The Party


Typical Reject


Name | Age | Gender | Sexuality


Appearance(Real only.)


How You Got Your Rep.

Likes(+) Dislikes(-)




Theme Song




~My Character~


Casey Ann Monroe | 16 | Female | Pansexual


The Slut



Casey is quiet and reserved, despite what everyone thinks. She refuses to acknowledge people who tease her and believe the lies told about her. Before the party she was invisible, or viewed as the quiet sweet girl. After the party, everything went down hill. People began teasing her and some even physically harming her. This has caused her to be very quiet, and depressed. She is hardly ever seen smiling, and has major trust issues.

How You Got Your Rep.

Casey was invited to the party as a joke by the popular girls. Someone spiked her drink, and a bunch of boys took pictures of her when she was passed out drunk. Casey wasn't sure who, but someone had moved her to one of the bedrooms and all she remembered was waking up in just her bra.

Likes(+) Dislikes(-)

+Sweets, Tea, 80's Movies, Indie and Grunge Music, Singing, Drawing and Painting, YouTube

-Loud Noises, Being Touched, Arguments, Anything with a stinger, Jerks, bullies, The Preps



Loud Noises, Thunder, Clowns, Spiders, Being Cornered, Being Forgotten, Losing Everyone She Loves


Always wrapping her hair around her finger, Chews on the corner of her lip when nervous, rubs or scratches her arm when anxious, can't look people in the eyes

Theme Song

[media][/media] [media]




"Love is pointless..."



She plays piano, and sings only when she is alone. She has an older brother, and lives with her single mother. Neither know what happened at the party and how she is treated at school.

Her Brother, He's a senior

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Sasha Quinn | 17 | Female | Heterosexual


The Cheerleader

Appearance(Real only.):

Personality: Sasha is a very talented cheerleader, in fact, she's the cheer captain. She's very intelligent, but never brags about her grades. She is that girl that roles her eyes on a daily basis and has a sarcastic remark for every comment someone else makes. Some call her a "bitch", but she's just brutally honest, she isn't afraid to tell you how it is. She is very independent and is a leader, she dislikes being told what to do. She is very suborn and always thinks she is right, even when she's really not. She's a real flirt when she wants to be and isn't loyal, unless she really likes you (which rarely happens).

How You Got Your Rep: She became cheer captain after her first year in cheer leading.

Likes(+) Dislikes(-):

+People with a sense of humour

+Scary movies


+Cheer leading

+Independent people

+Metalcore music (Secretly)


-People who brag


- Serious people





Quirks: Sarcasm, constant eye rolling and lip biting.

Theme Song:


(Due to her loyalty issues.)


(For her dream of being a professional Cheerleader and her feelings towards everyone around her.)


Crush?: Nobody yet. {PM if you have any suggestions.}

Other: She has been playing the guitar since she was 10 years old. She also has a broken home, but will never speak about it.
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Jason Hawn | 16 | Male | Heterosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3339a37a_download(3).jpg.00b209210ab5cad0438afe775d78de5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60570" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3339a37a_download(3).jpg.00b209210ab5cad0438afe775d78de5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Jason is a nice kid who could never do wrong... In an alternate universe. Jason loves causing trouble and watching people slowly hate him. He is constantly playing pranks on people, they range from egging houses to pretending to sleep with someone's girlfriend. He thinks that he is the most hilarious man alive but everyone knows his jokes have missed funny and went to a point where it was just mean.

How You Got Your Rep:
Jason got hammered at the party and was one of the guys who helped with the Casey prank. He was also doing other pranks thus earning him his role.


Hot Girls, Pulling Pranks, Making others mad, Sports, Rock music, Destroying things, Getting in trouble, Animals

Country music, Prideful people, People who take him seriously, People who he can't change, Life

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/11007773_786228314786926_1879000668_n.jpg.871805dca42586c57f0505b16fbfd774.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/11007773_786228314786926_1879000668_n.jpg.871805dca42586c57f0505b16fbfd774.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Getting sick





Has Multiple Personality Disorder (Not insanely serious)

Has the urge to slap people when they talk seriously to him

Theme Song:


Quote: "I'm sorry I'm a fuckup."

Crush?: "Nope, no girl is gonna hold me down."

Other: Jason is hiding his true self by acting like an ass. He is actually really scared about showing his feelings.




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Layla Mae Brock | 17 | Female | Homosexual

: The Freak



Honestly, Layla is completely harmless, as in she doesn't want to hurt the people around her, but accidents happen, right? The girl is childish and extremely sensitive, but she always seems to have people around her. Sure, they are usually mocking her or asking for drugs, but she feels she is a kind person. She is very friendly and loud, and she rarely responds to situations as the average teenager does. She asks questions almost constantly, and her attention span can never last through an entire YouTube video, let alone a boring class. Layla always seems to be happy, but she can have random outbursts of tears or anger. If she is upset, it is usually over a hurt animal or a stranger, not something that happened to her personally. She is a crazy girl, but with Layla, you can never be bored. Around school, her crowd was always the artistic types (before the party that is; who knows how it is now). She is often seen drawing other classmates, as art is probably the one thing she has the patience for.

How You Got Your Rep:

Layla was always known to be a bit "off her rocker" but the party shined a light on her that was never present before. She was never invited, but no one cared once she brought her stash of weed for a party favor. Surprisingly, the girl hates alcohol and any type of narcotic, so she remembers everything...Not that she is going to share her secrets. Basically, Layla decided to enjoy herself in as many ways she could think, not just sexually but in acts of immaturity, as well. Her night included: crawling about the floors to look under girls' skirts, making out with just about every drunk person she could find, stripping on several different occupations, taking advantage of a few choice girls, and eating so much she threw up in the pool. Sure, that's not all she did, and it wasn't all that bad. The thing is, she already had a bad reputation as one of the only openly homosexual girls at school. Now, she feels famous everywhere she goes.

Likes(+) Dislikes(-)

+fluffy things

+the word "cute"








-being ignored

-going home




~ending up alone ~growing up ~vampires ~being normal


_staring at girls she finds attractive _inappropriate laughter _talking with her hands _blocking out negative voices








Layla isn't good with names, but there are always a few girls she has her eye on.


Layla wasn't always so insane; she just shut down from reality when her parents died. She was fourteen. Now, she lives in a group home with six other girls, but the leader is threatening to send her back to a foster home if she can't keep her hands to herself and get home before curfew (10 on weekdays, 11 on weekends). Layla isn't one for opening up about her personal life.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_n7szowGnVf1qzqucro2_1280.jpg.63f683698afeb73392e1a446a788d224.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60582" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_n7szowGnVf1qzqucro2_1280.jpg.63f683698afeb73392e1a446a788d224.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Carmelita Naomi Jean | 17 | Female | Bisexual


Queen Bee


Carmelita is pretty, popular, talented, and priveleged. Warm, action oriented and driven by the desire to be loved and admired. Carmelita has an air royalty about her and she loves to be in she limelight. She admired for his kindness and her warm, helpful nature; She graciously showers people with love and affection. Carmelita is also, She is extremely energetic and can spread her vibes to other people. She doesn't get easily disheartened by disappointments and setbacks. She's very straightforward, mincing words isn't her thing. She has huge and fragile ego. She also possessive; she is giving but, sharing doesn't come easy. Carmelita is manipulative, she want to get things done her way and over with as soon as possible. She 's impatient, and her impatience leads to unnecessary anxiety and even failures and disappointments.

How You Got Your Rep.

She isn't Queen Bee for nothing! She's filthy rich. Her father is lawyer and her mother is a fashion designer. She rarely speaks outside her group of friends on the soccer team.

Likes(+) Dislikes(-)

+ Likes: Fashion, Traveling, Money, Chocolate, Art, Photography, Soccer

- Dislikes: Winter, Snakes, Spiders,


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/39c5d04f01b2e6f384d06a37964fba04.jpg.0e5c58c64f3de50b988ac951a4b7a4a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60587" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/39c5d04f01b2e6f384d06a37964fba04.jpg.0e5c58c64f3de50b988ac951a4b7a4a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


* Heights

* Dying


* She writes everything with her left and does everything else with her right

* She runs through her hand through her when nervous

Theme Song



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ce9983433dbf64187a2ebc6ab590c24a.jpg.3e9c56e62f2da4a88b7c68760e1db218.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60588" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ce9983433dbf64187a2ebc6ab590c24a.jpg.3e9c56e62f2da4a88b7c68760e1db218.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


" Don't worry about it. "


She's captain of the soccer team

She also vapes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c333ecbae_200w_d(1).gif.d3319c4ad70b6fd7077e25877388a931.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c333ecbae_200w_d(1).gif.d3319c4ad70b6fd7077e25877388a931.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I'm so high I can't feel my face.



The Stoner


+Loyal (?), Kind, Not very threatening, Trustful

-Awkward, Not that skilled in social aspects, Clumsy

Wick is a very down-to-earth person, sure, that is when you get VERY close with him, otherwise, good luck getting past his thick, uncaring skin. He might seem like an asshole at times, but that's more of a anti-social mark that has been left in him, considering his constant change in schools and not that many time to try and adapt with the children there. He has never been that very friendly of a guy, but he does his best to be comfortable to be around with, and not much as a person you want to hide from. Sure, you can call him closed, but he didn't choose that personality. He always does his best to try and socialize,even tough he finds it very hard, getting bored quite easily when drinking with multiple people or just sitting around and blabbering, sure, he can find actual fun with people he knows and trusts, but those are very few and he doesn't even get to see them that much. Overall, he's just a guy that hasn't adapted completely to society, even if completely formal and eloquent, socializing isn't his strength. Even though you don't believe it, Wick is like, really in the drugs industry. It might be very, in fact,
very, strange how someone as awkward and weird as him can be taking and using drugs more than usually, but sure, that's because of also, his past. Past has a heavy influence on him, quite molding what he really is and how he sees all and how he behaves, being a person that has a very elastic personality.

How You Got Your Rep:

Certain people brought certain substances to a party, and Aaron went ahead and tried it, quite amazingly , he did more than ''good'', being mentally tough and having a very big capacity to take a huge puff and take out a cloud. After that, he has been known as a stoner.


Aaron loves anything that involves peace and quiet. He can sometimes find himself enjoying blasting music and feeling the bass that makes your bones move, or some quiet, compositions made by Zack Hemsey or Hans Zimmer. Aaron has a very wide taste of music, you can name him a genre and he'll like at least one song from it. He also loves anything related to wild life and prehistoric creatures, the concept of huge beasts roaming the planet just fascinates him and even though it really isn't the best conversation starter, he finds himself pushing it into any conversation. Sure, even tough he hates to admit it, he also loves drugs, anything to do with it. It's more a mental thing than a voluntary thing, his mind is more than relying on drugs.


He dislikes anything to do with religion, not because he chose to, but because of deep emotional scars that caused him to eventually detest it. Fighting or anything to do it, he also hates, the simple fact how sentient beings have to fight each other to prove a point is just absurd to him, that's why he is always open to ideas. Anyone who is close minded or stuck up, he also dislikes, finding them stubborn and egocentric. The simple fact of being exposed about his past in public terrifies him, and might be one of his deepest fears, hating his past.


Public exposure




His eye twitches when he's very nervous

Has the ability to turn his feet 140 degrees

Staring blankly at places


''Nope, nope nope nope.''


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Ivy Ledger| 17| Female| Homosexual

The Virgin

  • Likes:

    +Indie Music



    +Twenty One Pilots

    +Being alone

    +When people give her space




    -Intrusive people

    -Anything that reminds her of her sister

    -Popular people


    -Loud noises


    -Pop music

    Fears: Being seen as the virgin forever, getting amnesia, getting lost, coming out as a lesbian.


    -She always carries a flask with her.

    -She hums when she’s nervous.

    -No matter how hard she tries, she always forgets ‘x’ when she recites the alphabet.

    Crush: There are a few girls she's had her eye's on, but she's way too scared to approach. ((I'm open to suggestions, PM me!))

Sugar said:



I'm so high I can't feel my face.



The Stoner


+Loyal (?), Kind, Not very threatening, Trustful

-Awkward, Not that skilled in social aspects, Clumsy

Wick is a very down-to-earth person, sure, that is when you get VERY close with him, otherwise, good luck getting past his thick, uncaring skin. He might seem like an asshole at times, but that's more of a anti-social mark that has been left in him, considering his constant change in schools and not that many time to try and adapt with the children there. He has never been that very friendly of a guy, but he does his best to be comfortable to be around with, and not much as a person you want to hide from. Sure, you can call him closed, but he didn't choose that personality. He always does his best to try and socialize,even tough he finds it very hard, getting bored quite easily when drinking with multiple people or just sitting around and blabbering, sure, he can find actual fun with people he knows and trusts, but those are very few and he doesn't even get to see them that much. Overall, he's just a guy that hasn't adapted completely to society, even if completely formal and eloquent, socializing isn't his strength. Even though you don't believe it, Wick is like, really in the drugs industry. It might be very, in fact,
very, strange how someone as awkward and weird as him can be taking and using drugs more than usually, but sure, that's because of also, his past. Past has a heavy influence on him, quite molding what he really is and how he sees all and how he behaves, being a person that has a very elastic personality.

How You Got Your Rep:

Certain people brought certain substances to a party, and Aaron went ahead and tried it, quite amazingly , he did more than ''good'', being mentally tough and having a very big capacity to take a huge puff and take out a cloud. After that, he has been known as a stoner.


Aaron loves anything that involves peace and quiet. He can sometimes find himself enjoying blasting music and feeling the bass that makes your bones move, or some quiet, compositions made by Zack Hemsey or Hans Zimmer. Aaron has a very wide taste of music, you can name him a genre and he'll like at least one song from it. He also loves anything related to wild life and prehistoric creatures, the concept of huge beasts roaming the planet just fascinates him and even though it really isn't the best conversation starter, he finds himself pushing it into any conversation. Sure, even tough he hates to admit it, he also loves drugs, anything to do with it. It's more a mental thing than a voluntary thing, his mind is more than relying on drugs.


He dislikes anything to do with religion, not because he chose to, but because of deep emotional scars that caused him to eventually detest it. Fighting or anything to do it, he also hates, the simple fact how sentient beings have to fight each other to prove a point is just absurd to him, that's why he is always open to ideas. Anyone who is close minded or stuck up, he also dislikes, finding them stubborn and egocentric. The simple fact of being exposed about his past in public terrifies him, and might be one of his deepest fears, hating his past.


Public exposure




His eye twitches when he's very nervous

Has the ability to turn his feet 140 degrees

Staring blankly at places


''Nope, nope nope nope.''


I just realized your character is 25 ._. This is a high school set rp bruh.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/save.jpg.efe8c1b8fecd9facc03dd48076e7818f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61839" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/save.jpg.efe8c1b8fecd9facc03dd48076e7818f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cameron Hills | 17 | Male | Closeted

In the closet.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/save2.jpg.76af0e903dfadf652aa9ddf142244b4c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61840" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/save2.jpg.76af0e903dfadf652aa9ddf142244b4c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Cameron is a quiet, layed back kind of person. Never starting fights, and taking all peoples rumors calmly. Mostly because they are all true. He loves to smile, but that rarely happens. He attempts to act happy, and carefree, but things in his life are allowing him to be that way. He only gets in fights with his parents, who disagrees on everything he enjoys. School, and home only feels like prison to him. Most times you would find him at the park alone. He is a giant loner, cause he is always scared of people judging him. He is completely gay, but never expects it. He rufuses to be gay, because if he was people would look at him different, or look at him worst, and his parents would kill him, and kick him out of the house. He always feels like a disgrace.

How You Got Your Rep:

How he got his rep is two ways,

One, just the way he acts around cute guys, or around anyone in general. That started some rumors.

Two, is that someone found his journal, and posted it everywhere. He denied it, because it had his crush name written in it several times. Plus all his 'gay' feelings were in it.

Likes(+) Dislikes(-):



+Horror films



+Punk, Metal, Emo music

+Cage Fighting (He does cage fight)



-People who judge



-Pop (People who sing only about love)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/YES.jpg.240dbf2b387798d64f010c147b7ffc80.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61842" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/YES.jpg.240dbf2b387798d64f010c147b7ffc80.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



-Being Different

-Parents finding out





Cameron sighs alot when he is depressed.

He make his hands into Fist when he is angry.

Blushes easily.

Scared easily.

Theme Songs:

(People may find these song offense...)






You can't change who people are, without destroying who they were. ~ Gerard Way

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Cats, and Music. ~ Albert Schweitzer


Aaron Wick (If thats okay with you!)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Otis.jpg.7c31d26d540a81a06ec44f639fa460f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61843" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Otis.jpg.7c31d26d540a81a06ec44f639fa460f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This is Cameron's Cat, Otis.



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Aiden Larson | 17 | Male | Heterosexual

Ladies' Man




Aiden is a huge people-person. He loves talking to other people, making new friends, and just hanging out. He is usually in the center of the party with his bros, getting drunk and flirting with girls. He is cheerful, easy to talk to, and playful. Caring and loyal to his friends, he is very willing to help out those he cares about. He cares a lot about his appearance and loves dressing well no matter the occasion. However, although he is known as the ladies' man, he has some deep-seated insecurities as a result of the lack of a mother figure for most of his life, his real mother having died in a car crash when he was 5.

How You Got Your Rep

Aiden was the first in his grade to lose his virginity. He is always seen flirting with girls and trying to hook up with them. At school and at parties, there is usually a flock of girls surrounding him. Because of his cute face, he is know as a "pretty boy".


Flirting, playing soccer, playing the guitar, staying fit by exercising and going to the gym, dressing well, being around people, meeting new people,


Being alone for too long, rejection, being disliked


He is a tall and somewhat muscular with a very cute face. He has blond hair, pale blue eyes, and a charming smile that completes the air of confidence around him.


Being alone forever, everyone hating him, people finding out about his insecurities


He plays with his bottom lip when he's concentrating hard on something.

He tends to touch his hair a lot when he's nervous.

Theme Song



"Even though you're growing up, you should never stop having fun."


None at the moment- although he does usually go after whatever girl he finds the most attractive at the time


His deep-seated insecurities are so deep in his subconscious that even he has not fully recognized them, so he keeps any self-esteem issues very well hidden.
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Semblance said:

Aiden Larson | 17 | Male | Heterosexual

Ladies' Man




Aiden is a huge people-person. He loves talking to other people, making new friends, and just hanging out. He is usually in the center of the party with his bros, getting drunk and flirting with girls. He is cheerful, easy to talk to, and playful. Caring and loyal to his friends, he is very willing to help out those he cares about. He cares a lot about his appearance and loves dressing well no matter the occasion. However, although he is known as the ladies' man, he has some deep-seated insecurities as a result of the lack of a mother figure for most of his life, his real mother having died in a car crash when he was 5.

How You Got Your Rep

Aiden was one of the first in his grade to lose his virginity. He is always seen flirting with girls and trying to hook up with them. At school and at parties, there is usually a flock of girls surrounding him. Because of his cute face, he is know as a "pretty boy".


Flirting, playing soccer, playing the guitar, staying fit by exercising and going to the gym, dressing well, being around people, meeting new people,


Being alone for too long, rejection, being disliked


He is a tall and somewhat muscular with a very cute face. He has blond hair, pale blue eyes, and a charming smile that completes the air of confidence around him.


Being alone forever, everyone hating him, people finding out about his insecurities


He plays with his bottom lip when he's concentrating hard on something.

He tends to touch his hair a lot when he's nervous.

Theme Song



"Even though you're growing up, you should never stop having fun."


None at the moment- although he does usually go after whatever girl he finds the most attractive at the time


His deep-seated insecurities are so deep in his subconscious that even he has not fully recognized them, so he keeps any self-esteem issues very well hidden.
JustSmile said:

View attachment 142199

Cameron Hills | 17 | Male | Closeted

In the closet.


View attachment 142200


Cameron is a quiet, layed back kind of person. Never starting fights, and taking all peoples rumors calmly. Mostly because they are all true. He loves to smile, but that rarely happens. He attempts to act happy, and carefree, but things in his life are allowing him to be that way. He only gets in fights with his parents, who disagrees on everything he enjoys. School, and home only feels like prison to him. Most times you would find him at the park alone. He is a giant loner, cause he is always scared of people judging him. He is completely gay, but never expects it. He rufuses to be gay, because if he was people would look at him different, or look at him worst, and his parents would kill him, and kick him out of the house. He always feels like a disgrace.

How You Got Your Rep:

How he got his rep is two ways,

One, just the way he acts around cute guys, or around anyone in general. That started some rumors.

Two, is that someone found his journal, and posted it everywhere. He denied it, because it had his crush name written in it several times. Plus all his 'gay' feelings were in it.

Likes(+) Dislikes(-):



+Horror films



+Punk, Metal, Emo music

+Cage Fighting (He does cage fight)



-People who judge



-Pop (People who sing only about love)


View attachment 142206



-Being Different

-Parents finding out





Cameron sighs alot when he is depressed.

He make his hands into Fist when he is angry.

Blushes easily.

Scared easily.

Theme Songs:

(People may find these song offense...)





You can't change who people are, without destroying who they were. ~ Gerard Way

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Cats, and Music. ~ Albert Schweitzer


Aaron Wick (If thats okay with you!)


View attachment 142207

This is Cameron's Cat, Otis.
Thanks! I love them!

Cadence "Cade" Chandler | 16 | Female | Pansexual

The Hopeless Romantic




Cade is a dreamer. She's someone who think's about all of the possibilities to everything. She is an intelligent girl with an open mind. She's also a film buff. To those close to her, she is a loyal friend, a great story-teller, and the most curious and intuitive person you will ever meet. She tends to go off on rants about how beautiful things are to her, or how the stars look from certain angles and places. She's a big worrier and recharges by spending time alone

How You Got Your Rep:

Cade spends lots of her time getting lost in romance novels, or crying over RomComs. It might seem cliche, but Cade craves love. Her last relationship was a sh*t show, and she doesn't like to talk about it. All she thinks about is the beauty in everything and the love she has for whoever wants to accept it. She's an emotional girl, and every moment for her counts. These observations brought her peers and friends to the conclusion that she really is a "Hopeless Romantic".


+ Photography


+Alone Time



- People

- Crowds


-Loud Noises

-New Places




Getting Lost


Chewing her nails

Repeating herself

Tapping her fingers on things

Theme Song




(Sorry I couldn't decide)


"Poetry, beauty, romance, love. These are what we stay alive for."


Nothing of concern, at the moment


Cade's fear of reptiles comes from when her brothers pet lizard peed on her when she was younger.
Quinnn said:

Cadence "Cade" Chandler | 16 | Female | Pansexual

The Hopeless Romantic




Cade is a dreamer. She's someone who think's about all of the possibilities to everything. She is an intelligent girl with an open mind. She's also a film buff. To those close to her, she is a loyal friend, a great story-teller, and the most curious and intuitive person you will ever meet. She tends to go off on rants about how beautiful things are to her, or how the stars look from certain angles and places. She's a big worrier and recharges by spending time alone

How You Got Your Rep:

Cade spends lots of her time getting lost in romance novels, or crying over RomComs. It might seem cliche, but Cade craves love. Her last relationship was a sh*t show, and she doesn't like to talk about it. All she thinks about is the beauty in everything and the love she has for whoever wants to accept it. She's an emotional girl, and every moment for her counts. These observations brought her peers and friends to the conclusion that she really is a "Hopeless Romantic".


+ Photography


+Alone Time



- People

- Crowds


-Loud Noises

-New Places




Getting Lost


Chewing her nails

Repeating herself

Tapping her fingers on things

Theme Song




(Sorry I couldn't decide)


"Poetry, beauty, romance, love. These are what we stay alive for."


Nothing of concern, at the moment


Cade's fear of reptiles comes from when her brothers pet lizard peed on her when she was younger.
You didn't read the overview.
Quinnn said:

Cadence "Cade" Chandler | 16 | Female | Pansexual

The Hopeless Romantic




Cade is a dreamer. She's someone who think's about all of the possibilities to everything. She is an intelligent girl with an open mind. She's also a film buff. To those close to her, she is a loyal friend, a great story-teller, and the most curious and intuitive person you will ever meet. She tends to go off on rants about how beautiful things are to her, or how the stars look from certain angles and places. She's a big worrier and recharges by spending time alone

How You Got Your Rep:

Cade spends lots of her time getting lost in romance novels, or crying over RomComs. It might seem cliche, but Cade craves love. Her last relationship was a sh*t show, and she doesn't like to talk about it. All she thinks about is the beauty in everything and the love she has for whoever wants to accept it. She's an emotional girl, and every moment for her counts. These observations brought her peers and friends to the conclusion that she really is a "Hopeless Romantic".


+ Photography


+Alone Time



- People

- Crowds


-Loud Noises

-New Places




Getting Lost


Chewing her nails

Repeating herself

Tapping her fingers on things

Theme Song




(Sorry I couldn't decide)


"Poetry, beauty, romance, love. These are what we stay alive for."


Nothing of concern, at the moment


Cade's fear of reptiles comes from when her brothers pet lizard peed on her when she was younger.
but mamas boy is still open!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Him.png.e786997cf01318e3c40b6f6847d9421d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61983" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Him.png.e786997cf01318e3c40b6f6847d9421d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jessie Mage | 17 | Male | Heterosexual

Mama's Boy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/himi.jpg.36327693ab784d3ff2ac07411c33f5e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/himi.jpg.36327693ab784d3ff2ac07411c33f5e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Jessie is a clown, always smiling and laughing. He is positive he can make anyone smile. He always tries to look on the bright side, and have fun no matter what, but thats only because his mom taught him that way. He attempts to make sad people feel better, and he cares for everyone. He treats everyone with respect, and he likes to befriend anyone. He isnt rebellious, and is a goodytoshoes. He has to make sure his parents are okay before doing anything. He is very family oriented. He trust people way to easy, and gets stabbed in the back multiple times, but he pushes on with his smile.

How You Got Your Rep.

He got his Rep, because he refuse to go to the 'Party of the centuries' because his mom said no, and he didnt even argue.

He also doesnt do anything his parents disagree, and he always brags about his family.

Likes(+) Dislikes(-)







-Disrespectful people




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/himii.jpg.a36ebc5633499b5e8aefb31cf872aa90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61985" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/himii.jpg.a36ebc5633499b5e8aefb31cf872aa90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He hates being alone, and is scared of Aliens, and paranormal stuff. He hates the thought of one of his love dying. He also hates making people disappointing.


He bits his lip when he is nervous.

He sing when he is happy.

He stands up for anyone he cares for no matter what.

Theme Songs:





If you judge people, then you have no time to love them. ~Mother Theresa


None at the moment!



  • Him.png
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  • himi.jpg
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JustSmile said:

View attachment 142477

Jessie Mage | 17 | Male | Heterosexual

Mama's Boy

View attachment 142480


Jessie is a clown, always smiling and laughing. He is positive he can make anyone smile. He always tries to look on the bright side, and have fun no matter what, but thats only because his mom taught him that way. He attempts to make sad people feel better, and he cares for everyone. He treats everyone with respect, and he likes to befriend anyone. He isnt rebellious, and is a goodytoshoes. He has to make sure his parents are okay before doing anything. He is very family oriented. He trust people way to easy, and gets stabbed in the back multiple times, but he pushes on with his smile.

How You Got Your Rep.

He got his Rep, because he refuse to go to the 'Party of the centuries' because his mom said no, and he didnt even argue.

He also doesnt do anything his parents disagree, and he always brags about his family.

Likes(+) Dislikes(-)







-Disrespectful people




View attachment 142481


He hates being alone, and is scared of Aliens, and paranormal stuff. He hates the thought of one of his love dying. He also hates making people disappointing.


He bits his lip when he is nervous.

He sing when he is happy.

He stands up for anyone he cares for no matter what.

Theme Songs:





If you judge people, then you have no time to love them. ~Mother Theresa


None at the moment!

He's adorable! I love it!

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