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Fandom The 'Not So Normal' High School (ALWAYS OPEN)-CS


Name: Isaiah Benjamin Kim

Nicknames: Isa

Age: seventeen

Species: mutant, pyrokinesis

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

Grade: twelfth grade, senior year

Personality: Isaiah is much cheerier than his friend Vera. He's still just as sarcastic and sassy, if not more, but definitely the friendlier of the two. Isaiah is easy to talk to, especially if you need some major cheering up. He knows how to lift spirits, and is just as good at intimidating people. While he's usually an adorable sarcastic fuzz ball, he's buff and is smart enough to know exactly when something is going wrong, and yes he will fight you if he must.

Background: When Isaiah's family found out about his pyrokinesis, they weren't all that shocked. His older sister had been a mutant too, being able to teleport. His grandmother had geokinesis as well. When they found out, his parents were at first scared at what might happened, but the family got accustomed to it.life was fairly normal until a devastating airplane crash that killed Isaiah's mother who was on a business trip. After that, his father turned cold and barely came out of his study to talk to his family. Isaiah and his sister were basically all they had for each other, but Isaiah never lost his bold spirit.

Favorite Class: English

Teacher or Student: student

Likes: daytime, laughing, jokes, running, trivia and logic, having company, cats, most animals

Dislikes: small dogs, sweltering heat, the dark, loud noise, mellow music, annoying people, people that take things too seriously or literally

Fears: burning, drowning, spiders, losing someone he loves

Theme Song: Its Time by Imagine Dragons

Still love cookies :ghostv:

Peach Tea Peach Tea
Accepted... Wait a minute... I-is that photo the actor that I think he is!?
View attachment 334309
Name: Gordon Ramsay
Nicknames: lam soss locator; sosig; "The Bete Noir of the Cooking World"
Age: 50
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Grade: N/A
Mannerisms: Is easily angered in the kitchen when dealing with incompetence by adults. An expert in his craft, he can be somewhat arrogant at times. He doesn't believe in personal space, especially when his chefs aren't performing at top speed.
Appearance: At 6'2", Gordon stands a head above the rest in the kitchen. He weighs 185 pounds, and is often dressed in white cookwear.
Personality: Very kind when dealing with small children. He knows that teenagers are nearing adulthood and are relatively rebellious, but if there's one person in the kitchen that everyone fears, it's Gordon Ramsay, culinary expert. He's very intimidating, but has a good heart. He may seem like he hates you, but he knows what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. And in the end, all he wants is for the young squirts to eat, and to eat well.
Backstory: After years upon years of training, Gordon Ramsay acquired his first head chef position in 1993. Following that, he was set up with a 10% stake in another restaurant so long as he was head chef there, but left in 1998 to make his own restaurant. It panned out, and that made Gordon Ramsey into one of the greatest culinary artists in the world. Gordon Ramsay made enough to retire, but he decided instead to chip in in the nitty-gritty in the world and help out in a high school kitchen.
Favorite Class: Lunch
Teacher or Student: Cafeteria Manager
Likes: Lamb Sauce, well-cooked meals, delicious food, fast-paced work environment. Loves workers who can handle pressure easily.
Dislikes: Being unable to find his lamb sauce. He dislikes undercooked or overcooked meals, disgusting food, a slow and inefficient workplace, and workers who cannot handle simple tasks.
Fears: Failure, both on his end and his worker's end.
Theme Song: (Uses Hell in the title of the TV show)
Other: Favorite thing to drink is lam soss
Mine is sprite.
(u wanted me to. I was serious)

This is awesome.
Might as well put that two characters thing to use!

The Wolf Among Us
Psychology Teacher

Age: Late 40's (even if he is technically centuries old)

Species: Fable, a subspecies of human resembling fairy tale characters.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight
Mannerisms: Smoking whenever he can get away with it, scratches his beard when thinking, glances around at the environment when not talking, calls people who aren't Fables 'mundies', or 'half mundies' or some other name he makes up.

Bigby's lifestyle has left him sleep deprived to the point where sleep is more of a thing he does when he's bored. Because of this, his eyes are usually bloodshot or dark bagged.

Just about everything irritates Bigby, quite possibly due to his insomniac nature, although he does try his best to act pleasant. His persistence and keen perception has earned him a decorated detective career in his previous occupation, values which are still very relevant in his teaching composure. He enjoys his dry sense of sarcasm, particularly relishing in the annoyance it causes others. He is rather old fashioned, and prefers type-writers to computers (which he admittedly has no idea how to use).

Backstory: Bigby used to be employed as a Sheriff/detective at a small area in NYC known as Fabletown, in which his kind lived among mundane humans. In his career, he had received multiple awards from the acting mayor of Fabletown, and had successfully put murders behind bars (or in the ground) with seemingly dead end leads. After years of the same job, however, Bigby retired - and has elected to spend the rest of his extended lifespan working as a teacher in which hopefully he can pass on his talent.

Favourite Class:
His own.

Likes: Tobacco, justice.

Dislikes: Fleas, injustice.

Fears: Silver.


Cherry pepsi... no! Cherry coke! ...wait, do these count as foods? Do I even need to do this twice?
Last edited:

Ōkami Amaterasu
The Basics
Name: Ōkami Amaterasu
Nicknames: Ammy
Age: 32
Species: Celestial Brush god (sun goddess)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Grade: N/A (She's a teacher)
Human Form: (Picture above)
Height: 5' 4
Weight: 160lbs
Skin color: Fair
Hair Color: White
Hair Length: Long
Eye Color: Yellow
Clothing: A white komodo with red and green patterns

Wolf Form:
Amaterasu the majority of the time takes the shape of a white wolf with crimson markings across her body, a tail shaped like a calligraphy brush (which is how the Celestial Brush is used) and a Divine Instrument floating above her back​
Fur Color: White
Fur Length: Mid-length
Markings: crimson markings across her body
Accessories: Her divine Instrument
Amaterasu is known for being quiet, mature, kind, and gentle always aiding those in need, but also unafraid to show her opinion. She is very intelligent, though she has a low attention span, which normally results in her dozing off or falling asleep. She is sensitive when people bring up her flaws.

Amaterasu originally existed in and from the Celestial Plain, home of the Celestial Brush gods and the Celestials. As ruler of the Plain, it was a time of peace and tranquility, and Amaterasu enjoyed playing with the Celestials in the fields of the Plain. One day, however, they received a mysterious visitor: Waka, a member of the mysterious Moon Tribe which inhabited the moon. A great catastrophe had wiped out the Moon Tribe, leaving Waka believing that he was the last one, although there are two others of the moon tribe that was alive during the time. Waka and Amaterasu became friends, and things were peaceful once more.

However, disaster came to the Celestial Plain unexpectedly: Orochi appeared from nowhere and attacked the Plain. Many Celestials were killed in the onslaught. Along with Waka, Amaterasu rushed to their rescue, but Orochi was protected by a mystical barrier which repelled their attacks. Waka was forced to flee with the surviving Celestials on the Ark of Yamato he had arrived in. As he fled, he used his clairvoyant powers to look into the future to Orochi's defeat and discovered that Orochi could only be slain by the chosen one: Nagi. Amaterasu understood and pulled Orochi down to the mortal realm of Nippon to await the birth of Nagi, who would eventually bring the end of Orochi.

After Amaterasu dragged Orochi to the mortal realm, they wound up near the human settlement of Kamiki Village. Orochi made his residence in the Moon Cave near the village and summoned demons from across the land to serve in his army. Orochi soon imposed his reign of terror over the village. Using his mighty powers, he threatened to destroy the village unless a young maiden was given to him as a sacrifice every year on the night of the Kamiki Festival. Orochi consumed the soul of the sacrificial maiden, ensuring his extended longevity. Amaterasu ended up in the village proper. There she met a young Poncle, a tiny person, named Ishaku. Ishaku was the current Celestial Envoy, a missionary sent by his people to spread the teachings of the gods throughout the land. Ishaku teamed up with Amaterasu and accompanied her on her adventures.

Things would not be easy for Amaterasu, however. The villagers believed her to be a familiar of Orochi and dubbed her "Shiranui." They believed Orochi sent the wolf to spy out a beautiful girl to be the sacrificial maiden, and she was attacked many times by the villagers. Despite this, she kept a close eye on any villagers entering or leaving the village and patrolled the streets in an effort to protect the villagers. 99 maidens and 99 years would pass until Amaterasu would finally get the chance to slay Orochi.

Finally, the one of the chosen bloodline, the swordsman Nagi, was born. Unfortunately, like all the other villagers, he attacked Amaterasu and thought she was a demon. Amaterasu dodged these assaults and waited for the night of the festival.

Finally, the night of the accursed festival arrived. A white-plumed arrow would strike the house of a young maiden, marking her as Orochi's sacrifice. This year, however, the arrow struck the house of Nami, Nagi's beloved. Nagi, enraged, ran to the Moon Cave to end Orochi once and for all.

Nagi reached the Moon Cave. Orochi appeared to consume him, but Nagi fought back with his sword and battled the demon. The battle raged long throughout the moonless night, but Orochi's mystical barrier repelled every attack. As Orochi prepared to devour the weakened Nagi, Amaterasu appeared and shielded the injured warrior. Orochi then started to attack Amaterasu. The two fought wildly. Amaterasu used her Celestial Brush techniques to assault Orochi's hideous form, but his barrier held fast, blocking all attacks, and during the battle, he severely wounded Amaterasu. With her last bit of strength, the goddess used her Crescent Brush Technique to summon forth the moon into the dark sky. The moonlight infused Nagi's sword with power, turning it to gold. Intoxicating Orochi with Nami's 8 Purification Sake, Nagi defeated the beast and chopped off its heads. He then plunged his sword into its back, sealing its dark spirit away. Victory came at a price, however: Amaterasu had been poisoned by Orochi and was slowly but surely dying. Nagi carried the dying goddess back to the village. The village elder patted Amaterasu on the head as a sign of forgiveness and affection. Amaterasu then took her last breath and passed away. A statue was built in her honor in front of the divine tree Konohana, protector of Kamiki Village. Nagi's sword was dubbed Tsukuyomi and a shrine was set up in and in front of the Moon Cave to keep Orochi sealed.

After her death, her Celestial Brush Powers split into 13 different gods who were scattered across Nippon. The fight had left her drastically weakened, to the point where she was only left with her original ability, Sunrise. The people's dwindling faith in the gods didn't help either, as she grew even weaker in the afterlife.

Once reawaken, the sun goddess decided it is best to spend her time teaching people of the celestial arts, but after finding that many cannot use the craft she found "Art" to fit the bill just as well.
Mannerisms: Playing with her hair, Doodling,
Favorite Class: Art
Teacher or Student: Teacher - Art
Likes: Cherry Cakes, Rice Balls
Dislikes: Letchers and long explanations, being told the same thing multiple times, Rude and dishonest people
Fears: Not being strong enough, Her faults working against her when people need her most, letting people down, Being forgotten.
From What Fandom: Okami (Video game/Japanese Goddess)
Theme Song:


Inuyasha - Rin.png
The basics
Name: Rin
Age: 14
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Grade: 9th, Freshman
Height: 4'3
Weight: 127 lbs
Skin color: Fair
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Long
Eye Color: Brown
Clothing: Rin's main outfit was that of a kosode. Her initial design was an ordinary, dirty, tarred red colored kosode that came just below her knees. She wore it in the village she grew up in, but when she began to accompany Sesshōmaru, she wore a yellow and orange checkered kosode that extended to her ankles, and a green obi sash which tied at her back. Once living and going to the school, Rin was seen wearing kimonos that Sesshōmaru brought her. One of these kimonos was purple with yellow butterflies and a pink obi sash, and she was also seen receiving a kimono that was light pink with dark pink lines, yellow dots and lantern-like patterns on it. She remains barefoot on any terrain and refuses to put on any type of footwear.
Rin was a very simple and innocent young girl who believed that life was something to be treasured. Prior to meeting Sesshōmaru and joining him, Rin lived all alone and was a mute. However, she still had a strong enough heart to aid the mysterious daiyōkai when she found him in the forest. Her efforts were not asked for, nor were they particularly welcome, but she was determined to help him. Since being revived by Sesshōmaru's Tenseiga, Rin has always appeared to be happy. She constantly showed that she had a very free spirit. She enjoyed making up songs, often about Sesshōmaru and Jaken, and would often sing when she was alone (or with A-Un), waiting for their return.

She would innocently approach friends or foes due to her childlike curiosity. Rin's gentle heart gave her the strength to always trust in people's good intentions, so she did not bear a grudge towards anyone who wrongs her.

Due to witnessing the savage murder of her entire family by bandits, she firmly believes that humans are scarier than demons. She has said, "humans go around killing people for no reason." Rin seemed okay with other human children around her age but was mistrustful of most adults. Even so, Rin was always very respectful to her elders, addressing them by a proper title to show her respect. She would go out of her way to extend a proper thank you if someone helped her as well.

Rin's faith in Sesshōmaru is so great that she doesn't seem to be bothered by his regular killings of demons in front of her or when seeing him in demon form, easily brushing off such sights. It is possible that witnessing her family getting slaughtered in front of her helped develop this tolerance.

Rin witnessed her parents and brothers being savagely murdered by thieves when she was still young. This plagued her with nightmares and a general fear of humans. She was so traumatized that she lost her voice and became a mute. She never spoke to the people in the village she was raised in, so the villagers often got frustrated with her strange behavior and acted harshly. Even when the villagers would beat or scold her, Rin remained submissive and unresponsive

Rin was generally allowed to do whatever she wanted, so long as she did not disturb the villagers. She discovered the daiyōkai Sesshōmaru in a forest near her village. She relentlessly and fearlessly tried to help him, even though he would not accept her help. She went through the trouble of finding food in the village preserves or in the forest itself and brought this food to him. Sesshōmaru never actually ate the food or accepted the help she gave him, but she continued with her actions. She was caught rummaging through one of the village's fish preserves, and some village men beat her and warned her not to do it again. When she later brought food she foraged in the forest, Rin's visible injuries sparked Sesshōmaru’s curiosity, and he asked her about them. This brought about a beaming smile on Rin's bruised face. Sesshōmaru scoffed at her, silently wondering what had made her suddenly so happy.

When Rin returned to her home later that day, she discovered a thief going through her food. She was shocked and remained in the doorway, frightened by the man. When the man realized she was there, they could hear the sounds of the Wolf-Demon tribe attacking the village and searching for the thief. Whilst the thief ran off, Rin realized that she had to get away from the village. She ran into the forest, hoping to escape with her life. However, the wolves gave chase to her and she was soon overcome and killed by them.

Elsewhere, Sesshōmaru had been rejoined by his traveling companions Jaken and a two-headed dragon. He picks up the scent of blood and discovered Rin's corpse in passing. Her death did not interest him and he had planned to continue on his way, but he recalled the girl's smile from earlier, which made him pause. He unsheathed Tenseiga (His blade) and it began to pulsate, allowing him to see the messengers from the other world surrounding her corpse. To satisfy his sudden curiosity, he tests his sword Tenseiga and he slew the messengers. Once he had, Sesshōmaru knelt down by her side and was satisfied when she opened her eyes. Feeling his task complete, he stood back up and continued on his way, ignoring the questions from Jaken. Rin followed him and became a part of his entourage from then on. She regained the ability to talk when she was revived, so she spoke very often to Jaken, the two-headed dragon whom she named A-Un, and to Sesshōmaru as well.

Rin, being a young girl without combat skills, presented the problem of becoming a liability to Sesshōmaru when he battled. She dutifully remained in safe places far from the battlefields as instructed of her, often awaiting his return with A–Un and Jaken. She was also told she would have to fend for herself if she ever got hungry. This did not faze her, and she agreed since she already knew how to survive on her own. He had Jaken accompany her to assist whenever she went in search of food.

As Rin grew older Sesshōmaru found it best to have Rin receive some type of education, so he left her at the school and told her to stay there till he came back for her.
Mannerisms: Plays with hair, taps foot, wiggles if still for too long looks around aimlessly, hums
Favorite Class: Demon studies?
Teacher or Student: Student
Likes: Sesshōmaru, Jaken, A-Un
Dislikes: Humans
Fears: Humans
From What Fandom: Inuyasha (Anime/Manga)
Other: She still has her two headed dragon A-Un.
Theme Song:

Might as well but that two characters thing to use!

The Wolf Among Us
Psychology Teacher

Age: Late 40's (even if he is technically centuries old)

Species: Fable, a subspecies of human resembling fairy tale characters.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight
Mannerisms: Smoking whenever he can get away with it, scratches his beard when thinking, glances around at the environment when not talking, calls people who aren't Fables 'mundies', or 'half mundies' or some other name he makes up.

Bigby's lifestyle has left him sleep deprived to the point where sleep is more of a thing he does when he's bored. Because of this, his eyes are usually bloodshot or dark bagged.

Just about everything irritates Bigby, quite possibly due to his insomniac nature, although he does try his best to act pleasant. His persistence and keen perception has earned him a decorated detective career in his previous occupation, values which are still very relevant in his teaching composure. He enjoys his dry sense of sarcasm, particularly relishing in the annoyance it causes others. He is rather old fashioned, and prefers type-writers to computers (which he admittedly has no idea how to use).

Backstory: Bigby used to be employed as a Sheriff/detective at a small area in NYC known as Fabletown, in which his kind lived among mundane humans. In his career, he had received multiple awards from the acting mayor of Fabletown, and had successfully put murders behind bars (or in the ground) with seemingly dead end leads. After years of the same job, however, Bigby retired - and has elected to spend the rest of his extended lifespan working as a teacher in which hopefully he can pass on his talent.

Favourite Class:
His own.

Likes: Tobacco, justice.

Dislikes: Fleas, injustice.

Fears: Silver.

That's great XD accepted

Ōkami Amaterasu
The Basics
Name: Ōkami Amaterasu
Nicknames: Ammy
Age: 32
Species: Celestial Brush god (sun goddess)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Grade: N/A (She's a teacher)
Human Form: (Picture above)
Height: 5' 4
Weight: 160lbs
Skin color: Fair
Hair Color: White
Hair Length: Long
Eye Color: Yellow
Clothing: A white komodo with red and green patterns

Wolf Form:
Amaterasu the majority of the time takes the shape of a white wolf with crimson markings across her body, a tail shaped like a calligraphy brush (which is how the Celestial Brush is used) and a Divine Instrument floating above her back​
Fur Color: White
Fur Length: Mid-length
Markings: crimson markings across her body
Accessories: Her divine Instrument
Amaterasu is known for being quiet, mature, kind, and gentle always aiding those in need, but also unafraid to show her opinion. She is very intelligent, though she has a low attention span, which normally results in her dozing off or falling asleep. She is sensitive when people bring up her flaws.

Amaterasu originally existed in and from the Celestial Plain, home of the Celestial Brush gods and the Celestials. As ruler of the Plain, it was a time of peace and tranquility, and Amaterasu enjoyed playing with the Celestials in the fields of the Plain. One day, however, they received a mysterious visitor: Waka, a member of the mysterious Moon Tribe which inhabited the moon. A great catastrophe had wiped out the Moon Tribe, leaving Waka believing that he was the last one, although there are two others of the moon tribe that was alive during the time. Waka and Amaterasu became friends, and things were peaceful once more.

However, disaster came to the Celestial Plain unexpectedly: Orochi appeared from nowhere and attacked the Plain. Many Celestials were killed in the onslaught. Along with Waka, Amaterasu rushed to their rescue, but Orochi was protected by a mystical barrier which repelled their attacks. Waka was forced to flee with the surviving Celestials on the Ark of Yamato he had arrived in. As he fled, he used his clairvoyant powers to look into the future to Orochi's defeat and discovered that Orochi could only be slain by the chosen one: Nagi. Amaterasu understood and pulled Orochi down to the mortal realm of Nippon to await the birth of Nagi, who would eventually bring the end of Orochi.

After Amaterasu dragged Orochi to the mortal realm, they wound up near the human settlement of Kamiki Village. Orochi made his residence in the Moon Cave near the village and summoned demons from across the land to serve in his army. Orochi soon imposed his reign of terror over the village. Using his mighty powers, he threatened to destroy the village unless a young maiden was given to him as a sacrifice every year on the night of the Kamiki Festival. Orochi consumed the soul of the sacrificial maiden, ensuring his extended longevity. Amaterasu ended up in the village proper. There she met a young Poncle, a tiny person, named Ishaku. Ishaku was the current Celestial Envoy, a missionary sent by his people to spread the teachings of the gods throughout the land. Ishaku teamed up with Amaterasu and accompanied her on her adventures.

Things would not be easy for Amaterasu, however. The villagers believed her to be a familiar of Orochi and dubbed her "Shiranui." They believed Orochi sent the wolf to spy out a beautiful girl to be the sacrificial maiden, and she was attacked many times by the villagers. Despite this, she kept a close eye on any villagers entering or leaving the village and patrolled the streets in an effort to protect the villagers. 99 maidens and 99 years would pass until Amaterasu would finally get the chance to slay Orochi.

Finally, the one of the chosen bloodline, the swordsman Nagi, was born. Unfortunately, like all the other villagers, he attacked Amaterasu and thought she was a demon. Amaterasu dodged these assaults and waited for the night of the festival.

Finally, the night of the accursed festival arrived. A white-plumed arrow would strike the house of a young maiden, marking her as Orochi's sacrifice. This year, however, the arrow struck the house of Nami, Nagi's beloved. Nagi, enraged, ran to the Moon Cave to end Orochi once and for all.

Nagi reached the Moon Cave. Orochi appeared to consume him, but Nagi fought back with his sword and battled the demon. The battle raged long throughout the moonless night, but Orochi's mystical barrier repelled every attack. As Orochi prepared to devour the weakened Nagi, Amaterasu appeared and shielded the injured warrior. Orochi then started to attack Amaterasu. The two fought wildly. Amaterasu used her Celestial Brush techniques to assault Orochi's hideous form, but his barrier held fast, blocking all attacks, and during the battle, he severely wounded Amaterasu. With her last bit of strength, the goddess used her Crescent Brush Technique to summon forth the moon into the dark sky. The moonlight infused Nagi's sword with power, turning it to gold. Intoxicating Orochi with Nami's 8 Purification Sake, Nagi defeated the beast and chopped off its heads. He then plunged his sword into its back, sealing its dark spirit away. Victory came at a price, however: Amaterasu had been poisoned by Orochi and was slowly but surely dying. Nagi carried the dying goddess back to the village. The village elder patted Amaterasu on the head as a sign of forgiveness and affection. Amaterasu then took her last breath and passed away. A statue was built in her honor in front of the divine tree Konohana, protector of Kamiki Village. Nagi's sword was dubbed Tsukuyomi and a shrine was set up in and in front of the Moon Cave to keep Orochi sealed.

After her death, her Celestial Brush Powers split into 13 different gods who were scattered across Nippon. The fight had left her drastically weakened, to the point where she was only left with her original ability, Sunrise. The people's dwindling faith in the gods didn't help either, as she grew even weaker in the afterlife.

Once reawaken, the sun goddess decided it is best to spend her time teaching people of the celestial arts, but after finding that many cannot use the craft she found "Art" to fit the bill just as well.
Mannerisms: Playing with her hair, Doodling,
Favorite Class: Art
Teacher or Student: Teacher - Art
Likes: Cherry Cakes, Rice Balls
Dislikes: Letchers and long explanations, being told the same thing multiple times, Rude and dishonest people
Fears: Not being strong enough, Her faults working against her when people need her most, letting people down, Being forgotten.
From What Fandom: Okami (Video game/Japanese Goddess)
Theme Song:


The basics
Name: Rin
Age: 14
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Grade: 9th, Freshman
Height: 4'3
Weight: 127 lbs
Skin color: Fair
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Long
Eye Color: Brown
Clothing: Rin's main outfit was that of a kosode. Her initial design was an ordinary, dirty, tarred red colored kosode that came just below her knees. She wore it in the village she grew up in, but when she began to accompany Sesshōmaru, she wore a yellow and orange checkered kosode that extended to her ankles, and a green obi sash which tied at her back. Once living and going to the school, Rin was seen wearing kimonos that Sesshōmaru brought her. One of these kimonos was purple with yellow butterflies and a pink obi sash, and she was also seen receiving a kimono that was light pink with dark pink lines, yellow dots and lantern-like patterns on it. She remains barefoot on any terrain and refuses to put on any type of footwear.
Rin was a very simple and innocent young girl who believed that life was something to be treasured. Prior to meeting Sesshōmaru and joining him, Rin lived all alone and was a mute. However, she still had a strong enough heart to aid the mysterious daiyōkai when she found him in the forest. Her efforts were not asked for, nor were they particularly welcome, but she was determined to help him. Since being revived by Sesshōmaru's Tenseiga, Rin has always appeared to be happy. She constantly showed that she had a very free spirit. She enjoyed making up songs, often about Sesshōmaru and Jaken, and would often sing when she was alone (or with A-Un), waiting for their return.

She would innocently approach friends or foes due to her childlike curiosity. Rin's gentle heart gave her the strength to always trust in people's good intentions, so she did not bear a grudge towards anyone who wrongs her.

Due to witnessing the savage murder of her entire family by bandits, she firmly believes that humans are scarier than demons. She has said, "humans go around killing people for no reason." Rin seemed okay with other human children around her age but was mistrustful of most adults. Even so, Rin was always very respectful to her elders, addressing them by a proper title to show her respect. She would go out of her way to extend a proper thank you if someone helped her as well.

Rin's faith in Sesshōmaru is so great that she doesn't seem to be bothered by his regular killings of demons in front of her or when seeing him in demon form, easily brushing off such sights. It is possible that witnessing her family getting slaughtered in front of her helped develop this tolerance.

Rin witnessed her parents and brothers being savagely murdered by thieves when she was still young. This plagued her with nightmares and a general fear of humans. She was so traumatized that she lost her voice and became a mute. She never spoke to the people in the village she was raised in, so the villagers often got frustrated with her strange behavior and acted harshly. Even when the villagers would beat or scold her, Rin remained submissive and unresponsive

Rin was generally allowed to do whatever she wanted, so long as she did not disturb the villagers. She discovered the daiyōkai Sesshōmaru in a forest near her village. She relentlessly and fearlessly tried to help him, even though he would not accept her help. She went through the trouble of finding food in the village preserves or in the forest itself and brought this food to him. Sesshōmaru never actually ate the food or accepted the help she gave him, but she continued with her actions. She was caught rummaging through one of the village's fish preserves, and some village men beat her and warned her not to do it again. When she later brought food she foraged in the forest, Rin's visible injuries sparked Sesshōmaru’s curiosity, and he asked her about them. This brought about a beaming smile on Rin's bruised face. Sesshōmaru scoffed at her, silently wondering what had made her suddenly so happy.

When Rin returned to her home later that day, she discovered a thief going through her food. She was shocked and remained in the doorway, frightened by the man. When the man realized she was there, they could hear the sounds of the Wolf-Demon tribe attacking the village and searching for the thief. Whilst the thief ran off, Rin realized that she had to get away from the village. She ran into the forest, hoping to escape with her life. However, the wolves gave chase to her and she was soon overcome and killed by them.

Elsewhere, Sesshōmaru had been rejoined by his traveling companions Jaken and a two-headed dragon. He picks up the scent of blood and discovered Rin's corpse in passing. Her death did not interest him and he had planned to continue on his way, but he recalled the girl's smile from earlier, which made him pause. He unsheathed Tenseiga (His blade) and it began to pulsate, allowing him to see the messengers from the other world surrounding her corpse. To satisfy his sudden curiosity, he tests his sword Tenseiga and he slew the messengers. Once he had, Sesshōmaru knelt down by her side and was satisfied when she opened her eyes. Feeling his task complete, he stood back up and continued on his way, ignoring the questions from Jaken. Rin followed him and became a part of his entourage from then on. She regained the ability to talk when she was revived, so she spoke very often to Jaken, the two-headed dragon whom she named A-Un, and to Sesshōmaru as well.

Rin, being a young girl without combat skills, presented the problem of becoming a liability to Sesshōmaru when he battled. She dutifully remained in safe places far from the battlefields as instructed of her, often awaiting his return with A–Un and Jaken. She was also told she would have to fend for herself if she ever got hungry. This did not faze her, and she agreed since she already knew how to survive on her own. He had Jaken accompany her to assist whenever she went in search of food.

As Rin grew older Sesshōmaru found it best to have Rin receive some type of education, so he left her at the school and told her to stay there till he came back for her.
Mannerisms: Plays with hair, taps foot, wiggles if still for too long looks around aimlessly, hums
Favorite Class: Demon studies?
Teacher or Student: Student
Likes: Sesshōmaru, Jaken, A-Un
Dislikes: Humans
Fears: Humans
From What Fandom: Inuyasha (Anime/Manga)
Other: She still has her two headed dragon A-Un.
Theme Song:

Please read the rules!
Please read the rules!

Sorry, I did, I just forgot to say my favorite food because I wrote this all out last night in my private workshop and just copied and pasted it over here. I just didn't see that I had forgotten to add it when I transfer it over.

But either way, my favorite food: truthfully don't have one, but I guess if I have to choose Mangos or blueberries
Sorry, I did, I just forgot to say my favorite food because I wrote this all out last night in my private workshop and just copied and pasted it over here. I just didn't see that I had forgotten to add it when I transfer it over.

But either way, my favorite food: truthfully don't have one, but I guess if I have to choose Mangos or blueberries
Accepted! :D

The Two-Tailed Genius

Miles 'Tails' Prower



Human/Fox hybrid


Senior (12th) student​

Tails isn't as much of the stereotypical geek as most people think him to be - as in, shy, solitary and that sort of thing. While he does sometimes display traits like that, he is much more friendly and social than that. He is very social, often making quick friends with most types of people, and can sometimes be a bit sassy. Admittedly, he has came out of his shell more due to his best friend and idol, Sonic, but he has always been a bit like this.

He does sometimes become morose and sad, however, and seeing 'evil' people, especially scientists, seems to get him into an uncontrollable rage.

Physical Description
Tails is one of those guys that everyone somewhat hates because he can get into, and suits, the skinniest of skinny jeans. He wears tight yellow denim jeans, complete with a complementary yellow denim jacket, with a plain white shirt underneath. On his feet, he wears strange looking red trainers - but hey, they seem to work, so why change it? Around his neck is a warm and snuggly looking scarf made in the visage of the white parts of his tails, and across his chest and waist is a belt with a shoulder strap attached to it, that is usually filled with assorted tools and parts for easy access when he is working. On his head, a pair of welding goggles.

Tails is pretty tall, though not massive, and definitely lanky. However, despite his lack of arm thickness, he is surprisingly well toned and muscly under the jacket - and he is surprisingly strong. His face is less handsome, and more...cute, and his ever-curious blue eyes usually can brighten anyone's day. On the top of his head, a little above his normal human ears covered by yellow hair, are two beautiful fox ears that always seem to be twitching out of curiosity. The feature that stand out the most, however, are his two huge, bushy fox tails, yellow in colour, with white tips to them. Oddly, there are two of them, that both seem capable of independent movement.

Mint sweets (humbugs, imperials etc), machine maintenance and tinkering. He also likes using his inventions, whether it be his weapons or his plane. He would never admit it, but he loves having his tails brushed and groomed by other people.

Thunderstorms, rain and sudden loud noises. He also doesn't like being alone for too long, and dislikes being around other people's parents - although, it would be difficult to get him to show, let alone admit, it. He doesn't like being called cute (unless by a girl, of course) as he doesn't like being associated to a child or immature.

While he isn't scared stiff by his fears, he is scared by loud and sudden noises, clowns (clowns remind him of Dr Robotnik, which in turn triggers bad memories) and his cute little doll. Despite his odd fear of the doll, however, he cannot bring himself to get rid of it. He can bring himself to lock it away in the depths of his cupboard, though.

Tails has a tendency to over-explain something, to the point where he might make what he is explaining seem more complicated than it actually is. He is aware of this, however, and is trying to combat it. Other than that, he doesn't really have many mannerisms other than the usual fidgeting when he is bored.

Favourite Class
He prefers the more technology and science-y classes, like Physics and Engineering.​


Tails has had an...unfortunate childhood. Not even minutes after he was born he witnessed his parents' deaths to the hands of the evil scientist, Dr Robotnik. This traumatized him, as he still has the memories of the murder, and he had no-one to help relieve his agony. Until, that is, 8 years later he met Sonic through events involving Tails fixing his bi-plane (why the fastest thing alive needs a bi-plane is beyond even Tails, but he doesn't care enough to ask) who soon became his best friend.

Sonic and Tails soon became famous across the world for thwarting evil schemes together as best friends. They soon made new friends like Knuckles, Amy and even interdimensional characters like Blaze and Silver. As Tails grew older, however, they grew apart and Tails looked elsewhere for his adventure.

As such, with the help of the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald, Tails created a machine capable of interdimensional travel.
Tails owns and flies, with incredible skill, a modified bi-plane that he lovingly nicknames the 'Tornado'. He also owns a strange, yet adorable, doll - the sort a mother would make for a child rather than buy it - that looks like a fox plushie except with two tails and fur colour similar to Tails' himself. However, he seems highly disturbed by the doll, yet refuses to get rid of it.

At night, when he is trying to sleep, he is sometimes haunted by the memories of his parent's murder, often leading to exhaustion due to lack of sleep.

My favourite food is a cheeky donner kebab, alongside a good lager, like a true chav.



Tails' main feats involve his clever use of his tails. Unbeknownst to most people, his tails aren't simply tails that grow out of his body - they are a fairly complex biological anomaly that can be spun like a propeller, that allows Tails to use them like the blades of a turbine engine which greatly increases his speed. At full speed, he isn't far off mach speeds. He can also use his tails to fly, although can tire - especially if he is carrying something.

His other main skill is his intelligence. With an IQ of over 300, he is able to quickly calculate and effectively analyse a situation.

Technically he can also transform into Super Tails, but since this requires the Chaos Emeralds (or the Super Emeralds, but those don't really exist anymore) it is highly unlikely that there will be an appearance in the RP.

Super Tails could easily be mistaken for a god amongst men. He gains superhuman abilities that seem to show no limit, and he has never been defeated in this form, nor will he judging by how strong he is. While this form is temporary, Tails has rarely seen a circumstance where he actually needed more time as Super Tails.

He gains invulnerability, super strength, super speed (beyond what he already has, anyways), super reflexes/agility and enhanced jumping capabilities and infinite stamina (specifically referring to his flying). He also summons 4 metal orbs which he nicknames the 'Flickies' that home in to enemies and deal lethal energy blasts to them. Super Tails also shares his energy with his other inventions, overcharging them to the extreme which basically means they become super weapons in their own right.

In short, don't mess with Super Tails.


Tails, using bits and pieces he's found lying around the school and nearby area, has managed to repair an old bi-plane and upgrade it massively, which he nicknames the Tornado. The plane is equipped with back-up thrusters that he uses for extra speed or high altitude. If he does need it in high altitude, he can also transform it slightly to accommodate for the higher altitude. The most impressive thing, however, is that he can perform a manoeuvre while over-charging his thrusters and propeller blade, that causes the plane to turn upwards for a time and create a spiral of wind so powerful it causes a 'tornado' to fly forward ahead of him. He then can skilfully use the powerful winds created by the tornado to increase his own flying speed.

The plane in the video isn't what his plane looks like, but it is somewhat similar.

He also has various buttons on the end of his left glove that each activate/'warp' to his hand one of his various technologies. One of them is an arm-cannon that fires potent energy balls at the target. Another is a string of pure energy that acts like a lasso yet is much easier to control, and much stronger. Others include walking grenades, healing devices, shield generators...all sorts.

BBCode courtesy of Lettuce


The Son of Falcon

Kent Falcon





Senior (12th) student​

Kent, who prefers to be referred to as 'Falcon', has taken the stubbornness and the hot-headedness of his mother. Not saying that his father isn't that, of course, but his mother is more righteous than most, and Kent has taken up a similar mindset. He prefers to let his brawn talk for him, and would prefer intimidating enemies (or just straight up beat them up) rather than talking them down with persuasion. In combat, he is very straight-forward and doesn't usually come up with strategic attacks...of course, he can surprise.

Outside of combat, he retains his stubbornness. He tends to casually flirt with girls his age, or that appear to be his age, yet seems somewhat...shy, in a way. As if he doesn't actually expect a response from his attempts. He enjoys a good laugh with his friends, and doesn't do well on his own.

Physical Description
He has definitely gained his father's rough and chiselled figure, rather than his mother's more delicate and feminine figure. He seems to even emanate masculinity from his perfect jawline, well toned cheekbones, rippling muscles and thick muscled legs. He wears a style of clothing similar to what his father used to wear, before he retired, and as a result he (typically) wears a similar blue synthetic body armour, designed to reduce the impact of attacks like punches, and a long yellow scarf. His boots and gloves are fairly similar to the design too, yet his gloves aren't gauntleted as his dad used to have them. Kent's helmet, however, is his own. The golden falcon on the front has a noticeably different design, and the gold lining the red helmet is much more prominent. The helmet is somewhat ridged at the top, and the angle of the black visor seems a bit less steep than his father's, making his initial appearance not seem as intimidating and more friendly.

Racing, combat and being around good friends. He's also a big fan of dim sum.

Losing, being trapped inside and general insults. And energy drinks.

Kent doesn't really have any fears, irrational or otherwise. Being the son of great heroes he was always taught to fight his fears and as a result he now hasn't got any - not really. He doesn't have any phobias, or any other form of irrational fear, and the only real 'fear' he has is what everyone is scared of - failing, dying and that sort of thing. If he does have any fears, he hasn't met them.

Being the confident guy he is, Kent tends to do things to show off his confidence. He often acts incredibly confident, especially around women, by doing things like placing his hands at his waist, folding his arms mid conversation and generally radiating courage. He does sometimes do a casual version of the old IPF salute to superiors, however, and he is sometimes known to faff about with his scarf.

Favourite Class
Physical Education/Sports

Kent comes from the universe known simply as F-Zero, named after the galactic wide events held there. These races almost unify the galaxies, with many species of aliens and sometimes robots taking place all across the universe. Crime is at a minimum thanks to the efforts of the IPF and to heroes like Super Arrow or Captain Falcon. Ever since the F-Zero races started, too, there hasn't been any interplanetary wars or problems like that - there's no reason to go to war.

Kent's father, Captain Falcon, is mostly recognized as the best F-Zero racer out there - although, he is also known for beating a literal god who tried to use him for nefarious deeds. After this, Captain Falcon soon retired with his wealth and private archipelago to spend more time to relax, officially retiring. After meeting his wife, Lucina, through undetermined events (although, some say they met in another dimension or something, as he was the one who used the prototype of the machine that brought Kent to the school) they had a child which they named Kent.

As Kent grew up, he had heard tales of his father and wished to be like him, so decided to come to the school to train with others like him.
He does own a motorcycle of sorts, designed similarly to the Blue Falcon, yet it can reach speeds no where near that the Blue Falcon can do - still incredibly fast compared to modern technology, however.

My favourite food is a cheeky donner kebab, alongside a good lager, like a true chav.



Kent, trained by both his mother and father, is not only an expert in martial arts (compared to everyone else - compared to Captain Falcon...well...) but also somewhat in swordplay (even though he never uses a sword). Thanks to both his father's training and his advanced swordplay knowledge, he can easily catch blades, bat them to the side, and even disarm/take them for himself. Of course, he doesn't really need to. Thanks to his training (and the Way of the Falcon) he can punch and kick way faster than even the most experienced martial artist, and perform deadly martial art moves of his own.

Of course, that isn't even scraping the barrel of his powers. Like his father, he is able to Falcon Punch and Falcon Kick (although his use of it isn't as versatile as his father's). Unlike his father, on the other hand, his fist is invulnerable to damage whenever he charges and uses it, and the release of chi energy upon impact makes his entire body immune to any and all damage for the split second that it contacts. However, and this has not been discovered, his Falcon Punch also is amplified by the speed he is travelling - let's just say you don't want to be hit by a Mach speed Falcon Punch.

He has not currently learned the ultimate Way of the Falcon technique, the Knee of Justice, but his father states that he himself only learnt it not because he wanted to, but because he needed to. When Kent needs the Knee, he will know what to do.


His motorbike, dubbed the Bluebird, can reach speeds nearing 750 km/h due to the well designed bodywork, the powerful plasma engines based on the Blue Falcon's own engines and works using magnetism over wheels, allowing it to disregard floor terrain and friction. Due to the lack of friction, he is able to 'drift' easily, making Kent able to go around hairpin bends with ease and without losing too much speed. It can also be overcharged, since the engine allows it, but there isn't any way for Kent to do it himself - he suspects electrically charging it with lightning or something similar would do it, but he has never had the chance to test it. When overcharged, the bike can reach speeds similar to the Blue Falcon. His wrist has a button that allows him to call the Bluebird to his position at will, but unlike his father's vehicle the Bluebird doesn't have an intelligent enough AI to allow Kent to use it in battle like his father is often seen doing.

Other than that, he has nothing worth mentioning.

BBCode courtesy of Lettuce

Peach Tea Peach Tea

The Son of Falcon

Kent Falcon





Senior (12th) student​

Kent, who prefers to be referred to as 'Falcon', has taken the stubbornness and the hot-headedness of his mother. Not saying that his father isn't that, of course, but his mother is more righteous than most, and Kent has taken up a similar mindset. He prefers to let his brawn talk for him, and would prefer intimidating enemies (or just straight up beat them up) rather than talking them down with persuasion. In combat, he is very straight-forward and doesn't usually come up with strategic attacks...of course, he can surprise.

Outside of combat, he retains his stubbornness. He tends to casually flirt with girls his age, or that appear to be his age, yet seems somewhat...shy, in a way. As if he doesn't actually expect a response from his attempts. He enjoys a good laugh with his friends, and doesn't do well on his own.

Physical Description
He has definitely gained his father's rough and chiselled figure, rather than his mother's more delicate and feminine figure. He seems to even emanate masculinity from his perfect jawline, well toned cheekbones, rippling muscles and thick muscled legs. He wears a style of clothing similar to what his father used to wear, before he retired, and as a result he (typically) wears a similar blue synthetic body armour, designed to reduce the impact of attacks like punches, and a long yellow scarf. His boots and gloves are fairly similar to the design too, yet his gloves aren't gauntleted as his dad used to have them. Kent's helmet, however, is his own. The golden falcon on the front has a noticeably different design, and the gold lining the red helmet is much more prominent. The helmet is somewhat ridged at the top, and the angle of the black visor seems a bit less steep than his father's, making his initial appearance not seem as intimidating and more friendly.

Racing, combat and being around good friends. He's also a big fan of dim sum.

Losing, being trapped inside and general insults. And energy drinks.

Kent doesn't really have any fears, irrational or otherwise. Being the son of great heroes he was always taught to fight his fears and as a result he now hasn't got any - not really. He doesn't have any phobias, or any other form of irrational fear, and the only real 'fear' he has is what everyone is scared of - failing, dying and that sort of thing. If he does have any fears, he hasn't met them.

Being the confident guy he is, Kent tends to do things to show off his confidence. He often acts incredibly confident, especially around women, by doing things like placing his hands at his waist, folding his arms mid conversation and generally radiating courage. He does sometimes do a casual version of the old IPF salute to superiors, however, and he is sometimes known to faff about with his scarf.

Favourite Class
Physical Education/Sports

Kent comes from the universe known simply as F-Zero, named after the galactic wide events held there. These races almost unify the galaxies, with many species of aliens and sometimes robots taking place all across the universe. Crime is at a minimum thanks to the efforts of the IPF and to heroes like Super Arrow or Captain Falcon. Ever since the F-Zero races started, too, there hasn't been any interplanetary wars or problems like that - there's no reason to go to war.

Kent's father, Captain Falcon, is mostly recognized as the best F-Zero racer out there - although, he is also known for beating a literal god who tried to use him for nefarious deeds. After this, Captain Falcon soon retired with his wealth and private archipelago to spend more time to relax, officially retiring. After meeting his wife, Lucina, through undetermined events (although, some say they met in another dimension or something, as he was the one who used the prototype of the machine that brought Kent to the school) they had a child which they named Kent.

As Kent grew up, he had heard tales of his father and wished to be like him, so decided to come to the school to train with others like him.
He does own a motorcycle of sorts, designed similarly to the Blue Falcon, yet it can reach speeds no where near that the Blue Falcon can do - still incredibly fast compared to modern technology, however.

My favourite food is a cheeky donner kebab, alongside a good lager, like a true chav.



Kent, trained by both his mother and father, is not only an expert in martial arts (compared to everyone else - compared to Captain Falcon...well...) but also somewhat in swordplay (even though he never uses a sword). Thanks to both his father's training and his advanced swordplay knowledge, he can easily catch blades, bat them to the side, and even disarm/take them for himself. Of course, he doesn't really need to. Thanks to his training (and the Way of the Falcon) he can punch and kick way faster than even the most experienced martial artist, and perform deadly martial art moves of his own.

Of course, that isn't even scraping the barrel of his powers. Like his father, he is able to Falcon Punch and Falcon Kick (although his use of it isn't as versatile as his father's). Unlike his father, on the other hand, his fist is invulnerable to damage whenever he charges and uses it, and the release of chi energy upon impact makes his entire body immune to any and all damage for the split second that it contacts. However, and this has not been discovered, his Falcon Punch also is amplified by the speed he is travelling - let's just say you don't want to be hit by a Mach speed Falcon Punch.

He has not currently learned the ultimate Way of the Falcon technique, the Knee of Justice, but his father states that he himself only learnt it not because he wanted to, but because he needed to. When Kent needs the Knee, he will know what to do.


His motorbike, dubbed the Bluebird, can reach speeds nearing 750 km/h due to the well designed bodywork, the powerful plasma engines based on the Blue Falcon's own engines and works using magnetism over wheels, allowing it to disregard floor terrain and friction. Due to the lack of friction, he is able to 'drift' easily, making Kent able to go around hairpin bends with ease and without losing too much speed. It can also be overcharged, since the engine allows it, but there isn't any way for Kent to do it himself - he suspects electrically charging it with lightning or something similar would do it, but he has never had the chance to test it. When overcharged, the bike can reach speeds similar to the Blue Falcon. His wrist has a button that allows him to call the Bluebird to his position at will, but unlike his father's vehicle the Bluebird doesn't have an intelligent enough AI to allow Kent to use it in battle like his father is often seen doing.

Other than that, he has nothing worth mentioning.

BBCode courtesy of Lettuce

Peach Tea Peach Tea


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