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Realistic or Modern π˜΅π˜©π˜¦ 𝘱𝘒π˜ͺ𝘯 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘀𝘡 | 𝘰𝘰𝘀

just got out of my English midterm and you can see the life has left my eyes

I’m so tired,,,,,, please,,,, I need coffee I look like a train hit me!!
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*huggles you thight and gives you a big cup of coffee and smiles at you* here you are! (at least I tried)
hello bitches I am out of school someone please tell me how to do the scrolly thing on my text so it’s not just over my background in a weird way
im trying my best lmao
i just got back frommm going to this makeup store for my half sister, taking back a package, going back to the mailbox, and letting my half sister test drive a car--
im trying my best lmao
i just got back frommm going to this makeup store for my half sister, taking back a package, going back to the mailbox, and letting my half sister test drive a car--
Oh dang. Busy bee~ Im hopin we can get this started today, how's it seeming on your end though? As you are our wonderous host afterall.
ye cursing isn’t bad on this site, as long as you keep it chill and not attack anyone

Is what I would say if I weren't worried about appearances with yall. Give me some time tho and I'll reveal that nasty mouth xD

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