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Fantasy The Other Side OOC

I hope you all had a great day!
Work was very chaotic. The dogs were full of it. Had us wondering if it was another full moon 😂
I think its my turn to post for Baldy and Marshall, though Baldy can be a shared "npc" too

Edit: Its just that I'm always a bit drained mid-week coz work.
Hello, I'm Holiday or Yuusei and I'll be playing Bug. (Post up) I'm using this as a way to explore his character and a species I've been wanting to expand on.
animegirl20 animegirl20 , You can send Aurora to greet the new character if you’d like. I figured it would be a good way to get Bug started and would give Aurora something to do too ☺️
Things have gotten a tad wild for me y’all. I may be a little non-existent for a day or two but I promise I’ll be back
Tomorrow is Friday, so I’m hoping to do some roleplay maintenance when I get home. I have to update the front and see who all is going to still join us. I messaged some folks a while back who have character slots on hold and they never got back to me so... I should probably actually do my job and organize that way spots can be opened back up 😂
If anyone wants to automate Baldric feel free to. I'll be down a few more days. Just saw doc for inflamed eye.... but now I get to pretend I'm a pirate? x_e
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. 😊

Pro: I got a much needed hair cut yesterday. Con: I had to work today, and it sucked.

I just gave myself two weeks vacation, so of course I immediately catch a cold. 😂🙈

Yuck. Your immune system has shitty timing. Get well soon!

If anyone wants to automate Baldric feel free to. I'll be down a few more days. Just saw doc for inflamed eye.... but now I get to pretend I'm a pirate? x_e

I was born blind in one eye. I also have a pirate costume I made a few years back...and an eyepatch. Does that mean I'm a pirate by birth? YARRRR MATEY!!!!!!
I have been...sewing. I will continue to be sewing as I scream internally. Scream into the void and I may answer back

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