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Dice The Northern Isle (closed) - OOC

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As a heads up, im planning on making a post Tuesday/Wednesday. I know a couple of you are working on posts so I'll try to wait until after you've done that.
My post is up for the week - it's lore about the various trading caravans.

I didn't want to post anything IC because Ayre, Maeris, Cu, and Howler are still mid-interaction as far as I know. If I missed you, let me know ^.^
Heyo. Ayre has gotten back to me and has decided that they have too much going on IRL at the moment. I know he was essential to a lot of the story parts so I'll probably just make him an NPC
Heyo. I'm planning for the next NPC post, but I don't want to rush anyone. Is anyone still working on a response for anything?
Heyo. Work called me today, and I may not be able to get my post done today. Worst case scenario- ill have it done tomorrow
Guys. I'm sorry. But I have gotten to the point where I read the same sentence 5 times without knowing what it says. I will have to get this post out tomorrow, because I really need to sleep.
Heyo! To clear up miscommunications, i think it'll be a good idea to have a new channel on the discord.

This channel would be for people who are getting ready to post. Whenever you want to start thinking of a post, you could mention it there and talk about who you're hoping to interact with. Hopefully, this will reduce post overlap and encourage collaboration between players. Also, we wouldn't have to ask who is posting next all the time, as we could see what posts are in the works.

I'm making this an opt-out vote for all of y'all. Meaning: if you DON'T want to have this channel let me know. If 3 of you don't want it I won't do it. I'm planning on getting it set up sometime between Friday and Monday
Update from refinery : Maeris is currently working on a post, and Cuchulain would like to follow after that

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