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Deep in Winter forest lives 4 packs, they contain either, Foxes, felines Or Canines.

The packs

White rock Pack

View attachment 10853

Located to the east this pack has the largest territory. There is a lake at the bottom of the rocks which they drink from. This pack is hardy and never back down from a challenge. They are Arch-enemy's with the Blood stone pack because the two alpha's are siblings and they once had a huge fall out, this resulted in a life long feud.

1. Timber (Alpha)

2. Poppy (Second in command)







The Aurora pack

View attachment 10854

A very spiritual pack, they believe in the greater good and magic and stuff like that. They are based in a canyon and love to climb and stuff like that.

1. Riley (alpha)




The Blood stone pack

View attachment 10855

The second largest pack, they are vicious and hold a grudge with the white rock pack. The pack's territory is based around a river which runs through the forest.

1. Cole (Alpha)






The sky Pack

View attachment 10856

These animals live in the caves that protude from the mountains. They are passive-agressive but usualy stay out of harms way.

1. Sierra (alpha)





The character sheet










My Character sheets:

Name: Sierra

Age: 2 years

Gender: Female

Species: Fox

Type: Corsac fox

Pack: The Sky pack

Looks:View attachment 10851

Personality: Loyal, Caring, the thinker of the Sky pack

Other: (Nothing to add)

Name: Riley

Age: 1 year

Gender: female

Species: Fox

Type: Unknown

Pack: The Aurora pack

Looks:View attachment 10852

Personality:Protective, Territorial, Can be loving, will alwas choose the "pack over anyone else"

Other: (nothing to add)

Name: Timber

Age: 3 years

Gender: Female

Species: Wolf

Type: Unknown

Pack: The White Rock Pack

Looks:View attachment 10857

Personality: Always in control, can be loving, serious on the outside, Protective.

Other: Timber has a brother called Cole. he is horrid and manipulative. A fight between the two wolves left them unable to stand each other, so they started seperate packs and based them on the opposite sides of the territory. Loves (Friendly way) her Best friend Poppy

Name: Cole

Age: 3 years

Species: wolf

Type: Unknown

Pack: The Blood Stone pack

Looks:View attachment 10859

Personality: Hates his sister, can be caring and kind, Vicious, imposing.

Other: (nothing to add)

Name: Poppy

Age: 2 years

Gender: Female

Species: Feline

Type: Mountain lion

Pack: The white rock pack

Looks:View attachment 10861

Personality: Loving, Naive, Young, inmature, can be serious and protective, feirce when angry.

Other: Loves her best friend timber, She hardly ever leaves her side. She met Timber when she was turfed out by her mother. Poppy was young and weak, Her mother was tasked with killing her but didnt have the heart. Poppies mother threw her out as a cub. Timber found Poppy and took her in as her own. Now they are inseperable.
Name: Diesel

Age: 3 years

Gender: Male

Species: Grey/ Rock Mountain wolf

Pack:The white rock pack

Looks:View attachment 10889

Personality: He is strong and will protect his make with everything hes got, he would fight to the death to protect the things he loves, and wont hesitate to attack a threat. currently looking for a mate.


Name: Night

Age: 3 years

Gender: Female

Species: Wolf

Type: Alaskan wolf

Pack: The Blood Stone Pack

Looks: View attachment 10888

Personality: she is mean and hateful, she will defend the things she loves and kill the things she hates, she is currently in heat and looking for a mate c':


Name: Lupus

Age: 4 years

Gender: Male

Species: Wolf

Type: Russian Wolf

Pack: None (Loner)

Looks: View attachment 10959

Personality: He is agressive to everyone and everything, he is not loyal and is a trickster, he is very hostile and ran with a small pack of five, and he killed them all in the night. He is strong and large, well fed and with a lot of muscle, he will trick you, and take one wrong step and you might end up in a puddle of blood.

Other: he is a rouge

Age:2 years old



Type:Red Fox

Pack: The Blood Stone Pack

Looks: Red fur with black legs,and has a fluffy tail(I can't post links yet >.>)

Personality: Is aggrssive towards other members of a differnt pack that crosses their territory.Is also kinda mean towards members of a differnt pack, but is kind to members of the pack she is in.She is caring towards kits,cubs,and pups.
Name: Annasatis Rebecca Crosby

Age: One Year

Gender: F

Species: Wolf

Personality: She is Brave, even though she is small. Anna, her nickname, loves to play and goof off. But can be dead serious when the time comes.

Type: Alaskan Wolf

Pack: Blood Stone

Look's: View attachment 11976

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