The Pharmas


Popcorn Connoisseur
Cole paced around the table on which a map of the city and outer lying area was printed. He paused, looking around the room. It was a large open space, lit only by lanterns. Their base of operations was beneath the city. The only way to enter was through an apartment building owned by Cole himself. The vampires lived in a lavish mansion on the outskirts of the town. The werewolves' base was a warehouse near the shipping district. "Kaede, Darion, Lilith," he called suddenly. The activity stopped momentarily and then the small chatter began again. He had gotten word that there were two new people who had caught the attention of the factions. He needed the best of his fighters for this mission. It would be a long night for them. Normally, they went days between missions but this week had been especially busy. Morale was low. They had lost quite a few people to the Likos this week and one or two to the Obyri. Cole didn't want to think of what may have befallen them. He sighed, waiting for the others to join him around the table. He planned to go with them tonight. This was important, especially the man. James.


Kaede was folding clothes and putting them into her trunk when she heard her name called. She looked up. Another mission, perhaps? She set the jeans she was getting ready to store on her makeshift bed and wandered over to the table where Cole spent most of his time. Kaede had seen Darion and Lilith many times but she didn't recall being sent on a mission with them. She stood quietly around the edge of the table, looking at the small red chips that Cole used to designate the humans they were going to locate. Kaede noticed there were two this time. She furrowed her brow. She had never had to rescue two humans in one night. She looked at Cole who was rubbing his temples in frustration.

She knew Lilith and Darion were great warriors.
This must be a big night, she thought to herself.


Cara walked down the dimly lit street, clutching her backpack strap tightly. She looked around, eyes wide. She would jump at every noise. Cara bit her lip, quickening her pace. She felt like there was someone following her. Not that it was out of the question. She had been on the receiving end of some unwanted visits the last few days which is why she had left as quickly as possible. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked up at the sky. No stars were visible due to the city lights but the moon shone quite brightly. It was almost completely full. She shuddered. The werewolves and vampires were strong tonight. She only hoped she would be able to avoid them long enough. She just needed them to lose interest and she could go back to her life. This wasn't at all what she expected when she got involved in this life. She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of footsteps walking slowly behind her. She glanced over her shoulder and saw nothing but the dark street. Her heart beat quickened and she started to hurry, looking for any signs of life on the silent street.
James Davies was walking past City Hall in his usual attire. Steel-toed boots, jeans, button-up shirt with his classy leather jacket that held both of his stakes. Oh, and his hat; he always had his hat, even in the shade. He never broke step as he walked, hearing the noises of a tin trash can smashing into the ground in an alley just ahead and footsteps behind him a distance. He had grown very accustom to listening intensely for noises out of the ordinary ever since he picked up the Likos as "friends." His hands were in his jacket pocket but they were more than ready to snatch up the spikes in his jacket to fight off any vampires. He reflected on one incident at his smithy where a vampire walked. The devil-creature didn't see it coming, but James could tell that it was a vampire by the lack of sound in footsteps and glowing of the eyes. He had taken one of the stakes from his jacket and and hurled it like a throwing knife. It plunged into the heart of the vampire and it seemed to disintegrate before his eyes. Good times, he thought to himself with a smirk on his face.


Lilith Moro was slow dancing to no music. Wearing black sneakers, jeans and a black t-shirt, she hummed to herself. Mirrors were all around her but there was no reflection. She did all kinds of twirls and spins, moving fluidly. To her, she was going an average pace. If someone saw her, she was zipping across the room, or, "bouncing off the walls." She continued to dance with herself for multiple minutes until she heard her name being called by Cole's familiar voice. She smiled at the prospect of another mission and walked silently out of the room. She glided down the halls and into the space where Cole and Kaede were. Darion had yet to show himself but she presumed he was already there, just lurking in the shadows. "Hello everyone,"she said with a polite curtsy.


Darion Crowley stood in his room with a machete in his hand. He was in his human form, though he never really enjoyed being in it ever since he turned. He was still, wearing a white t-shirt with jeans and boots. The room was silent and his eyes were closed. That was until her growled began whirling the blade around him. He made all kinds of twists and turns with his body, the blade seeming the multiply as it whistled through the air with its cutting edge. Just before he heard his name called out by Cole, he released the sword and it stuck in his door. He then changed back into his werewolf form with midnight fur. He slipped into the room that Cole and Kaede were in, no sign of Lilith. He stayed in one of the shadowy corners blending right in. When the vampire entered and greeted everyone, his golden eyes lay on her.
"Hello, stranger," he said with a smirk. He stepped out from the shadow. "Kaede. So Cole, what's in for us this time around?"
Cole nodded at each of them in turn. "Tonight is a big one. Two targets. One girl. Carolina is her name. There's also a man. James Davies. James is an important target for us. We need him. He's a capable vampire hunter and we really need someone who can fight vampires here," he said, pointing to one of the red chips. "This is his last known location," he explained. "The girl," he said, shifting his attention to the second red chip,"isn't anything too special but she needs our protection all the same. I want you to go after her first. She's going to need help before James will. Plus, she's on the way to get him. I'll be accompanying you. There's going to be a lot of fighting tonight. Almost a full moon," he said, looking up at them. "I hope you're all up for it," he said, a smirk appearing on his face. He knew all too well that they were prepared.


Kaede smiled a closed-mouth smile at Lilith and Darion. It was habit to hide her fangs. She stood quietly, listening to Cole speak. She knew that he had sources all over the city, though she had never met them. She knew that the secrecy was to protect the sources but she found it difficult to trust a faceless ally. She shook the thought from her head and listened intently. "I'm ready," Kaede said, standing a little taller. She was happy to know that Cole trusted her and she knew that Lilith and Darion were capable. Cole wouldn't just ask anyone for a night like this. Kaede tied her hair in a ponytail, brushing loose strands of hair from her face. "Ready to leave?" she asked in her quiet voice, looking at them all in turn.


Cara broke into a run when she saw the figures approaching her. "Help!" she finally yelled, hoping there would be someone kind enough to let her into their home. She mentally cursed herself for getting into this situation. She vowed to never get involved in things that didn't concern her if she could just get away. She felt a cold hand grab her forearm. She turned around, hitting whatever she could with her free hand. The owner of the hand, whether from shock or injury, let go. Cara began to run again, her lungs burning. She could hear the footsteps behind her but they seemed to quiet for someone to be running. Cara reached into her backpack, grabbing the only stake she had. "Leave me alone!" she yelled, brandishing it in the hopes that she wouldn't actually have to use it. The figure stepped from the shadows, a toothy grin on his face. Cara saw the fangs glint in the one light on the street. "Please?" she asked, breathing heavily.
James Davies looked about, the sound of footsteps becoming louder and faster. He unzipped his jacket almost all the way, creating access to his weapons. he continued walking at his usual brisk pace, not looking behind him as the steps got faster, faster than normal. they also lost sound as a vampire zoomed up to him. His right hand slipped into his jacket and a stake by the handle. He pulled it out quickly and spun, thrusting the spike before him. It landed home in the vampire's heart. Bingo. He pulled out his weapon and the vampire fell to ash. He heard a couple of screams; vampire screams. He looked around quickly before re-sheathing his weapon in his jacket, continuing his walk home.


Lilith smiled with her lips closed as well. It was more of a smirk. "This ought to be fun!" she said darkly. "I'll go get my hands!" She jumped slightly before taking off. She went into her room and reached under her bed. She grabbed a set of what seemed to be just finger gloves with spike tips. She clanked them together like an evil child before zipping back into the room with Cole, Darion, and Kaede. "I'm back!" she said, holding up her make-shift claws. "Can't wait to meet this fresh meat!" She smiled again and licked her lips as if implying they were going to be food even though she was kidding. She looked at Kaede and saw he hair in a pony tail. "That's probably a good idea." She quickly got her hair in a pony tail as well and the stood waiting for the others.


Darion smirked at the thought of fighting tonight. He growled with a lust for combat. "This will indeed be fun... I'm ready as ever. But we should move now. It's already dark and the Obyri and Likos could be out and about by now. Since it's a full moon, there will be a lot of blood shed if we don't get to those humans quickly." He scratched his neck with his claw. He looked back, noticing Lilith returning with her claws. "I've always wondered how effective those are on vampires and werewolves," he commented curiously. "Tonight will be a good night to test that I suppose." He turned to Cole. "I think that Kaede and Lilith should be on the ground while we be on the rooftops. Have to make sure the area of retrieval is secure. Your choice, that's just my opinion."

Cole nodded at Darion. "Good idea," he said, looking back at the map. This was why he asked the three of them. They were good at what they did and they knew how to successfully retrieve people. "Let's go," Cole said, turning to head towards the door behind him. He unlocked the door, walking into a small hallway with another door at the end. He approached that one, unlocking it as well. He knew the doors wouldn't necessarily stop anyone from getting in but they would be slowed and all they need was warning. He stood to the side, allowing everyone to pass through before locking both doors behind them and heading up the stairs to the small apartment at ground level. He opened the front door of the apartment, allowing the cool night air to blow in. The moon was bright in the sky. He, once again, allowed everyone to walk through before shutting and locking that door as well. When they got out on the street, Cole pointed east. "They're this way. Probably three blocks down for the girl. Let's hurry," he said, shifting into his wolf form. His mane was a dark grey color that hid him well in shadows. He began bounding up the street, stopping only when they got close to organize them. He shifted back to his human form. He could hear sounds of some sort of struggle. "Okay, Darion and I are going to be on the rooftops, securing the area. I'm sure this place is crawling with Obyri and Likos so be careful," he said to all of them, turning to climb a fire escape to gain access to the rooftop.


Kaede checked her belt, making sure she had her weapons. She always carried two stakes and a knife with a silver tip. She had never used the knife before, truthfully. It was new to her and she was eager to see how it would work. She followed Cole out onto the street, glancing at the moon. Her sensitive ears picked up small sounds but nothing that seemed out of the ordinary. Kaede listened as Cole told them where the two targets were. She nodded, following him as he transformed and ran up the street, keeping to the shadows. As they got closer to the first target, Kaede could hear clearly the girl speaking. She watched Cole climb to the rooftop. Kaede turned to Lilith. "You hear her?" she asked, looking down the street to where the voices were coming from. Kaede could feel her excitement mounting. She was eager to fight. She gripped her stake tightly, ready to strike at any moment. She stuck close to the buildings, venturing closer slowly. She knew this vampire would be distracted by the target so she wanted to keep her element of surprise as long as possible.


Cara was ready to drive the stake into the heart of the vampire when a wolf appeared out of nowhere, biting into the vampires neck and dragging it into the shadows. A small cry escaped her throat. It wasn't an ordinary wolf, of course. It was much too large for that. She heard cries from the vampire and then the sounds of a fight. Cara started to run back the way she came from, hoping to get away from any danger that awaited her ahead. She noticed more and more figures appearing in the street. Werewolves and vampires began attacking each other. Cara hoped they would be distracted enough so that she could escape.
James continued walking until he heard the screams of vampires and werewolves alike. Up and ready are we? He reached behind him and felt the leather covered form of a crossbow on his back. He slid his hand up and grabbed the handle, slipping it out of the holster. He took it in both hands, keeping his eyes open. It wasn't a minute before he noticed a vampire leap from atop a roof across the town square where City Hall was. It was diving to the ground, probably going for him. He took up his crossbow, loaded with the miniature stake round and pulled the trigger. There was a snap as the bolt was released and a whistle as it traveled. he presumed it hit and it went far enough to drive through the vampire's chest as it screeched in pain. It was instant before a Likos took it to the ground and ripped it apart. That was when another werewolf landed next to him from atop the court house. "How many have you encountered here?" the werewolf asked.

"Two, but heard a few more around," James replied. "Better get going, they seem aggressive tonight." He smirked at that remark. He was rather glad they were aggressive tonight, he despised the Obyri.

The Likos nodded and was off in an instant. James smiled, resting the crossbow on his shoulder.
"Happy hunting," he muttered under his breath.


Lilith followed Cole out with Kaede and Darion. She took notice as the two werewolves bound up the street in the werewolf form. She looked at Kaede, hearing the sounds of struggle.
"I hear her." She smiled. "Let's have some fun, shall we?" she said before bolting after Cole and Darion. She paused as Kaede came up behind her and she watched the two werewolves climb to the top of the building. She reached behind her, grabbing her stake but keeping it behind her back. She looked around, making sure Kaede was with her. She noticed something moving in the shadows and whispered to Kaede. "Across the street in the alley way. Obyri." There wasn't a grim look on Lilith's face. She seemed more... happy. As if she loved the prospect of fighting which, in actuality, she very much did.


Darion didn't bother changing forms. As Cole climbed the fire escape, he got into an alley way that was next to the same building. He climbed, fast and furious, up the bricks and to the roof. He hung off the edge for a moment, looking around the corner of the building. He noticed a shadow moving silently in the alley way across form him. He hopped Lilith or Kaede noticed, because other wise, they were in for quite the surprise. He also checked for Cole, seeing him just about up onto the roof. Darion leaped onto the roof top and went to an immediate crouching position. His gold eyes scoured for Likos or Obyri. Nothing. Odd, for such a powerful night, he thought there would be some action up here. He looked behind him a few buildings and sure enough, a Obyri vampire was perched like a statue. Darion noticed behind the vampire were three, swift shadows. The vampire was torn apart quickly.
A good night for the Likos, it would seem. He looked back over the roof for Cole.
Cole watched the street below intently. There was immense activity down there. "There," he said, gesturing to the girl running down the street. "That's her," he said, looking at Darion. "Let's get her. There's Obyri down that way. She doesn't see them," he said, shifting to his wolf form, knowing they were in for a fight. He made it to the street, running after the girl. He saw a vampire lunge at him from the shadows. He jumped out of the way quickly, turning and sinking his teeth into the leg of the vampire and giving a fierce tug. He heard the vampire scream. He let go as the Obyri fell to the ground. He had more important things to do at the moment.


Kaede nodded, staring into the alley. "Can you take him? I'll see if I can locate the girl," she said, looking back up the street. She couldn't hear her any longer with the noise of the fight surrounding them. Kaede leaned back into the wall as a werewolf darted by. Kaede sighed and stood, running from the shadows and down the street to the last place she had heard the girl. She froze for a moment. She had never seen so many vampires and werewolves in one place. A vampire, having dispatched of the werewolf she had been fighting, ran at Kaede, recognizing her to be from the Pharmas. Kaede held the stake close, waiting for her chance. Once the vampire was in range, Kaede delivered a swift kick to the vampires head, hearing the dull sound that indicated contact. With the vampire slightly dazed, she drove the stake into the heart of her attacker, watching her reduce to ash in a fit of screams. Kaede stepped back, taking in her surroundings once more. She heard the steps moments too late. A werewolf sunk its teeth into her calf. A cry escaped her lips before she grabbed her silver tipped knife, plunging it into the skull of the werewolf. The wolf instantly released her. She made her way to an alley as quickly as possible, assessing her wound. "Damn it," she muttered. Usually her wounds would heal quickly but wounds from a werewolf in their wolf forms took longer to heal. She stood, testing her leg. It was a bit shaky but she could manage. She exited the alley, looking for Lilith to find out if she had found the girl.


Cara froze in her tracks. Three intimidating looking vampires stood before her. A shiver went down her spine. She held her stake at the ready, knowing full well she couldn't take the three of them. "Now, now. Let's be rational," one of the vampires said in a gruff voice. "You know you can't take all of us. Just put the stake down and come with us. We can help you," he said, smiling widely, giving her full view of his teeth. Cara took a small step backwards, eyes wide. She knew what the Obyri did with most of the humans they captured and she wasn't interested in being a part of that. The vampire that had spoken took a step towards her and Cara immediately lunged forward, sending the stake into his heart.
Cyrus was strolling through the throng of people on the city sidewalks. He breathed in the scent of the world, allowing it to fill his nostrils. Instantly, he could sense the pulsating flow of human blood. However, perhaps stronger even than that, was the scent of vampires and werewolves. Cyrus had long turned a blind eye to the so-called "war". He'd have no part in it. It wasn't his duty to protect humans, nor was it his duty to further the causes of either the vampires or the werewolves. No, Cyrus Porter lived to do what he wanted to do. Not that that entailed very much after his many, many, many years of existence.

Tonight, however, he'd decided to venture out to the city. His intuition was telling him something was going to happen, and Cyrus was not one to ignore his gut, especially if it was as strong a feeling as it had been. Suddenly, an intoxicating scent overwhelmed Cyrus. Something was calling to him, a phenomenon that hadn't occurred since ancient times. Yet, Cyrus followed this smell, if only to appease his sense of foreboding. In a flash, he was gone, appearing several rooftops away, overlooking an alley. In the alley stood four figures. There were three vampires, obviously hunting the fourth figure. However, it seemed that that fourth one, a human, had already disposed of one vampire. Then, the scent hit Cyrus again, and this time, it was absolutely irresistible. But, he hadn't survived this long without developing near-unbreakable self-control. Cyrus did, however, feel the urge to protect this one. So, that is what he did.

Dropping down like a silent shadow, Cyrus went unnoticed by all. He intended to change that. Cyrus strode forward in an elegant manner with long, regal strides that spoke of power and authority. He stood in front of the girl, who was by now holding a pile of ash. His very posture spoke of the imminent demise that both vampires were about to face. His very existence put fear and apprehension into the vampire assailants' eyes. Cyrus spoke in a silky voice, low and smooth, yet deadly. "It is regrettable that tonight, you have chosen this particular target. Perhaps it would have been prudent to understand the situation surrounding her." Cyrus uttered a laugh that sounded like the jingle of bells; it was beautiful and enticing to those who heard it, yet it signaled underlying condescension, not that anyone would notice. "No matter. It is too late for you now. I shall see to your ends presently." His face gave way to a murderously spectacular smile that paralyzed the vampires. The undercurrents of his speech almost forced the vampires to flee. Almost. However, Cyrus did not allow them that opportunity. He was before them in a blink of an eye. Their pupils enlarged, fear the only emotion show within them. A glare from Cyrus sent them to their knees, his power breaking their weak minds before his presence. Then, without so much as a flourish, he impaled both his hands in each vampire's chest, crushing their hearts and turning them to dust in seconds. The smile gone from his face, Cyrus brushed the dirty ash off of his pure white and gold suit. He turned to face Cara.
Cara hadn't seen him until he strode over and addressed the vampires. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears. She had no idea who this guy was. Maybe he was with the Obyri. No, it didn't seem that way. The way that the two vampires looked at him told her that much. She couldn't exactly make out what he was saying but she heard his laugh. Beautiful, she thought to herself. She stared at him, utterly amazed. That is, until he reduced the vampires to piles of ash. Her eyes widened as she took a few steps away from the figure. Her breathing became audible, fear coursing through her. She hated her constant fear. She tried her best to hide it but she felt that there really wasn't much to hide from this man. She was definitely frightened. What was he going to do? "Are.... are you going to kill me?" she finally asked, her voice quiet and shaky. Why couldn't she at least sound like she wasn't scared? She stepped back a little more, finding the wall and leaning into it, her legs shaking. He wasn't with the Obyri and he didn't seem like a werewolf. That didn't make him not dangerous, though. His actions moments before definitely proved how dangerous he really was. She was at a loss as to why he would have killed them. She was also at a loss as to what would happen to her.

Cyrus took a step closer to the girl. He could hear her heartbeat, feel the girl's heart pumping that blood through her body. And, oh, the blood. The glorious, wonderful, succulent blood. It beckoned to him like a glistening jewel. Even he couldn't fight the pull entirely. He walked up to her, his dangerous, predatory eyes drawing her in, mesmerizing her, paralyzing her. He reached her and leaned down to her level. His left hand creeped down her arm, grabbing the stake and splintering it in an iron fist before pinning her wrist against the wall. He used his other hand to do the same, and his knee to put pressure on her hip, rendering her legs immobile. He could feel her heartbeat race, and he leaned closer, his eyes having turned a vivid red. Cyrus licked the nape of Cara's neck, then up and down the side of a throbbing artery. All the while Cara was immobilized with fear. Even if she wanted to move, she couldn't. Knowing he had to stop, Cyrus said, "What is your name, girl? What of yours draws me to you?" He said this in the same silky, smooth voice from before. However, this time, there was not threat of death underneath it. No, this voice was pure seduction. Any being would melt in his hands, just as Cara's body had gone limp, like putty. His teeth grazed the skin, leaving thin, red marks. Suddenly, he was gone, allowing Cara to tremble and collapse on the floor. Cyrus was leaning against the wall of the alley, his hands over his eyes. One lone red eye was still visible, staring at Cara. Watching her, as if to judge how best to feed.
Cara froze and tensed as he pinned her wrists. She barely registered that he was speaking. The thoughts in her head were swimming and confusing her. She felt as though she might faint. And his voice. Why did it cause her to react that way? She whimpered as his teeth made contact with her skin. She sank to the ground, staring at the opposite wall. She blinked a few times in an attempt to register what was happening. She looked at Cyrus and saw him staring at her. She shivered at his expression. "Cara," she finally responded, her voice almost a whisper, having realized he had asked her name. Not that it mattered either way. She was quite convinced that she would die here. She shook her head. No, she wouldn't die without at least trying to save herself. It wasn't in her nature to do that. She knew her chances were quite literally none. She couldn't run fast enough and she was sure she couldn't kill him. Still, she had to try. She attempted to steady her breath and looked towards the street. If she could just get out there she could maybe lose him in the activity. She bit her lip, contemplating. Before she could talk herself out of it, she scrambled to her feet, running towards the street. She willed her legs to move faster. She had always hated running. Of course, she never thought that it would be something that would eventually save her life.
James continued walking down the street he was on, crossbow in hands. He killed two more vampires after his brief meeting with the Likos. He kept looking about, checking his surroundings. Time to time, he'd see a werewolf leap from one building to another, or a vampire dart across a block. The smith kept alert though he may not have seemed it. He looked down the street to see someone, a taller figure, pinning a smaller one against a wall. Or something to that effect, it was too many blocks away to tell for sure. Maybe six. He was distracted by two figures blurred together rushing out of an alley way, only to hear a scream and one of them turning to ash. The victor was another vampire; he could tell because it rushed into the other alley way with vampiric speed. He looked to his left, seeing the door to a glass shop. A shadow moved inside, definitely not human but most likely not werewolf. James stepped out to the middle of the street. Before turning, his crossbow aimed at the door. It wasn't long before a crash and scream could be heard from within the shop. Yikes, he thought to himself. He looked around, checking his surroundings.


Lilith looked to Kaede and then to the shadow.
"I'll go in." She looked at the brick wall of the building next to her before back at the Obyri. She jumped on the brick wall before seemingly flying across the street, into the alley, stake first. She almost sent the stake home, but the vampire moved, pulling out a silver dagger. Lilith smiled, her blood-red eyes intense. She jumped from wall to wall in the alley before round-house kicking the hand of the vampire, knocking the blade out. She then dove right at him with such force, they flew into the street together; stake through his heart. He turned to ash and she noticed someone on the street. She waved to Kaede for her to follow, bolting into the nearby alley way.


Darion followed Cole over the rooftops. After his werewolf companion bit the vampire, Darion penetrated his claws into its flesh on its ribs and back. He threw it onto the ground before ripping a couple ribs out and ripping the vampire's heart out. The victim turned to ash. He looked around and saw two more vampires settle down on the rooftop with Darion. He looked back to Cole.
"Go, I'll handle these!" he barked, looking back to the Obyri. "Come... haha... let's play..." he let out a piercing howl at the moon. He heard scuffling an then growling... then bodies being ripped apart. He looked down and six Likos had heard his call, ripping to shreds his former opponents. He looked back after Cole, seeing a vampire chase him. Darion bounded after him, going to help his comrade.
Cole dispatched of another vampire as he ran down the street. He had lost sight of the girl and was expecting the worst. It was highly likely she had been taken. Cole's gaze shifted to a figure a few blocks down. It didn't seem to be a werewolf and if it were a vampire he expected it would be hurrying towards the battle. Perhaps it was James? He sprinted down the street, towards the figure. He shifted to his human form as he approached the man. "James Davies?" he asked, his voice almost a growl. He hoped this was the guy he was looking for. He needed to find at least one of them tonight and, to be honest, James was the more useful of the two.


Kaede followed Lilith into the alley. When she caught up to her, she showed her her calf. "Damn werewolf bit me," she said, looking at her wound. "It was worse before. I think it's getting better but I can't tell," she sighed, looking at Lilith. "They're very powerful tonight," she said, looking out at the street. "I think the Obyri might lose tonight," she observed. "Have you seen the targets?" she asked, looking back to Lilith. She watched two or three werewolves run at full speed down the street

Cyrus leaned against the wall, his irises still slightly tinged and glowing in the night with the insatiable red color that signaled his blood lust. He'd let the girl run by, not attempting to stop her in the least. Her blood shouldn't affect him this way. He fed on whomever he wanted to, and yet, her blood beckoned to him. Whoever she was, she was now marked for life. His teeth had touched her neck, his lips her throat, and his tongue had felt the warm pulsations of her blood. Yes, one day, she would be his. But, for now, he decided to pursue her. Protect her, until such a time as she was ready to become... his.

Cyrus smoothly went after her, her speed doing nothing against his vampirism. He'd caught up to her in moments, and he took her into his arms. However, this was not a forceful grip. No, he embraced her. His scent dripped of him, enticing her to breath deeply. His voice and beating heart lulled her fears, while his arms were her supports, gently holding her in his embrace. Cyrus heard her heart rate slow, along with her breathing. Yes, Cara would be his, and he would be hers. Just then, he heard a sound. A sound that instantly registered as vampires. They were in the alley he'd just left, and if he was right, they could clearly see him with Cara. No matter, however. His time belonged to her, not to them, and he wouldn't be moving until she let go.
Cara felt his arms around her and she cringed, expecting the worst. She inhaled sharply, his scent filling her head. She calmed instantly. The question as to why he had such an effect on her hung at the back of her mind. She ignored the thought, trying to focus but he was too distracting. She heard something and it took her brain a moment to register that they were still in danger here. "There's vampires and werewolves everywhere," she commented, her voice a whisper. He made her feel safe and protected but she knew they needed to get away from here. "Who are you?" she finally asked, turning her face up to look at him, a puzzled look on her face. Her thoughts were beginning to collect themselves. She reached up and touched her neck, pulling her fingers away and looking at the small amount of blood on her fingertips. She groaned and closed her eyes, dropping her hand. Blood.

Most kids, at some point in their life, will tell you they want to be a doctor. Cara had never been like that. She knew she couldn't. Whenever she saw blood, she tended to get light-headed. She shook her head, looking out at the street. She wasn't one for violence, yet here she was, in the middle of a war zone.
Cyrus saw the blood on her hands, his eyes regained their glow slightly. One of his hands slowly snaked down Cara's back, reaching for her hand. Cara's eyes snapped open. Looking directly into them, he brought her hand to his mouth and licked the blood of, his eyes never wavering, but perhaps glowing a little brighter red. "Don't worry, Cara. I, Cyrus, am here. None shall dare touch us, not in my presence." As he said this, he closed his eyes and placed his head on top of hers. He allowed her scent to fill his mind, reveling in the power it had over him. This was the first, if not the last, time this would ever happen to him. Brought to his knees, in a manner of speaking, by a human. Cyrus could sense all that was occurring around him, but it didn't matter. Vampires and werewolves alike were his enemies should they approach and try to harm his Cara.
Darion was about to follow Cole down to male human until he heard the sounds of footsteps. They weren't as quiet nor as fast as a vampire's ore werewolf's. Which meant it had to be a human. He looked down the street to see a dimly lit figure embracing another. And there was something in the air. He sniffed and his eyes glowed fiercely. Blood. He looked at Cole and then at the others. He snarled to himself, leaping off the building, landing on all fours. It was human blood and he had no doubt the embracing figure was an Obyri. He rushed quickly over, registering the vampire. It wasn't Obyri, he could tell because of the ash behind him and now way this... girl... could have taken down enough vampires to leave that amount of remains. His hands were tense, his claws ready to swipe as he stared down the vampire with his golden eyes.


Lilith looked and saw Cole with a human holding a crossbow. She then looked to see Darion bolting down the street. She started to go after him, getting to the middle of the street before stopping and looking back at Cole. When she did, something hit her. It was an odor and a delicious one. Human blood. She shook her head before looking back to Kaede.
"Follow Darion!" She then ran up to Cole's side. "We have a slight problem..."


James Davies was on his way to the two shadowy figures ahead until he was stopped by a werewolf descending in front of him. The wolf-man approached him and addressed him, causing him to believe that the werewolf was a Likos.
"Yeah?" His thoughts changed immediately when the female vampire came up next to him. When she did, he held up his crossbow by instinct until registering they were both most likely the rumored Pharmas. He lowered his weapon. "What is it you two are looking for? How do you know me?" he asked darkly, crossbow still in hand, his finger just off the trigger.
Cole glanced over at Lilith. "What's the problem?" he asked, his voice low. His attention shifted to James as he spoke. "We're the Pharmas," he explained. He as about to continue by telling him he was in danger but he didn't think that would be convincing enough for him. James could handle himself. "We need your help," he decided to say, deciding honesty would be best with him. "You would be a great asset for the cause," he said. Cole was anxious. He wanted to get out of the area and he really needed James to join them. There hadn't been a target like him in some while and usually they were convinced to join one of the other sides before they could get to them. This was his best chance. He had been working on a plan for weeks now to attack the vampires and werewolves at their base. The numbers of the Pharmas had been increasing and he knew they had enough numbers. He just needed more experienced fighters.


Kaede nodded to Lilith, changing her path. She appeared next to Darion, following his gaze. Then the smell hit her. "She's bleeding," she groaned. Kaede was young and definitely had problems restraining herself when it came to the smell of blood. She took an automatic step forward, her eyes trained on the girl. Her mind went blank. All she could focus on was the smell of the blood. A low growl escaped her throat.


Cara's eyes widened as the vampire and werewolf appeared in front of them. She inhaled sharply as the girl took a step towards her. Her first thoughts were of the Likos and Obyri. But. that made no sense. The two of them seemed to know each other. Or, at least they weren't fighting. "Who..... who are they?" she asked Cyrus quietly, her eyes never leaving the female vampire.
Giving a cursory glance at the offending intruders, Cyrus whispered into Cara's ear. "It would seem this vampire and this werewolf are familiar with each other. Couple with the fact that they don't seem to be in the mood to quarrel with each other, I'm certain that I am correct in ascertaining their nature as that of the Pharmas." Cyrus regarded the others with cool, red eyes. He had nothing to fear from them. They were categorically inferior to him. Thus, it was not his business to meddle with their affairs. Should they, however, attempt anything to do with Cara, he'd have to take reproachful measures, and the supposed Pharmas members wouldn't like them. Of course, it'd be hard to like anything when you're dead or a pile of ash.
James frowned. "I'm well acquainted with the Likos and content. Why would I turn my backs on the ones who have helped me and those I have helped only to fight them?" He didn't like to prospect of fighting the werewolves. He had too many friends in the Likos community to betray. Not to mention, he believed that he was better off with the Likos than the Pharmas. Unless convinced otherwise...


"Human. Bleeding. Strong vampire. Not good," Lilith whispered in a robotic sentence, eyeing the human. She looked back to see Darion and Kaede seemingly at a stand-off with the other vampire. "And that vampire doesn't seem as... fragile... as the others. Kaede is also a new vampire. She has yet to tame her blood thirst. We have to move!" she exclaimed strongly, obviously anxious.


Darion noticed Kaede's reaction to the blood scent. He shot out his arm, stopping her advance. He pushed her behind him, his eyes zeroed in on the vampire.
"Release the girl," Darion said firmly. He could tell with ease that the vampire was one of power. He had faced a psychic Obyri once and it was his feral instinct that overwhelmed his mind, making that vampire's psychic tricks worthless. That was all he really remembered, he didn't know what all happened after he felt a beast take over. It happened once, it could happen again if he needed it in a dire moment.
"The war needs to end and the only way to stop the war with the least loss of life is to help us win," Cole replied, eyes trained on James. He didn't shift his gaze as he lowered his voice and addressed Lilith. "You go. I can't leave without him. Go help the others and get back to the base," he instructed. "I'll do what I can here and meet you back there," he muttered. He couldn't let him get away. He needed him on their side and he wasn't going to let him just leave without attempting to convince him to side with them. Cole took a deep breath and he smelled the blood on the air. He let out a small growl of frustration. He took a moment to glance at Kaede. He hoped Darion could keep her under control.


Darion's reaction caused Kaede to collect her thoughts. She closed her eyes, calming herself before standing next to Darion again. "I'll be fine," she said quietly. She looked at the vampire this time. Just her instincts told her he was powerful. She hoped this vampire would just give the girl up. She took a steadying breath before addressing the girl. "We're here to help you," she explained, keeping her voice as friendly as possible. "I know this is frightening and overwhelming. We'll get you out of here and back with us soon. Don't worry," Kaede said, giving the girl a small smile before looking to the vampire. "Let's not make this difficult," she said, her eyes never leaving the vampire's.


Kaede frowned. "Pharmas?" she asked, confused. She had never heard of them and she was instantly anxious. What could they possibly want? She heard the werewolf speak and then the vampire. Cara's eyes never left the girl's face. She was nervous about how she would react. She bit her lip, considering her options. She felt backed into a corner. She didn't know any of the people surrounding her and she wasn't sure who to trust. She pulled away from Cyrus and took a few steps away from all of them, unsure about how to proceed. Cyrus had saved her life but the vampire and werewolf seemed... peaceful enough and they seemed to want to help her.
Glowering at the speaker, Cyrus responded. "I'm afraid I shan't be complying with your request. This girl is mine... to protect." Suddenly, he let out that laugh again. That eerily beautiful laugh that paralyzed you with awe and amazement, until your demise. The promise of a quick death was obvious underneath the laugh to any who were trained combatants; however, civilians, such as Cara, were enraptured. Yet, even the other vampires and werewolves were a bit stunned at its mesmerizing ability. "I sense a threat in your voice." Cyrus smiled a dangerous, bright smile. "It is almost as if you believe that any in your ranks could defeat me. You are all but lowly vampires and werewolves, descendants of thousands of years of blood, which has since diluted and weakened. Yes, you are nothing compared to the old ones that I've faced. I will protect this girl with my immortal life." All the while, his various gestures had once again paralyzed Cara. Such was his effect on the girl. He slowly pulled her back to her place by his side, his grip relaxed, but firmly ensuring that she wouldn't leave again.
Kaede glared at the vampire. His laugh put her on edge. "You don't frighten me," she said confidently. "It isn't as if we plan to harm her. We want to protect her as well," she said, deciding reason would be better than threatening each other. "Why don't you just let her decide where she wants to go," Kaede suggested, trying to relax the tension between them. The battle was still being waged around them and Kaede was acutely aware of the fact that they were getting closer.


Cara ended up back in Cyrus' arms, though she wasn't sure how. "I want to go with them," she said in a dreamy tone. She was slightly concerned about Cyrus' safety. He said he was more powerful than the rest and he certainly seemed to be quite capable but she worried what would happen to the both of them facing the Likos or Obyri. "Please," she added, looking up at him. She felt that these people could at least provide a shelter and some security. Cara was tired of being on the run. She needed somewhere to relax and try and understand her new situation. She looked over at the vampire woman and saw her smiling a closed-mouth smile at her. Cara was still wary of her because of her initial reaction but the werewolf had stopped the girl from attacking so they must not be interested in harming her. "I'm going with them," Cara said a little more firmly.
Cyrus continued to glare at the vampire. His laugh still echoing in the alley, Cyrus responded. "Very well, she shall go with you. However, I shall be accompanying her. There is no chance for compromise in this matter." Cyrus gripped Cara and began to walk past Kaede. In passing her, his cold, red eyes never sparing her a glance, he spoke so that only Kaede could hear. "If any harm comes to this girl, I will personally destroy Pharmas. I will reduce your vampires to ash and stab your werewolves with silver. There will be nowhere to go and no one will be able to stop me. Remember, I am stronger than all of you, beyond your knowledge. I can't be stopped." His tone was chilling, even to strong willed creatures such as Kaede. It demonstrated the intrinsic instinct of a vampire to fear the original when Kaede instinctually shivered.
Kaede frowned at his threat and at the reaction she had to it. No other vampire had done that to her. She really disliked this vampire and now he was coming back with them. "You really think you can protect her? She's too delicate and she's her own person with her own wants and needs. She may decide to do something that puts her in danger, you know. There's no way to know for sure how people will act. I don't trust you," she added, anger in her tone. "However, I want to help this girl. You can only come with us as long as you keep to yourself. You are not a part of this group," she muttered, staring into his eyes.


"I can walk on my own," Cara said quietly, squirming under his grasp. She attempted to pull away from him. Frustration washed over her, most likely due to the fact that she hadn't slept recently or had a decent meal. "I don't need protecting," she snapped. "I can do just fine on my own," she muttered angrily, staring straight ahead of her. "Why are you so insistent on coming with me?" she asked, finally turning to look him in the eye.

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