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Fantasy The Packs


Too Far Gone
It is Recommended each player create 2+ characters from separate packs.

*= Not required




Pack ( Packs are in the overview)

Rank (Ranks are in the overview)










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  • Name



    3 Years







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  • Name



    2 Months






    To be

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Name: Remus Silverfang

-Age: Unknown

-Appearance: All black fur save for a white (T) shaped spot in between his eyes

-Pack: Night Pack:

-Rank: Fighter, reconassaince

-Powers/Abnormalities: Has the ability to bend light around himself with a dark ichor like cloud to allow for absolute stealth during the night, and light distortation during the day. can be used as an offensive measure to burn ones eyes as well as freely manipulated to create forms, these forms do no actual damage (aside form eye irritation) other than to merely intimidate or distract. Can also throw off the senses of others, mainly smell for his dark cloud gives the scent of burning. On very rare occasions, can release a huge cloud of dark ichor that acts as both a smoke bomb and eye irritant to allow a hasty escape, has to be in a stressed panic state to achieve this.

-History: Has always been a lone wolf, trained to only sneak and spy as well as effectively fight in self defense.

-Personality: Is the perfect obedient soldier, when hes watched that is, during his recon missions, when hes alone, hes a free spirit, looking at creatures of nature, hanging out in flower patches

*Likes: Flowers, anything colorful, loves to paint and create art.

*Dislikes: Living with night pack, narcissists, and wolves who stray from the objective too much.

*Habits: Getting distracted after his missions are complete

*Flaws: Being an outsider

*Crush: Has spotted a few sun pack wolves that caught his eye.

*Mate: None

*Other: Has an ability to paint with his paws and tail, developed a way to effectively clean the berry juice off his fur once done painting, had a sibling who went missing, alpha has kept it a secret
Age 23 in human, 5 in wolf

Appearance In wolf form, he is grey and black.

Pack ( Packs are in the overview): Sunpack

Rank (Ranks are in the overview): Deputy

Powers/Abnormalities : He has one special ability: stealth. He is able to be completely silent when he is on the hunt, or doing his duty to the pack.

History: Joker never knew his parents, sad enough. His parentals gave him up, although he never knew why. He was shown the greatest kindness at the hands of Sunpack, whom accepted him as family. This prompted him to constantly seek approval and validation that he belonged in the pack. His uncanny ability to be stealthy was noted by pack officials. Due to his constant haranguing to be assigned a duty worthy in the eyes of the alpha, he was designated as Deputy.

Personality A cynical flavor twist filled with empathy and outright loyalty to his pack... as long as his alpha is watching. That being said, he is easily persuaded.

*Likes violence, being deputy, being loyal to his alpha and pack

*Dislikes himself at times, his parents, the pack's enemies especially, boredom

*Habits Doing as he is told, bending the knee

*Flaws has a constant need to seek validation, relies on his ability too much, can be an ulcer at times, is willing to follow his alpha.

*Crush NO

*Mate NO

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Just re-stating here that I will be having the same characters as I did before. The positions were:

SunPack- Alpha and To Be

Nightpack- Healer and To Be
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Idea said:
Just re-stating here that I will be having the same characters as I did before. The positions were:
SunPack- Alpha and To Be

Nightpack- Healer and To Be
Alright just repost the characters when you can

Age - 23

Appearance -

Pack - Sunpack

Rank- Alpha

Powers/Abnormalities –LawNeck has the power to increase the power of his pack with his howls, as well as his own. He can conjure armor and body parts made from sheer light, which can increase speed, resilience, power effectiveness and stamina for nearby wolves. He can, alternatively, boost only himself and create two wolves made from light. Apart from being faster than the average wolf and not getting tired, this light wolves are no different from regular wolves. However, they are relatively easy to disperse should there be a deep enough wound (anywhere on the body).

Personality- LawNeck takes his position as alpha very seriously, always seeking to do what he considers to be the best for the pack. He is extremely selfless and if he is ever caught doing something selfish, such as eating away before the rest of the pack, he is likely doing so to preserve the order he cherishes so much. Since he was a pup, LawNeck has had very strict beliefs which he attempts to impose upon others. He has the habit of being self-righteous, and takes any challenge to his beliefs as an act of violation of the order he always tries to preserve. He has an issue with other packs of wolfs because of this aswell: He cannot agree to there being another alpha if that alpha won`t follow the laws he has created.

In spite of this, LawNeck is rather comprehensive and forgiving to children, nevertheless scolding them if they do not follow his rules. He is very mature in his ways and knows there is no victory without sacrifice. It is also his belief that it isn`t fair if a leader should demand of his followers to follow certain rules if that leader doesn`t do it himself, and hence he is diligent in following not just the rules he imposes as law, but also the orders he commands for the entire clan.


- peace and quiet

-his “laws”

-sleeping in the sunlight



-properly organized hunts



-lots of unnecessary noise

-other packs

-rebellious wolfs

-when someone criticizes him


-sleeping in the sun and staying awake all night

-lecturing children






*The laws are absolute

*The alpha must be obeyed and has the last word on conflicts that do not involve the position of alpha

*Always hunt the strong and the wounded, never the healthy weak

*Before engaging in any fight, the fighters have to be far away from the pack

*The alpha has priority in picking the mates and in eating and drinking

*It is mandatory to share all things, within reason

*One is not allowed any form of relation, pity or communication with strays or members of another pack

*Before any fight is begun, specific rules must be set

*Honor any opponent in the same amount they honor you

*A parent is always responsible for the actions of his/her offspring

*Nobody is allowed to be too far from the pack without permission or unaccompanied.

*The alpha cannot be challenged, unless his position is being challenged as well

*To decide who gets to be the alpha, in case there is a challenger, the pack will gather and choose who gets to be the alpha. The one who looses will get his leg bitten by the winner and be banished from the pack, becoming a “stray”.

*The offspring of a wolf who is being banished will be the children of the new alpha. If they are at least 7 months old, they are allowed to leave with their parent, becoming strays themselves. Pups younger than seven months, though, will not be given such an option.

*It is mandatory that all male members of the pack beyond one year old remain vigilant and ready to aid the pack in case of need.

*In case of fire, storms or other such disasters, all females and pups are to take immediate cover and all male members of the pack are to go aid in protecting the other animals (prays and other packs alike), getting as much aid as possible, or go themselves attempt to put out the fire (if it is fire).

Name- LeechFang

Age -2 months

Appearance -

Pack -Nightpack

Rank- To be

Powers/Abnormalities – Capable of taking in properties from what he eats in smaller scales. This ranges from growing a rat tail from eating rats frequently to gaining a much weaker version of another wolf`s power by biting them (Let´s say the wolf is capable of bursting into light, Leechfang will be able to create a small light.). Leechfang also heals by wounding his enemy, although the proportion is very small unless he actually eats from the wound.

Personality- Leechfang is a curious and playful little fellow. He is adventurous in that he will go virtually any extents to learn about whatever he has his head on at the moment, something he is very volatile about. One moment he will be obsessed with trees, the next about the river. He also has a little mischievous nature, sneaking around to places, and pulling pranks with his friends. However, he will not go the extent of actually hurting someone, physically or emotionally, and if he does he always seeks to make sure to make up for it, whatever it takes.

He is always seeking to make friends and does his best to take interest in whatever the next person he meets is interested in. When he fails, he often will try to persuade the other pup to follow his own interests instead or simply try to find common interests. Leechfang is always there to help in any case, despite being somewhat naïve. He will believe just about anything you tell him if no one can straight up prove to him that it is wrong. Even then, he will very hardly believe anyone would lie to him and will instead assume they were just mistaken.

He is a dreamer at heart and has the unfortunate tendency to daydream when bored. He is also resourceful and ingenious, although his general knowledge is still a little short. Yet, he likes a challenge.

One last thing to mention about him is that when something hurts LeechFang, he will typically stay silent about it or attempt to laugh it off. Inside he may actually be depressed or hurting a lot, but he will do his best not to show it, since he thinks that will hurt others aswell.


-Playing with his friends



-Jokes and pranks



-Hurting others

-Having to stay still for long

-Being bossed around


-Chasing after every little animal he sees

-Wandering off to explore

-Pulling pranks

-Talking to everyone and everything he meets

-When people aren`t receptive to him



-Always keeps his problems to himself

-Overly curious

-Volatile in taste



-Gets bored easily


Parents: Savage Carne

Name -Ghost

Age 3 -weeks

Appearance -

Pack -Sunpack

Rank -To be


*Frost walk- the atmosphere is distorted wherever he is, causing the temperature nearby to drop to freezing temperatures. He can also generate a sphere of cold wind in his mouth which can be shot by blowing and will explode on contact, freezing everything on a small area. This last part only works once every twenty minutes.

*Ghost Step- Only works at night. Can separate his ghost from his body, allowing him to move it around. It cannot be seen, touched, sensed, smelled or anything of the kind, but he his only interaction with the physical world becomes passive (as in, he can hear, see and smell, but he can`t touch or make anything move). He does gain minor poltergeist abilities if it`s a full moon on that night. If he does not return to his body before sunrise, though, he will be permanently be cut off from his body.

History- Ghost was born recently, but his already a little adventure when he swallowed a bug as a pup and nearly died over it. Ever since, his parents were overprotective of him, especially the mother, given the father was usually out to the alpha`s orders.

Personality- Ghost is a loyal and docile pup. He is obedient and greatly admires the grown-ups, although he has a curiosity to him that just won`t let him NOT hear about what`s going on. He is shy and in constant fear of what might happen to him, over the way his parents were overprotective of him. For this reason, he will easily be pushed around and fall to peer pressure. He is kind and understanding, always ready with a smile and open paws.

He is also quite dependent on other wolves of the back, being unable to take care of himself at all. He is naïve and a crybaby, although he is also rather patient. He wouldn`t do anything to get himself or others hurt, but he can often do pretty silly stuff for attention, which he constantly craves.

*Likes-attention, learning, being trusted

*Dislikes-pain, pressure, being kept in the dark, anything in his long list of fears

*Habits-crying, using his powers to overhear things, napping for too long

*Flaws-crybaby, easy to manipulate, naïve, dependent on others, coward, lacks innitiative

*Crush -none



Name -MoltenWomb

Age- 5

Appearance -

Pack -Nightpack

Rank- Healer

Powers/Abnormalities –

*She can greatly increase the side of her digestive system and jaws, and can connect them to other parts of her body, such as the womb.

*All of her inner body generates a powerful set of acids, which she can combine to achieve several results. The first is the obvious, the capacity to dissolve several things. The use of this one is very dangerous to her and therefore will only be used if on things that are at pawing range, or she`ll end up injured as well. The second is a combination that quickly evaporates, creating a fog over a small area that puts whoever inhales it to sleep. She is mostly immune to the effect, although she`ll still get dizzy and her head will ache. Lastly, she can make a combination that will regenerate older tissues, while removing younger ones. This can be used on other wolves or herself. While on herself it can only heal smaller wounds, on others it can go as far as healing major ones. However, doing so will likely result in a significant reduction of they`re bodies, thus reverting them back to pups, usually with damage to their physical abilities and occasional mental damage as well. The last power actually requires her to swallow the wolf too, effectively having to give birth to the wolf she wants to heal. Her healing powers do not work in pups or wolves under 2 years old.

History- She`s always been a faithful member of the nightpack, and one who was excited to help since a pup. On that age, though, people didn`t want her around much, as her drool could prove to be very harmful. As everyone grew and she began gaining control over this, she was gradually more accepted and even began her work by caring for pups, whom she loved to play with, especially those that were usually left out. It was due to some incidents with coyotes and accident over lightning that her true power began having to come into play and she`s been pregnant because of it, many times (in fact most of the time). Although optimistic at first, the fact some pups couldn`t remember she helped them as they grew up left her devastated. She continued taking care of the pups, until one of them said something that made hurt her so much, she clawed the pup, leaving a scar. She hasn`t gone close to pups except for giving birth since, as she fears she might end up doing it again.

Personality- MoltenWomb is an overprotective wolf that sees all others as children. This is because she has saved several lives, but due to the effects of her powers, it`s hard to tell who grew up from her. She is always acts motherly towards the other wolves, except for pups, whom he she tries to distance herself from, as she feels she might get overly emotional near them. She is someone who doesn´t like to be ignored, but can be extremely reliable and diligent. She will rush to anyone in need of help, although her condition is hardly ever the best.

She is also rather humble and selfless, often letting herself eat last and always sharing. She is quite strict on others when it comes to formalities and has a tendency to act as a know-it-all to impose respect.

*Likes-teaching, be sought after for help, seeing everyone happy

*Dislikes-commotions, dealing with pups, being ignored

*Habits-trying to boss people around or lecture them, vomiting, letting other have their meal first.

*Flaws-Overprotective, usually in bad shape over pregnancy, trust issues

*Crush –N/A

*Mate –N/A













Has a keen sense for which plants mix well with others to create medicine. Can influence the growth of those plants.


Kitsky was born into the Sunpack. Fortunately for her, she inherited her mothers senses and powers. She was chosen from the moment of her birth to be healer due to her mother's success in the job. She is well known and respected throughout the pack for her job.


Kitsky is a kind wolf who is always willing to help anyone. Instead of staying put in her cave where she works 24/7, she often stays by the Sunpack's river tending to her plants, where she also keeps watch over the wolves to ensure no one needs any kind of help.


  • Her plants
  • Pups
  • The river


  • Rudeness
  • Killing
  • Meat

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Name Hatchet

Age 12

Appearance Black wolf with Greyish fur. He is slow on his feet.

Pack ( Packs are in the overview) nightpack

Rank (Ranks are in the overview) alpha


Hatchet is an abstained individual when it comes to powers. That is the abnormality, if any. However, he is exceptionally wise, containing an ability to deduce truth from lie..... most of the time. His parents told him that that was the most important gift, if any. He is also quite proficient at words, and with his position is only more influential.

History: As a young kid, his parents were lowly-positoned wolves in the pack (healer and sentry). During a fire one year in Autumn, however, his parents sought to protect the pack. They didn't make it. His luck changed for the better when he became apprentied to Daemon, the former Gamma to Nightpack. In the next two years, Daemon, becoming effectively his surrogate father, taught Hatchet how to be self-reliant, cognitive, and merciful. This shaped Hatchet's leadership potential in the coming years.

At the age of 6, he was named as Daemon's successor, whom had passed away. Saddened, but determined, Hatchet accepted his role on the behalf of the pack. However, the politics of the pack influenced him, especially when it came to Sunpack. Due to rumors, and of course the history, Sunpack became a threat. He will not readily admit it, but he fears their treachery, or quite possibly his own.

When he became 10, he took control of Nightpack after the alpha before him (reserved for naming later) had his demise (reserved for later). His mentoring led him to lead a more equality-based relationship, similar to how a pastor leads a church. He sought to take care of his people, and always remembered the threats beyond the border.

He has witnessed his fair share of skirmishes. In one skirmish, while under the watch of Daemon still, he was noticed for his ability to keep morale high through his rhetorical whim. This was something Daemon sought to harness and improve on.

Personality: He is quite wise, which is of course fitting due to his age. He constantly seeks council and pack approval. Though not harsh, he will be unhappy with disobedience. Disloyalty and treason will make him irate at all hell. He makes use of his pack quite well, utilizing them to their importance. He envisions a pack in which it belongs to all, not just the alpha. He is against a strict nature of rule, one of the many reasons for suspicion of other wolf packs. However, he thinks all individuals are malleable, able to be persuaded to believe many things. That being said, if it came down to a choice, he would always choose his pack members over anyone else.

*Likes His pack, his position, bravery in others, nighttime, young pups, refugees

*Dislikes: human forms, disloyalty, chaos, violence for no reason

*Habits looking into the darkness and pondering thought, planning on behalf of the pack, celebrating the personal achievements of members

*Flaws Blinded by emotion often, could potentially be too lax, does not appear to contain any power, he also does not confess his darkest feelings, especially on the subject of his family. It can go potentially many ways. Nobody seems to remember anyways. Also, he deeply feels that he can do more as a leader, and is always seeking to keep belief in his cause at a high.


*Mate If there is one, the alpha female. If not, he is too busy to show any affection to one person alone.

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Name: Ashen

Age: 4 years


Pack: Nightpack

Rank: Fighter

Powers/Abnormalities: for a wolf she is large and is taller than the rest, giving her added strength. Though she dose have the power to manipulate wind. Whether it be blasting someone with a gust of wind or slicing them open

History: only the elders of the pack know that she wasn't born in the pack.. Beyond that no one knows where she came from

Personality: brave, strong, loyal, fierce, kind, caring, sarcastic, and wild

Likes: night, the moon, heat

Dislikes: daylight, being wet, cold

Habits: she is always moving or doing something

Flaws: she tends to talk and mess around too much, often daydreaming or getting distracted which leads to her to not getting something done

Crush: Remus Silverfang

Mate: No

Other: her eyes are grey
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wolfborn4 said:
Name: Ashen
Age: 4 years


Pack: Nightpack

Rank: Fighter

Powers/Abnormalities: for a wolf she is large and is taller than the rest, giving her added strength. Though she dose have the power to manipulate wind. Whether it be blasting someone with a gust of wind or slicing them open

History: only the elders of the pack know that she wasn't born in the pack.. Beyond that no one knows where she came from

Personality: brave, strong, loyal, fierce, kind, caring, sarcastic, and wild

Likes: night, the moon, heat

Dislikes: daylight, being wet, cold

Habits: she is always moving or doing something

Flaws: she tends to talk and mess around too much, often daydreaming or getting distracted which leads to her

Crush: Remus Silverfang

Mate: No

Other: her eyes are grey


Full Name: Volt

Age: 5

Fur color: Grey and Brown mixture

Eye color: Olive Green

Pack: Sunpack

Rank: Fighter

Likes/Dislikes (=Dislike =Like)

Seeing other hurt

Nightpack members

Obnoxious wolves


Protecting his pack members

Full Moons

*Flaws~His "other side" explained in personality.


Volt had been living amongst the Sunpack for many years and proved his loyalty well. Showing courage, selflessness and complete devotion to his fellow pack members well being. He got on no one's bad side and earned the likes from all members.

Volt is extremely loyal and protective of the other pack members and pups and spends most of his time close by everyone to keep a watchful eye out for harm. Volt is seemingly the harsh, serious looking type, but in fact he is quite bashful and charming. His once serious attitude is gone like the dawn of night and quickly converted to this upbeat side that greatly suppresses his common sense, center of gravity and train of thought, temporarily of course.

Volt-age ~ Volt has the ability to generate, exert and control static electricity with different levels of intensity from either his paws, tip of his tail and even his forehead. If needed Volt can transfer enough static energy is into his paws to alter his speed to make him a lot faster than the average wolf.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/wolfstare.jpg.9334ac6753f3d8e3d93f28a23da78e82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108540" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/wolfstare.jpg.9334ac6753f3d8e3d93f28a23da78e82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full Name: Run

Age: 3 ~ weeks

Fur color: Black

Eye color: Icy blue

Pack: Nightpack

Rank: To be

Likes/Dislikes (=Dislike =Likes)

Anything that relates to exercising, mainly running


Finding new things

Other pups

Hot places

Hostile wolves

Being in trouble

Hurting others

Flaws~His playfulness can lead to other getting hurt or lead him into trouble.



Being new to the world, Run had just begun his early life expedition through running around the forest and spotting new things. He quite enjoys his spoils and has recently been trying to use his powers more effectively, but still needs some assistance.

Run is a fun-loving energetic pup who got his name through his most favorite thing to do, which was running. Run is very kind and caring to others around him and occasionally will go out of his way to impress them. He loves the attention, unless it has a negative feel to it which in some cases it does. Run not only loves having a fun adventure with friends, but he doesn't really have a less destructive way of showing it. That leads him to getting into trouble often, but apart from that Run is a playful positive pup who loves to spend time with others and even exploring the environment around him.

Cold Paws ~ Run has the ability to emit a icy blue aura from his paws that allow him to freeze a space wherever he steps. With enough concentration, Run can leap into the air and create a frost like platforms that he can stand on and hop from in midair, however these platforms last for 7 seconds only before it thaws. occasionally his ability 'glitches' out and freezes more of the ground beneath Run without him noticing and another con to this is that his powers only work through his paws.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Welpe_1.jpg.9f311899750e90a236a61ec044ada519.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108545" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Welpe_1.jpg.9f311899750e90a236a61ec044ada519.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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You know I'm just going to find pictures for those who don't have any, they don't have to use them but I'd just like to have them bs one everyone can just have a visual
[QUOTE="Cloud Nagasake]
"The Nighttime is Run-time!"

Full Name: Run

Age: 3 ~ weeks

Fur color: Black

Eye color: Icy blue

Pack: Nightpack

Rank: To be

Power/Abnormalities: Cold Paws ~ Run has the ability to emit a icy blue aura from his paws that allow him to freeze a space wherever he steps. With enough concentration, Run can leap into the air and create a frost like platforms that he can stand on and hop from, however these platforms last for 7 seconds only before it thaws. occasionally his ability 'glitches' out and freezes more of the ground beneath Run without him noticing and another con to this is that his powers only work through his paws.

no slide

Both accepted

  • Age8
    Power (1)Producing large quantities of pollens that are scattered by the wind.
    Power (2)Able to sense his produced pollens at day time, being able tell the current status of a living being that came in contact with the pollen. Unless the living being has washed the pollen off afterwards. He is unable to specify further details like gender and the type of animal.
    Power (3)His sense of smell is distracted, by the production of his pollens, which lead to him being unable to correctly taste and thus evaluate quality of food. Furthermore the usual distance in which a wolf is able to detect a new smell is halved, meaning that Vitro is half as quick as his brethren in detecting prey and danger.
    OtherAs a former wolf of the flos pack, he is unable to see, as all the pack members relied on their abililties to hunt their prey and defend their territory.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-26_10-40-0.jpeg.5fb254ecf44acbafc20efa50d886bc71.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108560" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-26_10-40-0.jpeg.5fb254ecf44acbafc20efa50d886bc71.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Although Lola believes she is 3, she's actually 8 years. The reason she thinks she's 3 is because that's the age she starting forgetting the previous days.



Disc of Fire - Summons a flaming disc into her back which she uses to attack

Lola was raised in the pack like a normal pup. Shortly after beginning to have conscious, the Disc appeared for the first time. To this day, she's still not learned to harness it and when it is summoned, she loses her mind, attacking innocents. Due to this fact, she is chained towards the back so she is unable to hurt anyone else. One of the casualties of her attacks was her mother who was killed eventually after facing her daughter too many times. Lila has taught herself to forgot the previous day's and whoever she hurts. Every day, she forgotten the previous day and so she has little memory.

Lola was a nice girl. Now, she is just the opposite of her former self, killing her own mother and being chained to a wall. She always tries her best to find fun despite her condition. If her disc is summoned though, she starts rampaging, losing her mind and attacking whoever is nearest viciously. Though, since she's chained, she can usually only inflict pain upon herself, causing multiple burn marks.

Lola can usually find fun in anything since she really must try. Her absolute favourite things those are things she does not know since she constantly forgets. She does quite like being treated normally and given rewards for good behaviour like when the disc isn't summoned or she remembers even the slightest of details of her past.

When you begin to try finding the fun in everything, you start if hating everything. From being chained up to being fed. Over time though, she has began to like almost everything, mainly due to the fact she forgets her hatred. One thing in particular that gets her riled up are butterflies. Lola cannot stand them!

Lola is very quiet, mainly due to how she doesn't know how to start a conversation let alone hold one. She is definitely guilty of growling and attempting to kill the tiniest of butterflies.

She had many, many flaws that I'd be here forever if they were to be listed. A few examples are her inability to control her disc and the fact she does not know how to have a proper, respectable conversation.

Lola, not understanding love, would never be able to say. She does though have a secret crush but would never admit it. It's the only thing she can remember from each passing day and no matter how much the disc takes control, she could never bring herself to injure him. (It's Vitro!)

Oh please!

She's too young and forgetful to have a mate!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-26_10-34-40.jpeg.bad05229530aa02249f24702574e0fbd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108559" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-26_10-34-40.jpeg.bad05229530aa02249f24702574e0fbd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





Blood Bound - Can temporarily bind himself to an individual so he'll feel their pain instead of them.

Demon's Wrath - Can activate to become more powerful but deeply drains his energy.

Jakob is a proud member of the Sunpack clan. Previously, he was a member of the Sunpack but was exiled after killing another member who stole the love of his life from him. He bears a deep grudge against the Sunpack for his exile and joined he Nightpack to get revenge.

Jakob is a cruel, mean and ready for combat. If you oppose this great beast of a wolf, he'd become vicious. Jakob is easily angered, especially when the Sunpack are involved.

Jakob lives to get revenge in those who's wronged him. When he's at peace, which is rare, he likes to sit and listen to the wind blow a gentle tune, whistling along happily.

The Sunpack. No more said.

Too distraught for love... Unless someone would reach out to him.



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NightCasterZ said:
View attachment 242035

Although Lola believes she is 3, she's actually 8 years. The reason she thinks she's 3 is because that's the age she starting forgetting the previous days.


To Be

Disc of Fire - Summons a flaming disc into her back which she uses to attack

Lola was raised in the pack like a normal pup. Shortly after beginning to have conscious, the Disc appeared for the first time. To this day, she's still not learned to harness it and when it is summoned, she loses her mind, attacking innocents. Due to this fact, she is chained towards the back so she is unable to hurt anyone else. One of the casualties of her attacks was her mother who was killed eventually after facing her daughter too many times. Lila has taught herself to forgot the previous day's and whoever she hurts. Every day, she forgotten the previous day and so she has little memory.

Lola was a nice girl. Now, she is just the opposite of her former self, killing her own mother and being chained to a wall. She always tries her best to find fun despite her condition. If her disc is summoned though, she starts rampaging, losing her mind and attacking whoever is nearest viciously. Though, since she's chained, she can usually only inflict pain upon herself, causing multiple burn marks.

Lola can usually find fun in anything since she really must try. Her absolute favourite things those are things she does not know since she constantly forgets. She does quite like being treated normally and given rewards for good behaviour like when the disc isn't summoned or she remembers even the slightest of details of her past.

When you begin to try finding the fun in everything, you start if hating everything. From being chained up to being fed. Over time though, she has began to like almost everything, mainly due to the fact she forgets her hatred. One thing in particular that gets her riled up are butterflies. Lola cannot stand them!

Lola is very quiet, mainly due to how she doesn't know how to start a conversation let alone hold one. She is definitely guilty of growling and attempting to kill the tiniest of butterflies.

She had many, many flaws that I'd be here forever if they were to be listed. A few examples are her inability to control her disc and the fact she does not know how to have a proper, respectable conversation.

Lola, not understanding love, would never be able to say. She does though have a secret crush but would never admit it. It's the only thing she can remember from each passing day and no matter how much the disc takes control, she could never bring herself to injure him. (It's Vitro!)

Oh please!

She's too young and forgetful to have a mate!

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Blood Bound - Can temporarily bind himself to an individual so he'll feel their pain instead of them.

Demon's Wrath - Can activate to become more powerful but deeply drains his energy.

Jakob is a proud member of the Sunpack clan. Previously, he was a member of the Nightpack clan but was exiled after killing another member when he stole the love of his life from him. He bears a deep grudge against the Nightpack for his exile and joined he Sunpack to get revenge.

Jakob is a cruel, mean and ready for combat. If you oppose this great beast of a wolf, he'd become vicious. Jakob is easily angered, especially when the Nightpack are involved.

Jakob lives to get revenge in those who's wronged him. When he's at peace, which is rare, he likes to sit and listen to the wind blow a gentle tune, whistling along happily.

The Nightpack. No more said.

Too distraught for love... Unless someone would reach out to him.
To be's would be under a year old considering they're wolves.
Stormlight said:
  • Age8
    Power (1)Producing large quantities of pollens that are scattered by the wind.
    Power (2)Able to sense his produced pollens at day time, being able tell the current status of a living being that came in contact with the pollen. Unless the living being has washed the pollen off afterwards. He is unable to specify further details like gender and the type of animal.
    Power (3)His sense of smell is distracted, by the production of his pollens, which lead to him being unable to correctly taste and thus evaluate quality of food. Furthermore the usual distance in which a wolf is able to detect a new smell is halved, meaning that Vitro is half as quick as his brethren in detecting prey and danger.
    OtherAs a former wolf of the flos pack, he is unable to see, as all the pack members relied on their abililties to hunt their prey and defend their territory.

Love this, accepted

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