The Nine Knights of Creation (Full) [Inactive]

"Say no more!" I instantly make my body morph into a stream of water. I then constricted my body into a vortex shape and spin . My speed doubles and I shot further down the portal. The wind felt amazing hitting against my body. My daydreaming was cut short when I found myself neck and neck with Foehn.

I morph back into my natural body facing upwards. I continue to fall and hold up a peace sign with my fingers at Foehn. I then look back toward the ground and change back to a thin water vortex. I spiral towards the ground once more.

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I don't think so! Foehn immediately summoned a twister behind him to propel him even faster. He felt the exhilaration of the wind whipping at his face so hard it hurt. He was so glad to be the Knight of Wind.

He closed his eyes and simply took in the feeling of racing through the air at what should be an impossible speed. He was enjoying it so much that he completely forgot he was racing.

He realized that all too soon when he opened his eyes just in time to slam into the stream of water that was Reginald.
Big mistake brother. These words could be heard inside the stream of water that Foehn slammed into. I could feel the wind expanding my stream. I allowed this to happen for a few seconds. Then ..... BOOM!!

An ear splitting sound boomed throughout the portal. I returned to my normal body there was no need to boost my speed. "THANKS FOR THE BOOST BRO LOVE YOU!" I highly doubted he heard me. I couldn't believe how fast I was going. Whats the name of that creature the Humans have with blue skin and red shoes. Sonic right? I wonder if this is how he felt when he first ran..... I sure as heck am enjoying this.

I soon saw a figure of somebody else. Must be Brother Darkness well I won't stop this speed for anybody! Sorry Brother Dark. I flew past Brother Dark with only more speed gathering. I would've been laughing my butt off if it wasn't for my back burning. I then began to see smoke fly past my face as I fell.

My eyes grew wide. Holy crap I'm on fire..... and this stupid wind is feeding it! No no no no...... this must've been one of Brother Foehn pranks. It is freakishly clever. Okay Reg just put the fire out...... or I could get him back. A devilish smile began to spread across my face. And the fire began to consume me.

Yuto stepped foot into the realm of light and gazed at his odd looking palace. He looked at the many angels flying around, some were slow moving and others were moving with haste. He spotted a pair of white wings with pink markings on them flying towards him. He recognized them as the wings of his assistant. He said "I thought i gave you the day off. It's apart of the reason i'm here you know." "Relax i got too bored so hand me the list and get going." she replied.

"Hey don't talk to me like that!" He said

"Well someone gotta keep you in check!" she snapped.

"Man you'll always be my cranky assistant. Here's todays assignments, you first prioty is assembling a w

scouting team. I'll go see if i can go catch the portal to the Citadel." Yuto said rushing off through a portal- He covered himself in light and dashed through in the omniverse and then into the portal to the Black Citadel. He noticed far ahead the Wind and Water knight racing. He called to them "The fastest among us will always be me the Light!"
Foehn came screeching to a halt before Arthas. He looked up at him sheepishly and gave him a big goofy smile. "Hehe, umm, sorry about that brother. You know how we can get carried away sometimes. Anything to cheer us up in these trying times, right?" Then the smell of smoke caught in Foehn's nose. He grinned, and looked behind Arthas at Reginald.

"Hahaha, that's what you get Reggie! You always need to be careful of WINDBURN!" At this, Foehn bent over in raucous laughter, unable to contain himself. It was then he heard someone shout "The fastest among us will always be me the Light!" and he turned around to see Yuto coming through the portal at full speed. Hehe, oh boy.
Hearing Yuto screaming only made me more happy. Just more people to see me win. I could see the portals exit and it was closing in quickly. Too quick to be honest. No doubt this is going to be awesome. I began to count down until I arrive at the Citadel. 3... the fire grew. 2.... the portal was in arms reach. 1.... and into the portals exit I went and "crash landed" at the Black Citadel as a ball of fire.
Eleanor trailed behind the others with a blank expression on her face as she glided down on an ice flurry. She sighed and thought to herself, "They're behaving like children!" A small smile appeared on her softening face. "Heh... I suppose that makes the kind of adorable." She looked ahead to see flames upon her brother. "It looks like someone will need cooling down.... again." Eleanor thought to herself, used to her siblings' antics.
Foehn couldn't help but start laughing once again as he watched Reginald crash into the Black Citadel. It was perfect, it looked painful, awkward, and caused much smoke and dust to swirl about. He felt a slight chill as Eleanor arrived beside him. Ella was one of his favorite siblings, not to say he loved any of his siblings less, he loved them all the same, but he just felt a certain bond with Ella for whatever reason.

He looked at her and gave a big goofy grin. "Hey sis, skid mark down there is gonna need some help fanning those flames, I mean, blowing those flames out, hehe." And with that Foehn zoomed down beside Reginald and began grab handfuls of dirt and throwing them on top of Reggie to try and extinguish the flames he had managed to cause.
I remained sprawled out on the ground my eyes closed. I could then feel the dirt being thrown onto me. This was the moment. I opened my eyes and began screaming. I made the bones in my leg melt into water and began worming more.

"My leg! My leg!" I had the toe of my fancy shoes pointing at my face. "Oh my god AAHHH" C'mon Foehn fall for it. I didn't know why I wanted to prank him. He might as well be Knight of Pranks because he could prank anyone. I guess I want to see if the prankster could be pranked.

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Eleanor gave a small giggle, almost inaudible, at Foehn's words. She picked up her pace and joined her playful brother down by the Water Knight's side. The two of them were being quite adorable but enough fun was had, more important business had to take place soon. "That's enough jokes and pranking for now Reginald." Eleanor called down the Frost upon his body, just enough to cool him down and put out any remaining flames, but not enough to completely freeze him.

Despite her chilling tones and demeanor, she sent a wink to Foehn notifying him that she had stopped Reginald from pulling of his prank.
"Aww darn Sister Frost." The bones in my leg return and I slowly stand up. I grab a hold of my nose and close my mouth then try to blow. Water shoots out of my pores and I become drenched. I then throw my arms out and the water drops off me and makes a puddle around my feet. "I see why you love pranks Foehn it's such a rush of excitement!"

I kneel down and look him dead in the eye. "I still won though."

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Standing in such a close proximity to Reginald meant that the water he shot out from his body splashed towards her. As a natural reaction, her hands shot up and the temperature around her immediate vicinity dropped making the water turn to snow and fall to the ground. With a slight look of distaste on her otherwise expressionless face, Eleanor simply turned her back on him and turned towards Foehn.

Placing a hand on his head she said, "Be good for now." As she turned to walk on ahead she fixed Reginald with a pointed stare. "Both of you."
Foehn simply smiled at his brother. "Mhm, I guess you did!" Thinking in the back of his mind, Just wait 'till next time, Reg. Ella's pat on his head made him shiver and left just a little bit of frost on top of his head. When he thought she wasn't looking he stuck his tongue out at Reginald.

After that, Foehn merrily walked beside his brother and sister towards the grand structure that was the Knight of Darkness' Black Citadel. Only Arthas himself could surely describe it in all its glory. In fact, he had forgotten all about this other brother's and sister's in the excitement.

"Hold on guys, we should wait for the others to catch up." With that Feohn spun around and stood patiently waiting for his other siblings.
Arthas appeared in front of them without warning, "When I said you may come in you wish, I mean walk through the portal... not smash into my castle!" He paused "I also said that it's your choice to come, you don't have to wait for any others"
The blood drained out of Foehn's face. "Uh, umm, yes sir. He...he, sorry about all that." Foehn gulped and quickly shuffled along towards the inside of the citadel. He wasn't discourage, he'd just had his wits scared out of him.

Only Arthas could scare him like that. He loved his brother, he just scared the dickens out of him sometimes. Maybe it was because of the element he was in charge of, maybe it was his rugged and stern look, whatever it was unnerved Foehn at times, and made Arthas the only Knight, besides Valeriya, who could bring the Trickster Knight in line without so much as a glance.
Yuto never intended to race them down the portal and was just jogging at a slow pace for himself. He was the next one out of the portal and he said "We'll race next time, when i actually do race. You guys were slower than molasses. Light will always be faster than wind and water, it's just how it is."
Gala stepped through the other side of the portal to watch the child-like fighting of her siblings sprawed out infront of her. She stood back a bit, easily a wall flower in a situation like this, and stared at them as they played. It made her smile slightly, but than after a second her shoulders rounded back and she raised her head and eyes up confidently. Her smile faded into a blank stare and she stood up straighter. Her emotions where gone, for the moment, atleast unvisible from her meer expression. She watched as Arthas appered infront of them and listened as best as she could, but she was slightly distracted by everything else. The one thing she had to consentrate on was her butterflys soild beats in its wings.

Her eyes raised for a moment when they said they didn't have to wait. She supposed, they could have been waiting for her, but now she had arrived at the back. She stepped forward and nodded slightly to Arthas. "Whatever this is about seems important." She cleared her throat and her eyes wandered around, before they come back to the group. "I would say, time is of the essience at the moment, and even thats something hard to change." Gala sighed and looked between all that had decided to come. She hadn't seen them in forever and they hadn't seen her in a hundred times of that. It startled and confused her, but it was something she came to terms with. If it was ever possible, she could teleport back in time those years once she understood everything, but it would unbalance the world and tip the scales of the ominiverse and she could never do something with a chance of that happening.
"Honestly... I only wanted you to come, I planned to catch you up on the events of the last three million years, but I thought the others might want to be around when I boost their Ego" He laughed "Come in, I'll be in the throne room" He said as he faded into the walls of his Citadel and appeared, sitting on his throne
From one meeting to another. Was the thought running through Foehn's mind as he took a seat in Arthas' throne room. I wonder what the plan is going to be for defending the Omniverse. We can't have very long, Chaos doesn't really wait for anyone. Foehn sat quietly contemplating what he would do if Chaos decided to strike his realm first.

I could call on my siblings for help, but they'll be busy defending their own realms. I could teach my Monchank to fight, no they're too gentle hearted for that. Come on, Foehn, think! Think!
Gala walked into the dark castle. A click of her heels echoed with each step she took along the halls, but other than that it felt quiet. She wondered weather the others would follow her or weather they would stay behind and do there normal boasting. She was fine with either at the moment. She took her time to wander into the castle and find the throne room. It wasn’t hard to figure out how this place worked. Her memories of this place when it was barely anything still was the only thing she could see when she looked around. The halls seemed ghostly familiar, but she could trust herself to reach out the touch them. She knew enough about her own realm to know that nothing was as it seemed.

She walked into the Throne room and approached Arthas with a hint of a smile slipping through, and her boring eyes centered on him. “I missed you, but how much else could I have missed in three million years?” She spoke gently, but her words seemed like almost a riddle or a game. It seemed all of them liked to play little games amongst themselves. They may not have the time for it, but it always helped herself to forget about everything else, for atleast a fraction of a moment.
Arthas removed his helmet and revealed his face, there was a scar across it, "A fair bit" He smiled and directed her to sit opposite Foehn.
Gala took her place at the table. When she walked it was as if she glided effortlessly with out much care in the world, but everything was more serious than that. Her eyes darted down as she saw the scar and than raised back up as she took her seat. As soon as she sat down her butterfly deattached this self from her finger and fluttered around her mesmorizingly. It was trying to warn her again, but she didn't listen to it and Gala let it flutter around her hopelessly. She wanted to have a piece of her creation with her, even if she could afford it. It made her feel safer in her skin and caused her mind to stay focused on atleast one thing.
"First off I'd like to say, I'm glad you came back, I knew you weren't dead because your shrine still stands. Second thing is, we are on the eve of war, Chaos is reading to attack, this scar is proof that it's grown fearless" He turned to Foehn, he gave him a look that said it was his turn to explain today's events
Foehn shook his head of his thoughts and stood. "Well, basically, we need some scouts for infiltrating Chaos' ranks to see what we're up against. Which I volunteer my Monchank for, they're not very strong but they're the fastest creatures in the Omniverse! Then, we'll need to work on increasing the defenses of the realms of Metal, Water, Earth, and my own Air. We could use any advice you can give they you've no doubt learned from your many journeys."

Foehn remained standing looking at Gala waiting for her reply.
Gala let out a warm breath of air and looked between them with a cool glaze that meant she was considering her options. She had had an adventure, but in her time all she had was broken fragments of her star children coming to visit her. She had almost been completely alone for eternity’s. She didn’t think anything that she could do could prepare them anymore than what they were already going to face. She was uncertain if she could do anything to help.

Than she glanced at her butterfly and a spark of an idea came into her mind. She thought of a way to protect the Knights who were imposed to the impending threat, even if it cost her quite a bit. She tapped her little finger on her lip in concentration for a few seconds and than spoke with a strong overwhelming confidence. “My realm is protected by the strongest of my kind. The twelve constellations with the most forthcoming power guard the borders from those who dare to enter. I will give two or three to each side that needs the extra protection. I will need a day of rest and will be drained of energy if I do it, but as long as I stay in my own realm I will be safe.” She muttered the last sentence, her words dwindling, but her mind still raging with confidence. She had to help them now; it wasn’t fair that she had abandoned them in this fight so many years ago.

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