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Realistic or Modern The only RP that let Villain defeat superheroes!


Chicken Drumstick Hero
Some concept I've made and would be better if someone gives some advice or feedback

The protagonist will be Villains

and the anthagonist will be the future heroes (the past heroes are awesome)

okay already confused? Let me explain more..

so it's a surperpowered RP

Mastermind(Villains' leader)

Heroes had battled with Villains ever since the midieval age. "Heroes weren't borned but made," those are the words of the legendary hero, ___ . Those are the wise words of honored and respected heroes, even for villain like us to respect him. well NOW?! those clowns call themselves heroes has stabbed our pride as villain into thrash! no even worst than thrash. These so called HEROES lived in glamour unlike the heroes we known! now let us show them what TRUE PAIN is!

so... the story about a world where future hero built their own company called Justice Inc. . Future heroes were rank from A to E depending on their popularity and wealth. Citizen must pay future heroes for every service they made (ex/ helping grandma cross the street, pizza delivery, saving them from crime) and with that, that future hero gain popularity and wealth.

Villains can't stand future hero living in glamour as they have forgotten how to be humble and do things with honor and decided to put on act...

^__________________Villain originally doesn't want to conquer the world and do crime rather they want to fight with hero
Try to add in some things that make it different. A lot of RPs have the villains being the protagonists. What about making the players regular humans who have to deal with heroes and Villains? Call it "Bystander" xD

Or maybe have the heroes have split personalities? During the day-time they are evil; but at night turn good and only have 12 hours to fix their mistakes??

Idk. Super sleepy ^^
Well It certainly catches my eyes about heroes with split personality but then again I can't figure how to apply it to RP
You can have a set of villains that are good during the day and bad at night -- while heroes are bad during the day but good at night. Then after maybe...every 12 posts, the day switches into night? Or have it switch every 3 real days. Mon-Wed = Daytime // Thu-Sat = Nightime. Sun = ??? A day off? lol I don't know
Or making them as an double agent instead of split personality. Such as Mon-Wed = there are chara that become villains and some become super hero and it'll become the opposite when it comes to Thu-Sat while sun it's their free role to be a super hero or vill.

another option is to let player to do free role, they can be any role but let say I choose to become a SH (superhero) at monday, I can't went back to villain until the evening.

the goal: ??
Yesss! Those are good ideas! The goal = ...... haha good question! I have no idea. To either save or destroy the world/city by 2 weeks?
Yeah huh. And they only have a week to decide before a "FINAL WAR" between good and bad. They will have 2 names throughout the RP and before the war they have to chooose 1 to keep.
So it's like creating a factionless chaaracter and give then weeks to choose their alliance. The facion which win can get major advantage for the next war and so on..
I would modify the basic concept a little to be a bit more palatable to the average person. Try to remember you don't have to reinvent the wheel, you can just customize it, lol.

What if there was a deep origin to this stretching back to the dawn of time, the birth of humanity?

Let's just say for shits and giggles, 2 sides, forces, or entities similar to light & dark, but not so cliche or absolute. They have been playing a game of chess using mortals as pawns for thousands of years. Over time and generations, both sides would engage in battle to decide who would hold victory, honor, and influence of the great nations of earth for a set period of time. 10 years, 50, 100, up to you. At the end of that period, another contest and battle would take place, the greatest of each side participating.

I wouldn't even use heroes or villains as terms to describe them, perhaps that developed in a more modern era, the heroes coining themslves as such, and the opposite side as "villains".

For thousands of years the villain side was victorious. Then something happened to turn the tables for the heroes. Maybe they cheated, sabotaged the villain warriors via sickness, homicide, etc. They rose to power and influence in an unsavory, dishonest manner. And the villains let it slide for thousands of years, believing victory & honor can ONLY be earned rightfully in honorable battle. It was never about hatred or grudges, not for the villains.

All this time later it still goes on, but the Heroes have become drunken with power and arrogance. They have said company, they charge for services, parade around the public & media, they have constumes, alter egos, comic books, toy lines, movie deals, they are quite literally being asinine fools, disrespecting the entire concept of who and what they are.

Maybe they could also be fixing the battles, leveraging the odds in their favor. Pehaps there is a sacred grounds the battles take place, and the heroes took it upon themselves to construct an area there. An elaborate battle ground they have memorized and train on, setting the odds in their favor, even modifying the landscape and design from battle to battle to adjust to villain tactics, fighters, and prevent them from adapting too much.

The villains have humbly took all of this in stride for all this time. They've never complained, never confronted them, never refused to participate. They continue fighting honorably.

But no longer. This time they aim to claim certain victory, and topple the asinine hero regime, restoring honor to the ancient contest.
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I would modify the basic concept a little to be a bit more palatable to the average person. Try to remember you don't have to reinvent the wheel, you can just customize it, lol.

What if there was a deep origin to this stretching back to the dawn of time, the birth of humanity?

Let's just say for shits and giggles, 2 sides, forces, or entities similar to light & dark, but not so cliche or absolute. They have been playing a game of chess using mortals as pawns for thousands of years. Over time and generations, both sides would engage in battle to decide who would hold victory, honor, and influence of the great nations of earth for a set period of time. 10 years, 50, 100, up to you. At the end of that period, another contest and battle would take place, the greatest of each side participating.

I wouldn't even use heroes or villains as terms to describe them, perhaps that developed in a more modern era, the heroes coining themslves as such, and the opposite side as "villains".

For thousands of years the villain side was victorious. Then something happened to turn the tables for the heroes. Maybe they cheated, sabotaged the villain warriors via sickness, homicide, etc. They rose to power and influence in an unsavory, dishonest manner. And the villains let it slide for thousands of years, believing victory & honor can ONLY be earned rightfully in honorable battle. It was never about hatred or grudges, not for the villains.

All this time later it still goes on, but the Heroes have become drunken with power and arrogance. They have said company, they charge for services, parade around the public & media, they have constumes, alter egos, comic books, toy lines, movie deals, they are quite literally being asinine fools, disrespecting the entire concept of who and what they are.

Maybe they could also be fixing the battles, leveraging the odds in their favor. Pehaps there is a sacred grounds the battles take place, and the heroes took it upon themselves to construct an area there. An elaborate battle ground they have memorized and train on, setting the odds in their favor, even modifying the landscape and design from battle to battle to adjust to villain tactics, fighters, and prevent them from adapting too much.

The villains have humbly took all of this in stride for all this time. They've never complained, never confronted them, never refused to participate. They continue fighting honorably.

But no longer. This time they aim to claim certain victory, and topple the asinine hero regime, restoring honor to the ancient contest.

How did you find this old thread
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I browse a lot, lurk, read a lot, usually don't reply, but. It wasn't too far buried, anyway. It was easy to find. ^_^  

I guess I should pay more attention to time stamps. :P  
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