The OOC Thread [Dreams and Nightmares]


Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
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Once we get started, you can post your comments and questions here.
Yeah? And maybe we are chaotic troublemakers and Wyld tainted lawbreakers who will post OOCs *before* the game starts! bwahahahaaa! :lol:
Well, I guess that it's a good thing that we don't have any chaotic troublemakers like that in this game, huh?
Since this is where the story will begin, and we will follow it i propose i start it. "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. She didn't like being stuck in the castle all day so she........." next person can take it away. Think Sherwood will mind?
Um, lets not. :roll:

I have to remember that I wanted her to join...
Speaking of other players, I've gotten a request from a fellow in one of my other games that he'd like to join in. That would give us a possible number of six people (if Mini joins up). Any objections?
Start comming up with some personal info on your characters; background stuff, names, stuff like that. I hope to have the story start up soon.

Welcome volkov5034 to the Minions of Evil

If you're used to Sherwood the rest of us should seem pretty normal

Honest! Heh


Sherwood, you said we know each other, how long?

Rusty and Gomez know each other from her village it seems, but I need something more urban, so it might help to have idea how long we have to know the others, and do you want us to try to account for that time together (we could do that weds I guess) or just do our past up to point more or less where we met?

also in first age how do the solars/lunars handle exaltation?

obviously we aren't hunted, but are there people the newly exalted know to go to?

or people who look for them to bring them in for proper schooling in their new abilities?

How are they looked upon by the non-exalted?

Do the different types get along at this point?

Do the Dynasts and things like their schools and such exist?

(does Dynast BG exist?) if so how would the Dragon blooded feel about losing one of 'their' own to Solars/Lunars?

Are the Sidereals known to the general public/just the other exalts/not at all?/

You said someting about Solars and Lunars pairs; does everyone have a pairing, either in the group or somewhere else?

Are the pairs always lovers, or can they be friends?

Do the first age Exalted have past lives?

lol sorry but every question seems to bring more to mind...

Where to start? lol

this game is set in the high First Age, where the Solars rule all of Creation from the city of Meru, set upon the Imperial Mountain in the center of the Blessed Isle. Only four types of Exalts currently exits: there are no Abyssals or Infernals yet. When a Exalted Shard is about to return to Creation, the whole Loom Of Fate vibrates in anticipation, and a team of Exalts are sent out to welcome the new arrival in an attempt to keep them from hurting themselves or others with their new-found powers. Having a member of your family Exalt in any caste is a reason to brag that "my great great grandmother on my fathers side Exalted, so I'm better than you!"

Once the new Exalt reaches Meru, he or she is met with a wonderous celebration and parade through the city to let the people see the newest Prince of Creation. Once the parties end, a period of intense training takes place, making sure that the Exalt is well trained on the necessites of social behaivor, history, reading, writing, and mastery of his or her Essence powers.

More to come in a bit.
Once the young Exalt has been properly trained up enough not to kill himself with a mistake with his Essence powers and given enough social grace not to tell a Essence 9 Solar that her dress makes her butt look fat, then you are introduced to the Deliberative. When in session, only Solars have a vote, but Lunars have seats of high respect and are allowed to voice an opinion, and the Sidereals are able to offer their advice. It is rare for a Dragon-Blood to address the Deliberative, and nearly unheardof for a mortal to do so! Since there is only 300 Solars and Lunars, and 100 Sidereals, you have at least been intoduced to just about everyone of importance. Picture a newly elected Senator being introduced to his/her peers. You will mostly gravitate to other Exalts near your power level and expierence instead of trying to hang out with some Essence 7+ being that has been living for the past 5000 years.

This particular game starts out as a ski trip that the players are taking, in an effort to relax from the pressures involved in running Creation.

Welcome volkov5034 to the Minions of Evil

If you're used to Sherwood the rest of us should seem pretty normal

Honest! Heh

lol, call me Nate. It's much easier to spell. Glad you guys let me join up.
Do not believe her lies! Her and Gomez are two of the most twisted people I know!
Lets see, some of the other questions Thorny asked;

Sidereals are known to all. The event that shades them from Fate has not happened yet. Also, the Solar/Lunar bond just makes the two close friends and not necessarily lovers. It does happen in some cases that the two do become involved on and off over the course of several thousand years. Every Solar has a bonded Lunar; so far in the game there is only one pair of PCs that are paired off. For the rest of the players, there is a Solar or Lunar off somewhere waiting for you. Many Exlated have died in battle, and some have even passed away due to old age, so yes, even in the First Age a character can have Past Lives.

What else? Solars are in charge, Lunars are their generals in their army, Sidereals advise the Solars, and Dragon-Blooded are the lieutennants under everyone. There is also a whole bunch of mortals with awakened Essences that help make the world go round.
Sherwood said:
Do not believe her lies! Her and Gomez are two of the most twisted people I know!


Now for a question you should think very, very carefully about before giving an answer. Which of us is
more twisted. Take your time, but I'd answer it before weds, unless you want to answer it with both of us grinning at you, sharpening blades... hehehehe

Twisted makes for better games. I've been in games where we've been trying to murder each other along the way. Once I shot a fellow player in the back of the head, though I can't remember why. I was immediately torn to pieces by yetis, so it wasn't the best move I've made.

Something I've noticed about the First Age (I borrowed the books from a friend) is that the Motivations are a bit less epic. Like, "sleep with all the celestials" or "keep my mate happy". And its huuuuuge. Even bigger than the Second Age of Creation. Ten billion humans alone, along with billions of other intelligent species, like the minikins (tiny panda-people), herder with lion's feet, people of the sea/earth, people with wings, tree folks, and much more. It seems like it would be the love child of High Fantasy novels and the Star Wars movies. I AM is this huge Creation-wide AI who manages all mundane and Dragon-Blooded affairs, who could also go Skynet. There's tons of possibilities, even without playing up the Usurpation. Pretty much if it exists in any sci-fi or fantasy, it happens in the First Age.
I added to most of teh sheets (except for Nate's) base values for DV and Join Battle. Those numbers will need to be adjusted with the values of whatever weapon you are using. I hope to have the begining post up by the end of the week.
No prob.

Just to repeat, everyone knows each other and you have developed a friendship over the years. The NPC knows of a great vacation spot and has convinced the lot of you to join him/her on a skiing trip to relax. You can take some basic weapons and armor along (probably in the cache egg) but you are not going off to war, its a trip to Aspen Colorado for a celeberty trip to a resort town that has built an industry catering to the needs of the Exalted. As events move along that may change, but for now, you'll have stuff to make a trip to the snow more comfortable.

Story will start up in a day or two.
ok, i'm here, you lucky people. so sherwood, how do i put in character info--as you know, i'm techno challenged and i can't spell either :oops:
Once you are in the correct spot for your post, click the 'Add Reply' button that is at the top and bottom of each thread. Then, type to your heart's content! :D
And my darling bride is the first to take our story along! Horay for her!

I'm so proud!

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