The Phantom Trail (SolG123, ChubbehPanda and I)


Hey guys! Here's the plot!:

Two friends go on a school trip, for academic and investigative purposes, when a crime occurred before it. Unfortunately, it was a crime at school that happened before the trip to Venice. They started to investigate, and without enough evidence, they were still pretty clueless about the criminal. None of them were actually familiar with the new place, and they deduced that neither them nor the criminal knew their way around town, so no one actually had the advantage. Secretly balancing the itinerary at day and investigations at night, they often found themselves having benefits and problems at the same time. Knowing that the trip is only for seven days, capturing and confronting the criminal may seem impossible, but for the detectives, nothing is impossible.

Character Skeleton:








My Character Skelly:

Name: Scarlettia Crimson

Nickname: Scarlette, Isis.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Born a curious girl, Scarlettia was almost fit to be a detective, although, she was already one... Sort of. She enjoys listening to nostalgic music, reading books and learning more. She loves adventures, and most of the time, tries to have fun while investigating, though she tries to be serious too.

Other: She often gets scared of certain things.



(Tagging SolG123 and ChubbehPanda. So, any more suggestions? I'll sleep for now ; u ;)
Name: Jacob Andersen

Nickname: "J"

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: He would always be the one looking out for opportunities no matter how small and without regard to the risk it poses to him. He takes a logical approach to any given situation, always needed to know even the smallest detail. He likes reading books to pass the time if he isn't working part-time. He is ambitious, always aiming big and high. There is never a limit to learning for J.

Other: He is sometimes too caught up in the big picture, that he forgets the here and now entirely. He likes listening to techno and rock music.


Name: Kenji Kimura

Nickname: Drama Queen Kenji, Baka Kenji, DKK (detective kenji kimura)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Most people would regard him as an idiot. However, that is his cover up, being the idiot. He hides his true skills behind an easy going exterior. He picks up on what people are up to and how things relate to each other very quickly. Some would go as far as saying hes one of the best detectives for his age. DKK is what people who know him very well call him when there is no one else around. He started an investigating group for his school to find out who did the crimes. He runs it on his own while putting himself on the lowest status in the group to conceal his identity. However, the things he likes is the exact of a 16 teenager....Girls, Video games, Comics, Music, and 18+ material.

Other: Kenji knows parkour, acrobatics, and mix martial arts. He hates backstabbers and always tries to bring the best out of people. If there's a really shy new student in the class, he'd be their first friend. Kenji is also a perv who is easily distracted by flashy outfits.


(Alright, everyone's accepted! I'll edit this post soon, and you guys could start with your introductions.)
(Alright, no idea how to do that lol xD ) 
(Disregard that I'm an Idiot)

The plane had touched down at the Marco Polo Airport. The airplane was staff going through the usual routine of reminding the passengers that they should not remove the seat-belts yet. J had opted to seat near the front of the plane. He kept glancing back at the couple seated 5 rows behind him. The bright red hair and the piercing violet eyes, were what made them stand out the most. Which in turn made it easier for J to avoid them entirely. The exit doors had been opened, the plane was docked. J hurriedly took his carry-on luggage and deplaned as quickly as possible, He went past the school's teachers, ignoring them entirely. He moved through the terminal, weaving in and out of the crowds, right up until he reached immigration. The queue was long. This is going to be a problem.
(Let's just start at class c:)

(Nevermind! ChubbehPanda already posted too c:)
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Kenji was listening to his music while J ran past everyone. His eyes darted quickly, studying J's movements. "Hehe...we got a runner." Kenji took out his notebook. "Jacob Andersen, skinny, short spiky hair, very aware of things." He jot down. He looked at Scarlettia as she was dancing to her own music. He sighed and threw a paper plane across the room. As the got out of the plane, Kenji watched as Jacob ran through the crowd. Then when it came to immigration, Jacob's lead ended. Kenji, being the idiot he was, cut inline by asking people if would like some chips and strike up a conversation. 
Then he remembered that he had left Scarlettia and ran back to get her. When he found her, he saw her shaking in the corner. Kenji sighed, she had a fear of being left alone. He knew this ever since the first day he met her. (sooo sorry i didnt see the posts above!!!~OK NOW SCHOOL >:DD)
(Class it is then @Chubbeh rewind) 
(So you both just start I'll be back a little later)
(No it's alright! This was already started so...

And Scarlettia's not that shaky! >,>

Since everything's getting misunderstood (because of meee), let's just do it like this: Let's do flashbacks of the school, but in reality, they're already in the airport c:)
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(Nice save, Lady Luna) 
*flash back*

J was just minding his own business, seeing who brought what. He was enrolled in an international school so there were lots of foreigners who were flaunting their status and whatever possessions came with it. He saw a choker attached to a bag. Who the hell brings a choker then not wear it? He studied it. The choker's centerpiece seemed to be a finely cut ruby. The choker's material seemed to be of leather, inlaid with emeralds. That would fetch a fine price. I need the money anyway. He waited until class was over and everyone filled out of the room. The owner of the bag seemed to be the class rep. The airhead owns that? This too easy. He bumped into her. He positioned his left hand in such a way that the choker will be directly in the path of his hand, he unhooked the choker and grabbed it in one fluid motion. He placed the choker in the left pocket of his pants. Score. He then turned to the class rep and apologized for bumping into her. He forgot that they would be heading straight to the airport for their field trip to Venice. Genius, I forgot about that, No wonder I was bringing a packed bag along with me. The airhead would most likely realize that her choker is missing and would likely contract Kenji and Scarlettia to find it for her. Either way I should avoid drawing attention to myself.
Kenji was walking on his own minding his own business when the class rep came to him. "Sorry to bother you, but it seems I lost my think you can find it for me?" Kenji laughed. "HAHHA you think I reallly could help you? I wish, I can't even find my own bag." Kenji lightly punched her shoulder, slipping a note into her pocket. He then winked and left. While on the bus to the airport. Kenji got his message from the Class Rep. "So my choker's gone this morning before we left. I suspect it was stolen because there is no way it'd fall off. The hook is quiet strong and it was stolen too. Don't worry, the price for retrieving it will be finalized sooner or later. You have my word DKK."
(Lady Luna, will you also put on a flash back? That way It would be one huge flash back tag, spanning 3 or more posts, to show the introductions of the characters?)
A yawn escaped Scarlettia's small mouth as she continued to read a book from a really great series of the fantasy genre. She looked both sides, and saw that her classmates were still altogether. It was really pretty annoying of their adviser to pick her and Kenji to keep the whole class together, especially because they were really busy at that time. A classmate's head popped beside Scarlettia's right shoulder, and of course, she successfully surprised Scarlettia again.

"Holy marshmallows," Scarlettia mumbled. "You better be talking to me for a good reason, and a good reason only." She closed her knuckles, and demonstrated two swift punches in the air. "So, what is it?" she asked as she tilted her head to the right. It was Andrea Wilde, one of the richest, and fairest, and blah blah blah. A voice continued to say random things in her head, and Andrea poked her cheek to get her attention.

"You know why I'm here," Andrea told her and looked side to side, just to make sure that no one was eavesdropping on them. "When could you get my choker back? I need it soon, or else." Scarlettia rolled her sharp, blue eyes, and closed her book rapidly, leaving a loud clank. "We're detectives, Andrea." she muttered, and looked at Kenji, who seemed to be having fun dancing. "We're not superheroes."

Andrea sighed deeply and looked at the pink-haired girl with dissatisfied eyes. "Alright, sorry." she said. "Just, make sure that you and Kenji could keep a look out for any suspects. We don't want that very, very precious accessory to be sold in the big Venice, now do we?" She felt a shiver at her spine, which was also felt by the other, and left Scarlettia alone. 

ChubbehPanda said:
Kenji was walking on his own minding his own business when the class rep came to him. "Sorry to bother you, but it seems I lost my think you can find it for me?" Kenji laughed. "HAHHA you think I reallly could help you? I wish, I can't even find my own bag." Kenji lightly punched her shoulder, slipping a note into her pocket. He then winked and left. While on the bus to the airport. Kenji got his message from the Class Rep. "So my choker's gone this morning before we left. I suspect it was stolen because there is no way it'd fall off. The hook is quiet strong and it was stolen too. Don't worry, the price for retrieving it will be finalized sooner or later. You have my word DKK."

SolG123 said:
(Lady Luna, will you also put on a flash back? That way It would be one huge flash back tag, spanning 3 or more posts, to show the introductions of the characters?)
I think I'm too lazy for that, sorry. :c

let's just do things freestyle c:
(Alright, I'll let you two sort things out first) 
(Lady Luna, if I may offer my insight, dood.

Yours feels like it could take place in the airport, the bus to the airport or the plane itself. Chubbeh's Post takes place a little after I stole the choker but right before the class boards the bus to the airport.

Just sayin what I understood, dood.)
(Yes, but, the owner of the choker is somehow different, or should I make Andrea Wilde the class rep? c:)
(Go ahead, she seems like the kind to be a ditzy airhead anyway :D
(I am very sorry I screwed up right off the bat. *kneels* This rookie asks for forgiveness)
(I'm all for it, So I'll just type in a location then RP, like this)

Marco Polo Airport, Venice

He had already drawn the attention of Kenji, and decided he was acting too quickly, which would raise suspicion. I should prepare an excuse for why I was in a rush. He reached his turn in line and was inspected by the Immigration control agent behind the counter. After that, He had waited by the luggage carousel, picking up the luggage of the rest of his classmates and setting it down next to him, a total of twenty five including that of the teachers. This will help me form an excuse, I should be more careful next time. He had seen Kenji and Scarlettia arrive first on the scene and waved to them.
(I'll just repeat my post)

A yawn escaped Scarlettia's small mouth as she continued to read a book from a really great series of the fantasy genre. She looked both sides, and saw that her classmates were still altogether. It was really pretty annoying of their adviser to pick her and Kenji to keep the whole class together, especially because they were really busy at that time. A classmate's head popped beside Scarlettia's right shoulder, and of course, she successfully surprised Scarlettia again.

"Holy marshmallows," Scarlettia mumbled. "You better be talking to me for a good reason, and a good reason only." She closed her knuckles, and demonstrated two swift punches in the air. "So, what is it?" she asked as she tilted her head to the right. It was Andrea Wilde, one of the richest, and fairest, and blah blah blah. A voice continued to say random things in her head, and Andrea poked her cheek to get her attention.

"You know why I'm here," Andrea told her and looked side to side, just to make sure that no one was eavesdropping on them. "When could you get my choker back? I need it soon, or else." Scarlettia rolled her sharp, blue eyes, and closed her book rapidly, leaving a loud clank. "We're detectives, Andrea." she muttered, and looked at Kenji, who seemed to be having fun dancing. "We're not superheroes."

Andrea sighed deeply and looked at the pink-haired girl with dissatisfied eyes. "Alright, sorry." she said. "Just, make sure that you and Kenji could keep a look out for any suspects. We don't want that very, very precious accessory to be sold in the big Venice, now do we?" She felt a shiver at her spine, which was also felt by the other, and left Scarlettia alone.

Her whole face was covered as she focused on reading the book, but she knew that her senses couldn't ever fail her. A small gush of wind went passed her, and she knew that someone was running. She completely ignored it, and in some seconds, peeped out of the book which was covering her sights. "Ah, if it isn't J", she muttered as he waved at Kenji and her. She continued to read, wondering why she even took a small break just to see Jacob Andersen, who was seemingly normal.
They look disappointed, nice. He continued to wave at them. "Hello, you two. I just decided to pick up everyone else's luggage since it would be a pain if everyone were to wait for the crowd to finish." He gestured toward the luggage carousel which had patrons of the flight crowd around it waiting for their respective luggage to show up. "Trust me, this isn't the first time I've been travelling on my own. This will streamline the process for a much larger group, like our class."
Kenji waved back. "Hahah man thanks! You sure are fast!" Kenji already knew J was up to something, he wasn't the type to always help people. Plus J never waved at Kenji before, much less talked. Kenji picked up his luggage. "Ahh...would you look at that, nothing stolen :D !" Kenji said as he checked his luggage filled with clothes. He glanced as Jacob's eye quickly widened. Kenji took one of his ero mags. "Here, thats for doing such a good job watching over our luggage!" He whispered into J's ear as he handed it to him.
For a moment he was surprised, but quickly regained his composure. If this idiot noticed, then his genius girlfriend must have seen it a mile away. He kept the magazine handed to him in his bag. He did not bother look at what it was, as far as J was concerned he was handed another gentleman's magazine. He walked over to nearby bench and sat down. "I admit I feel a bit tired after hauling so much luggage, I mean what do they pack in those things? So I guess the three of us should wait for the rest?"

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