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Fantasy The Pit [Started, Closed]

At the last second, Cera could see the blur of the spikes off from the corner of her eye. Without thinking, half of her body from the waist down had reduced itself to its liquidized form while the upper have took the several punctures. The upper half flew back a couple of feet from the force, but her liquidized form had quickly circled around Cas, forming a thick puddle as she began to reform herself. She formed a fiery javelin out of fire and promptly threw it at her opponent, it piercing through the air with a high pitched scream. The arena bell rang out and the power that gave them their abilities had disabled itself, causing the javelin to disappear in green smoke just as it was a mere 2 feet away from stabbing through rank 1. Ceranova's eyes widened exponentially and a low growl escaped her lips.
Ivaylo froze when the bell rang. What could this mean? About half of the fighters were still standing, including the top five. He was still tense, still expecting to be attacked. Blood seeped from the claw marks on his shoulder, as well as from multiple smaller cuts and scratches. He wanted nothing more than to sleep, but he had an odd feeling about this... Besides the obvious, that all of them had fought at once.
Tirana landed stylishly on the ground after the successful hit, the audience around her cheering loudly. She slowly stood back up, a smirk plastering her face at the sight. Her focus went back to the fight as the whizzing of the energy attacks rang through her ears. She was too late to dodge it, but the wind around her had gathered itself in front of her and swirled around rapidly, causing the projectiles to switch trajectory at different angles. They exploded against the arena wall as the bell rang out. Tirana glared upwards in annoyance, unable to finish off her opponent. She had no idea what was going to happen next.

Odd nodded his head in agreement but silently cursed him for not specifically saying that he saw HIM before. The bell rang out and he squinted his eyes in response. His attention snapped to Fane who looked troubled with just carrying the newbie. "Hold on let me help you with him." He said quickly, throwing an arm around his shoulder. He glanced at the unconscious man's face who seemed relatively at peace despite the trauma his body has been put through. He held onto him tighter as he and Fane began carrying him.
Cas looked around. The bell had rung, but the guards hadn't cleared out the unconscious fighters. Instead, they were ushering all the fighters still standing toward the loser exit. What was going on? A few resisted, claiming they hadn't lost, and tried to go toward the winner exit. The guards, slightly apprehensive because the fighters could use their abilities in the Pit, just corralled everyone through the loser exit and slid the steel door shut after everyone had gone through.

Val looked confused, but obeyed the guards, afraid of what would happen if she didn't. Were the fights over? Nobody was left on the other side of the loser door. She turned around to look at the 25 or so people crammed in the corridor that led to who-knows-where, wondering what would happen to them, and what would happen to the actual losers.
Kira glanced at Ivaylo, clearly worried but choosing not to say anything. The bell rang and just like that her powers were gone. She sighed but glanced at Ivaylo, wondering what was going to happen now. However, when they began to be ushered to the losers door, she frowned. "This doesn't seem right..." She muttered to Ivaylo as they crowded together in the small hallway after the door closed behind them.
Harkin's eyes fluttered as he was being carried. The last thing he remembered was putting his hand on someone... "Muhhh." It was as unintelligable as sonds come, but it was all he could muster. Too much power and not enough conditioning. A part of him made a mental note to practice as soon as possible. His head rolled and he saw the one he'd helped. A bubble of warmth built up in his chest and exited his mouth. "I'm glad you're well." Harkin managed to get out. He was already feeling better. The situation seemed to have drawn to a close, for they were being led to an exit. He could hear a door close and feel the movements of their weight being brought downward. Fear crawled into his mind for he knew of this fate. The one worse than being their entertainment-- The Mines.
"Thanks." With Odd's help they made their way to the "loser" door and the newbie made an unusual sound. "Ah sleeping beauty awakens." Then Harkin spoke to Odd, "Yep he's definitely doing better than both of us." It doesn't seem he knows I'm even here. Oh well no big deal I guess. Once inside the small corridor the door shut and everyone kept on walking. Fane wondered where they were going, obviously where the losers were all taken.

Technically all present were not losers though, so it made it very confusing to Fane. He never heard anything but rumors of death for the losers. He tried to distract himself from these thoughts and looked at Harkin, "Hey newbie, what's your name? I meant to ask before you passed out. Oh and thanks for healing Odd."
Harkin smiled at the stranger weakly. "I'm Harkin Leesworth, Rank 50. Although, with today's amount of death I would think we all have gotten promoted." He then took in the guy from head to toe. He was huddled precariously close to the one called Odd--the one he'd saved. Harkin smirked, guessing that the stranger was going to try and claim him. "Who are you? And, do you have any idea why that bloodbath just happened?" Harkin asked, wiping bits of blood and gore off for dramatic effect.
Zaytah was slightly confused as the bell rang. Her powers vanished and she stood there looking around. She saw that some fighters were helping each other out and some were being ushered away. Zaytah didn't know what to do now and she felt defeated and weak since she didn't fight much. She couldn't believe she was still standing but she could guess by mostly watching from the sidelines helped her to stay alive but made her look weak as a fighter. Then a guard started ushering people around her towards the 'losers' exit. Soon they got to her. She didn't resist at all but was slightly confused as to why they were taking her to this exit.
Guards had attached themselves to Cera, knowing now that they had a chance to subdue her now that her powers were gone. Cera growled furiously at them and resisted by kicking the one to her right across the face. The other guard grabbed both of her arms and forced them behind her while she recovered. Her legs swung wildly at this, her protests sounding out in the arena. Her venomous eyes peered out at Cas as they finally subdued her and lead her to the loser door. "Your luck will run out. I know it will. And when it does, it'll be me who'll be on top." She hissed as she was lead pass him.

Odd along with Fane lead Hark out of the arena, a few guards hanging closely by them just to be safe. He glanced at them with a worried look when he heard Hark begin to stir.
"Well that didn't take long.." He mumbled before his attention went to the Hark's voice. "Thanks.." he mumbled again with a hint of guilt from Fane's last comment, his vision switching back and forth between them. He then listened to their small talk with mild interest, Odd finally getting his healer's name. "Nice to meet you Hark." he greeted this time with a warm smile, his eyebrows showing a different expression--one of disgust as he saw Hark wipe away the gore away from his face. If he had the free hands he would help him with that, that way he could actually see his face a bit better. He peered straight ahead towards the fighters in front of him, trying to ignore the current topic of discussion.

Tirana was surrounded by guards as they began gathering the remaining fighters. She stood with a hand on her hip, wiping some of sweat from her forehead. "You don't hurt me, I won't hurt you, got it?" she warned with a hair flip. The guards didn't respond but didn't bother restraining her. She strolled her way to the loser door with the many guards following behind her. She walked by Zaytah who was being escorted by her own set of guards. She crossed her arms as she approached her. "Huh? Didn't know you were out here. Where were you?" She asked, her already placing a name to her face.
Zaytah looked down with a defeated look on her eyes. "I was in the shadows mostly observing. I'm not worthy enough to be here. Plus my powers are useless. I bet no one even knows what they are," Zaytah first answered Tirana but ended up ranting about how pathetic she was. She grabbed a strand of her hair and began twirling it around her finger. A little warmth crept in her heart since another soul was speaking to her. "I watched you fight. You're pretty good. What's your rank?" Zaytah asked hoping to lighten her mood a bit.
Fane picked up that Odd felt guilty about not being hurt, "hey Odd I didn't mean anything by you doing better than us. You really did help me a lot." Fane looked at Harkin, "Nice to meet you. I'm Fane Jumal former rank ten as far as I know now. Nothing was rumored or told about a free for all. I hope we get some answers for wherever we're going." He looked forward again down the corridor. Man how far do we have to go?
Tirana winced visibly at Zaytah's attitude, about a few seconds from snapping at her. She decided against it and rubbed her temples to calm herself down. The girl didn't seem to notice her agitation but had begun to simmer down once the focus was on her. "Rank 3, the Lotus Flower Bomb. That's what they called me, Lotus." She responds with a hint of pride and a hint of some other emotion that was foreign to her. Her focus went back to the crowd, confusion and outrage consuming her. "I don't know what the heck is going on. I was winning wasn't I? I know I was."
Zaytah glanced back at the Pit then looked up at Tirana. She can see pride in her eyes and ferocity in her stature. Zaytah took a sideways step from her feeling a vibe of agitation from her, the usual feeling Zaytah receives whenever she is around someone. Zaytah was surprised by Tirana's outburst. "Does it matter if you win? I mean you don't get a prize for winning, perhaps living, but even we don't know if all of us are going to get out of here alive. Does it mean that much to you?" Zaytah asked with full honest curiosity.
Tirana glared at Zaytah with a deadly expression but sighed deeply as she peered up at the crowd again. She felt herself begin to chuckle followed by a head shake. "Please. Who are you again? It'll take a lot more than an honest question to know what I'm all about. Guess you'll just have to wait and see." She replied optimistically with some mocking in her tone at her first two sentences. They were already inside the corridor, the familiar feeling of mystery and dread hanging in the air around her. She shrugged it off and continued to walk.
Zaytah looked down feeling a bit hurt from Tirana's mockery. But she deserved is what she would keep telling herself. Zaytah decided to not answer back to Tirana trying to avoid more mockery. As they continued walking she began to feel the eerie atmosphere settle onto them. At that moment Zaytah felt tired of feeling helpless and pitiful. I've been pushed over too much. It's time I start changing and soon this feeling seems ominous. I need to be mentally stronger for me to be physically stronger to be ready to embrace anything. She raised her head up and felt a new wave of energy flow through her. Her eyes glittered brightly. It may have been a slight boost but she felt refreshed. Zaytah still felt Tirana's sharp words in her but decided to help her become stronger.

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