✪The Path From Fayland✪ -Looking for more roleplayers!-


  • Nova & Pandora wandered off to some tribal village of humans
  • Faye, Birch, Vex (carrying their supplies in beast form--he's a shapeshifter), Valandil, and Axel are all walking through the forest.
  • Oh, and just..HunnyHelp is the roleplayer who got kicked out for trolling...but for some reason he just keeps reading everyone's posts and posting in OOC form. Some roleplayers just ignored him ;p
oh, ok. i'm going to try and run into faye, birch and vex then. let me rewrite.. then i'll stop posting here xD
Name: Adelais ( Alice ) Terralin.

Gender: Female


Talent: Music


One of Alice's trait that someone could easily tell from trying to speak to her, she's a quiet child. She rarely spoke words, even to her family, but her expressions could tell a thousand tales. She's quite timid compared to others, but she's quite strong when she needs to be. Being in your own mind most of the time, Alice managed to gain a trait to where she could read others like an open book, studying all sorts of habits since she was born.

Background History:

Born into a rather gigantic, characterful, and sometimes obnoxious family, Alice always found herself as the odd one out. She's the middle child out of 8 brothers and sisters, each with their own quirks and talents, so no one truly paid attention to the girl. The only time they did was when they expressed their concern with Alice's lack of vocal activity, wondering if the child was either mute or lack intelligence all together. Both proven wrong when Alice met a Musician, with the name of Auedin Lanforth that traveled from a different village in Fayland. He taught her everything that she knew about music, her impeccable skills with many of the instruments intriguing him the most.

Alice spent most of her time with Auedin since her youth, Auedin giving her her nickname Alice, giving her most treasured Violin, and was the first person that Alice spoke to since she was born. Auedin was the first person to actually see that Alice was quite intelligent and did bare a voice, but the girl frighten to be judged by her peer. He also told her many stories of the lands outside of Fayland, describing of how his grandfather did when he was young. Expressing to her how much of a dream it would be to explore those lands, Alice kept that close in her mind, also wondering what is more out there. However, as life was unpredictable and short, Auedin died when Alice turned 16.

As she played her Violin, Alice expressed grief and remembrance through music. It seemed like every creature came around to hear her prays for Auedin's happiness in the afterlife. And, as she looked out, passed the walls of Fayland, seeing a group of elves her age venturing into the woods, Alice decided that she didn't want to live this mediocre life but live the life that Auedin wanted her to.


Alice is tiny, her height at 4'8, which gives her an appearance of a child despite her real age. She keeps her creamy locks in pigtails often, not wanting to have to deal with troublesome knots at night. Her eyes, a bright hazel, usually speak enough for her words but when she does speak, her voice is soft pitched, almost like a mouse's squeak. Sadly, her clothes isn't as extravagant or as detailed as she wish they were, but she's grateful for them. A normal brown bodice while her medium, off shoulder, sleeves and her shredded look skirt, that barely fell right above her knees baring the same color as her hair. Her cloak is dark to hide herself easily in the shadows and paired with ebony gloves, her outer wear is seen much more often than her normal clothes. The only thing unique about her, is the extremely detailed Violin that she carried with her everywhere. Her violin carved out of special, rare wood only found outside of Fayland, each carving told a story from generations past.

Name: Lanli Bushfall

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Talent: Smithing

Personality: Very honest and hardworking, Lanli is very friendly and kind, but does not suffer fools gladly. She can be very blunt.

Background History: Lanli was raised into a family of smiths and miners, so from an early age she learned the meaning of hard work. If she wasn't assisting her father and older sister at the forge, she was with her older brother in the mines. But deep down Lanli wanted more, the life of working at the forge in the morning and then the mines in the evening was too routine. The forest was a constant source of intrigue for her, so one day she packed a few things, including a sword that she made herself, and set off for the adventure that was the forest.


Growing up working in mines and at a smithy has made Lanli very muscular. She is also very tall, reaching 5'7" in height. Her skin is fair, and her face is heart shaped with high cheek bones. Her hair is a caramel color which normally would fall down to her mid-back in loose curls, but she keeps it in a constant loose ponytail. Her eyes are large and round, and are amber in color. Her nose has a sloped bridge and is rounded at the tip; and her lips are small but full. At the beginning she will be wearing a simple red cloth shirt with sleeves that reach midway down Lanli's arms, black cloth trousers, and black leather boots.
(Oh wait, should I find a picture for her?)

EDIT: I found a picture. ^_^
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Yay! Accepted! c: Happy to have a smithing elf ~(^o^)~

And you can find a picture if you wish :3
Name: Zerion

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Talent: Carpentry

Personality: He is smart and always planning ahead. He can be charming but only when he chooses too. He is also crud from being abused.

Background History: When he was a boy he learned how to make things. It was him that supported the family with food. His parents just lived in the house and abused Zerion. He hated his life. One day he had to downsize because he couldn't live in the house anymore because he couldn't sell anything. That night it went too far. He killed his parents and ran from fayland ashamed. He then stumbled upon the group.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.3c902db1babf2d6513a6d7d4c0958361.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.3c902db1babf2d6513a6d7d4c0958361.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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He's fine, I just have a few comments/concerns xD

1) It's okay that it's a short character sheet, but I hope you're willing to post a bit more detailed types of posts in the actual roleplay. Your punctuation and grammar seems just fine, but just reminding you to try and keep up the good punctuation and grammar because it really bugs me when people don't use that correctly xD

2) If he's 16, I don't think that appearance is going to work ahahah. That dude looks more like...40+ xDD
Name: Ruineth Laeelenlal (Rune)

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Talent: Tailoring

Background: Ruineth was born with a needle and thread in her hand. Her family owned a renowned tailor shop, and it was love at first spool. She loved experimenting with color and fabric. She enjoyed making fine clothes for elves to wear. All was well in her life. Ruineth had money, a whole family, and a stable life. She never thought about the world beyond Fayland. She spent her days in the shop with her mother. It was one regular day at the shop when Ruineth's life changed. She was selling a blue dress to an elvish lady when the door flew open and Ruineth's father rushed in. Without a word, he plunged a dagger into her mother's heart. He then tried to attack Ruineth, but she was able to quickly pull out her own dagger and stab at his hand. He came at her, mad with rage. The elf who was buying the dress cast a spell to keep him at bay, and minutes later he was reduced to a pile of ash. Ruineth became hysterical. She screamed at the lady, accusing her of killing her father. But the woman explained she'd only cast a wall spell. Ruineth's father was under some sort of self destructive bewitchment spell. After the loss of both of her parents, Ruineth was stricken with a terrible grief. She was sent to live with her Aunt Calina, a silversmith. Ruineth loathed Calina. They argued constantly, but Ruineth wasn't treated cruelly or hurt in any way. During an argument about a trivial matter, Ruineth had snapped. Claiming she would run away into the woods, Ruineth packed her things and stormed off. Calina didn't say a word, because only a fool left Fayland. She thought ill of Ruineth at times, but she didn't believe the young elf would try something so reckless. So Ruineth was on her own. Her pride keeping her from turning back, Ruineth Laeelenlal was off on a journey she'd never before imagined possible.

Personality: Often overly dramatic and fussy, Ruineth can be easily seen as an arrogant, selfish prick. She can be very "present" in a situation. She fears being invisible above all else. She can be very cold and uncaring, as everything she's cared for was destroyed. She still grieves deeply for her family, and her grief can make her very absent minded, especially while she is at work. But she is strong and independent, and very set in her ways. She doesn't take no for an answer and is capable of many things.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.d5a86f24f373ca49b0db877fca53e42f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4103" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.d5a86f24f373ca49b0db877fca53e42f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(This is accurate, however her hair is almost always in a braid. Sorry about the realistic picture! I tried to get something animated, but this was the best thing I could find.)



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EkimAdonihs oh, the pictures perfectly fine! Doesn't have to be animated, whatever you prefer c:

Also, I absolutely love the character you've created! Even the background history was very unique and moving--I actually really enjoyed reading that! xD Welcome to the role play!! :D //claps merrily//
Nami said:
EkimAdonihs oh, the pictures perfectly fine! Doesn't have to be animated, whatever you prefer c:
Also, I absolutely love the character you've created! Even the background history was very unique and moving--I actually really enjoyed reading that! xD Welcome to the role play!! :D //claps merrily//
Danke!!! Thank you very much!
Name: Zenobia (Zen for short) Qae

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Talent: Music

Personality: Zen has a very kind soul, always tries to help and keeps everyone in good spirits. She cares for everyone and everything as if they were family, and as far as any of her family or friends know, she almost has no sternness whatsoever. However, along with being so kind comes with a large shyness/anxiety that rules her life, making it hard for her to make more than just a few friends.

Background: Born and raised in Fayland, Zen built up a large curiosity for the outside world. Her father worked at the local Fayland library giving her access to all the history of the town, light elves, and some information of the dark elves. Her mother was a Music elf as well, and taught Zen as many instruments as they had available. She was also taught how to used her music to defend herself.

As the years passed, Zenobia got more and more curious about what lay outside the town. Her father had told her stories passed down from her uncle who had "supposedly" gone to the outside world and neither did return. Eventually Zen's curiosity got the best of her, as she packed her things and set out on the journey to the new lands that awaited unknown.

Appearance: Bleach blonde hair that reaches to her middle back, a green dress with black lining, a black cloak and hood, a pair of knee-high green boots, and a brown back-pack for holding supplies and her windpipe (the instrument).


Note: She brought her pet cat with her. She's completely white and her name is Sophie :3 

Yay! Don't be nervous, we give a warm welcome to all new roleplayers! :D

I love kitties<3 but I feel like that cat is not going to survive out there )':

But other than that, she's adorbs! You have good grammar too, so yay! xD

So of course, you're accepted. ^^

We're currently split into two groups at the moment.

Varexes, Nova, and Zerion are all at the Old Ruins searching for magic books.

Faye, Ruineth, Birch, Juniper, Jess, and Vex are all walking through the forest further.

Try and come across one of the groups ^^

If you join the first group, here's what the Old Ruins look like:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/2a6yBhE.jpg.a3e4685782c4f672f91acc93f064ffa5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4244" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/2a6yBhE.jpg.a3e4685782c4f672f91acc93f064ffa5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Start whenever you wish! c:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/gede-ruins.jpg.dbc7d63d7e53af6f62569cfd7da2a6d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4245" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/gede-ruins.jpg.dbc7d63d7e53af6f62569cfd7da2a6d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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