The OOC Thread [Dreams and Nightmares]


the book of sorcery on the cd is scroll of divinity (I think I got that right) the one about the (don't call us little) gods and how they interact with creation...

could the oadenol's be on a different cd? you mght double check your cd, maybe (crossed fingers) I missed it, like I said before some of the abbreviations are odd
GRRRR I have to retype everything each time before I post, because everyone execipt rufus I keep typing their real names. This is way too much thought involvement for a blonde! :lol: Well at least when i call coppersmom by her real name to me it wounldn't tell people her real name considering she IS Mom after all.

there is only several million people with the name mom, including me. :D
Hey don't worry if you call me Cat, I mean there are tons of those as well (admittedly most have fur coats and lack opposable thumbs). LOL of course the other way to do it is either keep a post it on laptop with real and pc names, or if you type in word (and cut and paste into thread when done) you can use the 'find/replace' key to change all 'Cat's into 'Frost's etc (only worth it for longer posts with mulitple use of names lol)

Oh btw sorry my tense changes between past and present in the posts, I am used to posting in third person past tense in other online storytelling and RPG groups so keeping to present tense is hard to remember, but its also hard to stay in past tense when others are posting present, so I'll probably keep bouncing back and forth, please let me know if any confusion about Frost's actions comes up due to it.

oh, and I never, ever post first person, it so causes far more trouble than it could ever be worth, problems that are less likely to happen with third person

oh heh, and because I am used to being the ST/etc online, I tend to over-post a bit, I am careful not to move others PCs around but if you ever think your PC would do something that alters my stated actions (ie you plan to kosh me on the head as I come down the stairs, then I post I went downstairs and started breakfast, NP, just back up to the stairs and we'll see if I continue on to make breakfast after handing you your head or not {probably not}
:D )
It has not been a big deal yet, but I do want to make sure that we are all posting in the correct manner. Once you have typed out what you are doing, drop a few lines and give me exact names of Charms, Spells, Combos, Willpower spent, and how many motes of Essence you are spending. Plus, unless you specifically say otherwise, ALL ESSENCE EXPENDITURES ARE FROM PERIPHERAL ESSENCE. If you want to fuel a Charm and be sneaky about it, you MUST say that it is comming from personal Essence.

Spells are a exception to this, since most spells are a massive display of power that can be seen for miles.

thank you for your support 8)
Sherwood said:
btw, Edge, please post the amount of Essence you have spent on that spell and the added artifact weapons and ancillary systems.
per your suggestion

Virtuous Guardian of Flame 25m (5 committed)

Thining about it, I think she'd cast it regularly, her awareness is zip (always has her head in a book, lol) so the Guardian would give her a 'early warning' when it protects her from an attack.

Duration: until the sun crosses the horizon again.

Recovery: 6 (manse rating x 2) + 4 (resting, talking) = 10 per hour

Question for Sherwood: when it says 25motes, 5 committed is that a total of 30 motes or are the 5 motes part of the 25 casting cost?

Graceful Crane Stance

Duration: one scene

Recovery: depends on if we fight

Question for Sherwood: do we get motes from hearthstone if we fight?

God-forged Champion of War 20+ motescommitted

20 motes committed

Artifact Daiklave 2dots
4 motes committed

Artifact Fire Lance 4 dots
8 motes committed

Flight (not sure if the hearthstone limits to use flight system with common Warstrider are in effect with magic summons so will limit flight to 3 in case it is)
6 motes committed

Magical Material (Solar)
5 uncommited motes

Warstrider Total:
38 committed +5 uncommited

Scene Total:
43 commited 8 uncommited, possibly regaining from Hearthstones, depending on previous question.

Recovery: 6 (manse x 2) if can recover hearthstone points while active. So its going to be awhile, longer if we have to sit down and relax...

Iconic Anima Banner

Anima: An impressive snowy owl, her feathers luminous with the Crescant Moon's glow, spreading magnificent wings that trail dazzling Gold, vivid Scarlet, deep Crimson, vibrant Amethyst and intense Cobalt.

Remainder: enough to cast it again if necessary. Can I let the flight committed alone go? Gah I need to finish WP/AR/artifacts/hearthstones might have more commited motes (so the WP and AR in egg are not committed due to vacation, shrug, she's not the fighter type so much...)

I'll have you know that just because brideofsherwood happens to be my darling bride does not mean that she's getting secret info on the game. That may change, however, depending on how kinky she's willing to get :twisted:

HEY! The rest of us can get kinky, too! ... hmm, that didn't come out right...

Kindly tell Brideof the ST not to show up at my place with your katana, I'm not in a 'Kill Bill' mood at the moment...


Any chance some or all of the fire is localized enough that Frost can make a firebreak with the warstrider?

Can Frost make a lore and/or occult roll to id the flames?

lore 2 or occult 4 + IQ 5

7 dices: 5 successes .... 9 dices: 5 successes

perception plus (nonexistant) awareness roll ... 3 dices: 1 successes

(and a reminder about the Virtuous Guardian of Flame in case it has bearing
:P lol and a reminder to myself that at least one dot of awareness might be a good use of future XP...)

I have no problem with letting Edge's post in; with a wave of my hand history changes!
True, true. The awe-inspiring scale of my power brings a chill to the hearts of lesser people. 8)

OOOH NASTY! LOL how long you been sitting on that picture waiting for the perfect game and encounter to spring THAT on the players?? I think I'll be happy my pc just has to dogfight the other battlesuit...

I'll answer after I finish with Oadenol's Codex since I want to get it back to you tomorrow and I only have about 30 pages to go - printer copiers are so much slower than big commerical ones lol, and stupid thing keeps trying to reset from my 'draft' copy (to save ink) to normal which is a bitch in time and ink especially if there is a picture on that page

<innocent blink> Whatever do you mean? Me, spring something nasty upon my players? Perish the thought!

I like the pics you guys have found for your characters, especially the one of Kitty sitting down in front of the giant fish.
I didn't move the tick sheet to include Gomez and Rusty acting yet. Do you guys want to change anything, or stick with what you had posted earlier?
question,sherwood. I used dexterity plus archery to roll attack. not counting what you told me to add is that the right roll ?
Yep. Along with any Charms that you might use to increase your die pool (such as an Archery Excellency) or Hearthstones that can add to it also.
When you are ready to spend your xp, post it in the thread for your character, please.
There are two new posts in the Character Sheets section that you may want to take a good look at. They are a quick rundown for both the Solar and Lunar Exalted, giving a quick description of all of their Charms or Knacks, what page number to find it in the rulebook, and how much they cost to activate. A very handy tool in helping to decide what to go for with xp spending.
Just a reminder to coppersmom that she's playing a Solar this time around and can't shapeshift into different critters. That kind of work is left for the Lunars in the group. You can either edit the post to take those comments out, or delete it completely and start over.
sorry that I haven't posted in a bit; I've been in a foul mood lately. But, with the game last night, I'm in a better mood and ready to take this on once more without killing everyone off.

Trust me. :wink:

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