The Perfects and Imperfects [Inactive]


Junior Member
LadyNerdington submitted a new role play:

The Perfects and Imperfects - Humans have been deceased from this Earth and in place perfectly human machines now roam.


|Year of 2514|

Exactly three centuries ago, the human race was fine.

Exactly a century later, everything turned upside down.

This is where our story starts.


In the year 2114, a brilliant scientist by the name of Eric Forrester created the perfect human. This "human" was mixed with parts of machinery giving him super...

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LadyNerdington updated The Perfects and Imperfects with a new update entry:

New Rules, a New Family, and Clothing Options.

I have added two new rules that need to be read over. As a request of @Zachariah el Morgan, I have created a new family, The el Morgans. Finally, I have added a description of the clothes they wear. The picture of the "Imperfect Shopping District" has an example of clothing choices for the Imperfects.

~Lady Nerdington
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LadyNerdington updated The Perfects and Imperfects with a new update entry:


Okay, now I have been very busy... Now, I will FINALLY start the RP. As a reminder, we are always accepting new members (quite in need actually). Now without further adieu, we shall BEGIN!
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And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, WE WILL START!

Join me, my friends, in a journey to the world of Perfects and Imperfects. Let us play their war and see who will get the upper hand.




@Zachariah el Morgan



Let us begin our journey!


Aurora Hawkes}

Aurora laid in her bed, deep in thought. Although her face did not show it, she was worried. Worried because of their enemies, The Perfects. What made them so perfect anyways? Oh right, they weren't missing anything. Heh, kindness maybe? She shook her head, removing those thoughts. Her blunt face stared up at the plain white ceiling of her room. This apartment was shared by the other Equality Seekers. After all, this was probably the best place compared to other rundown buildings nearby. It was located in the Shopping District, in an effort to keep a low down. The real business was located in Upper Imperfect City.

Aurora sat up, swinging her legs offer the right side of the bed. She stretched her arms high into the air before getting up and slipping on her worn pair of boots. They were torn at the heel and ripping in different places. Yet, they were the best pair of shoes she had, the only ones really. The young girl walked out the door, heading down two levels before walking out a rundown burgundy door. Out she went, looking for some food.


{Brendan Whitehart}

Brendan sat in his office chair in the Government Building. He was bored out of his mind and soon lounged himself over the arm of the tall white chair. "Ah, it's so boooooring!" He yelled to no one in particular. He span around, totally ignoring his work. Work was all he did, paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork. There was never a day where he wished he could only spend time with his wife, Siris. His beautiful Siris. He never thought much of her slight 'Imperfection' and always thinking her the most perfect being on the planet.

No use thinking of her now. He had work to do, there was an uprising of Imperfects after all. He thought he had them under control, but nooooo. They just had to start getting a brain and fighting against the higher ups. Shaking the thought off, Brendan sighed with tiredness and gave a slight pout. Brendan sat up straight and turned back towards the paperwork. The sooner he'd get it done, the sooner he'd be able to be with Siris again. The man picked up his pen and proceeded to do his work with a quick and even pace.
Leigh had risen early as it was a habit. He briskly got out of his small and worn down bed and trudged towards the window beside his bed. It was shuttered as usual because Leigh had no use of an open window. He grasped the cane that was beside the bedside, as he had always put there every single day of his life he had the cane. Leigh easily navigated through his small home. His home was divided neatly into two. On the left side was his bakery, in the middle, a small room for accommodating guests, and on the right, a corridor that led to two rooms, one his parents and on his own. Leigh walked to his bakery, savoring the silence of his home and the amazing smell of baked pastries that he had baked the other day, albeit they were cold now. At the end of Leigh's bakery, a large square opening covered by a protective metal screen was set in the wall. In front of this opening was a desk with three locked drawers containing money and other financially related things within them. This wasn't particularly good security, and Leigh had been victims of robbery before, but all of the robbers faced a firm rounding from Leigh's cane. Leigh's hearing was very sensitive, and it was his main source of navigation, so it had to be.

A smile spread across Leigh's face as he put on a starched apron and set down to work. Three and a half hours later, the house smelt like perfection. Rising pastries freshly baked from the oven were set out in small plates to be placed in paper bags and sold. Leigh was skilled and made mostly small treats and snacks, which sold the most. He was also sometimes commissioned for elaborate pastries and desserts but not too often. A menu board was posted outside of Leigh's stand which focused on a large variety of pie, cookies, and tarts. One could also order baked loafs of bread to buy for one's home if one did not desire the delicacies on menu. Leigh also reheated and rejuvenated the leftover bread from yesterday, which was not much as the day before had been quite busy. Leigh ordered the cookies, tarts, and pie slices in three different sections, each identifiable by scent. Leigh could even pick out the different varieties of the treats by scent too. His father was quite popular as the main baker on the Imperfect Market and rumor had already spread that Leigh was almost as good.

It was show time. Leigh unlocked the locks that fastened the metal screen across the counter and propped it beside the desk. Leigh felt the warmth of the sun stream across his face and knew it was time for the early bird customers to arrive in short notice. The sweet scent of baked pastries started to waft out from the shop outside.



{Aurora Hawkes}

Aurora trudged down the busy streets of the Shopping District. At the current moment, food was on her mind. She was sure she'd find something affordable, if not, maybe a little over her budget. Her mind was set on paste rise, sweets, anything like that. With her expressionless face, many would think that she'd dislike sweets. But cut her some slack. She's like any old fifteen year old girl out there. And, who doesn't like sweets? She blinked her eyes, looking here and there. A small group of children passed by and said hello. She merely nodded and said her hello. This was the normal routine when she wasn't dealing with Equalist business. Aurora's eyes wandered towards a few shops but she remembered her mission.

The black haired girl wandered a little further. Suddenly, her nose caught scent of a delightful smell. Sweets, paste rise, food. Those were the first words to pop into her mind. Aurora turned her head towards a bakery, Leigh's to be exact. If she could have smiled, she would have. Her pace quickened as she hurried to get so etching to eat. Her eyes wandered to Leigh, the famous baker's son. He was blind which made it all the more interesting. Aurora strolled in and said, "Hello, I'd like to buy some treats."


- Kas -

There was a time in his life when Kas strolled down the streets of the Imperfect City, a place he believed to be perfect in its own way, but the hobbies he allowed himself to enjoy had changed to an extremity since that bittersweet day seven years ago in which he was introduced as the leader of the Equality Seekers. Nowadays, he tended to spend his days debating crucial decisions with himself. Would a full-fledged war benefit his people? Would the Adam even consider negotiation, or would he be captured on the spot if he walked into the Perfect City? Over the years, the weight of his position had left him struggling to get by, but he did anyway; all the Imperfects depended on him. It was no wonder why his father's friend died young, fulfilling the tasks of this role. However, as much as he loved his people, there were doubts behind his confident words that left him to be as cold as a man could be.

That was what his mother believed, at least. The last time Kas visited his sickly parents -- a long month ago -- his father beamed with pride at what he beamed with pride, seeing what he had become. But his mother had become quite exasperated; she hated how stoical he had become. He rarely smiled, and never ranted about the great events of his day like he did when he was young. Before he left, her last words to him were soft and serious: "Don't let equality make you so cold, Kas." He knew he should be seeing them again, but his secret insecurity about the woman's opinion of him pinned in this drafty apartment, making excuses every week about his busyness. Sitting in his makeshift office desk, Kas let go of his inner conflicts, deciding it would be best to release the anxiety that could release his imperfection for the world to see, and looked back over his past notes on the Perfects and their weaknesses.

- Marquetta Hollingsbrook -

Sitting idly in her office desk, feet propped up on the arms of her chair, Marquetta twirled her hair as she admired the view out the window. Of course, the view not one of nature, but rather one of an attractive young man that she would only be admiring for a few more seconds before she realized there were other men more suitable for her precious eyes. It was her typical day, after all. Habitually signing her assigned paperwork -- only skimming documents for loopholes, fine print, etc. -- answering phones, and scheduling appointments, Marquetta constantly sighed at the inherent boredom of her work. Even the majority of men around her office were no fun to flirt with anymore.

Hearing the Adam's complaint coming from the room beside hers, Marquetta sighed once again. She found it typical for Brendan to be childish and inefficient with his work, and found the Eve to be excessively lenient when it came to the Imperfects. But she could never reveal her inner spite and deceptions to anyone but herself. Doing so could be disastrous to her power -- the only belonging of hers that never ceased to entertain her. For now (and she knew "now" would be a limited time, with her rising influence), Marquetta would comply with her job to make the officials happy. To do so, the 18-year-old yelled into Brendan's room, without bothering to stand and walk over there in person, "Anything I can help you with, Adam?"

Marquetta knew her voice would come out friendly and chipper, rather than irritated and bored. After all, everyone knew her as her facade: the loyal girl with no bad bone in her body.

{Brendan Whitehart}

Brendan's head shot up upon hearing his secretary, Marquetta. The girl was quite helpful in many ways. He also enjoyed her company, being she was probably the one other person who could tolerate his childish outbursts. She did things without hesitation or complaint. Well, if only he knew her inner demons as well as he knew her outer personality. We shouldn't judge Marquetta, however. Brendan was no prefect little angel either. How ironic really. Deep down he was cold like the other members of his family. Being spoiled also added to his list of bad traits. Bringing his mind back to earth, Brendan drew a breath before speaking.

"Oh! How kind of you Miss Marquetta! In fact, I do require some assistance," Brendan spoke with a voice unlike his true one. The Adam smiled a very false smile, although quite convincing in truth. His pen kept moving nonetheless, his eyes darting back to the paper to make sure he was still writing alright. In the short period of time, he finished two more pages of his work. It was nothing all that special, just things he needed to approve. Brendan reached to grab another paper and quickly scanned over it. His smile dropped as he frowned at the print that was found upon the sheet of paper.

More trouble with the Equalists, those disgusting creatures. Why did they cause trouble? Brendan knew of course but refused to admit it. It was he and the other Perfects being the cause of the rebellion. They were the ones holding unjust laws upon the people of Imperfect City. Even though they were brothers, species wise, the Perfects cared nothing of them. Perhaps even hating them. This fate may be leading them both down the wrong paths. "D**n those Imperfects," Brendan cursed under his breath.

Leigh's had heard the incoming footsteps of a rather lightweight person and responded by swiftly turning his head towards the young lady. Leigh recognized the voice, although he did not know her name, he had heard the voice of this lady talk to him once or twice before ordering some treat or whatnot.

"Why of course young lady, what would you want today?"

Leigh pushed his arm out through the counter and pointed to his right. On the wall was a chalkboard covered with a strong resin so as to preserve the text and defend against vandalism. The board was nailed into the wall and looked rather old. A quite larger variety of pies, tarts, and cookies were chalked in colorful letters on the board, although some sections of the board seemed to be slightly fading out. The prices were all quite low and very affordable as Leigh's father, who had created the menu many years ago, was not one to overprice and simply enjoyed baking as it was, a trait passed down to Leigh.

"There's all the types of baked goods I have today and have had for quite a while. Well then, what type of pie, cookie or tart do you want young lady? Or perhaps a few loaves of bread to create some home made finery?"

Leigh didn't know why he always pointed towards the board like that, most, if not all of his customers knew that his menu never changed and, over time, they had developed their own normal routine for buying different types of bread. The three sons of Leigh's neighbors always bought six blueberry tarts every three days when they got enough money to do so, the old mechanic across the street always bought two loaves of bread, having been a baker himself a long time ago, and so on. Perhaps it was Leigh's way of recognizing and recalling his father. Leigh wondered why the girl was out so early, as his sensitive hearing had not picked up more then two voices in the distance, although he predicted many shops and services would open in the next hour or two. Leigh decided that today he would close shop early and explore around the city for a bit, talk to the other shopkeepers, and perhaps find something out about the Equalists. Leigh was no helpess being out on the streets and could navigate foreign territory amiably through the tapping of his cane sending a small map of his surroundings to navigate. His cane was also a formidable weapon against ill willed individuals looking to rob a blind man too.


{Salvon Treance}

Slowly, I woke up from the trance called 'sleep'. I sat up in my bed, feeling the sleep grip me, trying to tell me to go to sleep. I slowly forced myself out of bed, and put on a new pair of clothing, feeling hungry. I remembered we didn't have much food, and I needed to go shopping. After some time, I was ready. I said goodbye to my parents, and left.


- Marquetta Hollingsbrook -

With a heavy exhale, Marquetta stood from her relaxed position and brushed the wrinkles from her skirt. She had been hoping the Adam would be fine on his own -- giving her a "no, thank you" or a "I'm alright" -- but looking back on it, she was foolish to think that offering assistance would bring her any joy. Rather, her only enjoyment came from others assisting her, or even better, others completing her work for her. Shrugging aside the mistake she had made, the young girl walked into Brendan's office with a bright smile.

"And how might I lend you a hand, Adam?" Marquetta asked, sweetly and innocently. She twirled her hair once again, playing up the angelic look that must have charmed both Brendan and Siris into hiring her in the first place. After all, she was a Perfect, and with that title came perfect looks, perfect wits, and the perfect persona to make this close to the heads of the government at a young age.

Giving a slight pout, the blonde girl tilted her head in question. "Are the Imperfects troubling you again?" she asked, acting concerned. As much as Marquetta despised the Imperfects, with their grotesque flaws and all, it amused her to see the Adam having such a hard time combating the fools. Personally, she would never allow the scums of the earth even the slightest chance to question her authority. But her job today was to obey, even if it were orders from a man she believed herself to be better than -- a belief she held about the majority of people. Marquetta liked to call herself a Loyalist, but it was her race she was loyal to, not her commanders.

- Kas -

As he continued to sit within his office -- secluded from the rest of the Imperfects -- Kas realized that the level of noise within these thin walls had grown lower and lower. Was it simply his imagination? No, he knew that his people had two weaknesses that set them apart from the Perfects: sickness and death. While he had been sending recruits out in secret, and having members of the Equality Seekers look out for possible members, he knew that they could never win a war in pure numbers. The Perfects and their Loyalist army had advanced weapons, natural skills, and a knack for living; the Imperfects had people on the inside at most, but they were the lesser Perfects that could actually understand the brutality of the segregation.

Kas had hypothesized that there was something off about Siris Whiteheart at one point, but after months of being stuck on the thought, he decided to let it go, never realizing how right he was. If only he dug deeper into his notes, perhaps he could have linked the Eve and her imperfection, and found a way to take the oppressing Adam down through the woman.
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