her skin between her collarbones when a voice pierced the night like daylight would, disrespecting its peace. She didn't recognise the person's feminine voice though, as only few females has a position to actually shout orders to the crew. This however, was not an order, rather an invitation or notice, depending on the person.

"FOOD IS READY..." The ship was quiet and the voice came back on. "COME GET IT!"

Anika wondered what the person thought when she called the crew. Was the woman or girl likening the crew to a dog? Maybe even children. But of course, Anika wasn't one to judge, only ponder. "That's my cue for work. I'll...." Anika paused just for the sake of pausing. "See you around" and Anika walked away from Noémi, making her way towards the voice, seeing the captain's twin, well, Anika assumed she was a twin, from earlier. A little nod of acknowledgement and Anika walked pass.

Once arrived in the dining area, Anika found a corner that she could cramp into and she did just that, waiting for Mallory, slightly excited for their first piece together.

@Metaphysics (nodded at and mention)
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Carter shook himself out of his funk and dumped out the dirty water. At the sound of the food shout he bustled himself towards the 'dinning room'. He had no idea why they called it that as the place during meals was a barn. Already some of the early arivals would no doubt be on their third or fourth mug of ale.

Mealtimes were one of Carter's greatest enjoyments on the ship. There was little to no worrying about your position and it was just a loud rambunctious time.

On his way to the hall however he noticed Samuel tied up and went over to him instead. Carter crossed his legs and sat down in one fluid motion. "So. What did yeh get caught fer?" His slight accent sounding a little awkward.

Samuel felt his stomach grumble, and watched a man walk over to him. The man sat down and crossed his legs. 'Thank god, someone to talk to!'

"So. What did yeh get caught fer?"

Samuel listened, slightly focusing on the man's accent. He sighed, and looked down at the ropes.

"Well, I freed the prisoner on a gut feeling, and got caught." Samuel answered, sighing again and yawning afterwards.

"Why don't you go and get something to eat? It'd be better than conversing with me." He asked, his eyebrow raising slightly.
"Thank you Simon, for everything."

Strange, Simon felt something click inside his heart, as if a rusted lever had been jerked for perhaps the first time. I can't remember for the life of me the last time somebody genuinely thanked me. The Captain thanked him, rather frequently. But that was a mere formality, as formal as his unneccessary inclination to inform her of his every action aboard the ship. A mechanical process, one might say, and it held as much warmth as a machine.

The manner of the unimposing is both advantageous and lonely. Should I ever make that decisive move, there will be very few ties to sever. There's no risk of tangling myself in an emotional web should inevitable tragedy befall a crewmate I might have known. Yet similarly... a passive role warrants passivity. For many, I might as well be part of this ship. A carved, wooden crewmate, ornamental, functional, but not personal. Hmm. What have I ever done that warranted thanks? But it was no use. No matter how hard he thought, he couldn't remember.

How ironic that it is the smallest of occurances that often prove the most decisive. This boy, the Captain's sister... his thanks. Before today, I may as well have not have had a conscience. Now it has climbed up inside of me, like some accursed ivy, constricting me. A curse, perhaps. But a thoroughly neccessary one. He felt the sudden urge to paint the scene, but reminded himself that the Captain probably wouldn't want this particular moment commemorated so decoratively.

Student and teacher leant at the helm like figureheads over the oceans. Simon silently acknowledged the boy's thanks; he simply did not know what to say.

And then the call for dinner came, shattering the portrait-stillness of the ship's stage. Saved by the bell, I believe somebody once said. "Come," he started abruptly, turning on his heels to beckon the boy downstairs. "It is time for us to enjoy dinner. Or to try at least."

"Well, would you look at that... Seems our meal is ready to be eaten." the ottoman noticed, nodding his head once to Crystal once, getting her attention with a smile. "I'm going, want to come along?"

Regardless of whatever the response might be,
Nesim took the opportunity to smell the delicious scent of the food: Meat and vegetables, or so it appeared to be. Perfect. Just how he loved it. He was quite content with the fact their ship's cook was more or less fit to do edible meals... At least, compared to other cooks he had eaten food from; It was a delicacy and almost a luxury to a pirate, a proper-made dinner. Of course, there were unlucky days, but Nesim was not in the place to complain if that was the case. The last thing he wanted was to anger Cluck... He would rather be in a shark's stomach than inside his kitchen. Speaking of stomachs, mine's rumbling like a beast now that I notice...

@Britt\-21 (ugh I have no idea this reply sucks)
Mio Del Abascal Marco Vega

The corner's of his mouth lowered slightly as he looked on while Louise read the message. He closed his eyes as he heard the crumbling of paper, then crouched down to grab the piece of paper before it blew off the side of the ship. He stuffed it in his pocket and looked at Louise's back for a moment. The last piece of Vahlen was the paper. He didn't know why, but he wanted to save it. Some sort of proof that he had once existed, if nothing else. He took a step towards her and reached out a hand to grab her shoulder, but stopped himself halfway through the motion. This wasn't the Mio he'd chosen to be. He wasn't nice.

His hand fell down to his side again and he took the step backwards. No, no. He'd have to forget about Vahlen and be apathetic about everything negative. That's the only way to move on. "... As much as it hurts me to say, maybe Simon would be a good replacement for Vahlen. Perhaps not in terms of physical capability, but he could probably handle the tasks. Besides, I'm fairly certain he's loyal as a dog to you." Mio looked out over the sea. He couldn't think of anyone other than Simon, but he was fairly certain that he wouldn't even accept such a position.

"It's up to y-..." Mio's voice cracked, although barely audible, it caused him to stop. "... It's up to you." The second time he said it it was much calmer and lower in pitch, as if he was ashamed he had to repeat it and didn't want anyone to hear him. Although he tried to hide it, there were obvious hints such as the crack that he wasn't in the best of his moods. "I'll talk to you later." He said and turned around, his coat flying in the breeze. He walked towards where it had just been declared food was being served and climbed down into the kitchen. Without exchanging words with anyone and in fact specifically avoiding contact with the people he came across, Mio picked a plate and stole a portion of food for himself before allowing Johnny to complain at him. Usually he served the food, and that was the way Johnny wanted it, but Mio couldn't be bothered waiting.

When he got back to the navigation room he closed the door behind him and locked it tightly. Afterwards he collapsed against it and slid down until he was sitting on the floor with his back to it. Through half-open eyes he looked on while he took the piece of crumpled up paper and opened it back up, just to read it over again and again. He felt an anger growing within him with every word that he read. Not a sentence, not a word, not a single letter dedicated to him, Louise, or any other old member of the crew. Not a single one. How dared he? Who the-

He put the plate of some sort of stew on the navigation table and started digging through a chest of random things he had, until he found a small glass jar. He picked it up and stuck the yet again crumpled-up note inside of it and placed it on the table. A final memento. He shook his head, plastered a smirk onto his face and picked the plate up again. Tsk. Feels like there isn't a single person left in the world. How silly is that? The thought proved to amuse him enough that he could keep the smirk up as he exited his quarters again and climbed up the stairs to the higher part of the deck. Without a hint of doubt he walked out onto and balanced on the bowsprit while letting the contents of the plate drain out and drip into the ocean rolling by far below him.

With a sigh he sat down with one leg on either side of the bowsprit and looked up to the dark sky spangled with stars. Somehow, it felt worse than everything he'd been through. Even losing Dmitri, even every other crew member who'd died. Dmitri was never that close to him anyway, and everyone else just seemed to die off after a while. He'd gotten used to it. Vahlen though? It was him, Louise and Vahlen. It had always been, and always was supposed to be him, Louise and Vahlen. It was him, Louise and Vahlen. He was invincible, he was never supposed to disappear or die. So why did he leave? Now it was just him and Louise, and god knows things were never going to be the same between them. They needed Vahlen to release the tension. This...


@SkyGinge (mentioned)

@Queen Rai
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Carter shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, if yeh don't want a bit 'o company then sure. I mean, neither of us are in a better position. Hell if you're lucky we'll have the same job." He chuckled. "Not actually lucky. You'll be luckier to walk te plank if yeh ask me. Unless yeh enjoy cleaning for the rest 'o yer life." He grumbled. He stood up and brushed off his pants. "Want something teh eat? I don't think the great captain can really do anything worse to me." He mumbled as an afterthought. Could the captain do anything worse? He highly doubt it. To him, nothing was worse than cleaning his days away.

@TheMentalEagle (Interacted)

@Queen Rai (Mentioned, Carter sort of strongly dislikes you xD )
Samuel was starting to like this guy. He barely even knew Samuel and he was offering to go get him something to eat rather than ignore him. "I think something to eat would be perfect right now, thanks..." Samuel stuttered, realising he didn't even know this man's name. "I do apologise, but what is your name?" He asked, nervously laughing. He shouldn't have, but he felt bad that he didn't know this person's name and had many opportunities (before being tied up) to learn it. Samuel occasionally looked up at the stars. Those, and this person were making being tied up quite interesting, instead of boring and torturous.



Captain Louise De'Leone-Fitzgerald

Location: On Deck - The Dining Room

All I can do is offer my deepest and most sincere apologies.

Louise flinched slightly at the sudden, sharp bursts of pain in her hands. Looking down and uncoiling her fists, the captain stared blankly at the new marks in her hands. Four on her right hand, two of which were already bleeding, and three on her left hand. The woman hadn't even realize her fingernails had been digging into her palms until she'd somehow broken the skin. Louise blinked at the new cuts for a moment before dropping her arms and letting out a small sigh.

"Food is ready...uhh...come get it!"

Louise glanced over to the source of the yell, cringing as her eyes landed on a the eerily familiar figure of "Riley De'Leone". Louise had been absolutely starving moments earlier, but now, she didn't really feel like eating. She felt like running, as fast and as far as she could...not that that would do much, I mean, the Poison wasn't too big. Louise felt somewhat defeated, and she pulled her hat off of her head. She dropped her arms once again, holding onto the rim of her hat as her eyes fell on Mio, crouching down to pick up the crumpled up piece of paper. Louise looked away again, letting out a sharp breath as she heard Mio's boots stepping closer to her.

"... As much as it hurts me to say, maybe Simon would be a good replacement for Vahlen."

Louise's eyes widened in disbelief at Mio's words. She actually had to stop herself from roundhouse kicking the man in the jaw or pushing him overboard.
Replacement...Louise couldn't believe her ears. Mio knew how the captain felt about Vahlen...hell, he felt nearly the same way himself. How could he talk about the Quartermaster like he was just some torn sail? That he could just be "replaced"? Then again, that was always how Mio was. He was somewhat of a narcissist, in her eyes...he didn't really care what happened to other people just as long as he wasn't inconvenienced. That was probably why he was keen on the idea of replacing Vahlen so fast. The longer the ship was without a proper Quiartermaster, they tougher it would be on the crew. Mio was right that the Poison needed a new Quartermaster to keep things in order...but he didn't even seem to care about just who they were trying to replace. Louise clenched her jaw shut, as well as her eyes as Mio continued.

"Perhaps not in terms of physical capability, but he could probably handle the tasks. Besides, I'm fairly certain he's loyal as a dog to you."

Louise hardly listened to Mio's reasoning, she was too angry. It wasn't like Vahlen had died or anything, but he might as well have. She would probably never see him again, nor would Mio. So why wasn't he hung up about this? Maybe he was. Maybe he was just trying to act strong, for her sake and the crew's...it didn't sound too unlike him. Mio might've been a narcissist, but he wasn't a crybaby. That was for sure.

"It's up to y-... It's up to you. I'll talk to you later."

Louise's heart sunk at the sudden tremble in Mio's voice, and when she turned to respond to him, he'd already walked off. The woman took a step forward to go after him...but she quickly stopped herself. Mio was more than capable of consoling himself...though Vahlen meant a great deal to both of them. The three had an incredible bond that nobody could even hope to understand...and that meant Louise was really the only one who knew exactly how Mio felt. Well, she hoped he felt the way she did...and how did she feel?

Absolutely hopeless.

Louise stood there dumbfounded for about a full minute before placing her hat back on her head and making her way to the kitchen. She didn't really want to eat, but she needed some sort of sustenance. Besides, Johnny would get on her ass if her portion of food was leftover.

The captain made her way into the dining room, nearly running into Johnny as she did. The kitchen and the dining room each had two doors; one joining them together and one leading out into the very narrow corridor that lead to the stairs that went up to the main deck. The actual dining room was fairly large, with six mismatched, rectangular tables. Each table had six chairs (mismatched as well), though all of them wobbled, much to the crew's annoyance. The room was illuminated by two, simple hanging lights that each held eight candles, along with a lantern on each table. Knickknacks such as old swords, stolen painting, shields, and other trophies from past adventures decorated the walls, along with a large oriental rug that was spread across the floor. The room was cozy, and many memories had been made within its four walls. The time Louise puked her guts out in Mio's hat after winning a drinking contest...when someone rubbed Monkey the wrong way and she ended up diving face first into the soup-pot...

Good times.


Johnny Cluck

Location: The Dining Room

"Oi, car'ful there, cap'n." Johnny slurred as Louise jumped out of his way. The man plunked the pot of potatoes and vegetables down onto one of the tables. Louise shook her head, plunking down in a chair at the table the food was at before again taking off her hat and setting it beside her. The woman leaned back, the chair wobbling as she did, and said, "What're having? Smells good."

"Spuds n' vegetables with some bread an' salted meat." Johnny said proudly as he fished a boiled potato out of the pot. He placed it on Louise's plate, along with a hearty scoop of boiled cabbage, carrots, and celery. Johnny pushed the plate in front of her, along with a fork and knife, and said, "Th'meat n' rolls 're still in'the kitchen. I'll bringum right'out."

Johnny hobbled back into the kitchen, returning only moments later with a large basket of rolls in one hand and a tray of what looked like beef jerky in the other. It probably wasn't beef jerky, but to Louise, all meat on the boat tasted like beef jerky. Salty and hard to chew. The woman reached forward, grabbing a roll. She put it up to her mouth, sinking her teeth into it as Johnny dropped a piece of meat on her plate. Louise tore of a bite of the bread, and then with her mouth full,
"Any butter?"

"Nay." Johnny said, shaking his head. "I'll make'som' tonight, if ye wish'it."

Louise nodded as she chewed, trying to push any thought of Vahlen OR Mio out of her head. She just needed to focus on having a good meal and then a good night's sleep...though she doubted she would. The woman exhaled lightly out of her nose as she swallowed, and then muttered to herself,
"It makes no sense."

"Beggin' yer pardon?"


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Robin Marx

The Gunner's Lackey

Nickname: Slinger

Location: Main Deck

Mood: Content

Speaking with: @Queen Rai

Robin laughed when he as told no matter what that captain told him he wouldn't understand. He didn't really want to understand, simply to be informed of the happenings aboard the ship. It was beyond his station to understand anything outside of his required skill set. If anything it just caused him more trouble to understand something than to just simply know about it. After all, his mouth caused him more trouble than his antics. He thought about what she had said. About not wanting to be alone. If there was one thing Robin did understand, it was that notion. It was never a good feeling, but it was something that haunted him from time to time when he gave it thought. Though to be fair he never gave it much thought seeing as he was always able to keep company. Even as a rogue, he never truly was alone. He looked to Louise and hoped that she realized that herself, that she was never truly alone.

"That girl isn't my sister. She's just a thorn in my side."

As Louise brushed past him she left him with those words. He continued to laugh at her words. She truly didn't like this Riley girl all too none. Robin let her be though. She told him what he wanted to know and that was all he wanted. Well that and to pass the time with her. It was rare to get a moment with her, but every chance he could he would try to hold up a conversation with her. A smile and an orange was all it took in his mind to ease hers, if only for a little while. He cut himself out another orange slice and gulped it down. The sour taste caught him off guard again, but it was soon mellowed out by the sweet juices. He could hear Riley shout that food was prepared. Before he could even tuck away the orange, the thundering footsteps of the crew echoed throughout the Poison. Robin was hungry, but he wasn't about to go into a death march for his food either.

He calmly made his way down into the lower decks and into the dining area. Most of the crew was present and the food smelled divine. It only served to bolster his respect for Cluck's cooking skills. Now if only his manners were to match his cooking skills, that would be a sight to see. Robin settled into a seat and waited patiently for the food.

(Sorry it's been awhile. I couldn't think of anything to post and when I did, work came my way!)
Mallory practically skipped to the dining room with her fiddle in her left hand and her violin on her back. She was dressed in a way that one would expect to see in a dockside Tavern, with her hair in a loose fishtail braid over her shoulder and a dress so scandalous that her freckled calves were exposed. While she could sense that Louise was distraught when she entered the room, Mallory tried not to let it distract her. Dinnertime was her favorite part about life on the Poison, and she wasn't about to let a bit of drama get in her way. She usually held her tounge, had to dull her wit- This was one of the few times Mallory could really be herself, and with the Poison fresh out of dock, the rum would be flowing.

She had arrived tactically late, just enough so that the common heavy-lifters were drunk but not so much that they were overly rowdy. While they weren't as close to her as the others, her job was to keep the common pirates happy, a task she indulged in. As she crested the doorway, a few Sailors visibly perked up. She gave a small wave to those who had noticed, and pushed her way through the hungry Sailors to Anika. With her free hand, she gave her a friendly pat.

"Alright, Anika?" Mallory panned the room, charting her plan for debauchery. I've been thinking a bit. We've all had a bit of a day, 'aven't we? So 'eres my idea. I'm going to go out, warm up the boys a bit. I want you to be very careful, and play for a bit, jus' little ditties and that." Mallory brought her fiddle to her neck and began to play an simple, playful tune. "And then, when you giv' me the signal, we'll play the Pachelbel piece with a dedication to Louise. Thing to remem'er is that these are pirates, can'ee open with anything more complex than a shanty." Mallory gave Anika another pat and a smile, and shrugged in a way that said "I apologize in advance."

Mallory then began the performance. She was clearly a natural showman, and despite her sexual preferences, she made a point of lightheartedly flirting during her performance with the less rough members of the crew. Without warning the patrons, Mallory took a running leap stood onto table furthest across the room from Louise. This was a song-and-dance the crew were familiar with, and most seemed to appreciate it.

"Come cheer up, my lads! 'tis to glory we steer,

To add something more to this wonderful year;

To honour we call you, not press you like slaves,

For who are so free as the sons of the waves?

Heart of oak are our ships, heart of oak are our men;

We always are ready, steady, boys, steady!

We'll fight and we'll conquer again and again."

She needed only to project her voice for a moment before the men sat around her joined. Mallory was in her happy place.

@GiannaCoco (Interacted)

@Queen Rai (Mentioned and avoided)

Galileo Mayohaboa Yuquibo (Leo)

At the mention of only possibly enjoying the dinner, of which was a hint towards Cluck's terrible but edible cooking, the boy gave a hearty laugh escape his lips for a moment before closing his mouth in surprise. When was the last time he had laugh like that? A very long time. Although the ship was his home he never felt a feeling of family with its crew due to the fact that he had isolated himself from then after their differences became prominent. However, things felt different now with the Dutchman despite the fact that they were from worlds apart. Even thinking of his his new found teacher as 'the Dutchman' felt awfully strange to Leo. Despite feeling a bit weird about the laugh, he once again opened up his mouth to let it echo through the air. "Let's hope the food isn't still walking on our plates when we get there," the student managed to say between recovering from his previous laughter and an already existing accent. As they walked down to the dining room, Leo began to wonder for the first time exactly what was a man like Simon doing in a life of piracy. The man was educated meaning he was rich and the taste of adventure that others sought for was clearly not something he yearned for. That meant that like himself, the man was a refugee. What he was running from was up to anyone to guess.

Soon enough, the indigenous boy found himself at the table sitting alongside his crewmates of which all already seemed to be drinking. The musicians played their shanty and he watched along quietly as the crew laughed and sung. While Leo ate his food, of which always seemed to taste goo while you were eating considering the fact that hunger came in, he spotted the captain from across the room. A clear look of somberness had fallen across her face as she ate along. When she finally stopped eating to catch a breath, he caught her eye and gave a warm smile. Whatever was upsetting the captain was something personal as far as he could tell so he shouldn't try to pry. However, that did not mean he couldn't offer some comfort even if it was in the smallest form.


@Queen Rai
"Name's Carter." He grunted. "I would offer ta shake yer hand but yer hands are a tied up at teh moment. I guess it would be polite to ask for yer name also." He chuckled a little at his own pun. "I'll grab yeh and meself some food. But you'll have teh find yer own way to eat. I'm not feeding you." He glanced around and noted a barrel close to the edge of the deck. He walked over and kicked it over roughly with his foot until it was in front of the tied up man. "There. I guess that's a sort of close to yer face." He shrugged and without waiting for the man's name he walked towards the dinning hall to grab two plates. He wondered for a moment how he would get away with bringing out two plates of food. Once in the hall he noted a sailor slumped over, passed out drunk in the corner. Carter grinned and slid down beside the man. He wouldn't notice his food missing.

The dining room was never a place in which Simon ever normally wished to linger. Cramped, smelly, and sweatty, to the tidy Dutchman it was the equivilant of being locked in a cell with a family of grubby marsupials. Actually, he often felt that would be a preferable option; at least marsupials made less of a din, and were less likely to drink themselves silly. It masqueraded as some kind of cozy tavern (which Simon would never have found cozy anyway), attempted to put on some kind of civilised mask to perhaps hide the fact that it housed a company of raucous, ruleless criminals.

No consolation could be found in the quality of the food either, as it was frankly tripe. Quite literally on some occasions too, though Simon daren't dwell on them. The adjustment from frequent noble banquets to variable pig-food had been a culture shock to the Dutchman, to say the least, but he'd had five years now in which to steel his stomach. Yes, he'd learnt to eat without tasting, or to taste without feeling. And (of course), he'd learnt to spend his excess revenue wisely on more wholesome meals whenever he had the opportunity to disappear into port.

'tis a sad life, he mused, staring idly at his plate as he sat on his lonesome in the corner of the room, When you consider overdone vegetables as a culinary luxury. Simon had no appetite at all; tactfully, he'd gorged himself the night before at a nicer place away from the sweaty waterside of Port Royal. As intelligent as it might have been, it always had the detrimental affect of leaving him particularly apathetic to Cluck's cooking. Well, we'd rather not starve, Simon sighed, and begrudgingly drew the food to his lips. It was a slow, almost mechanical process (it takes a remarkable amount of energy to both stomach food senselessly and obscure the outside world), but eventually the food found its way to his stomach, where it remained, settled like rocky sediment, and taking about as much time to break down, he imagined.

Normally, Simon would take his food and disappear to his quarters before he anybody had a chance of interrupting him. Strangely, he'd wound up sticking about that night. Maybe it was the day's events, taking their toll on his reserve, constraining him to the comfort of a seat. Maybe it was the boy (
Galileo, Simon sternly reminded himself, you asked for his name specifically not to 'the boy him', cretin), and the strange sense of protectiveness he know felt towards him.

Or maybe it was the sight of the Captain, his strong, remarkable Captain, as lonesome as him, an invisible stormcloud raging above her, drowning her mood in bitter torrent.
Probably that, the Dutchman mused.

Loneliness is not befitting of her, Simon pondered, catching glances at her when he could (his mother had drilled the principle of 'it is rude if one stares' firmly into his infant mind). She was always surrounded by a crowd of underlings, or friends. Asking her questions, reporting to her. Enjoying her, like he would never be able to bring himself to muster. How she would dismiss the most ridiculous of circumstances with a shout or stern remark. But there was never true fury; only control.

In many ways, he saw himself in her. A better, more sociable Simon in female form.

And yet loneliness seemed destined to be her garb for now, for Simon had observed multiple occurances in the past hours when people remarking on the present proceedings had been met by hefty agression from the Captain. He saw little reason why he, the solemn, dull Dutchman, would recieve more preferable treatment (of course, he didn't have an inkling that Louise's present state was influenced by something else other than her 'sister'). No, solitude was best for her now.

So why then, 'O Observant One', are you still lingering about?

Perhaps the confidence bestowed upon him alongside his sudden responcibility had shown hopeful glimpses of suddenly making him sociable. Oh, pitiful hope! He'd been so long on his own that he'd long since abandoned the principles of cheering people up. How could he ever help her?

He still didn't know the answer as he found himself taking the seat next to the Captain. And he still had nothing to say. So he merely sat, vacantly wishing that his presense alone would be enough to help to quell the Captain's emotional tempest.

@Queen Rai
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Noémi was following behind Anika until she remembered what Mallory asked her to do.

'Right, Captain Louise... Where is she?' She thinks, going around to look for where the woman may be.

Noémi ended up wandering around for a bit until she came across the Captain's Quarters. 'Maybe?' She thinks, knocking softly on the door. "Food's ready Captain." She spoke clearly. When she got no response, she figured Louise wasn't in there. After a bit longer of wandering around adn checking the lower deck, she finally thought, 'The only place I haven't checked is the kitchen itself...' and headed back.

Once she reached the main deck, she glanced over at the mast and notice a man.. Samuel was it? Tied to it. She curiously went over to it, "Are you alright?" She spoke simply, wondering if he needed anything. She glanced down at the barell and positioned it upright like it should be. "You're probably hungry, aren't you?" She asks, biting her lip softly.

Noémi felt terrible for the guard to be tied up. She didn't question what happened, that was his buisness and nothing she should probably pry into. Maybe he got stuck? 'Don't be an idiot..' She thought. The ropes aroudn him were tight and made by no accident. Maybe Noémi shouldn't mess around with the man. She didn't really know him all that well but he could've done someting dangerous possibly.

'If he asks you to untie the ropes, say no and walk away..' She told herself, then wincing slightly at saying no. Noémi despised saying no to people. She wanted to please and satisfy everyone but she'd have to do it or else something bad may happen. To herself or him.

'If he's hungry, I can fetch him my plate of food.' She thinks, then remembering her task. 'If she's already there, then my task has sort of been done?' Noémi thinks, trying to make herself feel better about failing somethign she was told to do.

@TheMentalEagle (Communicated)

@GiannaCoco (Mentioned Slightly)

@Queen Rai (Mentioned)


Captain Louise De'Leone-Fitzgerald

Location: The Dining Room

Louise lightly poked at her boiled potato, making very small impressions in it with her fork as she did. The woman still wasn't all too hungry...even fresh vegetables didn't sound very appealing to the woman. Louise had known Vahlen since...well, forever. There was never a time when he wasn't around, and now that he was gone forever, Louise wasn't sure how to feel. She was hurt, almost as much as she was confused. Countless questions buzzed through her head, but all she really wanted to know was...why?

The captain inhaled deeply through her nose as Johnny heaved the pot over to some other table. The woman quickly snagged another roll before the man could come back for the basket, hiding it in her lap until he left. Louise placed the bread on her plate, and then slowly scooped up one of the boiled carrots onto her fork. She slowly raised the utensil to her mouth, but before she could actually eat the vegetable, something caught her eye. Lowering her fork, Louise glanced over to see Simon taking the seat right beside her. He didn't speak, nor did he look her way...so naturally, Louise raised her eyebrows. Again, she raised her fork to her lips and popped the carrot into her mouth. It was severely overcooked, and almost instantly turned into an orange mush in her mouth. The woman grimaced as she swallowed, turning her attention away from the artist as she gave a small shudder. Everything was so...

Louise scooped up another carrot, examining it for a moment before glancing at Simon and saying,
"These carrots are like pirates."

Louise grimaced, sticking the fork into her mouth and saying bitterly,
"Salty and probably full of disease."


Purpleyedmiss said:
"Well, would you look at that... Seems our meal is ready to be eaten." the ottoman noticed, nodding his head once to Crystal once, getting her attention with a smile. "I'm going, want to come along?"
Regardless of whatever the response might be,
Nesim took the opportunity to smell the delicious scent of the food: Meat and vegetables, or so it appeared to be. Perfect. Just how he loved it. He was quite content with the fact their ship's cook was more or less fit to do edible meals... At least, compared to other cooks he had eaten food from; It was a delicacy and almost a luxury to a pirate, a proper-made dinner. Of course, there were unlucky days, but Nesim was not in the place to complain if that was the case. The last thing he wanted was to anger Cluck... He would rather be in a shark's stomach than inside his kitchen. Speaking of stomachs, mine's rumbling like a beast now that I notice...

@Britt-21 (ugh I have no idea this reply sucks)
(Sorry for the loooooooooonnnnnnnggggggggg wait I got lazy xD )


Where?: In the Dining Room

Crystal started to hear that Dinner had been ready. She smiled and then looked at Nesim "OF course! I'm starving! I did too much climbing around and what not. Its about time I get some food in this tummy!" she said, linking her arm with his "Come on." she said, walking down to the dining hall where everyone would be eating their last meal of the day. "Smells good. I hope its salty, i love salty foods." thats one of the reason's why she was crazy! Salt was her most favorite seasoning and it was amazing. Making something taste so much better with just one thing on top of it. She loved it!

Walking in, she let go of Nesim and she seen her best friend sitting down with..Was his name Simon? Yeah, it had to be. She smiled a little and thought it was best to let Louise talk with him and sit with him. Seeing as Crystal always sat with her at dinner. She thought she could give her captain a little bit of space. She looked over at the cook and smiled, making her way over and grabbing her own plate "What is on the menu today, Sir Chef?" she asked, a smile on her lips

Was interacting with: @Purpleyedmiss

Mentioned: @Queen Rai @SkyGinge

Interacting: @Queen Rai
Samuel began to get bored as another girl walked up to him. Noémi, was that her name? Whatever, he might have been getting too much attention now. The guy who had introduced himself as Carter had walked away, leaving the two alone.

"Are you alright?"

Samuel was about to answer very rudely, but he stopped himself, as she spoke again.

"You're probably hungry, aren't you?"

Samuel nodded, looking up at the girl. He didn't want to be mean, but he was about to send her away, to not make her waste her time with him. "I am, but I do not need you to fetch me food. In fact, can you catch up to Carter, and tell him to not get me food? I'll be fine, and I don't need anyone to help me." This was very hypocritical of him to say, asking Carter to get him food a few moments earlier. He no longer wanted attention, he just wanted to watch the sky.
Food was served and carefully Carter balanced the two plates. He turned to the passed out drunk and grunted before leaving the room as inconspicuously as possible. He made his way to Samuel and set the plate down on top of the barrel. "There. I have no clue how yer goin ta eat but I brought yeh the food." He crossed his legs and sat down and began to shovel his own food into his mouth before he noticed the other girl standing there. Shocked, Carter sat there with food in his mouth and a nervous expression on his face. Just his luck that a cabin girl happened to be there.

He glanced down at his plate of food and groaned a little. Great, helping out a traitor, he could imagine the charges now. Stiffly he stood up and swept a little bow. He swallowed the rest of the food in his mouth. "M'lady, food is in the meal hall if yer hungry." He shot her a bit of an angry glance and hoped that she would keep her mouth shut. "By the way. I didn't give food to this man. Yeh didn't see that. Am I right?" He wasn't the most friendly of people but he did feel a little reluctant to threaten the girl. She was pretty young after all and she hadn't done anything wrong, but if he wanted to keep even the horrible position he had now he would have to hope she kept her mouth shut.


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