The Pharmas

Releasing Cara, Cyrus calmly said, "As you wish. I recognize your independence. However, I am accompanying you because I feel the need to do so within my very blood, and that effect is a significant one indeed." Walking in step beside the two of them, he was a sight to behold. He was taller than both, and he looked striking in the dark night due to the stark contrast of his red and white suit. Speaking to Kaede now, he replied, "I realize that I can't fully anticipate others' reactions. I am also aware of the fact that her free will may lead her to danger. However, there is no disputing the fact that I can and will protect her. If you help her, I'll help you. Trust me, although you already said that you don't. Why is that? Would it not be beneficial for you to recruit a powerful vampire? I will help your cause, as long as this girl wants me to. You have nothing to fear. If she tells me to aid you, then so be it." Cyrus stopped talking, closing his eyes. He still deftly walked with the other two, naturally moving out of the way of obstacles as if his eyes were still open.
"You're powerful, yes, but your allegiances lie with her, not with our cause, therefore, you could prove to be a danger to us," Kaede replied. "We accept the fact that people die fighting for us. People here don't play heroes," she explained, eyes forward. "I can't trust you. What do I know about you? Nothing," she said pointedly.


Cara crossed her arms over her chest, frustrated with herself for finding out about this war. "I don't even know you," she muttered angrily under her breath. She picked up her speed a bit, though it didn't matter much. The others had faster strides than she did anyway. Her stomach growled quietly and Cara attempted to remember her last meal. It must have been yesterday morning that she had finished the last granola bar she had. She considered telling someone she needed to eat but decided that getting out of here was much more important than food.

Still walking, having chosen to ignore Kaede's tone of voice, Cyrus thought about what she'd said. Stopping suddenly, he began to speak. "What is it that you would want to know? Trust is difficult to earn, I know. However, trust works both ways. Not only are people cautious to trust new people, but new people are also cautious to give others reason to trust them. I have put my trust, for some inane reason, in this girl. Now, if you have any inquiries, it would be best to ask them now." Glancing at Cara, he continued. "But, judging by the girl's state of hunger, it would be beneficial if we got her some sustenance. Perhaps, at your headquarters." As he said the last line, he again faced Kaede with one eyebrow raised in question.
"What's your name? Where are you from? What makes you feel compelled to protect her?" Kaede shot off, stopping in her tracks to face Cyrus. "And I think that in this situation it would be much easier if you helped us trust you. We're in a war here and the balance of power is shifting in our favor. I don't want you messing that up," she replied, en edge to her tone. She glanced at the girl. "We should have some food for her at the base," she answered. She lowered her voice so Cara couldn't hear. "It might be better to turn her. She could protect herself at that point," she commented and shrugged. "It's not my decision to make. That's up to Cole. He's our unofficial leader," she explained. Their cause wasn't based on a hierarchy but Cole was seen as experienced with fighting and tactics, so he was the one people looked to for guidance.


Cara frowned. "I'm fine," she muttered. She always forgot about the acute hearing of vampires. It would take some getting used to. She really didn't like it, though. They always seemed to know more than she wanted them to. She was sure these Pharmas people knew a lot about her considering the fact that they had tracked her down to recruit her and protect her. It made her slightly uncomfortable but she figured she would just have to get used to it.
Responding to Kaede in a nonchalant manner, Cyrus answered her questions truthfully. "My name is Cyrus Porter, founder and CEO of the monopolizing conglomerate, Porter Ind. I am from a place that no longer has a name. As for my reasons for protecting her... I don't have the faintest idea as to why I am compelled to do so, but my very blood insists upon it. Thus, I obey." His tone taking on a more scathing quality, he continued. "Don't misunderstand me, young one. You are all thousands of years too early to be questioning me about my origins and my motives. I have no stake in this war, no matter who wins." Cyrus took a breath and gazed at the moon for a few moments, letting what he'd said sink in. He began to speak in a warmer, more amicable voice so that only Kaede could hear. "I am afraid I won't be allowing you to turn this girl, no matter how well she'd be able to defend herself in the resulting vampiric state. If your leader... Cole, was it?... has a differing opinion, he shall have to take the matter up with me." He began to walk again, a bit faster now than from before. "Now then, let's no get lackadaisical. On to your base."
"Why wouldn't you want to turn her?" Kaede asked, a confused look on her face. "I don't understand," she admitted. "How old are you?" she asked, thinking back to his comment. "Humans as... delicate as her are generally bitten before we find them so we just take them in. Others ca protect themselves so there's no need to change them. I'm just warning you that she isn't of help to us in that state. Cole will tell you the same," she said, trying to keep the frustration out of her tone. "We can't just leave. We have to wait for the others. Cole and Lilith," she said, not moving from the spot. "They are the only two I would wait for," she added, standing her ground.
"I can't turn her. My blood prevents me from doing so. Even rational arguments, such as yours, have no bearing on this impulse. It seems that the extent of her blood's power over mine is quite large indeed." Cyrus gave Cara a chaste glance, checking to make sure she was okay. "To answer your question about my age, I think it would suffice to say that the war you are fighting now doesn't hold a candle to the ferocity of the battles I've participated in. I particularly enjoyed the Invasion of Gaul. Caesar was a glorious leader, if a bit ill-prepared. Of course, I fixed that problem quite handily." Disregarding Kaede's passive-aggressive stance, he continued. "I'll wait for this leader of yours and... Lilith, was it? Hmm, I can sense her vampirism. I suppose I shall wait for her as well."
"Could you allow someone else to turn her?" Kaede asked, the edge gone from her voice momentarily. "Wow," was all she could think to say. "I've only been a vampire for a few months," she said, amazed at the age of this vampire. She didn't know how old the elders were at the vampire's estate at the edge of the city but she was certain none were close to his age. "Why aren't you interested in the war?" she asked, trying to figure this man out.
Cyrus's eyes suddenly glowed bright red. "NO!" he shouted at Kaede. Then, the glow was gone, and his hand was covering his face. From behind the cover, he spoke, "Sorry... but as you just saw, the very mentioning of someone turning her, someone that isn't me, is... not pleasant." He removed his hand from his face, his perfect hair now falling lightly to shade his eyes from the moonlight. Even the dim glow of his eyes made him seem as if he wasn't human, wasn't vampire, wasn't werewolf. No, he seemed to be something worse and more deadly altogether. He continued. "You wished to know why I am not interested in this war. The fact is... vampires are an atrocious offense to nature itself. Werewolves are combinations of natural beings - wolves and humans. Disgusting as they are, they have a semblance of being natural. However, we... we are abominations that are not fit to even exist. And yet, I allow it because nature adapted, accepted us and our kind. However, the two species began this war for no reason other than spite. They endanger humans, the most natural of us all. Still, to me, it matters not. I can't die, even by your standards. What is the point in aiding either side in this battle? It will end with the extermination of a species, maybe two, even all three. I will live on. Thus, I have no stake in this war, and my allegiance lie with the protectors of this girl."
Kaede's eyes widened and she stepped back quickly when he yelled. "I see," she said, listening as he spoke. "Well, we just wish to protect her and end this war," she said with a shrug. "I may not agree with you but I suppose there isn't much I can do about that," she added. Cyrus made her uncomfortable, truthfully. She wasn't used to being around people so much more powerful than herself. Of course, she wouldn't deny that the others could be more powerful than she, but Cyrus gave off an aura of ridiculous power. "Just prepare yourself for the worst," she muttered, looking at Cara. She didn't like the idea of leaving her in her human form but she would let Cole deal with that when the time came. She knew Cara would be put in danger just by being involved with them. Cole believed that everyone should participate in war efforts and that meant Cara would be a part of that. Kaede sighed and shook her head. This girl was making her anxious: she didn't want to have to worry about her safety constantly.
As Kaede and Cyrus conversed, Darion had to turn, his eyes turning from their natural gold coloring into a blood red, more so than a vampire's. He felt his own internal aspect growing inside him. One of his fists clenched so hard, it could have broken a bone in its grasp as he tried to contain himself. Blood pounded in his head. The werewolf heard his other vampire companion run up to Kaede's side. He snatched her arm. "I have to leave," he whispered bluntly. He then bounded up the street and then climbed up a structure, disappearing from view from the others. He kept running, leaping from one rooftop to another, his agony driving him to bound through combat zones of Obyri and Likos. When he got to the city's wall, he jumped to it. His feet landed on the wall and he jumped down to the ground outside. When he landed, he fell to his knees, changing into his human form as his hands went over his head as he let out a scream of rage and pain.


Lilith rushed to Kaede and Darion. When she arrived, he snatched her by the arm and told her he had to leave.
"Why?" she tried to ask, but he was already off. She would have gone after him but she had to stay with Kaede. She eyed the vampire intensely, letting Kaede do the talking. It was good for her to get this kind of practice, but Lilith wasn't sure if it should have been with this particular vampire. Something seemed off to her. She did not trust what this... Cyrus Porter... had to say. Her eyes occasionally glanced to Cara, the second target.


James Davies looked behind Cole to see the werewolf take off in an odd manner. He looked back at Cole and motioned in the direction that Darion was taking off in.
"I think one of your friends just hauled a**. If you want my help, find me at a better time. I'll consider your offer in the meanwhile." After he said those words, he tilted his head, hearing something. He then whirled around, his crossbow in hand, firing a bolt that drove through a vampire, turning it to ashes.

((Sorry I haven't been able to post. Time has been rather tight.))
Hearing Kaede's warning, he responded likewise. "I think it would be more prudent for you and the rest of Pharmas to prepare for the worst." Cyrus took note of Kaede's unease. 'Very well.' he thought. 'It is better for her to be uneasy around me. I am, after all, capable of ripping her apart in an instant.' Glancing over further, he took notice of a vampire that had not previously been there. The new vampire's eyes were glaring at Cyrus and occasionally glancing at Cara. Cyrus could infer that this vampire was older than Kaede, and she obviously did not trust him anymore than Kaede. However, that fact was fine with him. His objective was not to win their trust; no, it was to protect the girl. Nevertheless, Cyrus did not like the impudence in the older vampire's stare. Tilting his head, Cyrus's eyes glowed a deeper red than before, and he paralyzed the older vampire's entire body. Not only were the creature's limbs paralyzed, but the very blood flow in her body had come to a stand still, the processes of her cells halted in their tracks. Cyrus allowed the effect to last for only a few seconds, but that was enough, he though, to inject a healthy fear for him into that vampire's mind.
Cole just nodded and with a curt nod, grudgingly bounded away from James, a feeling of defeat spreading through him. He stopped next to Lilith. "What happened with Darion? Should I go after him?" he asked, his eyes drifting to the vampire who seemed to be accompanying the girl. "And who is he?" he asked her, his voice low. He could feel the power coming off of that vampire and he didn't like it. He wasn't sure if he wanted him coming back but the way it looked, he was coming with them either way.


Kaede shook her head, frustrated. "We will be just fine," she muttered angrily. She didn't want him to undermine their cause all because he was protecting some human girl. She didn't approve of this guy but she realized she had very little choice in the matter. "I guess we should go back to the base," she said, looking to Lilith for her opinion.

"Probably should," Lilith responded. She kept her gaze focused on Cyrus and her surroundings. She heard the scream of a vampire down the road behind her, figuring it was the human that Cole was talking to before. All of the sudden, a piercing howl caused her to flinch as cover one ear. The howl didn't come from a nearby werewolf, that she could tell. it seemed like a distant but fierce call for aid. Dareon, Lilith thought. "Be careful, Cole. I haven't seen him like this."


James continued down the street, towards his workshop. As he did, he would come across werewolf and vampire engagements as they tore each other to pieces on the streets. When he did get to his shop, he locked the door and set the traps on auto so if anyone stepped in, they would drilled with several stake bolts that would launch from what were essentially pressure cannons.
"One hell of a night..." He looked up quickly, listening, as the sound of a fierce howl sounded through the bloody night.

[MENTION=3805]Swyft[/MENTION] Please read what Cyrus did to Lilith. I realize the post was ambiguous. The vampire he paralyzed and such was supposed to be Lilith. Sorry if it wasn't clear, I just didn't see Lilith react to Cyrus at all, so I assumed you didn't get my meaning.

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