The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((I have to put my daughter to bed, be back in twenty. In the mean time you guys can just say Roslyn is leading you through the same path she took before if you want, or someone can play her until I get back.))
((Well, that didn't take as long as I thought it would. I'm back. Just waiting for everyone else to post before I continue.))
(Oke ^^)

Faye notices Birch reach out and touch her shoulder, but only for a slight moment before he pulls away. She looks up at him, her eyes a bit teary. She quickly wipes the tears away from her eyes and laughs a little. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm acting so emotional. I guess I'm just really gonna miss them.."

She shakes her head and shrugs, laughing once again. "I mean, it's not like I'm gonna die or anything..I'll see them again one day." Even though she says it, she knows she doesn't believe it completely. She tries to shake the thought away, the thought that she really doesn't believe it.

No, I do believe it, she thinks to herself, but she's unable to convince herself.

She plasters a big, cheery smile onto her face, though tears are streaming down her face now. "I've been waiting for this day'll be wonderful....." 
(Oh, welcome back xD )
Axel then turns to Valandil and asks "I just thought about it and I don't have a weapon so how am going to defend myself?"
Birch's usual neutral expression breaks just a little as he shows concern for Faye despite her trying to put on a brave face. It was hard to see anyone get upset like this and it being someone he use to know made it all the harder. As he seems to keep finding himself doing more and more bad habits, he speaks up without really thinking. "It won't be easy. It'll probably be tough. Dangerous even. But... it doesn't matter. We're looking for adventure, not paradise. We can't be disappointed with what presents itself. Good, bad, we have to keep our chins up. Even if we fail in the end, we won't have any regrets if we did our best and did it with a brave face."

It felt odd being the one saying something resembling of a motivational speech. Perhaps all the times Vonthus had sat down to try and cheer him up had rubbed off on him. The chef hated to see him sad and managed to at least keep him in good spirits when he tried.
"I dunno. Did Roslyn grab an extra bow. If not I can let you borrow my Katana." Valandil then wondered how long it would be before they reached the spot they were to leave from.
Faye smiled at Birch for a few moments then looked away so she could wipe the messy tears from her face with her sleeve. "'re right..thanks.." She uses her fingers to wipe the corners of her eyes, trying to rid of every sign of her breakdown.

"And no matter what, my parents will always be with me..right here," she places her hand over her heart and sighs happily, feeling much better after letting out all of those tears. "Sorry for crying," she mumbles, "I actually haven't cried like this in...well a real long time, aha." 
She then looks up, noticing the guards at their destination are leaving their posts. It must be time for them to switch places.

She gasps silently, moving further beneath the trees at the edge of the woods so that they're hidden in the shade more.

"It looks like this is our chance.." she says just loud enough for the group to hear.
Valandil the nudges Axel on the shoulder and says "Be ready for anything". He then grabs his outs one hand on the katana.
Vex stood up slowly from his spot on the ground, getting his beast form used to the immense load of stuff he would have to carry. He limbered up a bit by lightly lifting his feet up and down, then grunted softly to indicate he was ready to go, and that they should do it soon.
(yo, gimme an update) 
(Nami, stop being a poser i'm right here and ivy is fabulous.

Sorry guys, family domino tournament, I don't think you quite understand how serious cubans are about their dominos. back off.<3)
(SHES BACK FINALLY. lmao, I told you! Family game night. xDD lmao, and were all about to jump over the wall because the guards are switching now!)
((Uh...dominoes...okaaayyy...>.> xD ))

((anyhow, we're all gathered up and are about to leave any second. We're waiting for a window of opportunity when the guards are in the middle of switching shifts.))
Ivy stood there quietly, her heart beating a million miles per hour.

"Guys..." she squeaks, pulling the golden harp off her back. "I'm gonna need a boost from Vex on top of the wall. Afterwards, you all need to get plenty far back, or this will totally backfire, got it? When I give you the sign, start following me over the wall. After i play my song, we've got enough time to saftley get over the wall."
(Well theyre already switching, therefore no one is currently there! Therefore were all supposed to climb Vex's back and get over the wall xD or however were getting over the stupid wall hahaha) 
(I thought we scratched the music idea cause itd knock us all out xD )
Once the guards were all out of sight, Vex nodded his head urgently over his shoulder to signal for everyone to get on his back this very moment. They had to get moving quickly or their opportunity would be missed.

(My apologies, I'm feeling quite brash today.)

Ivy gulped and nodded her head. She grabbed onto two clumps of soft whit fur and hoisted herself up on Vex's back.
Faye quickly rushed over to the wall, looking around to make sure no villagers or guards were watching. As far as she could tell, the coast was clear. She pulled herself up onto Vex's back, grasping clumps of white fur until she was finally at the top of the wall. She flung one leg over the wall, then another. Her heart was beating fast, hoping they wouldn't get caught in the little time they had.

She looked down, hoping she wouldn't break a leg when she jumped down. She didn't even hesitate to consider it--she was already jumping from the wall. Fortunately, she landed on her feet. She stumbled a bit, but she made it. She looked up at the forest all around her, feeling an extreme rush flow through her veins as she smiled immensely.

"Yes," she whisper shouts, turning to see who was next. 
(WELL I LOVE NOTHING. //Debby downer//)
Nami said:
Faye quickly rushed over to the wall, looking around to make sure no villagers or guards were watching. As far as she could tell, the coast was clear. She pulled herself up onto Vex's back, grasping clumps of white fur until she was finally at the top of the wall. She flung one leg over the wall, then another. Her heart was beating fast, hoping they wouldn't get caught in the little time they had. She looked down, hoping she wouldn't break a leg when she jumped down. She didn't even hesitate to consider it--she was already jumping from the wall. Fortunately, she landed on her feet. She stumbled a bit, but she made it. She looked up at the forest all around her, feeling an extreme rush flow through her veins as she smiled immensely. "Yes," she whisper shouts, turning to see who was next.
((woah woah geez you didnt even let Vex get OVER to the wall yet, he was still waiting for ppl tog et on his back. he was gonna run to the wall cuz his beast form is faster))

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