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The Perfect Partners

Troy sat in the living room, deep in thought. It had been four days since he finished his last mission. He had assassinated a local drug dealer who angered the wrong people. It went pretty smoothly except for one small detail... Or was it a mistake. In his line of work most will consider it one. The drug dealer had a young girl imprisoned, every part of his mind screamed at him to leave her alone but he couldn't. And so he took her in... She hadn't spoken much to him yet, maybe she doesn't trust him much yet. She told him that she was alone in the world, had no one. But only now he was starting to realize how big his mistake is. What was he going to do with her now, if she stays with him she would know so much about him, and that is deadly for him. He decided to wait patiently until she wakes up, then she'll have a decision to make.
Lila woke up with a tight frown and a silent scream. She shot up, running her hands nervously up and down her forearms to soothe herself. The room felt warm; not a subtle warmth, the kind of warmth that makes your insides melt, and your eyes burn. With a slight whimper, she wiped away the tears brimming in her wide, grey eyes. In her sight line was a man. The man that had saved her from that sicko. The sicko that had caused her so much pain, but now it was over. Everything was over, unless this man was out to get her too. She curled into the corner, tucking her legs into her stomach cautiously, her eyes were locked on the stranger in front of her. Lila knew of his name: Troy. He had told her when rescuing her, and she had hardly spoke a word since.
Troy winked out of his thoughts back to reality as Lila woke up. He saw that she was afraid and shaking, he was confused as to what to say to her. He didn't have good people skills, he spent more time hurting than talking. He stared at her for a little while then finally spoke. "You don't have to be afraid Lila, no one is going to hurt you here." He said as he stood up and walked to the kitchen. He had made an omelette and had it ready for when she wakes up. He was a pretty good cook, after all he lived on his own. He poured some hot coffee in a cup and took it to her alongside the omelette. "Here I've... made these for you. I hope you like them." He then asked her as he sat down. "Did you remember any family? Any place you know that you can be safe? Or are you truly on your own?"
"Thank you," Lila whispered under her breath, picking at the omelette delicately. Her bones were clearly visible from where she had been starved, almost. With reluctance, she gently seized the cup, allowing the warmth to absorb into her palms. When Troy had mentioned a safe place, and family, her eyes widened and drifted up to his with a pained expression. Slowly, she shook her head as if to say no, and watched him with a bewildered expression. Of course he would say he wouldn't hurt her, she should've expected that. That's what the last man said too. "You promise?" She sniffed, referring to being hurt.
He only nodded when she thanked him, and let out a sigh as she shook her head. So she really didn't have anyone? He was silent for a while then answered. "Yes, I promise. But you can't stay here, I'm... You saw what I'm capable of, what I do for a living. I travel a lot and I don't want you to be involved in this world of mine, you've suffered enough." He then stared at her with his deep blue eyes. "But I don't know what else to do with you. I don't know any safe places and... In my line of work I don't get to have a lot of friends."
Lila watched him, her eyes darting across his face as he spoke before settling on his face. She simply sniffed to acknowledge what he had said. He seemed caring enough, despite the circumstances. If he left her, she wasn't sure what she would do, or how to live. Probably on the streets, again. With a soft sigh, she took a sip of the coffee, and bluntly mumbled, "Okay." Her voice was still slightly hoarse and pained when she spoke from all of the screaming she had done, and all the shouts of detest and for freedom. Sharply, her hand rushed to her throat and she rubbed at the outiside of her flesh, hoping to somehow soothe herself. So, he didn't have anyone either? Or so it seemed. She gratefully smiled, the first smile that she had shown him, the first smile after months, maybe even years, of being held hostage. It seemed wild and tense, but, it was still a smile nevertheless.
Troy felt his heart crushed as he though about what this teenage girl went through. It reminded him of himself, and what he went through. But then he was shocked as a smile appeared on her face. He couldn't help but offer her a smile of his own, a brief one. This child was strong. Then a strange thought accord to him. "Lila, do you want to be strong? To you want to be in charge of your own life?"
Lila frowned a little, tilting her head like a puzzled puppy. "I don't.....comprehend?" She pouted, not understanding what he had meant. Be strong? She looked down at her stick thin arms. They seemed to look like they would snap at any given moment. She wasn't strong, she wasn't even threatening. Biting the inside of her cheek, she crossed her arms across her chest almost in a protective manner. Her eyes never left the deep blue of Troy's at any point as he sat there.
He took a few deep breaths then said. "You can stay here with me. I'll teach you how to fight and be able to defend yourself. This is a cruel world, and only the strong survive. But in exchange for that you will do everything I ask of you, without hesitation. I can use the help of a partner, it'll make things easier." He said in a serious tone as he glared at her. Trying to read her expressions.
Lila, although highly reluctant, nodded in agreement. What worse could possibly happen? Either that or she lives on the streets, and becoming 'strong' intrigued her. Her face scrunched up at his kindness, and she struggled to fight back tears. No one had ever been so caring, even after a few hours. Though, she wasn't sure whether or not he could be trusted, so she kept secretive and quiet, keeping herself to herself.

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