The plight of the flameborn race,first war upon the ice.


One Thousand Club
We for long have known in religious books of god that they say god came from the ashes of a kingdom. Most races havent thought about it, but what did it? What could burn down a kingdom so powerful god was born from the ashes? Simple. The flame of gods fall. A flame that had substance, could become solid but still hot at will, could travel large distances and didnt need to consume feul for large periods of time. It was a flame with life. Its power was unimaginable, alas it had little to consume due to the universe only existing for a short time before it came started to die out, what did it do? It gave fourth something to the universe to make up for what it took. A race of people where born from it, a race who could summon its power when in need. This race had unimaginable power. They are known as, the flameborn.

those born of the great flame faced many plights, opponents of great power and other dangers. Now we have another; a war. We are warring a race that controls water in its every form,mainly ice. Their name you wonder? The white walkers. They are powerful, so powerful they use the dead as their soldiers. Remaking them as walkers or lesser soldiers called wights; undead corpses with huge physical strength.

for long fire and ice have been known to be opposites. This time, we will see what wins.(will post the char sheet/rules and requirements soon)


1) write atleast 2 lines or more, give description(NOT meaning skip large periods of time and actions that may be interfered with unless twards a npc opponent you controll) nobody can go off"he/she nods" work together to post atleast that amount or more. If you cant think of anything ask someone for help on the shoutbox or through pm.


1)dont bring things from games or movies into the rp(unless approved through me) be original or just use the white walkers.

2)dont betray the race no matter the temptation, lest the rest of the race strip you of your powers

3) dont stupidly charge an opponent blindly. Use tactic and skill to beat high class opponents.

4) try not to get injured in every battle unless your opponents are very numerous, your a flameborn, not a simple thing to injure in a battle, remember that.

Char sheet


status in society(approve it through me first):

age(known to live over 100thoulsand years):

weapon(make it strong, dont want to find yourself in a sea of walkers with a crappy regular sword):

parents(can be gods, but the gods of chaos hell and balance are taken):

brief history(may have travelled the universe in past if you wish so):

extra powers(no telekenisis you nuclear bomb waiting to happen,flameborns are conservative of land, making it useless for hundreds of years isnt smart):

Looks(may be a description or picture):
Name: Maddilyn Jay James (Maddie)

Age: Appear's 17

Status in Society: (?)

Weapon: Bronz Sword; Silver engraved in Greek Numerals 'Of The Sea.' When the Sword is called upon, the Blade can Control Water

Parents: Neptune in Roman, Posideon in Greek

Brief History: Maddie was raised with her mother, Azailia, and her older sister, Dalivia. Although, one Night. A Fire had mysteriously caught to the house. Maddie was only known as Four years old. Her sister was Seven. In the Confusion, Maddie barely escaped. Her sister and Mother had not. The police showed up later, to find a small Maddie weeping on this Sidewalk. All she held was a necklace and a stuffed bunny. Later, they found the fire had started in Maddie's bedroom, underneath her bed. How she escaped, they had no clue.

Extra Powers: Multiplication of Self


View attachment 13792
Umm...the history can't be possible, as one born of flame would also be immune to it. But all other fields are Perfect.
(does it have to be a real photo?)

name:Nichole La'shay Lowe

age:looks 15

status in society:(?)

weapons:a sword made from a sea monster's scales and a bow made from the moons rays and arrows made of pegasus feathers.

appearance:View attachment 13837 weapon pics:View attachment 13838 View attachment 13839

parents: father is Zeus, mother was human and died long ago.

brief history:was raised by her mother Alyssa and her mother's abusive boyfriend. she loved taking archery and would always fight for her mom. then one day when she came home she found her mother on the floor she saw that she bled to death. the boyfriend was holding a bloody knife. he was shaking and her eyes were red no kindness was held. she killed him on the spot and packed up and ran from the town of where she lived.

her pet:View attachment 13840

Name: Jasper Valerian

Status in Society: {I'm sorry - don't know what this}.

Age: 18, 021 {He appears to be 24}.

Weapon: A staff-like spear featuring a clear diamond upon the hilt; this weapon allows him to manipulate the weather, giving him the ability to control rain, thunder, lightning, sunlight, etc.

Parents: His father was a poor farmer that worked often as to feed he and his son, but his mother was Athena of the Greek gods and goddesses.

Brief History: He spent the majority of his life travelling and exploring the universe, although he also placed a lot of dedication towards his education. He often wanders the world, helping and aiding others, whether they are greatly in need or simply can't pick something off a shelf. He is known for being incredibly talented in medicinal and surgical situations, and is also extremely experienced in unarmed combat or the use of his weapon and powers.

Extra Powers: Light Healing {The ability to heal through light, which the user usually projects from their hands - this allows them to manipulate light also}.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/kellan-lutz.jpg.ef7c276765daa06c7911509acaa82c91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/kellan-lutz.jpg.ef7c276765daa06c7911509acaa82c91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • kellan-lutz.jpg
    158.3 KB · Views: 22
The age is a bit outrageous(100k years at most of their age usually, so even 60k would resemble a 60 year old in age)but otherwise it's PERFECT huntress
Character Sheet

Name: Aria Scarlett

Status in Society: Sense she's only still considered a child, not much of a social reputation has been build yet.

Age: 14

Weapon: Katana "Firiara", Multiple Razor Sharp Throwing Knives, and Throwing Stars

Parents: Two regular flameborn

Brief History: Had a normal past. She lived a normal life. She was commonly exploited for her power to change the properties of a fire but other than that normal. She collected so-called "ninja weapons" and practiced using them for fun. The weapons interested her and she made a close bond with her katana to the point of naming it.

Extra Powers: Can emit small flames from her hands to help with little things and can increase the heat or change the color of any fire.


Sorry bout the image, it was being difficult.
Nikki ill start it up once I perfect my two chara sheets:) shouldn't take all that long(depending on how much my mind hates me)
Umm, I'd like to point out your age(but everyone is basically the same) is off(16-17 =16k-17k) but im ok with varying ages and the god that would take the place of your parent is taken(hades=the god of hell) but you can keep that but hades control is mine, as i have a plan for him
Name: Eris Thiana Maverick

Status in society: ...?

Age: 1,647 ((Did I get it right this time..?))

Weapon: A staff of mischief. That staff itself serves no purpose except to channel her natural abilities, or to hit people with it when the aggravate her. The staff is elegantly made from black metal and topped with a ruby.

Parents: Her father is the Loki, the Norse god of mischief, and her mother is his wife Sigyn.

Brief history: Loki and Sigyn had absolutely nothing to do with raising her. They dumped her in the mortal world and left her to survive on her own. It didn't take long for people to figure out that she wasn't normal. When ever she was nearby, bad things seemed to happen. Whether it was livestock dying or something as mundane as someone tripping and severely injuring themselves. She was soon run out of town when she was still quite small. Eris basically raised herself in the woods. It wasn't until several years later that her father finally appeared before her and presented her with her staff. He explained who and what he was to her. He also explained that she had inherited the powers of mischief and persuasion. When she was young, she couldn't control it. Thus bad things happened. However, he believed that the bad fortune and mischief could be directed and controlled now that she was older. She then returned to civilization and found that he was right. She also found that she had a love for pranking and terrorizing the general public. Although now she could persuade them that it wasn't her.

Extra powers: Can cause mischief and bad fortune. Is also very good with words and persuading others to listen to her.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/chica-fantasy---redhead-wallpapers_14950_1920x1200.jpg.4354e47dc9e8e9565fc24944084742df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/chica-fantasy---redhead-wallpapers_14950_1920x1200.jpg.4354e47dc9e8e9565fc24944084742df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • chica-fantasy---redhead-wallpapers_14950_1920x1200.jpg
    753.1 KB · Views: 31
name: ryan torelli

status in society(approve it through me first): lord of shadows

age(known to live over 100thoulsand years): 20,000 years old

weapon(make it strong, dont want to find yourself in a sea of walkers with a crappy regular sword): a morning star

parents(can be gods, but the gods of chaos hell and balance are taken): son of erebus (greek god of darkness)

brief history(may have travelled the universe in past if you wish so): after the grudge of dying, his body was tormented and punished for over , until a being appeared in his head by the name of erebus. erebus wanted his own child, and added his own spirit to the tortured soul, now going by the name of ryan. ryan wanted to be stronger, and his adoptive father took him in, with the new soul his dream will come true.

ryan will now punish all that should be in the world of darkness, with erebus now his father he rules the world of darkness, a world between the earth, heaven and hell. a limbo like plain much similer to earth where only the tourtured souls that cannot pass on get tourtured. ryan can also pass through to earth and back making it easier for him to collect the people that should belong in the realm of darkness.

extra powers(no telekenisis you nuclear bomb waiting to happen,flameborns are conservative of land, making it useless for hundreds of years isnt smart):

black mist form: using this he can move much faster and become much harder to hit

shadow blades: arms can become coated in darkness and sharper then a normal blade

shadow dummy: in quick situations he can swap places with his shadow to take any hits dealing no damage to the user however can only take one attack at a time<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/gastro.jpg.e27230c6e1802b3617b8e5dc8e8ddc5d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/gastro.jpg.e27230c6e1802b3617b8e5dc8e8ddc5d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • gastro.jpg
    35.2 KB · Views: 2
Accepted pain and around 18k years poison 
Ok, here's my character sheet, the rp will most likely start tonight.

Name:arcon minin

Age: 16,000(appearance is 16)

Status in society:the god of balance, his powers can call the power of fate down to balance the scales of power if he wishes

Weapon:the sword star splitter that can destroy an enemy with so much as a scratch.

Parents:the gods of hell and chaos.

History:a traveler of realms and a powerful lord of hell, the general of the new order there. He fought in many wars and once fell in love with a princess in the realm of the known lands, only to find a evil order he was leading the war against attacked her kingdom and killed her along with everyone else the day he was going to tell her his feelings. He was in such rage his powers set a new heat record as he burned hundreds of thousands of the members of the order, crushing it in one blow. He was hospitalized for 3 weeks afterward.

He befriended The first dragon, a bieng born not long after the flameborn race, older than any of them living today. He proposed the idea of the new order to his father and now the underworld fights to repair the evil it has caused over the millennia, a organization of demons and Lower gods of hell whom travel and destroy evil as they go.

Extra powers: his flame is near perfectly controlled and reaches insane heats, he knows a large amount of magic and can tick off most if he wishes to do so. He is the median of the two forces of order and chaos and sometimes may call upon their power when it is needed extremely, the risks of such a power are enormous and possibly universe ending but also are a last resort to Save the universe, also has a large physical rebound upon him and the effects vary on what power he calls upon.
Name: Vincent Aurelius

Status in Society: Blacksmith (Possibly If approved)

Age: 18,000 (18)

Weapon. War Hammer made from Onyx and toughened from the magical forge of his father. Magically enchanted so only he can wield the hammer without physical strain on the body.

Parents: Hephaestus, Mother unknown.

Brief History: Vincent was born the son of Hephaestus, the god of forge and fire yet he didn't really know much of his father as they barely had any contact. He was left at an orphanage as a young child by his father who didn't want him to be raised in the realm of the gods. As he aged, he became very interesting in the art of forge as it ran in his blood. He started as an apprentice of a black smith at a small forge on the outskirt of a village. A few year laters, The blacksmith that had taught him everything he knew had died and he was left to be the remaining blacksmith at the forge. He could determine the weakness or strength of a weapon or armor from a distance. He inherited this from his father as well as the increase of strength to hold heavy weapons which was needed in his occupation.

Extra Powers: The ability to determine the strengths and weakness of weapons and armor. Increased strength to weild such heavy weapons due to forging his whole life.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Lavi_by_Kairi_Chu.jpg.348e8533cb7b88a76fdfa9c24b82fd66.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="164" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Lavi_by_Kairi_Chu.jpg.348e8533cb7b88a76fdfa9c24b82fd66.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Lavi_by_Kairi_Chu.jpg
    122.3 KB · Views: 1
seems interesting enough. And BOOM! There it is, Tabs look better ;) *makes peace sign*

brief history:

extra powers(no telekenisis you nuclear bomb waiting to happen,flameborns are conservative of land, making it useless for hundreds of years isnt smart):


  • Kaze Satari

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