The Path to Rock


New Member

Joshua "Spike" Loaf looked at the ceiling with a deep longing in his heart

He needed to learn the secret to his art

He needed some tight compadres

who would teach him how to rock

He needed to escape his fathers clutches

and that oppressive neighbor hood

to find the City of Fallen Angels

But First he needed the Most Amazing band

where would he find the ones to aid his art?

Josh woke up and sprung out of bed, almost forgeting his clothes, he stood on the stoop of his father's conformist suburban household. He asked himself, "Where to begin?"
Matt kicked Josh's door, strumming on his guitar while he waited for him to open the door. His straps muffled his mouth, so he just uttered a "Mmf! Mmmmf!!", trying to get Josh's attention. He wailed an epic rift as he waited.
Josh swings the door open. "DUDE! i just had the most amazing prophecy! Greg Graffin came to me in my sleep and told me id form the most amazing band in the world and defeat Satan! And, no I'm not on LSD again, last time with tha garbage can was enough."
Matt rolled his eye at the memory of the garbage can. The things that happened with that garbage can will forever haunt him. He simply stared blankly at Josh, then mumbled. He played an upbeat groove on his slammer, indicating his approval.

"Mmmmmf, mf mmf bmbmbm!" He mumbled.
Azriala rolledher eyes as she heard Matt kicking Joshua's door. She turned down her music and yelled up at him "Could you be a little quiet?" she had just gotten to the house and was walking in the door, guitar strapped to her back. Matt was supposed to be teaching her rifs...but that usually didn't happen when she was over.
Matt heard a familiar voice, then turned his head to the sound of it. He saw Azriala and mumbled happily.

Josh grabs Azriala by the waist as she enters the door and spins her around, "I'm gunna be famoose!!!!!!!" and begins singin along with Matts groove, some tasty jam about making it big and a rather long verse about f***king.
Azriala giggled and then finally push Joshua away and set her guitar down. She tossed her curly black hair back away from her face. She raised an eyebrow at Matt "Are you actually gonna teach me something today?" she said as she sat on the worn out couch.
Matt let out an audible chuckle from behind the straps and let out a long, epic rift from the guitar, his fingers moving like lightning and sound coming out like thunder. He closed his eye and moved through the different chords as smoothly as a glorious hawk glides through the air. The melody was hauntingly beautiful and when it ended, he opened his eye and chuckled again.

Azriala looked confused but picked up her guitar and tried playing it. It was almost perfect a few wrong finger placings but other than that it had sounded good. She raised an eyebrow again "Good?" she asked.

Matt placed his fingers on her guitar and showed her, then played it again. He held his hand up, indicating for her to try it again.

Azriala nodded and played again, this time perfectly. She grinned, showing off her perfect white teeth. She played her victory riff. Something along the lines of the chorus of Haunted by Taylor Swift and Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People.
Matt simply glared at the white teeth, then played alongside her. When the rift was over, he looked toward Joshua, then mumbled lowly.

Azriala huffed and stopped smiling. She looked over at Joshua and gave him a shrug. She never could figure out why he didn't like her smiling.
Scarlet was walking, as usual. Though the first day of school does strike her as interesting, she was dreading the moment she stepped into the class. Of course, she was the new girl, of course all eyes would be fixated on her, sure all attention would be focused on her. But she'd rather be invisible.

Her converses were dragged onto the floor, the whites of the rubber already dirtied from countless times she'd played football in them. Yes, she played football, and yes she plays in any shoes she has on. Though, it always resulted in dirtied boots or in this case, converses. And with her bag slung over her shoulder, she shuffled towards the horrid building they all call school.

She was wearing her usual "Suck It" shirt, only to make her usual "**** off" impression. Of course, she needed this as a vital feature to her look. After all, she wanted to be left alone. Accompanying this, was her ripped skinnies. Grey, of course, only to match her black with white scratchy print "Suck It" tanktop. And as usual, her wrists were clinking with the various dark colored (black, read, purple, etc) chains and rubber bands she always seemed to find. Just another feature to add onto her first impression. After all, they all say that matters most.
As the jam session goes on, Josh frantically runs around the suburban flat, collecting gear, phone numbers and outfit accesories. "hmm, well the drum kit is a little out of shape not bad....." and he trails off again, he runs upstairs and down, making calls to local venues. "Do we know anyone who can play drums or a bass? preferably two different ppl."
Scarlet hums slightly, her brows furrowing upon the thought of the song that stuck in her head as if glues on by honey.

"I must've stabbed her fifty ******* tiiiiimes~

I can't believe it.

Ripped her heart out right before her eeeeeyessss~

Eyes over easy..."

She was aware that she frightened people along the way, catching their attention with her loud-ish singing. Of course, the fact that the lyrics talked mostly about cold murder, the attention received was one not so pleasant. Not that she cared anyways.

She crinkled her nose upon her entrance in the store, drum sticks still sticking up from the pockets she'd shoved them into. Though her set had recently decided to fall apart as she was creating a new beat. Figures. She'd need to buy a whole new set. Not that it mattered. She still had several tens of thousand dollars left behind by her step mom. And as she was browsing, she overheard a slight mumble behind the counter.

"My apologies, young man... We don't quite have a drummer or bass player available... But you're welcome to drop by if you are interested in buying anything. I mean, we are a music store." But his nervous laugh indicated that the caller, whoever he was, had turned down the offer. But she couldn't help wonder what the caller had wanted from a drum player.

Her grey eyes flickered towards her twin, black drumsticks her father had given her, chewing her bottom lip in thought.
" Well if you don't have one could you put up an ad for me or something? the adress is 15 Washington lane......yeah......Have them call this number..... Band name? We haven't got one.........thanks!" he flops on the couch and looked at Azriala, "Don't worry, Matt is an aquired taste, the smiling thing is just a sour bit" He begins scribbling lyrics in his notebook, waiting for their potential drummer to call.
Scarlet raised her eyebrow as the storeowner frowned, shaking his head a bit as he slammed the phone shut. Slowly he turned, scowling at her upon sight. "Are you going to BUY something, little lady?"

She flinched at his tone and approached, her drum sticks swaying along with her movements. The storeowner's scowl faltered, however at the sight of the two wooden instruments, but Scarlet already knew what would come flying out of his mouth even before he parted his lips.

"You're a drummer, aren't you?" His calloused hand grasped her bare arm, yelping as she was dragged to the back of the counter. She watched as the man rapidly dialed back the number in which had called him before. He spoke animatedly, loud and fast something to the lines of "drummer" and "girl." And before she knew it, the phone was shoved into her face. And slowly, she spoke.

"U-Uh... Hello?"

He was embarrased when he heard the girl on the phone "..........Ahh....Welcome aboard! We're having practice right now, come over if your interested!" He spoke loud and fast and hung up quickly. He banged his head against the wall a couple times.
Scarlet blinked as she was hanged up upon even before she could reply. The male who'd spoke had been speaking fast, she could have hardly understood the words he's spluttered, though all she was able to make out was... An address and an invite over. Strange...


Scarlet crinkled her nose as she glanced at the small piece of paper once again afore looking up to see if the numbers matched the address. And after much walking and looking, she finally came across the sight. A middle-class house, not one she was used to, but it will have to do.

"U-Uhm... Hello?" She called, standing just a few feet from the gate with both her guitar and drumsticks in hand.
Before she could get out the whole hello, Josh busts down the door and sprints down the yard and vaults over the small chain-link fence, "Hi, I'm Josh, lead vocals, the bassist and guitarist are inside, wow you're cute, welcome to the band." he says all this fast and a little nervous, he'd had a rough day, being "The Chosen One" and all.
The smaller girl blinked at the taller male, her brow raising at his fast paced speaking and slightly peculiar way of introducing himself. Though, she couldn't help but notice his attire, black, black... And metallic. Freaking awesome.

A smile spread upon her rosey lips as she extended her hand to greet him., using the other hand to brush away a lock of red hair from her startlingly bright gray eyes.

"Scarlet Harley, drummer, learning to play the guitar..." She blinked, though as she forgot to mention her latest discovered talent. And as if she were being watched, or in this case, eavesdropped, she leaned closed and cupped one side of her mouth with one hand. "I also sing a bit.​"
He looked at the extended hand "That won't do." Now, more comfortable he thought he'd mess with her a little. He picked her up and squeezed her. Upon setting her down he opened the Gate of Rock to the Flat of Rock, there he opened the Portal to Rock into the Livingroom of Rock Appreciation and Theory.
She blinked as she was embraced, raising another eyebrow at his antics. Still strange, she noted, how he didn't even bother to wait for her approval before dragging her around his house by her hand. Scarlet crinkled her nose once more as she brushed her bangs from her face, her axe-shaped guitar swinging as she stumbled to keep pace with the vocalist.

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