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Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

spaceadel said:

Name: Dimitry Romain Williker

Nickname: Dima

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Your Situation Why You're Here: He had neglectful parents and an abusive older brother, who nearly killed him. He has hemophilia and his brother nearly made him bleed out by cutting him with a knife on the arm. After he was released from the hospital (where no one came to see him), he refused to return home and tried to find somewhere else to live. He has to take medication to make sure his blood coagulates, but even a bloody nose can be dangerous for him. His parents saw him as frail so they neglected him, and his brother picked on him because he could.

Personality: Dima is a very kind and giving soul. He goes out of his way to cheer people up when they're having a bad day and he has the warmest smile. His goal is to be there for anyone, whenever he is able. While being kind, he is no pushover; he will stand up to anyone picking on someone else. He doesn't care enough about himself to think about the consequences of what would happen if he were to bleed. He is a sort of great defender, to some. Dima is also very stubborn, refusing help even at times when he desperately needs it. After being seen as so frail and weak by his family, he feels he needs to handle things himself in order to prove a point. In fact, the teen would much rather focus his energies on others instead of himself. It's this lack of self preservation that can cause him problems. Thankfully, medications help manage his condition so even his worst mistakes are slightly better than they could be. He may be a sweet person, but he has a temper that can flare at any time. Typically, he as a rather long fuse, but there are times where he will fly off the handle under certain circumstances. He has a tendency to keep all of his own negativity bottled up in order to better help others, but it can lead him to a breakdown when he gets overwhelmed. Dima refuses to let other people see his true emotions because, truthfully, he has a very hard time trusting. After everything his family put him through, he would much rather keep people at arm's length as best he can, while still remaining friendly and helpful. So, as such, he does tend to have a rather large amount of friends, but none of them really know his darker side. Another trait Dima possesses is an overflowing fountain of creativity. He is always coming up with new ideas and can sometimes be quite the space cadet.

Appearance: Dima loves to dye his hair all sorts of colors. He changes the color very often. He has eyes so blue and icy that they are almost violet. The teen also has a pierced lip, despite the fact that it could have been very dangerous for him. He also wants to try and get a tattoo but he doesn't have the money, currently. Dima stands at 5'11" and weighs in at about 145 lbs. He has some hidden muscle from his training in martial arts so many tend to underestimate him.

Biography: The teen was born as the youngest son to wealthy parents (a Russian mother and an American father). They weren't around very often, always busy with their work, so he was left in the care of nannies and with his older brother. For the first ten years of his life, him and his brother, Vlad, were practically inseparable, but something changed in his brother later in their life together. The man started getting involved in the wrong crowd when he turned sixteen (he is six years older than Dima) and it changed him for the worse. For the first time, instead of wanting to keep Dima safe, he saw just how frail and hindering his love for his brother was. He grew cold, completely ignoring his younger brother, who was left utterly bewildered by the sudden change. Dima was diagnosed with hemophilia at the age of eight, after a rather nasty nosebleed that wouldn't stop. He had always looked rather sickly and weak, but he grew out of that when he became a teenager. The same year he was diagnosed, the male discovered his love for art, particularly painting and sketching. Later, he also found a love for singing and had a talent for it. Two years later, he started taking martial arts, as if to try to prove to himself and others that he wasn't weak. As the years passed, his talents grew and, when he hit high school, he was very good at art and music. He was in the choir and took art classes for fun. Despite his slightly nerdy and artsy nature, the male had a lot of friends; even a lot of the jocks seemed to like him. But, this was where his fighting talents were put to the test. He defended many people from bullies and would happily throw himself in the line of fire to make certain others were safe. Aside from his home life, which had become very strained since his brother decided that he no longer wanted anything to do with him, he had a fairly decent high school career. Just after he graduated high school, him and his brother got into a fight, which ended in Vlad slicing him open with a knife, just above a vein in his wrist. He started bleeding out almost instantly; the maid barely had enough time to call for an ambulance before he slipped into unconsciousness. After three days in the hospital, Dima was released and, with no one to pick him up or really care if he returned, he decided to try to find somewhere else to stay. He didn't want to face his brother again, not knowing what the other would do; it hurt him greatly to know that their relationship had changed for no visible reason. In truth, Dima really knew nothing about what was going on in his brother's life, or maybe he would have understood. Regardless, he ran off into the forest, not planning to return to a home where he wasn't wanted or needed.




Writing songs

Martial arts



Trust issues

Lack of self preservation

Refusing help

Other/Cure: Dima just wants to show everyone that ever doubted him that he wasn't weak. He wants to prove that he is just as strong as everyone else, despite his incurable disease. While he would never voice it, all he wants is to be accepted for who he truly is, the good and the bad. He wants someone to break down his walls and make him feel wanted. Even if it's just one person, that would be enough for him.
Accepted, Join when you want ^-^


Name: Lilith Baxter

Nickname: Usually called Lily

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Your Situation Why You're Here: Lilith's parents were killed and brutally mutilated. She discovered the graphic remains. Lilith suffers from bipolar disorders, visual and auditory hallucinations, and seasonal affective disorder which most people mistake for anti-social personality disorder.

Personality: Before the situation, Lilith was a ball of joy. She loved being kind and helpful. She was also a very loyal pacifist who despised fighting. She's quite tiny, standing at 5'1, but it never bothered her. She did get bothered, however, when her very tall cousins and relatives teased her - either jokingly or in actual bullying - about her short height. After the situation, she knew she was totally incapable of trusting anyone anymore because anyone could be as dangerous as the murderer that killed both of her parents. Instead, of grief filling the large hole left in her heart, it was filled with 60% insecurity and 40% grief. As time passed, the grief lowered to 20%. She became so livid that she didn't care if others saw her bloodshot red eyes from crying, randomly get into angry outbursts, or release her emotions in some other cathartic way. This was surprising because she used to be incredibly self-conscious and hated if anyone saw her shed a tear. Now, instead of getting enraged, she usually cries, but her crying isn't violent. It's very soft and pitiful.

Appearance: Lilith is a small girl who stands at 5'1 and weighs about 110 pounds. Her face has some chubbiness and she has a rounded chin and bright hazel eyes with medium-length eyelashes. She has an upturned nose and dyes her long natural brunette hair all kinds of colors ranging from blue to orange to black with green or blue tips to rainbow. She has tiny fallen lips, dimples, and rarely wears any makeup. She has stud earrings and a golden nose ring.

Biography: Lilith was born in Syracuse, New York to two wealthy physical therapists. She was raised pretty well but was a bit spoiled throughout her childhood. She was mostly respectful but fierce when it came to others berating her opinions. She was put in a professional private school and had many friends there. Then, tragedy struck when she was 11. Her parents were found dead, their bodies mutilated and their limbs were found scattered in the backyard of the Baxter home. Lilith found these remains while being walked home by her aunt who lived about 20 miles away when Lilith's parents didn't show up to drive her home. Lilith's aunt reported it to the police which triggered a massive investigation that ended up depressing the little girl. She first dyed her long hair blue and kept it that way, becoming a target for ridicule and being called a depressed emo over and over until she finally snapped and others had to get stitches because of the wounds she gave them from the outburst. Lilith was suspended for some time and was not angry, but anxious when she went back to school. Winter depressed her very much, so winter breaks were no longer enjoyable. Finally, a few weeks after her 15th birthday, the killer was found, an older man in his 30s. He pleaded not guilty, but they were too quick to take action and he was sentenced to death. A few months later, they realized he was NOT the killer. The real killer was an 18-year-old female with a psychotic personality disorder and other mental issues. Instead of being sentenced to death like the man who never committed the crime, she was sentenced to life in prison with parole. Lilith was very enraged by this and blames it on sexism because they put to death a man who was innocent but put a psycho in prison WITH possible parole. She was so enraged she ran away and roamed the streets.

Strength: Lilith is very good at singing and finds joy in poetry.

Although she's very problematic, she still occasionally shows a sliver of kindness to certain people.


She has very extreme trust issues.

She suffers from hallucinations and is almost misanthropic for insecurity reasons.

She's also a bit suicidal.

Other: Lilith has a unique Britsh accent.​
Name: Basil Williams

Nickname: Basil is his nickname, his real name is Bennett. He prefers going by Basil though for some reason.

Age: 15

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Background of the Situation: (Optional)

Your Situation Why You're Here: His parents were abusive towards him, and his older brothers did nothing to help. Basil would always have bruises or scrapes on his body. He will be discovered by the owner of the house.

Personality: Shy, innocent, trustworthy, easily frightened.


Biography: Basil was born in Nashville, Tennessee. He was abused by his parents for the way he looked. He spent his time listening to music if he could. Most of the time though, he was being abused. He escaped, and is currently heading towards the house.

Strength: Fast reader

Weakness: Scared of the dark

Other/Cure: Basil did not bring supplies with him.

Ldybug123 said:
Name: Basil Williams
Nickname: Basil is his nickname, his real name is Bennett. He prefers going by Basil though for some reason.

Age: 15

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Background of the Situation: (Optional)

Your Situation Why You're Here: His parents were abusive towards him, and his older brothers did nothing to help. Basil would always have bruises or scrapes on his body. He will be discovered by the owner of the house.

Personality: Shy, innocent, trustworthy, easily frightened.


Biography: Basil was born in Nashville, Tennessee. He was abused by his parents for the way he looked. He spent his time listening to music if he could. Most of the time though, he was being abused. He escaped, and is currently heading towards the house.

Strength: Fast reader

Weakness: Scared of the dark

Other/Cure: Basil did not bring supplies with him.

(OMERGAWD CHARLIE MCDONALD but yea you're accepted c:)

General Information Alice is a female, her nickname is Wolf. She is pansexual and sixteen years old.

Why You're Here Wolf never got along with other kids; she was impulsive, violent, passionate and childish. She tended to lash out on accident but never really apologised. After she switched schools some of the other students tried to be friendly with her, but she would always say the wrong thing at the wrong time, and eventually everyone ignored her and made fun of her. Finally she hit one of the other students and was suspended from school, so she ran away, hoping to find some place without anyone to hurt, and anyone to hide from.

Appearance Short (5'1), big brown eyes, long black hair that's been dyed pale lavender at the tips. four typical piercings in her ears and three cartilage. wears bleached faded jean shorts and a baggy black hoodie. Shoes are black combat boots with lavender ribbon laces.

Biography Her mother was the manager of a hospital, her father was a biochemical engineer. Wolf was actually an accident, her older sister was the loved one, the perfect one. To her family Wolf was just quiet, stoic, cold, arrogant. She grew to love the invisibility she had from growing up in her older sister's shadow. When she was a kid after she had bitten another child people started calling her wolf, the name stuck.

Strengths & Weaknesses Is good at playing the piano, is bad with apologies.

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[QUOTE="Aquaria Wolf]

Name: Alice

Nickname: Wolf

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pan-sexual

Your Situation Why You're Here: Wolf never got along with other kids; she was impulsive, violent, passionate and childish. She tended to lash out on accident by never really apologised. After she switched schools some of the other students tried to be friendly with her, but she would always say the wrong thing at the wrong time, and eventually everyone ignored her and made fun of her. Finally she hit one of the other students and was suspended from school, so she ran away, hoping to find some place without anyone to hurt, and anyone to hide from.

Personality: Impulsive, calculating, childish, violent, sweet, and frustrating.

Appearance: Short (5'1), big brown eyes, long black hair that's been dyed pale lavender at the tips. four typical piercings in her ears and three cartilage. wears bleached faded jean shorts and a baggy black hoodie. Shoes are black combat boots with lavender ribbon laces.

Biography: Her mother was the manager of a hospital, her father was a biochemical engineer. Wolf was actually an accident, her older sister was the loved one, the perfect one, to her family Wolf was just quiet, stoic, cold, arrogant. When she was a kid after she had bitten another child people started calling her wolf, the name stuck.

Strength: Playing the piano

Weakness: Apologising.

Join in when you would like c:
Name: Flynn Powell

Age: 17

Gender: Agender but comfortable being referred to as male (he/him pronouns)

Sexuality: Grey-ace

Background of the Situation: (Optional) Flynn's mother came from a bad place. She ended up in the wrong crowd and got into some bad situations. One day, she found out she was pregnant, and she didn't know who the father was. A kind person at heart, she was determined to find someone to be a father for her child. A few months after giving birth, she did. Everything was fine, and he seemed like a nice guy. However, after he had lured her in, his personality flipped. He was aggressive, manipulative, and uncontrollable, leaving Flynn's mother in such a battered state physically and mentally that she was unable to leave the relationship, not to mention that the man had threatened to kill her if she tried to leave or report him to the police. The man was abusive to Flynn as well, one time badly scarring Flynn with acid, but over the years was generally physically and verbally abusive.

Your Situation Why You're Here: Flynn ran from his family. He hated the yelling and screaming night after night and he couldn't stand seeing his mother take punches for him because he could see how hard she was trying, however he knew she couldn't do anything else to help him. After a couple suicide attempts at 14 and 16, he decided that death was not the way to escape his situation. He began wandering in the dead of night and ended up here.

Personality: Flynn had been in the situation his entire life, so it greatly impacted his personality. He doesn't trust people, and he's never really met someone and had the relationship last long enough for him to open up to them, so he tends to bottle up everything he feels. He is deathly scared of loud noises, the dark, and small spaces. He has crippling anxiety and it is nearly impossible for him to talk in groups of more than four or five and he doesn't talk to anyone that he doesn't know. Since he has been emotionally manipulated from a young age, he feels constant guilt for everything and feels like he is worth nothing. For those that have the privilege of truly getting to know him, he is a very sympathetic and caring person, and loves just spending time in the same room as another person, reading or watching tv with them. He is a great listener because he likes to listen to other people's problems to take his mind off of his own.

Appearance: 6'2", skinny, shoulder-length blond hair. Flynn's nose is crooked and he has a bad acid burn scar on his right cheek. He wears foundation every day to cover it, and often wears heavy black eye makeup as well. He usually wears button-up shirts (always long sleeves) and jeans, and wears creepers every day.

Biography: Flynn was raised in a poor household with an abusive father. When he was two, his father attacked him with acid and left him with a bad scar on the right side of his face. He was bullied all through school, both verbally and physically. Throughout elementary school, he was called "Meat-face," which devolved into more common taunts of "I'm uncultured" as he got older and after he came out as gay in 6th grade. In his freshman year of high school, he got in a fight after allegedly looking at another student "in a gay way." This fight broke his nose and left him badly bruised. His bruises healed, but his nose was never reset and remains crooked. Flynn began self-harming in 7th grade, when he was only 12. When he was 13, he tried to kill himself but failed. He remained depressed for years and when he was 16 he tried to kill himself again, and this time was a lot closer to death but ultimately survived. He is always covered in bruises from his father and cuts from himself. He is constantly in physical and mental pain, but somehow finds the motivation to believe he is worth at least something.

Strength: Excellent singer, good listener, very eloquent in the rare event that he does talk

Weakness: Above stated fears, is often seen as having "too much baggage", has a hard time letting himself have fun

Name: Katrina Lynn

Nickname: Kate, Kat

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Background of Situation: She was at her boyfriends house just watching a movie and everything was perfectly fine. Then he started kissing her and she went along with it but when he started trying to take her clothes off she pushed him back saying she wasn't ready. Then he brutally beat her because she wasn't becoming submissive. He raped her and then threw her out of his house. Never heard from him since then. She disappeared and she found an old looking house and she got curious.

Your Situation Why You're Here: She was brutally beaten and raped by her supposed "boyfriend" and got pregnant.

Personality: She is very closed off to people and doesn't socialize much.nshe will typically be quiet and she is very polite and won't force people to tell her a hint and she is very passive. She was nothing like this before but that situation changed her. She won't argue but doesn't let her true emotions come through. She can read other people's emotions surprisingly well and she picks up on little things. She doesn't know how to trust people and will keep to herself most of the time. If she does really trust someone she will talk to them and trust them and open up to them but she has found no one she can really trust


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.0c1170a2681efbd7cce6efa2f794254a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.0c1170a2681efbd7cce6efa2f794254a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has the hair style seen above. Her hair was originally all black but then she dyed part of it blue. She is 5'6 and has a nose piercing. She has smooth pale skin and deep blue eyes.

Biography: She grew up with a normal life, loving parents, good neighborhood, friends. She used to be this loud, happy person before the incident happened. She would always be out going and then she changed. In school she was never the odd one out and had an amazing group of friends. She always got good grades and was a generally happy person. After the incident happened, her grades started to fall. She disappeared about a week after it happened and she came across this house that looked like it was destroyed. She was curious so she decided to walk in.


- Can tell when someone is lying

- Is peicing herself back together piece by piece

- Has a photographic memory


- Can't stand being touched unless she can trust the person

- Has a photographic memory

- Has Insomia and needs sleeping pills


She is three months pregnant

Can play the flute and piano



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Splo said:


Name: Lilith Baxter

Nickname: Usually called Lily

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Your Situation Why You're Here: Lilith's parents were killed and brutally mutilated. She discovered the graphic remains. Lilith suffers from bipolar disorders, visual and auditory hallucinations, and seasonal affective disorder which most people mistake for anti-social personality disorder.

Personality: Before the situation, Lilith was a ball of joy. She loved being kind and helpful. She was also a very loyal pacifist who despised fighting. She's quite tiny, standing at 5'1, but it never bothered her. She did get bothered, however, when her very tall cousins and relatives teased her - either jokingly or in actual bullying - about her short height. After the situation, she knew she was totally incapable of trusting anyone anymore because anyone could be as dangerous as the murderer that killed both of her parents. Instead, of grief filling the large hole left in her heart, it was filled with 60% insecurity and 40% grief. As time passed, the grief lowered to 20%. She became so livid that she didn't care if others saw her bloodshot red eyes from crying, randomly get into angry outbursts, or release her emotions in some other cathartic way. This was surprising because she used to be incredibly self-conscious and hated if anyone saw her shed a tear. Now, instead of getting enraged, she usually cries, but her crying isn't violent. It's very soft and pitiful.

Appearance: Lilith is a small girl who stands at 5'1 and weighs about 110 pounds. Her face has some chubbiness and she has a rounded chin and bright hazel eyes with medium-length eyelashes. She has an upturned nose and dyes her long natural brunette hair all kinds of colors ranging from blue to orange to black with green or blue tips to rainbow. She has tiny fallen lips, dimples, and rarely wears any makeup. She has stud earrings and a golden nose ring.

Biography: Lilith was born in Syracuse, New York to two wealthy physical therapists. She was raised pretty well but was a bit spoiled throughout her childhood. She was mostly respectful but fierce when it came to others berating her opinions. She was put in a professional private school and had many friends there. Then, tragedy struck when she was 11. Her parents were found dead, their bodies mutilated and their limbs were found scattered in the backyard of the Baxter home. Lilith found these remains while being walked home by her aunt who lived about 20 miles away when Lilith's parents didn't show up to drive her home. Lilith's aunt reported it to the police which triggered a massive investigation that ended up depressing the little girl. She first dyed her long hair blue and kept it that way, becoming a target for ridicule and being called a depressed emo over and over until she finally snapped and others had to get stitches because of the wounds she gave them from the outburst. Lilith was suspended for some time and was not angry, but anxious when she went back to school. Winter depressed her very much, so winter breaks were no longer enjoyable. Finally, a few weeks after her 15th birthday, the killer was found, an older man in his 30s. He pleaded not guilty, but they were too quick to take action and he was sentenced to death. A few months later, they realized he was NOT the killer. The real killer was an 18-year-old female with a psychotic personality disorder and other mental issues. Instead of being sentenced to death like the man who never committed the crime, she was sentenced to life in prison with parole. Lilith was very enraged by this and blames it on sexism because they put to death a man who was innocent but put a psycho in prison WITH possible parole. She was so enraged she ran away and roamed the streets.

Strength: Lilith is very good at singing and finds joy in poetry.

Although she's very problematic, she still occasionally shows a sliver of kindness to certain people.


She has very extreme trust issues.

She suffers from hallucinations and is almost misanthropic for insecurity reasons.

She's also a bit suicidal.

Other: Lilith has a unique Britsh accent.​
ScarlettRose16 said:

Name: Katrina Lynn

Nickname: Kate, Kat

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Background of Situation: She was at her boyfriends house just watching a movie and everything was perfectly fine. Then he started kissing her and she went along with it but when he started trying to take her clothes off she pushed him back saying she wasn't ready. Then he brutally beat her because she wasn't becoming submissive. He raped her and then threw her out of his house. Never heard from him since then. She disappeared and she found an old looking house and she got curious.

Your Situation Why You're Here: She was brutally beaten and raped by her supposed "boyfriend" and got pregnant.

Personality: She is very closed off to people and doesn't socialize much.nshe will typically be quiet and she is very polite and won't force people to tell her a hint and she is very passive. She was nothing like this before but that situation changed her. She won't argue but doesn't let her true emotions come through. She can read other people's emotions surprisingly well and she picks up on little things. She doesn't know how to trust people and will keep to herself most of the time. If she does really trust someone she will talk to them and trust them and open up to them but she has found no one she can really trust


View attachment 221022

She has the hair style seen above. Her hair was originally all black but then she dyed part of it blue. She is 5'6 and has a nose piercing. She has smooth pale skin and deep blue eyes.

Biography: She grew up with a normal life, loving parents, good neighborhood, friends. She used to be this loud, happy person before the incident happened. She would always be out going and then she changed. In school she was never the odd one out and had an amazing group of friends. She always got good grades and was a generally happy person. After the incident happened, her grades started to fall. She disappeared about a week after it happened and she came across this house that looked like it was destroyed. She was curious so she decided to walk in.


- Can tell when someone is lying

- Is peicing herself back together piece by piece

- Has a photographic memory


- Can't stand being touched unless she is really close with the person

- Has a photographic memory

- Has Insomia and needs sleeping pills


She is three months pregnant

Accepted! Sorry for the late reply! I didn't get a notification
Name: Haley Marie Henderson

Nickname: (Optional) Haley

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Background of the Situation: (Optional)

Haley's parents got a divorce when she was 15, and her mom remarried. The man she remarried, winked at Haley when he first met her. And when her mother was at work, he would corner her and force himself on her. She tried to hold him off as long as she could, until one day he beat her until she blacked out and raped her. This continued for a few months until Haley ran away when he was on a date with her mom.

Your Situation Why You're Here: She was raped and abused.

Personality: (Do not put in, you'll figure it out later in the story. It is mandatory to put it in now.) Before situation and after situation is optional.

Before: Haley used to be open and smile a lot. She used to tell a lot of jokes and use sarcasm frequently. She was very much an extrovert and thrived on contact with other people.

After: She is very reserved and doesn't talk anymore. She never makes eye contact with others and distances herself from everyone else.

Appearance: Description (You may add a picture, it's not mandatory. Realistic recommended)

She has dark chestnut colored hair and sky blue eyes. Her skin is very fair and her ears are pierced though you can't ever see them through her long hair. She has an entire collection of bruises and scars on her arms, specifically her shoulders, stomach, and inner thighs. This is why she always wears a jacket and jeans.


Biography: (Do not put in, you'll figure it out later in the story. It is mandatory to put it in now) Haley was 15 when her parents got a divorce. Her mother stayed single for about 3 years, as she was struck with the grief of the divorce. Haley had encouraged her to get out there and start dating again. When her mom did, she brought home a rough looking man. Haley was immediately scared of him. She tried to distance herself from him, but he was clearly attracted to her and wanted to "get some". He wouldn't take no for an answer. One day when her mom was at work, it happened. And Haley's never been the same since.

Strength: (At least 1. Max is 5) She's compassionate and empathetic.

Weakness: (At least 1. Max is 6) She blames herself for her abuse, and any time a male touches her she has a panic attack, she hasn't spoken since it happened.

Other/Cure: (Optional)
Name: Crystal


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Background of the Situation:

"We need the money, Crystal. Please.. do it for daddy."

"But this is wrong... I don't want to do this." Crystal said. She looked at her dad then at the middle aged man. Her dad gave her a pleading look.


The man took Crystal and gave her dad a large stack of money.

Crystal was stuck in a house with other girls for a few months. She did sexual things for men.. and as long as she did it, her dad got paid. The 13 yr old girl prayed for her dad to pick her up.. save her. But he didn't. At 17 they were discovered and freed. Crystal roamed streets, unsure of what to do. She then found a woman's shelter and stayed there. Crystal never spoke.

Your Situation Why You're Here: Went through Sex Trafficking. Doesn't know a lot about the world. Scared. Has no family or friends.


BEFORE: Crystal was bubbly and funny. She was almost like the class clown. All of her teachers adored her. Crystal was kind of dramatic, but people still loved her.

AFTER: She got out at 17. She never spoke to anyone and broke out in sobs at random times. She was afraid of men and can't stand them looking at her or touching her.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Screenshot_2016-02-03-17-08-38.png.22d88d72c8f84a3afb464ba43f3dfedb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103680" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Screenshot_2016-02-03-17-08-38.png.22d88d72c8f84a3afb464ba43f3dfedb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Biography: Crystal was born April 15th. Her mother died in childbirth. Crystal's father tried to raise her the best he could, he worked more than one job to keep the house. He didn't have a degree, so it was hard to find a good job. When she was 13 they were about to loose the house their house and so her father wanted her to do "things" so they would get money. It was only supposed to be for one night, but when her dad found out he could get more money, he let her stay there.


Weakness: nightmares

Cure/other: she is afraid to get close to people but just wants someone to love her. When she is crying she wants someone to hold her. She loves cats.



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Dlew73 said:
Name: Flynn Powell
Age: 17

Gender: Agender but comfortable being referred to as male (he/him pronouns)

Sexuality: Grey-ace

Background of the Situation: (Optional) Flynn's mother came from a bad place. She ended up in the wrong crowd and got into some bad situations. One day, she found out she was pregnant, and she didn't know who the father was. A kind person at heart, she was determined to find someone to be a father for her child. A few months after giving birth, she did. Everything was fine, and he seemed like a nice guy. However, after he had lured her in, his personality flipped. He was aggressive, manipulative, and uncontrollable, leaving Flynn's mother in such a battered state physically and mentally that she was unable to leave the relationship, not to mention that the man had threatened to kill her if she tried to leave or report him to the police. The man was abusive to Flynn as well, one time badly scarring Flynn with acid, but over the years was generally physically and verbally abusive.

Your Situation Why You're Here: Flynn ran from his family. He hated the yelling and screaming night after night and he couldn't stand seeing his mother take punches for him because he could see how hard she was trying, however he knew she couldn't do anything else to help him. After a couple suicide attempts at 14 and 16, he decided that death was not the way to escape his situation. He began wandering in the dead of night and ended up here.

Personality: Flynn had been in the situation his entire life, so it greatly impacted his personality. He doesn't trust people, and he's never really met someone and had the relationship last long enough for him to open up to them, so he tends to bottle up everything he feels. He is deathly scared of loud noises, the dark, and small spaces. He has crippling anxiety and it is nearly impossible for him to talk in groups of more than four or five and he doesn't talk to anyone that he doesn't know. Since he has been emotionally manipulated from a young age, he feels constant guilt for everything and feels like he is worth nothing. For those that have the privilege of truly getting to know him, he is a very sympathetic and caring person, and loves just spending time in the same room as another person, reading or watching tv with them. He is a great listener because he likes to listen to other people's problems to take his mind off of his own.

Appearance: 6'2", skinny, shoulder-length blond hair. Flynn's nose is crooked and he has a bad acid burn scar on his right cheek. He wears foundation every day to cover it, and often wears heavy black eye makeup as well. He usually wears button-up shirts (always long sleeves) and jeans, and wears creepers every day.

Biography: Flynn was raised in a poor household with an abusive father. When he was two, his father attacked him with acid and left him with a bad scar on the right side of his face. He was bullied all through school, both verbally and physically. Throughout elementary school, he was called "Meat-face," which devolved into more common taunts of "I'm uncultured" as he got older and after he came out as gay in 6th grade. In his freshman year of high school, he got in a fight after allegedly looking at another student "in a gay way." This fight broke his nose and left him badly bruised. His bruises healed, but his nose was never reset and remains crooked. Flynn began self-harming in 7th grade, when he was only 12. When he was 13, he tried to kill himself but failed. He remained depressed for years and when he was 16 he tried to kill himself again, and this time was a lot closer to death but ultimately survived. He is always covered in bruises from his father and cuts from himself. He is constantly in physical and mental pain, but somehow finds the motivation to believe he is worth at least something.

Strength: Excellent singer, good listener, very eloquent in the rare event that he does talk

Weakness: Above stated fears, is often seen as having "too much baggage", has a hard time letting himself have fun
[QUOTE="Ayuna Kusado]Name: Haley Marie Henderson
Nickname: (Optional) Haley

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Background of the Situation: (Optional)

Haley's parents got a divorce when she was 15, and her mom remarried. The man she remarried, winked at Haley when he first met her. And when her mother was at work, he would corner her and force himself on her. She tried to hold him off as long as she could, until one day he beat her until she blacked out and raped her. This continued for a few months until Haley ran away when he was on a date with her mom.

Your Situation Why You're Here: She was raped and abused.

Personality: (Do not put in, you'll figure it out later in the story. It is mandatory to put it in now.) Before situation and after situation is optional.

Before: Haley used to be open and smile a lot. She used to tell a lot of jokes and use sarcasm frequently. She was very much an extrovert and thrived on contact with other people.

After: She is very reserved and doesn't talk anymore. She never makes eye contact with others and distances herself from everyone else.

Appearance: Description (You may add a picture, it's not mandatory. Realistic recommended)

She has dark chestnut colored hair and sky blue eyes. Her skin is very fair and her ears are pierced though you can't ever see them through her long hair. She has an entire collection of bruises and scars on her arms, specifically her shoulders, stomach, and inner thighs. This is why she always wears a jacket and jeans.


Biography: (Do not put in, you'll figure it out later in the story. It is mandatory to put it in now) Haley was 15 when her parents got a divorce. Her mother stayed single for about 3 years, as she was struck with the grief of the divorce. Haley had encouraged her to get out there and start dating again. When her mom did, she brought home a rough looking man. Haley was immediately scared of him. She tried to distance herself from him, but he was clearly attracted to her and wanted to "get some". He wouldn't take no for an answer. One day when her mom was at work, it happened. And Haley's never been the same since.

Strength: (At least 1. Max is 5) She's compassionate and empathetic.

Weakness: (At least 1. Max is 6) She blames herself for her abuse, and any time a male touches her she has a panic attack, she hasn't spoken since it happened.

Other/Cure: (Optional)

KpopSenpai said:
Name: Crystal

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Background of the Situation:

"We need the money, Crystal. Please.. do it for daddy."

"But this is wrong... I don't want to do this." Crystal said. She looked at her dad then at the middle aged man. Her dad gave her a pleading look.


The man took Crystal and gave her dad a large stack of money.

Crystal was stuck in a house with other girls for a few months. She did sexual things for men.. and as long as she did it, her dad got paid. The 13 yr old girl prayed for her dad to pick her up.. save her. But he didn't. At 17 they were discovered and freed. Crystal roamed streets, unsure of what to do. She then found a woman's shelter and stayed there. Crystal never spoke.

Your Situation Why You're Here: Went through Sex Trafficking. Doesn't know a lot about the world. Scared. Has no family or friends.


BEFORE: Crystal was bubbly and funny. She was almost like the class clown. All of her teachers adored her. Crystal was kind of dramatic, but people still loved her.

AFTER: She got out at 17. She never spoke to anyone and broke out in sobs at random times. She was afraid of men and can't stand them looking at her or touching her.

Appearance: View attachment 231255

Biography: Crystal was born April 15th. Her mother died in childbirth. Crystal's father tried to raise her the best he could, he worked more than one job to keep the house. He didn't have a degree, so it was hard to find a good job. When she was 13 they were about to loose the house their house and so her father wanted her to do "things" so they would get money. It was only supposed to be for one night, but when her dad found out he could get more money, he let her stay there.


Weakness: nightmares

Cure/other: she is afraid to get close to people but just wants someone to love her. When she is crying she wants someone to hold her. She loves cats.
I haven't been getting notifications... sorry for the late replies... Join whenever~
Name: Diana Aller

Nickname: Di

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Background of the Situation, Your Situation Why You're Here:

Diana grew up living the American dream, or so everyone in her life thought. Her parents appeared to be happily married but behind closed doors is always a different story. Her father on a daily basis until it went too far. One night her mother was killed, in her fathers mind it was her fault. Turning on her, her father tried to kill her. She managed to get away by turning one of his guns on him and shooting him at point blank range.

After the police had investigated the scene on arrival, it turns out her mother had filed charges against him for domestic abuse which was what triggered him. Shaking, she was looked after by the social services until she was sent to live with her elderly grandmother. The woman had demensia and soon forgot about her grand daughter and Diana wondered until she ended up with the others.



Diana used to be a happy girl, not a bitchy beauty queen but still popular. She was actively involved in many activities. She was a social focal point in school. Despite the goings on in her home she was able to show the world she was fine.


After everything happened, Diana's outgoing nature vanished and she became withdrawn and quiet. After leaving her grandmothers house she ended up in the house with the others.





After what happened, Diana discovered that she was pregnant by her boyfriend at the time. With all the changes going on she found herself alone with her pregnancy pending. This helped harden her resolve to make it on her own. Because of this she tends to shut people out, the only exception is the kind old lady who let her live in the house.

Strength: Despite what happened, Diana has become a stronger person even though she has become more quiet she has a new found strength, more aware of the world and that everything does not always have to be happy.

Weakness: She has become more withdrawn from others, however she becomes highly defensive over people younger than herself if they are in trouble. One sure fire way to get to Diana, she always puts herself on the line for those younger than herself. Children are her weak spot.
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[QUOTE="The Dragon Rider]Name: Diana Aller
Nickname: Di

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Background of the Situation: (Optional)

Your Situation Why You're Here:

Diana grew up living the American dream, or so everyone in her life thought. Her parents appeared to be happily married but behind closed doors is always a different story. Her father on a daily basis until it went too far. One night her mother was killed, in her fathers mind it was her fault. Turning on her, her father tried to kill her. She managed to get away by turning one of his guns on him and shooting him at point blank range.

After the police had investigated the scene on arrival, it turns out her mother had filed charges against him for domestic abuse which was what triggered him. Shaking, she was looked after by the social services until she was sent to live with her elderly grandmother. The woman had demensia and soon forgot about her grand daughter and Diana wondered until she ended up with the others.


Before: Diana used to be a happy girl, not a bitchy beauty queen but still popular. She was actively involved in many activites.

(have to go when I was working on this and I had to leave)

Appearance: Description (You may add a picture, it's not mandatory. Realistic recommended)

Biography: (Do not put in, you'll figure it out later in the story. It is mandatory to put it in now)

Strength: (At least 1. Max is 5)

Weakness: (At least 1. Max is 6)

Other/Cure: (Optional)

[QUOTE="The Dragon Rider]Name: Diana Aller
Nickname: Di

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Background of the Situation, Your Situation Why You're Here:

Diana grew up living the American dream, or so everyone in her life thought. Her parents appeared to be happily married but behind closed doors is always a different story. Her father on a daily basis until it went too far. One night her mother was killed, in her fathers mind it was her fault. Turning on her, her father tried to kill her. She managed to get away by turning one of his guns on him and shooting him at point blank range.

After the police had investigated the scene on arrival, it turns out her mother had filed charges against him for domestic abuse which was what triggered him. Shaking, she was looked after by the social services until she was sent to live with her elderly grandmother. The woman had demensia and soon forgot about her grand daughter and Diana wondered until she ended up with the others.



Diana used to be a happy girl, not a bitchy beauty queen but still popular. She was actively involved in many activities. She was a social focal point in school. Despite the goings on in her home she was able to show the world she was fine.


After everything happened, Diana's outgoing nature vanished and she became withdrawn and quiet. After leaving her grandmothers house she ended up in the house with the others.





After what happened, Diana discovered that she was pregnant by her boyfriend at the time. With all the changes going on she found herself alone with her pregnancy pending. This helped harden her resolve to make it on her own. Because of this she tends to shut people out, the only exception is the kind old lady who let her live in the house.

Strength: Despite what happened, Diana has become a stronger person even though she has become more quiet she has a new found strength, more aware of the world and that everything does not always have to be happy.

Weakness: She has become more withdrawn from others, however she becomes highly defensive over people younger than herself if they are in trouble. One sure fire way to get to Diana, she always puts herself on the line for those younger than herself. Children are her weak spot.

Accepted :D

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