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Multiple Settings The Overseer Project


the greatest mule

Commissioner Ryker
Today was a momentous occasion for the Department of Public Security. Commissioner Ryker could tell that much while standing before her five subordinates. Their excitement, anxiety, and frustration were not lost on her. Handpicked for this seemingly impossible mission, which possessed no definitive end — short of their untimely deaths — it was natural for them to have their concerns. Even so, they ultimately had no choice, much like herself. The upper brass wanted results, so it was their job to provide a worthwhile outcome.

Releasing a huff of smoke, a cigar precariously pressed to the side of her cheek, Ryker straightened herself out, brushing her fingers through her long blonde hair with contempt. There was no use waiting out the time. It was already late enough as it was. Clearing her throat, she began to speak.

"Through these doors," she motioned to an entrance with similar functions to an airlock behind her, "are some of the most heinous criminals that the D.P.S. were barely able to capture in the past. Some may look virtuous, some may treat you with respect, and some may plead their innocence, but make no mistake — they are all monsters. The only comrades you have are standing beside you at this very moment. Never forget that."

A slow smile spread across her lips, the commissioner feeling content with her explanation. "You already know the rundown. Ascertain their strengths and weaknesses, follow protocol, and get results. That's all that matters." With a satisfied nod, she turned away from the group of overseers.

"Now then, shall we get started?"

Lowering her head and moving her face closer to a device on the wall, a retina scanner popped out, the red laser scanning for identification. At the same time, she placed her thumb on a fingerprint pad, the machine letting out a small beep. A screen above the gateway turned green, the words ACCESS APPROVED appearing across it. A moment later, the tightly sealed apparatus began to release, permitting entry into the containment site.

Moving inside, the floor, walls, and ceiling were noticeably bleached a stainless white. There was no furniture, decor, or even architecture in the room. It was nothing more than a white box. Located around its perimeter were a multitude of heavily armored guards, each holding up the latest advancement in munitions technology. Their sights were set on the middle of the room, where five restrained individuals stood, ordered not to make any sound or movement.

"The overseers are here," Ryker's voice seemingly boomed within the stilled air. "Lower your weapons. We'll take it from here."

The soldiers did as their commissioner ordered, each entering a standby position. Though, even now, their reluctance to do so was evident. Ryker couldn't blame them. It wasn't every day that you were tasked with surveilling level five inmates from the Coldwater Correctional Facility. Each of them was classified as a disaster on their own.

"Go to your assigned criminal and await further orders," Ryker commanded the overseers. "It'll only be for a short while, but you might as well familiarize yourselves with your new 'partners', yeah?" There was a noticeable strain in her speech, the woman incapable of hiding her disdain.

"I'll be back shortly." With that, she left the overseers to do as they pleased. They were professionally trained, after all.

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa simj26 simj26 Eteri Eteri angel doe angel doe HTCOR HTCOR The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit November Witch November Witch Mistborn Mistborn

The words of its superior hung heavily over Em, the Overseer flipping and turning Ryker's meaning within the confines of its thoughts. The situation — this exact scenario — wasn't foreign to it. There was a sense of déjà vu, Em having been in this position once before, with similar warnings regurgitated by a different handler. That instance fell in failure, but with a new commissioner and a restart from what happened three years ago, it hoped that things would turn out differently this time.

Allies, huh? It thought to itself, crimson irises flashing to the coworkers beside it. All of them were new faces to Em. Then again, it hadn't had time to familiarize itself with the other units in the D.P.S. There were plenty of crimes that required a senior Overseer's guidance in Lumani City and a small supply of credible individuals to meet such a lofty demand. Em believed that they would learn more about each other soon enough.

As the blanch room opened up, and Em's eyes adjusted to the piercing illumination brought with it, its focus immediately went to the figures standing in the middle of the mundane room. Seeing them lined up in a row, Em couldn't shake the eerie sensation it brought like it was an executioner preparing for a massacre. It made the chain blade on its back feel heavier than usual, the weapon whispering how it was a preventative measure to deaf ears.

Em pulled on the leather monster hide that made up its clothes, the heat retention failing to block out the chilly atmosphere surrounding it. Reaching into its pockets, it took one last glance at the subject's report despite having read the document hundreds of times before its arrival. DJERBA was visible in large print on the top of the case file, followed by detailed information gathered on the target over time. Em didn't wish to say it, but there was little to go off when your criminal was a vampire born before Lumani City's information network boomed. Other than pedantic garble, there was no substance that it felt it could use to profile the target efficiently.

Standing before one of the figures, Em lowered the paper, peering at the individual it would oversee. It gently cleared its throat before speaking, a slightly muffled deep voice coming out.

"My name is Em'Yazrvhix, but you may call me Em. Nice to meet you."

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit

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