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Fantasy The Path to Power

The plot and wirting is excellent. I do feel like I missed out on a lot after my absense.

If Vincent ever has to lie about his name, Jacob and Daniel have to be options.
Hey Frank, welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying the quest so far. Don't worry about missing out too much, there's always another choice to be made down the road.

If Vincent ever has to lie about his name, Jacob and Daniel have to be options.
Y'all are never gunna let this go, aren't you? :xFwhat:
Hey Frank, welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying the quest so far. Don't worry about missing out too much, there's always another choice to be made down the road.

Y'all are never gunna let this go, aren't you? :xFwhat:
I'll never let it go. I started this war and I'll fight it till it's bitter end.
Really enjoyed this chapter, great reading as always. Honestly, I feel it's kinda hard to give constructive feedback, other than "just continue like this".

I really like the way we got our magic, as well as the spells we used thus far - suits the character very well. Speaking of him, I truly feel as if the name's just a missed opportunity, could have been thrice as long... other than that, I like the position we're in, and it'll certainly be interesting to see where this path leads us. Choices were on point, only one case was a bit unsatisfying (I already mentioned the name issue, didn't I?), different enough to feel like it made a difference and yet not so far off each other that one of them felt completely out of character.

As for his general direction: I agree that it'd be good if we'd care for others at some point, without forgetting about our past and goals. I wouldn't mind a less heroic path than usual (thus my vote to support the thugs instead of the knight), but it'd be nice to have one or two other characters one can relate to. The addition of Cassandra is probably one step in that direction.
I say we stick to the villanous path
Really enjoyed this chapter, great reading as always. Honestly, I feel it's kinda hard to give constructive feedback, other than "just continue like this".

I really like the way we got our magic, as well as the spells we used thus far - suits the character very well. Speaking of him, I truly feel as if the name's just a missed opportunity, could have been thrice as long... other than that, I like the position we're in, and it'll certainly be interesting to see where this path leads us. Choices were on point, only one case was a bit unsatisfying (I already mentioned the name issue, didn't I?), different enough to feel like it made a difference and yet not so far off each other that one of them felt completely out of character.

As for his general direction: I agree that it'd be good if we'd care for others at some point, without forgetting about our past and goals. I wouldn't mind a less heroic path than usual (thus my vote to support the thugs instead of the knight), but it'd be nice to have one or two other characters one can relate to. The addition of Cassandra is probably one step in that direction.
Yeah we should care for people so it will be more impactfull when we backstab them for our own goals. (Okay if, we backstab them for our goals. They may not get in the way.)
I'm seeing an interesting pull between "be a good guy" and "be a bad guy, but also care about people." The addition of additional main cast members is definitely something I can look in to.

Thanks for the feedback everyone, really appreciate it so far!
>Begin Chapter Two

"I can't accept this." He could absolutely accept it.

"It's too much." It was perfect.

"I'm unworthy of such a gift." A baldfaced lie.

Vincent was in the midst of an armory, held adjacent to the barracks of Fort Windward, the furthest and most isolated encampment on the frontier. As Fort Windward was on the very edge of the Empire, it was considered the ideal staging grounds for expanding the territory. The rush of new people, new supplies and new responsibilities had invigorated the Fort from a sleepy buttress against the elements of the wilds in to a slowly developing, full fledged township. Vincent was shocked at the number of people here, having expected minimal posting for such an out of the way encampment.

With him was Cassandra, currently in conversations with the base commander, Colonel Dustin. Both of whom were completely ignoring Vincent while they discussed his position as a retainer at the Fortress. While initially hesitant to take on a civilian, Colonel Dustin had changed his mind completely when he was informed of Vincent's mystical abilities, as the Fortress itself did not have a Battlecaster unit assigned to it.

Cassandra had been the one to first broach the topic with Vincent upon their arrival. Vincent had given some token protests for the sake of pretending to have some modesty, having become resigned to the fact that his mystic skills were unlikely to remain a secret for much longer. It was only when they had begun discussing supplying him with weapons, armor and other equipment for his newly acquired duties did he start really vocalizing his protests.

Because frankly, that is exactly what he really wanted.

Eventually, Cassandra grew weary of his protests, and shut him down. "Enough, Vincent." She said, not unkindly. There was a subtle smile on her face, as though she knew he was secretly eager to accept. "It does not do for a man of your talents and deeds to live in squalor. Where would you go of not here? Do you have coin to pay for lodgings?"

Vincent outwardly grumbled, but otherwise ceased his protests, content to let things develop. A small part of his protests had been genuine, if only because becoming known as the resident Wizard would draw more attention to him than he liked, but the benefits outweighed the drawbacks.

Dustin, a gruff, boisterous, bear of a man, laughed at the spectacle. "You've been in your books too long, mage. Here in civilization, we recognize deeds of valor. You'll fit in nicely once you clean up and get out of those rags. Now, come, lets see about getting you some proper steel."

"Very well, if you insist." Vincent said, allowing himself to be lead to the back of the armory, were the more high quality gear was stored.

"I do." Cassandra said, still all business. "If you are going to stay here, you will at least look the part." She said.

The duo watched as Vincent was fitted for a set of light leather armor, as well as a longsword that had been forged from quality steels. It was quite nice, all things considered, and Vincent spent more time than he cared to admit admiring the new gear.

"There. Much better than those old rags you used to wear." Said Dustin. "I'll have the attendants bring you some clothing as well. Armor is nice, but you'll be dead sore if you try to wear it as your day attire." He said, laughing at his own joke.

"You will be stationed in one of the officers quarters." Cassandra said. "Dustin and I will be in the same wing, so we can head there next to get settled in if you would like. Otherwise we can tour the fort and get the lay of the land if you're eager to get started."

What do you do?

>Get settled in.
>Tour the place and get to work.
It's slightly more incharacter to tour the place and get to work but the smarter option is to get settled in to make Vincent's eairler reluctance seem not entierly faked and to see his room before any (extremely) early assassins come try to well, assassinate us.

So, of cource, I'll vote for the second option.

(I am Con Con btw. I lost my password I decided to make a new account. Some of the things I said make more sense now? I was trying to bring the subject up whitout doing well, this.)
Oh hey Con, welcome back (sorta). I was wondering what happened to you.

Definitely understand some of your previous comments better now, though. Especially the name thing.
Oh hey Con, welcome back (sorta). I was wondering what happened to you.

Definitely understand some of your previous comments better now, though. Especially the name thing.
I apologize for my vacation in Hades, I turely did miss a lot.

I'll never let it go. I started this war and I'll fight it till it's bitter end.
Yeah, I was kinda suprised nobody said anything about that.

P.S. The name 'Frank' is related to the name 'Con'. Guess how.
Frank comes from frankly which is a synonym for honesty (I considered the name Hon, cause of the poetry) which is an aytnonym of con.

Con ¬ honesty == frankly ⇒ Frank
A rather convoluted method of renaming.

I'll pick Choice 1. We'll need a base of operations as soon as possible, even if it's temporary, so we can ward the place, prepare magical protections for ourself, enchant our equipment and/or do whatever magicy thing we have to do.
I'm curious to know more about our surroundings, if anything, a tour seems like a good place to start to get the layout of the fort and maybe meet some other inhabitants. We don't have too many possessions anyways, so we can parade around in our new gear, and make a strong first impression. I agree that we should prepare our magical spells, but that is part of getting to work, and knowing the land will help us tailor defenses for this area.

Hesitantly decide to take a look around - we gotta get a first impression of this place without showing that we're actually quite happy with how things are now.
I think touring around with the base commander and the princess would certaintly give our man a leg up around the place but then having too much attention is probably not to Vincent's liking.

Maybe we should take the tour and the settle down. Working right away might be too much.
No post this week, possibly next week as well due to the holidays.

Sorry for the super late notice, I thought I had already warned everyone last week. My bad.
>Tour the area.

Fort Windward was situated on top of a large hill that overlooked most of the surrounding region. there was a dense wooded area to the far west, and fields and grasslands to the north and south, along with mountainous regions further along in each direction. Eastward was the ocean, and the infinite waters beyond.

At the base of the fortress was a collection of developing buildings that would soon transform in to a full township. A large set of walls surrounded the developing town, and a pair of main gates connected to the roads leading to the mining complex and the way back to the capital.

The township was ablaze with activity, as newcomers looking to make their fortune on the frontier were assigned duties and responsibilities by the administration. Others with a more enterprising spirit had set up shops of their own, many little more than glorified stalls at the moment, and were promoting their wares to anyone who passed by.

Of the shops in question, the largest was the apothecary and the general store. The woodlands surrounding Fort Windward were flush with natural resources that a clever herbalist had capitalized on, and it was here that Vincent had stopped during Dustin's tour of the area.

Both Cassandra and Dustin had been engrossed in a conversation regarding the deployment of new resources, pricing and overall economic stability of Fort Windward, and failed to noticed until it was almost too late that Vincent had stopped and was examining several of the unique reagents that the apothecary was selling.

"How much for a bundle of these?" Vincent asked the shopkeep, pointing at several plants and minerals.

"That'd be two Rods, sir." Said the woman behind the counter.

Vincent gave the woman a skeptical look. "Two whole Rods for some plants? That seems like a bit much." He said, giving them another look.

The woman shook her head. "No no, these are Malsus blossoms. Very rare and very hard to get ahold of. You're lucky I can let them go for only two Rods. They grow more abundantly out here than anywhere else." She said with a smile.

"Uh huh." Was Vincent's erudite reply. He knew the Malsus blossom, they made a fantastic all-purpose base component for a number of spells. They weren't nearly as rare as the woman was making them out to be, though. Odds are he could buy a dozen back in the capital for maybe a dozen Rings. Much less than two Rods."

Or course, that as besides the point, he didn't have any money on him at the moment. Still, they'd be useful to have once he started actually doing work, Maybe he could get an advance?

By then, Dustin and Cassandra had noticed his absence, spotted him and were approaching. The woman in question saw the pair of them over his shoulder, and while she didn't recognize Cassandra, she certainly knew the man in charge of the fort she was living in the shadow of.

"Vincent, there you are." Dustin said, approaching him. "Whats this, thinking of buying something for a woman?" He asked, noting the flowers Vincent was looking at.

"They're Malsus blossoms. Good for magecraft." Vincent said, ignoring the teasing. His attention was now back on the shopkeeper. The poor woman looked like she was very uncomfortable, now that she knew Vincent was associated with Colonel Dustin, she was rethinking and possibly regretting pricing the items Vincent was interested in so highly.

What do you do?

>Take advantage of your new situation and have the reagents "gifted" to you.
>As for an advance from Dustin and buy the reagents normally.

So I lied and managed to get you all a post before the week was out. Woo!

Also, check out those DYNAMIC MORAL CHOICES.
Gah, you tricked us, you hardworking fiend! You better take a break next week, or else! (Good job!)

As for the choice, I think we should side with GOOD and buy the stuff normally. A benevolent dictator is far less likely to be overthrown than a malevolent one.
Heckn' bamboozled! (Thanks for your hard work though!)

I would rather that we didn't set a precedent of getting easily taken advantage of, nor am I comfortable with the idea of taking advantage of someone by the merit of our position. I think the easiest thing to do here is to accept the gift, as a way for everyone to put this behind us, and then just pay a fair price in the future.
Ask for an advance to buy them - we've got bigger plans in mind than stealing a few flowers. That said, perhaps warn Dustin in advance that they're not quite as cheap as in other places...
You shoul add more options to fireball people. My pyromaniacical (that's definitely a word) urges must be sated.

Anyways I say we should dynamically and, may I add, morally ask for an advance but try get the Malsus Blossoms at a reasonable price.

Though it would be fun to declare ourselves the new Resident Wizard and demand request the flower it simply would not do to make an enemy of a potential supplier. Though I am tempted to suggest we do so, being subjugated to LCD nightmare squequence because apothecary contaminated one of the ingredients we brought of her could be fun.

Well choosing the first option would just put us at a tie. So yeah, the second one has my vote.

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