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Fantasy The Packs

NyxNightmare said:
(For some reason after a bit BBCodes started to hate me so....haha. Literally codes started appearing on forum that are not even there on my edit screen=_=)



  • Age

    1 and a half years








    Is able to inject poison into others with her bite. Non-lethal, this power merely weakens the target's abilities as well as causing nausea and slight bodily pain.


    Sometimes she can't control when her power is released, so she tries to be extra careful when using her fangs.


    Because of her ability she's immune to the majority of poisonous plants.



  • Age

    1 and half years








    Zera can cause wolves to have hallucinations, but her power is only effective at night, and only lasts as long as the other wolf doesn't realize what they are witnessing isn't real. Often she prefers to slip nightmares into other's dreams, where reality is already fractured.


    -She isn't as agile

    -She can be too confident sometimes and get her into trouble


    Her endurance level is phenomenal

    -She has a lot of muscle




3 Years








Dynamic Camouflage, meaning he can blend in with his immediate surroundings.

Users with enhanced senses may detect him, and he must remain still for the power to be in effect.


-Overestimates his strength

-Doesn't reveal his true feelings


Sage is a bit of a flirt, and often loves messing with the sullen wolves, attempting to brighten their day. You could say he's even attracted to such wolves. Playful, he loves to explore but sometimes his curiosity can get him into trouble. Although mostly smiles on the outside, when he's alone he is quite the serious wolf, as well as when he is hunting. He loves to immerse himself in nature, as he's a daring soul as well. Everything in life is a challenge to him, and he doesn't mind going with the flow. He spends as much time running as he can. Sage also trusts too easily sometimes.


His life as a pup was pretty normal, he grew up in Nightpack under a previous gamma. Even though he loves nature, he chose hunting because it gave him an excuse to run more. When he was younger he actually struggled with depression, yet as he grew older he made up for it by being optimistic.




Who doesn't he like? Yet he takes a special liking to Silvermist


-Rolling onto his back randomly

-Almost always has to be moving in some way







+Pouncing on others


-Seeing others sad



Thoughts on Pack Members

"That's a secret~"




2 years








Ace's power is simply telepathy.


-Overthinks things a lot


Ace is a total pessimist, often gloomy inside and out. Yet this doesn't mean he hates others. He actually loves the company of others, but is awful at presenting his feelings and thoughts. he often ends up saying things to push others away that he doesn't mean to say. He's a bundle of mystery and depression. Find out more in the rp


As a pup he was always an outcast, and he still sort of is, often being picked on by other wolves. If he can he tries to isolate himself to avoid their looks of disappointment. he became a hunter in order to do some good for his pack. Although he abstains from most violence, he's a strong wolf and can do damage if he needs to.




He doesn't bother himself with it given he assumes everyone hates him


+Warm days


+High Places


+Windy days


-Arrogant wolves


-His life in general





3 years








Iris can heal abrasions and lacerations with her saliva (by licking wounds) as well as giving off a scent that calms those around her.




A little soft spoken, don't let it fool you. Iris isn't afraid to get hurt. She comes across as the kind and adorable type, yet packs a powerful bite. She doesn't give up and loves challenges. At times she can be a little too daring and forget the dangers involved. She won't hold back though if something angers her. She's outgoing enough to earn a social status. She finds it hard to depend on others, and is constantly having mental battles. More to be revealed in the rp...


Even though Iris was born with healing abilities, she ended up as a fighter because of her drive towards obtaining combat skills. Her slender figure is outlined with muscle, and her left eye bares a scar from battle with NightPack in the past. She refuses to have it healed. Most of her past is sealed away, as she prefers not to speak of it, her parents died fighting NightPack. That may also be a reason she wanted to fit into their footsteps.




Secretly Volt, as she's been training beside him since they were pups they are mild friends. She knows of his attraction to Kitsky so she often hides her true feelings and finds a bit of relief watching Vitro from time to time.



+Being close to others

+Play fighting


-When others mention her past


-Seeing those she cares about in pain



-Not being able to protect those she cares about

Thoughts on Pack Members


"He looks scary, but he's not that bad."


"An interesting character, yet somehow I don't particularly like him."


"As the alpha, I admire him the most. His strength is really something."

Ghost and Judice

"I don't spend that much time with the to-be's, but I'm sure they are promising."


"She's definitely cuter than me...."


"Something about his aura draws me in..."


"He knows what he's doing, and I'll stand by him no matter what."


"I respect her, her talents are used well."




So I think I forgot to accept this? Accepted![/tab]

Not bad. However (and this is just my opinion) I would describe yout power in quality, not quantity. Those measurements are not exactly accurate I assume, but more of like benchmarks. I mean, when people say they can hold their breaths for one minute, sometimes it is a bit longer, other times shorter. Just be aware of being able to adjust and not explicitly go by a set timeline.

You can add that to your CS by clicking the "edit" button near the bottom of your original post.
TheBOOKWORMgal said:
Add on to power: The durability depends on her condition. Under stress, the time limit is way shorter. The negative effects start at thirty seconds and she'll have to stop at three minutes. But under normal conditions, she starts having negative effects (nosebleed, dizziness, nausia) after one minute, and she'll have to stop at five minutes. The wolves closest to her will be a little dizzy, but that can be shaken away easily. For her, meanwhile, if she passes the limit she'll enter a state almost like unconsciousness, except she can see what's going on. She usually wakes up a minute to a day after this, depending on how long she's been in, but if this happens in battle, she's done for.
(Is this better?)
there is an option that allows you to edit your posts
JokerValentine said:
Not bad. However (and this is just my opinion) I would describe yout power in quality, not quantity. Those measurements are not exactly accurate I assume, but more of like benchmarks. I mean, when people say they can hold their breaths for one minute, sometimes it is a bit longer, other times shorter. Just be aware of being able to adjust and not explicitly go by a set timeline.
K sure.
TheBOOKWORMgal said:
Oh wait, there is?
yes, when you to your character sheet there is an option at the bottom that says edit
Goodness so I have my settings set to receiving every message so I don't miss something. You guys bumped me up to 116 notifs just for today xD
Makar said:




4 Years


Night Pack




Necromancy (Allows him to communicate with the deceased and summon their spirit as an apparition)


Born a stillborn, Anubis's loner mother brought him back to life, but he had seen the afterlife, and thus the source of his necromantic ability.


Keeps to himself, quiet, difficult to provoke, however merciless with those he considers enemies.




3 Years


Sun Pack




Mimicry (Allows him to "mimic" or absorb another’s powers or ability)


Raised as an alpha's heir. However a war broke out between packs. In the end his pack perished, leaving him a loner, until he joined Sun Pack.


Reckless, can be rude, easily angered, and will hold a grudge.


  • stock-photo-dark-grey-wolf-in-winter-80256526.jpg

    Name: Arnou"Reaper"

    Age: 4 years

    Pack: Night Pack

    Rank: Deputy

    Powers/Abnormalities: Arnou Heals Faster than anyone in his Wolf Pack able to return to the Fray, being injured only a few seconds back while Being more Agile and Quick Than his Wolf Pack

    Habits: Tends to have short Spasms

    Crush: Adalwolfa"Angel"

  • vertical-picture-female-timber-wolf-shot-42659517.jpg

    Name: Adalwolfa"Angel"

    Age: 4 years

    Pack: Sun Pack

    Rank: Healer

    Powers/Abnormalities: Adalwolfa has Exceeding Knowledge in helping Injured member of the Pack and can Sense Other Wolfs but sees Arnou in a different Sense

    Habits: She Smirks a little too much

    Crush: Arnou"Reaper"

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Name: Gideon

Age : 6

Appearance : He is an orange fox, rather muscular. He has red fur, with a small lightbulb-shaped white patch on his forehead.

Pack: Stonepack

Rank (Ranks are in the overview): Fighter

Powers/Abnormalities : Gideon possesses the ability to speak inside the head of another person he is fighting. This is not used often, on account of how much energy and focus it requires. Nonetheless, Gideon's pack is too peaceful to do so.

History: Gideon was born in Stonepack to two parents, both of which were hunters. His mom, however, left the pack after she wanted a different life. His father, an aggressive fighter, taught Gideon how to be aggressive. His father always said they had wolf blood in their genes, and that belief has stuck with him all the way into adulthood. Gideon always fought with others, usually winning, usually getting his ass beat. Yet, he cannot take a lass quite well. He isn't as bright as he possibly could be, as he spent his time training for battle. Yet, he can hold a conversation with complex topics.

Personality: Gideon is a troublemaker, quite easily. He loves to fight, and he gets in trouble for it. He is sociable, but a bit chaotic. He is loyal to his pack, but only to an extent. He questions his leader, even if it is improper to do so. He is working on that trait a bit. He gets along with his pack members, but he deserves a higher rank.

*Likes: Fighting, resting, rainfall

*Dislikes freezing weather, losing

*Habits hunting for food, talking with packmates, sticking up for his packmates

*Flaws Tends to get in fights, shows no sportsmanship, competitive and ambitious.

*Crush N

*Mate N

*Other N
Name: Vulpes StoneGrinder

Age: 10 years

Appearance: Is a gray burly fox with a white tip on his tale. Has red streaks under his eyes that follow the brim of his snout. Upon his wrists are bands of metal that he created himself with his abilities. He also carries upon his back a stone epitaph that lists the tenets of stone pack.

Pack: Stone pack

Rank: Alpha

Powers/Abnormalities: The ability to control minerals kinectically, whether its stone, ore, gems, or crystals. He can lift a stone slightly larger than a wolf and levitate it, although the heavier the stone the more stress it places upon him due to him already carrying the epitaph. He can pick up multiple smaller stones and fling them like projectiles. With his ability he is able to somewhat shape small pieces of metal and grind stone into dust.

History: Vulpes is the alpha fox for Stone pack, his pack used to trade with the two opposing packs Night pack and Sun pack. Due to their nature being foxes, the fued between the two wolf packs was something that they tended to stay out of. Theyre a nuetral party in the conflict, not picking a side and rather benefitting themselves to maintain survival. Recently they have had to rebuild due to most of their pack and their old den being wiped out by a large thunderstorm in a time before. Now the reside in a rocky cave area that Vulpes himself built for his pack. He pieced together all the stones and built structures as well as protection for his pack in their new home. Now that they are almost done rebuilding he hopes to continue trade with the packs once more, maybe even bring an end to their fued, he is tired of seeing dead having to tend to all the lost members of his pack and building a special tombstone for them.

Personality: Vulpes when he was younger was a fun loving fox who cared deeply for others, it was what earned him his rank, but after some time as the Alpha the storm hit and nearly destroyed his clan. During the events of that he had to recover the epitaph that holds the tenets of the pack, the very ideology he bases his life on. He managed to save his younger brother Turtle, but his mate went missing in the process. He spent a long time trying to locate her but to avail; after a while he had to put the search on hold so he could tend to proper burials and help rebuild his pack from the ground up. Stone by stone. He is still a caring fox, he just seems tired most of the time now. He refuses to put down the stone epitaph he carries, using it as a means for punishment in failing to protect his mate, carrying it has made him immensely strong, but it does take its toll on him. The only time he ever puts it down is when he needs to fight, and woe to any creature that witnesses him place the epitaph down for that is the last thing they will ever see.

*Likes: Loves fox cubs and telling them made up stories as motivation and entertainment. Loves to talk with the other foxes and enjoys the company of his brother. In the past he did enjoy the diplomatic meetings that were held with the Alphas of sun and nightpack.

*Dislikes: Death, war, unnecessary violence. Hates being reminded of his mate, and dislikes the idea of sadness.

*Habits: Yawns quite alot, as well as constantly shifting the epitaph on his back. Has a tendency to unconsciously use his abilities with stones floating around him without his notice.

*Flaws: Is a little bit stubborn as well as completely openminded at the same time, sometimes freaks out if he forgets that hes holding the epitaph, as well as constantly makes sure hes carrying the epitaph. Has a small fear of lightning ever since the storm.

*Crush : none

*Mate: missing

*Other: Prefers the company of nightpacks alpha over sunpacks, feels that sunpack is way too serious all the time.
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Pack ( Packs are in the overview)


Rank (Ranks are in the overview)



Turtle doesn't have any powers; he's quite the charmer, though.


Turtle has always been one of the smallest foxes in Stonepack, but he was accepted among his peers for his intelligence, rather than his size. He played a huge part in the rebuilding of Stonepack, and will soon be rekindling relationships with both Sunpack and Nightpack. As Gamma, he will play messenger in order to establish trade between the three packs. His social skills should aid him in his mission. He seems to always be busy tending to pack matters that he never really calms down, yet he has a smooth mannerism to him.


Though albeit playful, Turtle takes his job seriously. He is constantly stressed out and a bit hard to come by unless he needs you for something.


  • Salmon

  • Running

  • Working

  • His pack


  • Rain

  • Storms

  • Fights




  • Always seems to be in a hurry


  • Tries too hard

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NyxNightmare said:
Goodness so I have my settings set to receiving every message so I don't miss something. You guys bumped me up to 116 notifs just for today xD
that means we did something right
Lonelytaco said:







Pack ( Packs are in the overview)


Rank (Ranks are in the overview)



Turtle doesn't have any powers; he's quite the charmer, though.


Turtle has always been one of the smallest foxes in Stonepack, but he was accepted among his peers for his intelligence, rather than his size. He played a huge part in the rebuilding of Stonepack, and will soon be rekindling relationships with both Sunpack and Nightpack. As Gamma, he will play messenger in order to establish trade between the three packs. His social skills should aid him in his mission. He seems to always be busy tending to pack matters that he never really calms down, yet he has a smooth mannerism to him.


Though albeit playful, Turtle takes his job seriously. He is constantly stressed out and a bit hard to come by unless he needs you for something.


  • Salmon

  • Running

  • Working

  • His pack


  • Rain

  • Storms

  • Fights

  • Pepper


  • Always seems to be in a hurry


  • Tries too hard



hun thats a bit hard to read
Lonelytaco said:
how bout now
looks great! cuz honestly as i was trying to read it i swear my vision got fuzzy, ahm getting old ;^;

nah im kidding XP
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Name: Wren

Age: 5

Gender: Male

Pack: Stonepack

Rank: Hunter

Powers: Wren can talk to birds. Yes, so manly. But really, this is useful for long-distance communication and spying.

Bio: wren was once a loner, living in a log and free to do as he liked. But one day, as he took his leisurely stroll, he say a weird-looking transparent (water?) butterfly being chased by a young blue-eyed pup. He sat and watched for a while, remembering he's days as a pup. When he decided to show himself, he was met with a pawful of water in his face. And that is how mentor and student met. Over the years, Heron, the pup, outgrew him in size and mind, but that didn't matter to Wren as he was more mature mentally in some ways. When Heron became two years old, he left to find his own pack-- and that's when Wren ran into Stonepack.

Personality: Wren is childish to those who don't know him well, but he is also very passionate and kind. He knows when to be gentle and when to leave you alone, as he usually doesn't want to cause harm.



Stargazing (surprisingly)

Pups and kits





Hurting others


Being bossed around


Wren sometimes talks in his sleep and can get very annoying sometimes.

Crush: hmmm we'll just have to see who wants me...

Mate: no
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Name: Quorra

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Pack: Stonepack

Rank: healer

Personality: Quorra is a quiet fox, only speaking when needed. She will not usually start fights but will always try to end them, no matter if she'd be putting herself on the line. She loves pups, and has a strong motherly instinct.

Power: When she's willing, Quorra can produce a lively aura that can be absorbed by anyone that bites her. She usually uses her front legs, and as a result has bite-shaped scars on her legs from desperate foxes biting too hard. If they bite hard enough to draw blood, the aura will be absorbed at a rapid rate causing it to steal bits and pieces of her life too. When this happens she'll usually cut off the supply, because if she doesn't she'll age faster.

Bio: Quorra was born with red fur and a bright tail. She loved to play-fight, but whenever she'd get bitten, however soft, she'd feel sick. The pups who bit her would never be able to sleep for a whole night, jumping around. The adults started steering their pups away from her thinking she was being a bad influence. So she recceded into her own little shell, fearing touch. She never really had any contact with others anymore, except with her worried parents. Even then, she wouldn't talk much. Until one day, when she was seven months old, another kit fell very Ill. She remembered how every time she was bit, who ever bit her would become more lively. So she put two and two together and decided to ask the medic if the kit could bite her. Knowing her effect on kits she reculantly let her, which ended up saving the kit's life. She became the medic fox's to-be and has since learned to control her power.


°The feeling of helping others

°kits duh

°Being able to be useful

°the clouds- they wander freely through the sky...




°Bully foxes (the one thing she will get aggressive for)

°Killing & Death




°Closing off to others

Crush: ... No, I don't think so...

Mate: Though I doubt it, if anyone thinks of me like that...
TheBOOKWORMgal said:

Name: Quorra

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Pack: Stonepack

Rank: healer

Personality: Quorra is a quiet fox, only speaking when needed. She will not usually start fights but will always try to end them, no matter if she'd be putting herself on the line. She loves pups, and has a strong motherly instinct.

Power: When she's willing, Quorra can produce a lively aura that can be absorbed by anyone that bites her. She usually uses her front legs, and as a result has bite-shaped scars on her legs from desperate foxes biting too hard. If they bite hard enough to draw blood, the aura will be absorbed at a rapid rate causing it to steal bits and pieces of her life too. When this happens she'll usually cut off the supply, because if she doesn't she'll age faster.

Bio: Quorra was born with red fur and a bright tail. She loved to play-fight, but whenever she'd get bitten, however soft, she'd feel sick. The pups who bit her would never be able to sleep for a whole night, jumping around. The adults started steering their pups away from her thinking she was being a bad influence. So she recceded into her own little shell, fearing touch. She never really had any contact with others anymore, except with her worried parents. Even then, she wouldn't talk much. Until one day, when she was seven months old, another kit fell very Ill. She remembered how every time she was bit, who ever bit her would become more lively. So she put two and two together and decided to ask the medic if the kit could bite her. Knowing her effect on kits she reculantly let her, which ended up saving the kit's life. She became the medic fox's to-be and has since learned to control her power.


°The feeling of helping others

°kits duh

°Being able to be useful

°the clouds- they wander freely through the sky...




°Bully foxes (the one thing she will get aggressive for)

°Killing & Death




°Closing off to others

Crush: ... No, I don't think so...

Mate: Though I doubt it, if anyone thinks of me like that...

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