The Nine Knights of Creation (Full) [Inactive]

Foehn's mouth hung open in shock. "What? You would give us your most powerful guards? Wouldn't it put your realm in greater danger? We can't let you do that! Arthas we can't let her do that!"

Foehn's hair was starting to whip around as if a storm was blowing only around Foehn, he usually got this way when he got excited about something.

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"It's her choice" He said to stop Foehn "Even I'm sending 'Shadow' my most powerful warrior and my best friend, he will command the Shadow Khan"
Foehn sighed. "Fine. You're right. But only as long as it doesn't cause her too much strain."

Foehn sat back down, feeling safer but not entirely happy.

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Gala looked at Foehn as her expression softened. She could let this war rage on without helping with every inch of her being. She couldn’t bare to do nothing. “I will be fine as long as I don’t step out of my realm. I will have my children to help me as well. Even if only twelve of them ever fight, the rest are still helpful in other ways.” She looked between her brothers and than raised her hand and her butterfly stopped flapping around her. “Tell Virgo, Leo, Libra, Aries and Taurus that they will have to prepare to defend and Tell Virgo to sort the rest out into where they will be most useful.” She sighed regaining her breath and waved her frail fingers in an odd movement.

The stars of the butterfly collapsed and shimmering as its body morphed into the air and left an odd aura of sparkling dust where it once was. She felt some of her strength return as it disappeared, but she had to trust everything around her again, which was frightening indeed.
Arthas passed by me and I knew it was time for business. I followed the group in and sat at a seat close to the throne of Arthas. I listened to Gala, Foehn, and Arthas conversate. I couldn't help but chew one of my fingernails when Foehn talked about Chaos wanting to attack my realm. I've got to keep a leveled head.

If I start to slip my people could die. And Creator forbid if one of my siblings were even touched by Chaos. I would never forgive myself. My fist tightened in my lap and I looked down at the ground to hide my face for a moment. Then my heart raced at the sound of Galas offer.

" I agree with Foehn sis thats suicidal." The idea of having her personal body guards at my disposal was highly tempting. But the consequences were dire. " Who knows what Chaos would do if he came to one if the realms and found your constellations there. He would try to come after you!"

By now I was looking at Gala with a worried look on my face. I knew I was showing too much emotion but I felt it necessary. I must've meant what I said because I could veins popping on my neck.

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“For now he thinks I’m gone, but word will spread of my return faster than you would think. He will be after me soon enough no matter what I do. At least if I can help, it would mean something.” She spoke gently and softly, but it was clear to see her emotions were returning to her. She her thoughts were muddled between reason, love and loss. A constant balance of what she should do always questioning. She was too emotional at the moment to make reasonable decisions. Her façade was fading and a true sadness lingered in her eyes. Her eyes looked like glass as they swirled with the shades of purples and blues, always changing from moment to moment with different feelings and thoughts. Desperately trying to hold onto something that wasn’t their.

While all of them had grown up, she was still a young creation. Still trying to discover herself and everything around her and fully understand. She was saying too much and her words become less meaningful. Everything confused her further, but she was still trying to stay focused and strong through everything. She knew that there was a strong chance she would be the next target if she helped, but it made sense to her that she had to be. She had taken a lot of power from the world and now the world was going to take power from her. It was how life worked, it was how everything worked.

“I couldn’t live with myself if I did nothing while one of you was destroyed by chaos.” She ran her fingers through her blonde hair, trying to fully comprehend what she was doing. She told herself never to do anything out of love or rage, but she found that she couldn’t control herself in this state. Her thoughts were to muddled to think of what to do.
Foehn stood and bowed his head. "Thank you Sister. This is a tremendous gift you have given us. I have no proper way of thanking you, but I'll find a way after this war is over!"

He looked up at Gala with a twinkle in his eye.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I will return to my realm and help my Monchank begin planning our defense and to pick out some scouts. My Life for Creation!" He placed his right hand over his heart and took a step back into a portal that had just opened and fell back as it swallowed him and closed.

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Yuto arrived a little late, just in time to here Foehn say his children are th fastest, yeah right. Then he heard Gala speak and knew there was a more serious matter at hand. He erected a golden chair from light and sat down next to her. He said "Gala don't take this all upon yourself. We are here to help you. We probably can't stop you from doing this but we can make you keep atleast three for yourself. Guys i volunteer warriors from my mobile armor division. They were armors similar to my giant armor. Also for the scout team i volunteer an angel that just came to mind. Her name is Ciel and she has a special scout ability called Searchlight. In addition i volunteer another group of angels that my assistant is gathering. My angels may be the fastest but too many could be too flashy as they do use light. I believe Chaos would even detect non visible light if it gets too high so some wind woule do good!"
"Brother, Yuto, please refrain from using Light in my realm" He considered his options "I will assemble a team to scout, this team will consist of many races"
"Yuto is right Gala you should at least keep three. That way if anything does comes after you then you'll have some means of defense." I look over at Arthas realizing he has barely spoken. He said the info disturbed him but.......Chaos is starting to affect us. We haven't even sent out a scout team yet is the thing that slaps me in the face. We need to hurry.

" Arthas is there anything else urgent? If so please tell me I would like to get to my realm as soon as possible." I has just realized how long I'd been gone. Theres so much I have to do now. Call of Duty will have to wait. My children will be safe when this is over with.

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"If I'm correct after the scouting mission and the defense of the Lesser realms, we should be fine" He stood up "You may all leave now, return to your realms and ready your forces, I'll send a Shadow Khan to monitor their movement & estimated time, the scouts will gather information about their tactics & skills in battle"
Foehn usually preferred his portal to open above his realm so that he could fly and survey the beauty of the world he had. The tall mountains from which Monkchan flew back and forth from their yurt-like dwellings. The vast tropical forest that filled the valley, sending a wave of the scent of tropical fruit.

But today his portal release him into the courtroom of the Palace of Winds, his castle and home. The courtroom, like much of the palace, had no ceiling to allow himself and the Monkchan to fly freely.

As he walked toward the center of the room his council of Monkchan assembled before him. He looked around at his creations and sighed heavily. The Monkchan were not used to having their Knight sounding sad, they began chittering in worry.

"Quiet! I beg your pardon for shouting, but dire news has been given to me from my brethren. Chaos is ready to begin attacking." The Monkchan erupted into high pitched screams and chittering.

"Quiet! I need Crytee and Mankon." His head Monkchan and the leader of his Mischievous Army (not a real army but an assortment of the best pranksters in his kingdom) approached him.

"I need our fastest, and bravest, members assembled for a scouting mission into Chaos' territory. Mankon, I also need you to begin preparing the deadliest pranks you can think of as defenses against Chaos' army. Go, and May Creation be with you." The two chimps took off and Foehn watched as they flew away, silently praying for everything to be fine.

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I wasted no time. Once I was dismissed I melted into a puddle of water and disappeared. After a few seconds of darkness I found myself in my realm sitting on my throne in the throne room. I need to talk to my General Luke. I closed my eyes.

Concentrating on General Lukes features, his blonde hair, green eyes, pearl white skin, and masculine physique I pinpointed his location. The realms water gave me a live image. He was at a dance party. My children were flipping and spinning around to some of my favorite music.

"Luke you hear me?" Luke went from smiling to looking around franticly. "Sir Reg, yes I hear you but where a-" I cut him off. "No time for questions just gather your squad leaders and get to my palace immediately!" I was about to disconnect from Luke but I said one more thing. "And tell the DJ to turn the music up more for Creators sake.... you guys don't know how to party."

I ended the connection and opened my eyes in the palace.

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Gala stood and cast a shimmer over part of the room. A small portal opened infront of her, the image of clouds, moons and stars on the other side of the portal beckoning her. She hadn't realized how she longed to return to her home and it was so close she could reach out and touch it. "I promise to stay safe. Send me a signal when its time and I will send over my babies." She muttered with slight regret and stepped through her portal into her own world of flowers and stars.

She stepped out into a familiar peace. Her home was as she had left it. Her castle stood in front of her surrounded by gardens made out of stars and suns filled with rivers that flowed like a milky way. A large wall built up out of black holes and star dust surrounded her castle that had been formed out of moonlight and darkness forged together. All galaxies aligned in bliss. The constellations moved through the fields of flowers inside the walls. Animal like creatures made completely out of stars glided by or soared above the skies. They each hopped from one cloud to the next.

The moment she closed her eyes she was sitting on the inside of her out castle. Each floor had no windows and was completely opened up to the world. From where she was now she could see over the wall and to the edge of her world and far away into space. A group approached the edge of the wall led by a tall slender women made completely out of shimmering stars and moonlight sown together. They were the only twelve of her kind that hadn’t died and been reborn into a new constellation. Only those were her first creations that hadn’t died.

She waved her hand and the group appeared in front of her. She took her seat on a throne made out of clouds and stars and swirling black holes. The twelve constellations each taking there place in seats made just for them. Virgo, the woman made out of stars, was the only one still standing. Virgos words echoed through Galas mind in a way of speaking to her. “I am glad to see your finally back from the dead, Fallencia.”

Gala nodded and gave a small smile of pure joy for a moment. “I have missed you too my children.” She went back to being cold again after a moment of happiness. She could afford to be any more emotional than already. “But now is a time of need. I am back, but not fleetingly. A war still rages. In name of the world and all galaxies I order Virgo and Leo at my side. Aries, Libra and Taurus to protect the outer gates and I order every constellation inside the walls. I order Pisces and Scorpio to the Water, Aquarius and Cancer to the Wind, Capricorn and Sagittarius to the Earth, and the Gemini twins to Metal. In the name of creation and balance in the universe, I order this.”

A quiet murmur voice in her mind as the Constellations spoke amongst themselves. Virgo cleared her throat to silence them and spoke. “The outer walls normally have twelve guards on them, if we have three we can’t guarantee any safety for you. We know you will protect your grand children, but after leaving us for three million years can we risk loosing you again? Please don’t let your emotions blind you.”

Gala closed her eyes and grinded her teeth in hostility. “You already no I can’t.” She waved her hand and they all disappeared leaving behind a shimmering dust. She appeared behind her castle were a soft bed of clouds and stars curled into the ground and her shrine sat behind her. Her constellations gathered in this spot as she lay down in the clouds. The constellations murmured softly as she closed her eyes and she felts a few of them brushing into her and sleeping beside her. Giving her their power so that she may keep her guards outside the realm. Hundreds of them lying down around her and trying to give her the strength to carry on.
Okay, Chaos is coming Reginald. You need to do what your father would do and that's keep a clear head and be smart. I couldn't help but keep shifting positions in my throne. ThePalace of Falling Waters was meant to calm me down as well as strengthen me. The water falling around me from the black stone ceiling soothed me a little but. It's pretty obvious the waterfalls aren't going to soothe me. This is Chaos about to attack.

The best thing I can do right now is keep a leveled head and do what needs to be done. I need to keep the children safe and assist my brother and sister in anyway possible. "Master, I have arrived. I have also brought my squad leaders. Sasha the leader of the Stealth Squad, John the leader of the Assault Squad, and finally Leo the leader of the Support Squad." Each leader stepped up when their name was called. Sasha is dark skinned with yellow eyes that shoot arrows at you along with jet black hair. Her slim physique hides her strength.

John is pale with sandy hair and black eyes he's obviously a gunslinger. He had a two tridents and water slowly floating around him. It was like he came here expecting a fight. He was built as well not enough muscle to slow him down but enough to lift a fridge if he had to. Then there was Leo, he had a some muscle encased by his caramel skin. His hair was blue and his eyes were brown. I guess he dyed his hair. I guess the humans rubbed off on him too.

" Listen people. Chaos is going to attack either Metal, Earth, Air, or us Water. He may even attack all of us either way we need to be prepared." I forced myself to sit still and show authority. I cleared my throat and spoke more bold. " Brother Arthas is assembling a scout team using the many races. We need to focus on defending ourselves." Suddenly my throne room doors opened. Two figures made of stars stepped into the room and made their way towards me. One a scorpion moving rather quickly it's tail amazing still. The other a pair of fish floating side by side a line of small stars and purple and dark blue light holding them together.

With a smile I recognized who they were and greeted them. " Constellations Pisces and Scorpio welcome to the realm of water!"
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Foehn was just approving some nets and falling logs for defense in his throne room, when a flash alerted him to a portal opening.

Floating down from above came a crab and a man holding a jug of water made of stars. Foehn rushed over to the courtroom to meet them.

"Cancer, Aquarius, thank you both so much for your help in such a dire time. I and the Monkchan greatly appreciate your assistance. If one of you could keep watch over the palace and the other watch the Monkchan's dwelling I would be more than in your debt."

The two constellations nodded, however a crab nods, and made their ways to their assigned places.

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Yuto returned to his realm. He went to check his Mobile Armor division. Rather it's not a division anymore more like each angel warrior possesses one and some are even custom made. He was checking to see if they perfected the first stealh mode armor. But he decided to go to his throne room half way there. He sat on his throne and gazed out the window. He was pretty board and decided he should break the news to his people. He deployed a ball of light that would reflect him on this viewing spheres all over his realm. He said "People Chaos has come yet again. You should be prepared for the worst but know this. We won't go down easy we'll punch, kick, and scream like there's no tomorrow, metaphorically. Angel warriors you'll be called upon to put your lives on the line. But be confident for we possess the Mobile Armors of many kinds. So we'll fight to the last weapon, to the last second, to the last man, we fight we fight to the last we fight! Thank you for your time." Yuto then cut the broadcast and dosed off on his throne.
I couldn't help but get excited over having Pisces and Scorpio in the Palace of Falling Waters. I rose from my throne and walked down the steps as calmly as I could. At least try to be professional Reg, after all they are here on business. I stopped at the bottom of the steps and looked out a the group. " Okay people this is how this is going to play out. Once we adjourn this meeting I will send a signal for all residents to get to the emergency village. Afterwards I want for John to make his second in command to take troops and escort my children to the village. You will stay here with remaining troops and be ready to take on Chaos when he arrives. Leo your second in command will accompany Johns second and his squad with a support group. You will stay here with a group to support Johns main regimen.

" You two have your assignments you are dismissed." The two men left within a moments notice flinging the throne rooms doors wide open. "Sasha and Scorpio I would like you two on the field with John and Leo as well. I want you two to try and surprise the forces of Chaos with an attack when he's concentrating on the main regimen in anyway you please. You two can leave." I closed my eyes trying to keep track of the thoughts flying through my head. The voices of John and Leo summoning their troops through the waves weren't helping. Now with Sasha doing the same I was beginning to get a headache.

By the time I open my eyes only Pisces and Luke remained. These two are going to be stuck by my side for a while. "You two are going to be here with me. " I will keep constant observation of the battle and whenever a group is in critical condition the three of us will swoop and help. Then wait for the same scenario to repeat." I refuse to sit back and watch my children die. I have to protect them but I also have to stay safe. I can't have my children left without a leader. That'll be the end of my children. "CHAOS IS GOING DOWN!" I raised my hand and the palace glowed. That's when the residents flooded onto the streets minutes later with bags and their belongings and began their journey. As instructed troops were escorting them. They went to the below sea level entrance and after a few minutes their were no citizens left.

Within minutes everybody was evacuated. The fnext ten minutes were hectic. Soilders were moving my foot was tapping uncontrollably. Time passe3d and it seemed like forever. But soon everybody was in place. Everyone was focused and hype out. Chaos you soon shall drown..
Eleanor was silent throughout the proceedings of the second meeting. What was said during it had unnerved her and she was afraid that speaking would show the fear one her face for all to see. Little Gala volunteering her celestial children that could be her only defense against chaos like that? She was just glad that someone had stopped her from sending them all away before she was leaving herself entirely defenseless. That took some courage want to pull off, to even suggest without actually meaning to put it into plan!..... and Eleanor just sat there and watched.

Granted, the little sprites that graced the Frost Realm weren't exactly battle ready, but with the lesser realms in danger the least she could have down was volunteer a few of her healers! Eleanor sighed as she crossed through a portal and into her domain at the end of the second meeting. As she looked as the puff of hot air her breath gave off from the contrast of temperatures, she felt at odds with herself. To standby and do next to nothing could not only possibly doom the others, but also possibly herself and her own realm. To help meant potentially rising the lives of her children and that was something that she could not.....

No, it was something that she would have to do or they would possibly suffer for her inactivity in the long run. As she reached the doors to her castle, they automatically opened for her, sensing her arrival, and two sprites flew out and barreled into her to tackle her with a hug. Unfortunately, this was no time for games. "Little Ones, gather the eldest of you for a council meeting." She walked off to a room high up in the castle used for said council meetings and other such serious matters, sat at the head of the table, and waited.

It wasn't long before they showed They still looked as youthful as the younger members of their species, but without the childish aura about them. Orders were soon given out to select the fastest amount them to become a scout along with members of the other races. Healers were the next to be selected, but this time they would have messages attached to them to deliver to the Knight of each lesser realm.

For the Wind and Earth Realms, 3 skilled healers were to be given and they would also be able to use their ice magic to defend each realm however the Knights saw fit. As for the Water and Metal Realms, a single Healer Sprite was sent with a message stating how the environment wouldn't allow for proper use of his/her ice magic so they they wouldn't be able to make ue of it as well. They could, however, make use of their Sprites' healing abilities so long as proper accommodations were provided them. If it turned out that the environment or any other factors prevented this requirement from being fulfilled, then the Sprite had a right to return home. If the requirements were met exceedingly well then more Healer Sprites would would be given.
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