The Night Star (Adventure RP)

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Help save the Kingdoms!


At the beginning of existence all the lands were one Kingdom by the name of Castoria. However, the five Kings that ruled over the land bickered over which of them was the most power. In compromise to stop the fighting the wealthy lands stretching from the Mountains of Devor at the north to the Geasin Seas toward the south were divided into five parts. Each part was given a name and a king that would rule it...

There was
Haevin, Luris, Vinor, Arthica, and Phious. Together these kingdoms made of the lands that had once been Castoria.

However, these kingdoms were NOT all that existed. Sleeping dangerously on the edge of the Castoria was S'urian, a country of
heartless Beings living on lands of fire and waste. For generations the gloom of S'urian has clouded the judgment of the Five Kings whom ruled over Castoria.

On one fateful day the fires of S'urian stir and the beings of darkness that inhabit it's lands set out to
destroy the five other kingdoms. A great war broke out, claiming many lives as it swept across the lands.

As a last resort the
Five Great Kings of Castoria gathered for the first time since they split the Kingdom, hoping that there was a way for them to defeat S'urain and end the killing. It was decided that a group of warriors would go behind enemy lines to claim the source of S'urian's strength, the Night Star.

A legendary jewel that gave it's owner extraordinary power.

Each King was allowed to pick a warrior to put into this
group of adventures that must face the dangerous journey. Sending them forth as Castoria's LAST HOPE.

Can they save the Kingdoms?

Or have they finally seen their last day?

Alrighty guys!

So that's basically the main plot of this RP! Romance, fantasy, killing, blood, and a bit of adventure (while staying in the PG-13 area). Who could object to that? Of course other then the main objective of finding the 'night star' the RP is totally open to ideas. How and IF we save the Castorian Kingdoms if completely up to you!

I'm looking for 4 other people... literate and imaginative are a pretty much must have. I will always be accepting people though so don't fret! After all, it DOES take more then 5 people to defend the kingdoms!

So, if you're interested leave a comment below or PM me if you feel like it!

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I'm debating it. I think it would be a good idea since I figure it would be more common but then again, the kings would have pick the ones they favored the most right? Which would be a knight or something. Then again they'd also have picked the one best for the job. Which might be a soldier or something else.

So yeah... most likely.
Hmm... yeah. yeah that could be one. It will depend on the country, would I will elaborate on a bit more later once I make the RP Thread. :)

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