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Fantasy The Next Generation

Tetro said:
Donovan Smith






November 29

God/Goddess spirit:





Donovan is very quiet and observant, not really showing much in terms of extroversion and socializing. When dealing with people who have done something bad or evil or people who have undeserved reward and fortune his temper flares up and the "people person" part of him comes out. He will act violent, manipulative, or cruelly to anyone who he feels has an "unfair" advantage over others or anyone who does something bad. Feeling like he has to be the one to deliver the justice that is needed, he will do so without remorse until it is made right. He inherently feels when things like this occur which causes him to seem mildly paranoid to anyone who spends enough time around him. He gets very passionate and angry in big crowds of people or around politicians, lawyers, and the like. He is big on first impressions and always cares to be equal towards everyone, showing favor to no one in particular. He has an odd fascination with scales and things that balance. (See what I did there?)


Donovan was born to a normal family with two other siblings, his siblings calling him Red for his unique hair color. He went through life well enough as a child, being taken out of school after the constant "bullying" of other students. He kept arguing that they deserved what they got, which only made him look worse. He was home schooled for the rest of his youth, graduating early at the age of sixteen. He had helped his mom write several books during those years, believing it was his job to do his part in the family, so he always got a cut of the pay which saved him from having to get a job. Donovan felt like he the flow of income was unfair and became obsessed with donating enough of it to charities once he discovered the concept of it. He moved out at seventeen to live in his own apartment and enjoy life, spending most of his time studying law in hopes to one day become a judge.




Crush: None


Donovan can provide good luck to anyone with too much bad luck, and vice versa. He is also able to make events occur in order to punish someone who is too arrogant or commits hubris. He can naturally feel when someone has caused an imbalance of things or when they are a cause of it, but he must be able to seem them or be near them. He can cause events and good fortune to people who give something up, and can do the same for himself, as long as the sacrifice is of equal value.

Weapon: A long-sword




Accepted :)

Namé Bodelaire




Namé Bodelaire






November 3rd (Scorpio)

God/dess spirit



Aro Ace N/A

Appearance Notes

Namé's hair is a rich chestnut brown, laced with highlights of red that flare up when the sun hits it. Her skin is a smooth mocha in colour and her build speaks of Moroccan heritage. Her eyes bear an almond shape rather than the round one known to the vast majority of Europe and the Americas, and her lips carry with them the fullness that backs up the heritage. Her forehead is a bit broad and she has a wide face, sharp cheekbones and none of the round shape and softness that is so often considered the height of facial beauty in the western world.

She's tall, well above average height for most girls her age, and built strong. Muscular on top of being big boned she can be a bit intimidating at times. She has a broadness to her shoulders that suggests inborn strength augmented through training and hard work, and her form certainly shows the history of physical training she holds herself to so rigorously. She carries herself with a confidence that sets well into her stance, a sureness to the set of her shoulders, strength of self in the line of her back, a preparedness in the spacing of her stance and lightness on her feet.

Her hair is cropped short so that it rests by her chin. Most expect it to be curly when they meet her parents, despite it being clear that she must be adopted - at least by one of them - but the strands are fine and straight, coarse in nature but with no pension for curling.

In terms of dress she tends to be very compact - all of her clothing is made for purpose, made for movement and with compartments up and down in order to help her attain a state of constant preparation. She enjoys muted colours, browns and burnt oranges, the image of fall over her skin.




92% Introverted

70% Intuitive

84% Thinking

76% Judging

63% Turbulent


Namé is a Ravenclaw primary Gryffindor secondary


Namé is an incredibly focused and determined individual. She's got an incredibly high work ethic and is known for pulling all nighters working on personal projects and training. She can be a bit of a workaholic and her perfectionist nature doesn't help with that one bit - she'll slave over something for hours until she's satisfied that it's up to her standards. It can be both a positive and a negative, honestly - on the one hand she'll work at something until it's absolutely perfected, so if she's jumping into something you know she'll be prepared, and that anything she sets her mind to she'll not only eventually finish, but she'll finish it well. On the other hand she can work herself to the point of exhaustion on one project or another, and will at times forget entirely that other parts of life have to be attended to as well. It's a double edged sword, but then again so are most things in life.

She's also stubborn to a fault and it's hard to get her to budge on something once she's set her mind. She's got a very firm view on the world and it's hard to shake that from her - while she understands that things don’t divide evenly into black and white the shades of gray are pretty easy to group one way or the other, and she doesn't stand for fuzzy uncertainty. A side effect to this is that it's very hard to shake the her opinion of someone, once she forms one. Namé isn't the sort to decide how she feels about someone on the fly, and usually it takes her some time of knowing an individual to form a judgement call on them, but once she's got an idea of who she thinks they are in place it's not likely to change without drastic evidence to support an alternative view.

As Athena reborn she is, of course, very knowledge driven. Her particular interests are science - especially forensics (she can devour texts on the subject with a speed that belies her age) - and law (which she is similarly shoulders deep in reading on). If anything, though, she's picked up the warrior in her Athena and can be straight up aggressive on occasion. A good amount of her time can be spent going with her mother (well, one of them) to the shooting range, or researching weapons development - theory, mostly.


Namé was born to Analetta, a romani woman (whom Namé takes after very clearly in terms of the physical) and an unknown father. Analetta raised Namé on her own for the first several years of her life before meeting her soon-to-be wife (Camille) when Namé was about nine and settling down, and for the first several years of her life Namé was raised in an ever-changing world where her mother travelled from place to place working temporary jobs and staying in with an endless collection of relatives and friends.

By the time Camille came into Analetta and Namé's lives she was thoroughly used to moving about that sticking in one place was strange and took some adjusting to. She was eleven by the time she stopped having a bag packed and ready to go in case it was time to move on again. From there, though, her life settled into a more regular routine. Namé was a voracious learner and devoured just about every subject she could get her hands on, but found herself particularly intrigued by her mother's vast collection of histories and archivist work for several years before she found herself caught up in studies of the law, as prompted by a focus on her step-mother's work.






None, and not really applicable except in a platonic or familial sense



Divine Connection


(mind you, she'd retain her darker skin and build, etc.,)


Enhanced Knowledge

Namé thinks at an accelerated rate and is exceptionally cerebrally gifted thanks to the spirit of Athena living in her bones.

Practical Tactical Brilliance

Athena is specifically known for her tactical knowledge as well as her gifts of wisdom - as a result Namé is gifted at hatching well oiled plans in very short periods of time

Weavers Gift

Similarly she's skilled at a number of crafts which were under Athena's patronage

Cursed Blessings

Like Athena, Namé can, on rare occasion, 'curse' a follower with a protective gift (think Medusa's 'curse' that allowed her to turn men into stone and the ways in which it was more protection than curse and was given to her after Poseidon raped the girl), or 'bless' someone with something that is in reality truly awful (Arachne's being turned into a brilliant weaver for all time but also a giant spider).


A spear and shield duo (why yes, she will be inheriting Athena's Medusa Shield)


Julian Delphiki




Julian Delphiki






June 12th (Gemini)

God/dess spirit



Heterosexual Biromantic, Poly

Appearance Notes

Julian is long and lanky, all tan skin and more lithe muscle than bulk. His hair is a curly mess kept cropped just over his ear tips, though sometimes he'll forget to cut it for a while and it'll grow shaddy and even more untamed than it normally sits. He tends to dress in loose, comfortable clothing that allow for easy movements - lots of blues, generally speaking, though any bright colour (from red to green to some truly appalling shades of yellow) tend to fill his wardrobe at any given moment.




100% Extroverted

70% Intuitive

99% Feeling

98% Prospecting

81% Assertive


Julian is a Gryffindor primary Hufflepuff secondary


Julian is a scoundrel - he's a bit of a prankster, and by 'a bit' I mean completely. He can be a bit headstrong, and often doesn't think before he acts, plunging ahead into whatever venture next takes his fancy without any forethought. He's got a natural talent for trouble, and has from a very young age. This is likely something born from having the spirit of Hermes in his bones, but it certainly helped that his parents (especially his mother) had a deep love of causing trouble as well. He was certainly raised with a healthy appreciation for all forms of mischief.

He's always been a playful personality and often treats things lightly - even things that really ought to be handled with a more serious air. He firmly believes that things are best done for the sake of having fun, and will do his best to make even the most boring task amusing. "If you don't enjoy it find a way to make it entertaining - if you can't do that don't bother" would be a good way to describe his philosophy towards life. He has always been ambitiously un-ambitious - with no true path or goal for his eventual future but with quite a lot of drive for a hundred other side projects, plots, and plans. He's not particularly a fan of hard work, at least not in the traditional sense, and can be somewhat lazy when it comes to getting chores done - requiring some pushing and reminders from his friends. That being said, there are things that can get him to break out the elbow grease, and when he finds an interest in something (or someone) he can be very dedicated and thorough in his pursuit of it. He's quick with a joke but just as quick with a prank or to sneak up behind one of his siblings or friends with the intend to give them a fright.

When it comes to friends and his family he can be somewhat protective, though no less of a prankster - he generally holds the view that it's his place to prank and tease and generally torment them, but that no one else is allowed to mess about with them (or nearly no-one, other family members are obviously excluded from this provided that they don't go too far). He's a very amiable person and the light, mirthful atmosphere he carries with him tends to draw others naturally to his side and if it weren't for his tendency to devolve into excessive prank wars he'd probably be downright popular. When it comes to other's treatment of his friends, however, he has next to no tolerance. He likes to poke fun at them and pull them out of their comfort zones, but tends not to stand for anyone else doing so (especially with close friends). He's always quick (sometimes overly so) to stand up for people (at times even when they don't need standing up for to begin with).


Julian's been fairly well loved and cared for through most of his life. While his family was only modestly well off at best (his mother running a small jokeshop that's been passed down the family line for generations, and his father working as an acting teacher and running improv classes outside of the local university to help pick up the slack didn’t make for lavish vacations, but it did make for rich conversations and fun family nights) it was a bright one filled with long nights of laughter where you'd find yourself turning red from lack of air, and a bright and social environment. He's always had a wide circle of friends, and has been notably outgoing (much to one of the neighborhood kid's displeasure as Julian's rambunctious behavior tended to exhaust and frustrate his frequent (forced) playdate Vasyl until they were old enough to go their (mostly) separate ways



If you ask


he and Vasyl get along GREAT.




None at the moment


Lets see how this develops, hmm?

Divine Connection


(note: The character on the upper right is Julian/Hermes, not the lower left, the person doing the carrying not being carried)


Thief's Touch

Julian is quick with his tongue and even quicker with his hands - he's got light fingers and a talent for slight of hand, most especially when it comes to picking pockets and the like.

Heightened Speed and Stamina

Julian is incredibly fleet on his feet, he can sprint for four times the distance of most humans without tiring (and can often outlast most gods, or at least keep pace with the likes of Artemis who is also known for her speed). He'd give Marathon a run for his money if he'd lived back then.

Picking Up The Call

As the messenger of the gods Julian has exceptionally good hearing and retention. Talk about picking up a whisper on the wind! He can also keep things in his memory for longer than normal, as Hermes is supposed to be able to carry tons missives from his godly family without mixing them up or forgetting them

At Deaths Door

As the new Hermes Julian has free entrance in and out of the underworld, and can see, speak to, and touch spirits of the dead (after all, it's his job to get them to the docks to get on that famous boat across the river Styx)

Light On His Feet

Like Hermes, Julian has winged ankles that allow him to fly

Silver Tongue

Julian is an excellent liar, and has a bit of 'charm speak' so to speak - similar to that of the original Hermes who has talked himself out of a number of scrapes in his mythos (similar to many trickster gods of which he kinda/sorta fits the profile)

Liar's Lyre

Inventive and musically gifted (as these are the traits which allowed Hermes to become a god rather than being slain), while Julian doesn't have Apollo's mastery of music and rhyme he can pick up most instruments with out much trouble, and is even better at improvising new ones out of whatever materials are created around him

You Are Here

As god of Travelers, Wanderers, and the Lost Julian has an incredibly good sense of direction - he's a living compass.


A pair of leaf blade daggers suited for hand to hand fighting or throwing

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Character sheet=

Name: Evelyn Jackson (If the name or surname is already used, i can change it)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthday: 15th of October

God/Goddess spirit: Hephaestus, God of blacksmiths and fire.

Sexuality: Straight, could probably change to bisexual.

Personality: Evelyn is a quite girl when you first meet her, but once she gets to known you, Evelyn will open up to you. Probably wont stop talking. She is mostly interested in sciences, technology especially Physics and loves to invent things. Evelyn mostly gets mad when offended, she isn`t one to shut up and not say her opinion because of her anger. She sometimes doesn`t think before speaking because of her anger making her regret what she says. Evelyn is also a bookworm, she reads mystery, sci-fi and adventures. She doesn`t care about looks and is not one for dressing up because she doesn`t go to events needed for being dressed up. Evelyn prefers to stay in comfy closets because lets face it when your doing engineering in the garage, wearing high-heals or a pretty dress isn`t the best choice.

Biography: Evelyn`s mother died in child birth (Mother`s name is Victoria). Her father is a car engineer (Father`s name is James), who got her interested in Sciences. James had raised her as a single father, so she lacked the feeling of a mother`s touch. Because of this she gets nervous and doesn`t know how to react when a woman acts like a mother figure to her. Evelyn goes to normal school and has a few friends. She does well in school and rarely gets in trouble.

Friendships: Just a few school friends.

Rivalries: None

Relationship: None

Crush: None yet..

Powers: (I searched the powers of Hephaestus and given the same powers to Evelyn)

1) Can control fire

2) Has a bit of super human strength.

3) Has the ability to manufacture things easily.

Weapon: (real life)



3rd sword


Appearance: -Black hair

- Wears Jeans and comfy shirts.

- Blue eyes




(Real life)





(Real life) - just darker hair.

Shot25 said:
Character sheet=
Name: Evelyn Jackson (If the name or surname is already used, i can change it)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthday: 15th of October

God/Goddess spirit: Hephaestus, God of blacksmiths and fire.

Sexuality: Straight, could probably change to bisexual.

Personality: Evelyn is a quite girl when you first meet her, but once she gets to known you, Evelyn will open up to you. Probably wont stop talking. She is mostly interested in sciences, technology especially Physics and loves to invent things. Evelyn mostly gets mad when offended, she isn`t one to shut up and not say her opinion because of her anger. She sometimes doesn`t think before speaking because of her anger making her regret what she says. Evelyn is also a bookworm, she reads mystery, sci-fi and adventures. She doesn`t care about looks and is not one for dressing up because she doesn`t go to events needed for being dressed up. Evelyn prefers to stay in comfy closets because lets face it when your doing engineering in the garage, wearing high-heals or a pretty dress isn`t the best choice.

Biography: Evelyn`s mother died in child birth (Mother`s name is Victoria). Her father is a car engineer (Father`s name is James), who got her interested in Sciences. James had raised her as a single father, so she lacked the feeling of a mother`s touch. Because of this she gets nervous and doesn`t know how to react when a woman acts like a mother figure to her. Evelyn goes to normal school and has a few friends. She does well in school and rarely gets in trouble.

Friendships: Just a few school friends.

Rivalries: None

Relationship: None

Crush: None yet..

Powers: (I searched the powers of Hephaestus and given the same powers to Evelyn)

1) Can control fire

2) Has a bit of super human strength.

3) Has the ability to manufacture things easily.

Weapon: (real life)



3rd sword


Appearance: -Black hair

- Wears Jeans and comfy shirts.

- Blue eyes




(Real life)





(Real life) - just darker hair.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.c7a305328187c85352b551237ce69804.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.c7a305328187c85352b551237ce69804.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Tansy Summer Cali






June 20th

God/Goddess spirit:





Tansy is 5'5 ft and weights 121 lbs.. She is a lanky girl with little muscle and is very flexible. Tansy has natural blonde curly hair and sharp grey eyes.


Tansy is a spunky girl who has a silver tongue that helps her get out of a lot of things. She is brutally honest but doesn't mean to be. Things just slip out sometimes. Tansy is sly and mischievous, always getting into something she shouldn't be sticking her nose into. She is a bit of a coward and not a big fan of fight, for she rather talk things out before turning to violence. Also, Tansy is secretive and doesn't like spilling things about herself, but she can keep a secret very eaisly.


Tansy grew up in an average house with her salon shop owning mother and top mailman father. Nothing really exciting happened in the girl's life until she reached the age of 12 and realized she was really good at persuading people. It all started when she was at school and Tansy realized she forgot her homework again.

Tansy knew this would mean a detention and started to panic. When the teacher came over to collect her paper, she felt a sudden urge kick in, and she successfully persuaded the teacher to give her one more day for the assignment. This was the first of many persuasion attempts. Tansy would use her silver tongue to get out of trouble from everyone, except her parents.

For some reason, Tansy could never bring herself to persuade her parents to think other wise of anything, it just didn't feel right. So she did get grounded from time to time and had to do her chores but that was alright for the girl.

When Tansy was 14 and in high school, her persuasion tactic didn't go so well. There was boy at school who her friend really liked. So she thought she would use her skill and get the boy to ask her friend out. Well, unfortunately the boy took her words the wrong way and asked her out instead. Tansy turned him down of course but alas that wasn't the last to see him.

As the crime rate started going up, Tansy didn't pay it much attention and was getting ready for Homecoming. Before even getting into the school she was kidnapped by that same boy and taken to his house. He tried to rape her but Tansy made him think for a moment before grabbing a nearby lamp and hitting him with it.

Tansy ran off and went home telling her parents what happen. The boy was arrested, but Tansy still felt uneasy. Since then she lived her life normally but is still cautious of men, and doesn't persuaded as many people as she use to.


Her Peitho spirit is close to the spirt of Aphrodite




Single like a Pringle




Deepest Wants

Tansy has the ability to detect what people want to hear and usually uses that as her advantage when trying to persuade. It's not always accurate which makes her sound stupid.

Fast Speed

Tansy is a bit quicker than the average human making it easier for her to run away. Although if Tansy does run the fastest she can, she gets tired very easily.

Charm Speak

Sometimes when Tansy tries to persuade it comes out more like flirting and gives people the wrong idea. She does use this ability if she sees a cute boy.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.ffc2e8e0a2e130ea2718748178607e93.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107029" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.ffc2e8e0a2e130ea2718748178607e93.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.adc7163824ed086f6370cf1a4b7909fa.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.adc7163824ed086f6370cf1a4b7909fa.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I like red :D



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Aero said:

View attachment 239002


Tansy Summer Cali






June 20th

God/Goddess spirit:





Tansy is 5'5 ft and weights 121 lbs.. She is a lanky girl with little muscle and is very flexible. Tansy has natural blonde curly hair and sharp grey eyes.


Tansy is a spunky girl who has a silver tongue that helps her get out of a lot of things. She is brutally honest but doesn't mean to be. Things just slip out sometimes. Tansy is sly and mischievous, always getting into something she shouldn't be sticking her nose into. She is a bit of a coward and not a big fan of fight, for she rather talk things out before turning to violence. Also, Tansy is secretive and doesn't like spilling things about herself, but she can keep a secret very eaisly.


Tansy grew up in an average house with her salon shop owning mother and top mailman father. Nothing really exciting happened in the girl's life until she reached the age of 12 and realized she was really good at persuading people. It all started when she was at school and Tansy realized she forgot her homework again.

Tansy knew this would mean a detention and started to panic. When the teacher came over to collect her paper, she felt a sudden urge kick in, and she successfully persuaded the teacher to give her one more day for the assignment. This was the first of many persuasion attempts. Tansy would use her silver tongue to get out of trouble from everyone, except her parents.

For some reason, Tansy could never bring herself to persuade her parents to think other wise of anything, it just didn't feel right. So she did get grounded from time to time and had to do her chores but that was alright for the girl.

When Tansy was 14 and in high school, her persuasion tactic didn't go so well. There was boy at school who her friend really liked. So she thought she would use her skill and get the boy to ask her friend out. Well, unfortunately the boy took her words the wrong way and asked her out instead. Tansy turned him down of course but alas that wasn't the last to see him.

As the crime rate started going up, Tansy didn't pay it much attention and was getting ready for Homecoming. Before even getting into the school she was kidnapped by that same boy and taken to his house. He tried to rape her but Tansy made him think for a moment before grabbing a nearby lamp and hitting him with it.

Tansy ran off and went home telling her parents what happen. The boy was arrested, but Tansy still felt uneasy. Since then she lived her life normally but is still cautious of men, and doesn't persuaded as many people as she use to.


Her Peitho spirit is close to the spirt of Aphrodite




Single like a Pringle




Deepest Wants

Tansy has the ability to detect what people want to hear and usually uses that as her advantage when trying to persuade. It's not always accurate which makes her sound stupid.

Fast Speed

Tansy is a bit quicker than the average human making it easier for her to run away. Although if Tansy does run the fastest she can, she gets tired very easily.

Charm Speak

Sometimes when Tansy tries to persuade it comes out more like flirting and gives people the wrong idea. She does use this ability if she sees a cute boy.


View attachment 239025


View attachment 239026

I like red :D

Nathan Neil






August 15

God/Goddess spirit:





Nathan was raised to be a gentlemen and kind person. He will always try to talk things out, instead of getting his hands dirty. He's head strong and confident. He will always do what he thinks is right. Even though he is raised to be a gentlemen and kind, he was also raised to fight for himself, and the ones he love. When it comes to his friends and family, he won't hesitate to defend them.


Nathan was raised in a two parent household. He didn't struggle much growing up. He mother raised him to be kind and a gentlemen, while his father taught him to fight for what he believes in and for his friends and family. His father was a mixed martial arts master, trained in many different arts. His father trained him how to fight on his free time before school, after he finished his homework, and even after work. Nathan became a strong young man due to his loving parents. He had many friends at school as well. As his high school graduation gift. His parents gave him a two way ticket to Greece, because Nathan always felt an attraction to the Greek culture. The rest of his story begins after is flight lands.


His spirit is close to the spirits of Hades and Poseidon




His spirit is connected to the spirit of Hera




Nathan can manipulate the sky and Lightning


Zeus' Lightning Bolt


Zeus' Shield "Aegis"


Zeus' Gauntlets








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Name: Felicita Aros / Helena Grace

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Birthday: Always has a different birthday with each identity. Currently it is the 1st of March. She has long since forgotten her real birth date.

Goddess spirit: Despoina

Sexuality: Asexual, or at least has thus far never expressed an honest interest in anyone. She has flirted, toyed, and everything else with all genders equally, though this is not out of actual interest in the person, usually only because a job required it.

Personality: Mysterious, observant, secretive. Pretends to be open, friendly, bubbly. Once her powers awaken it will be near impossibly to see past her masks.

Biography: With a name that means Good Fortune, you would expect that Felicita had a great past. However, Felicita has always been a bit of a mystery. She rarely ever mentions anything about her past, anything she ever shared tended to cause more questions and confusion, but she most certainly isn't one to indulge strangers with even a sliver of her past. Half the time Felicita goes by a fake name as well.

Truth of the matter is that Felicita ran away from home at a young age for no real reason at all, together with a large sum of her parents' money to survive.

She traveled quite a bit and managed to hitch rides to get past the borders from her home country Italy into other countries without being detected. She has traveled quite a bit over time, but right now is stationed in Athens, working as a tour guide. This however is mostly just a front. Her actual job is working with certain underground organizations. Felicita has always had the need to shroud herself in mystery and secrets, and was good at figuring out what secrets others might have. As such she became a good asset to the underground organizations she associates herself with, giving her plenty of red in her ledger. It also made it easier for her to take up different fake identities and hide in plain sight.

At the moment she goes by the name of Helena Grace.

Friendships: N/A

Rivalries: Once she meets the spirit of Persephone there will be a sense of dislike, a feeling of rivalry, based on the past where Demeter's attention was strongly focused on Persephone, and Despoina and her brother (the divine horse Arion) were ignored.

She will also have a natural dislike towards the spirit of Poseidon for having forced himself on Demeter, resulting in her and Arion's birth. (This may change over time)

Relationship: N/A

Crush: N/A

Powers: Has the ability to understand and fully communicate with horses.

Can extract secrets from others while remaining shrouded in secrets and crafting perfect lies herself.

Knows when someone is trying to hide something of value.

Weapon: Small blades hidden on her person primarily used for throwing.





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Olissa said:
WIP, Will complete once I can use a laptop instead of a mobile device
Name: Felicita Aros / Helena Grace

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Birthday: tbd

Goddess spirit: Despoina

Sexuality: Asexual, or at least has thus far never expressed an honest interest in anyone. She has flirted, toyed, and everything else with all genders equally.

Personality: mysterious, observant, secretive. Pretends to be open, friendly, bubbly. Once her powers awaken it will be near impossibly to see past her masks.

Biography: With a name that means Good Fortune, you would expect that Felicita had a great past. However, Felicita has always been a bit of a mystery. She rarely ever mentions anything about her past, anything she ever shared tended to cause more questions and confusion, but she most certainly isn't one to indulge strangers with even a sliver of her past. Half the time Felicita goes by a fake name as well.

Truth of the matter is that Felicita ran away from home at a young age for no real reason at all, together with a large sum of her parents' money to survive.

She traveled quite a bit and managed to hitch rides to get past the borders from her home country Italy into other countries without being detected. She has traveled quite a bit over time, but right now is stationed in Athens, working as a hotel manager. This however is mostly just a front. Her actual job is working with certain underground organizations. Felicita has always had the need to shroud herself in mystery and secrets, and was good at figuring out what secrets others might have. As such she became a good asset to the underground organizations she associates herself with, giving her plenty of red in her ledger. It also made it easier for her to take up different fake identities and hide in plain sight.


Rivalries: Once she meets ate spirit of Persephone there will be a sense of dislike, a feeling of rivalry, based on the past where Demeter's attention was strongly focused on Persephone, and Despoina and her brother (the divine horse Arion) were ignored.

She will also have a natural dislike towards the spirit of Poseidon for having forced himself on Demeter, resulting in her and Arion's birth. (This may change over time)

Relationship: N/A

Crush: N/A

Powers: Has the ability to understand and fully communicate with horses. And can extract secrets from others while remaining shrouded in secrets and crafting perfect lies herself.

Weapon: tbd

Appearance: images will be added later.


Accepted so far
[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
Nathan Neil






August 15

God/Goddess spirit:





Nathan was raised to be a gentlemen and kind person. He will always try to talk things out, instead of getting his hands dirty. He's head strong and confident. He will always do what he thinks is right. Even though he is raised to be a gentlemen and kind, he was also raised to fight for himself, and the ones he love. When it comes to his friends and family, he won't hesitate to defend them.


Nathan was raised in a two parent household. He didn't struggle much growing up. He mother raised him to be kind and a gentlemen, while his father taught him to fight for what he believes in and for his friends and family. His father was a mixed martial arts master, trained in many different arts. His father trained him how to fight on his free time before school, after he finished his homework, and even after work. Nathan became a strong young man due to his loving parents. He had many friends at school as well. As his high school graduation gift. His parents gave him a two way ticket to Greece, because Nathan always felt an attraction to the Greek culture. The rest of his story begins after is flight lands.


His spirit is close to the spirits of Hades and Poseidon




His spirit is connected to the spirit of Hera




Nathan can manipulate the sky and Lightning


Zeus' Lightning Bolt


Zeus' Shield "Aegis"


Zeus' Gauntlets








He is accepted, sorry.

Name: Ciara Abana

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Birthday: 21st December

God/Goddess spirit: Nyx

Sexuality: Demisexual

Personality: Nyx is a calm person, who rarely gets truly angry. She prefers to avoid confrontation, and instead watches, only intervening if she feels it is necessary. She is quite a motherly person towards her friends, and people she cares about, and, though she may chastise them if they do something stupid, she only does it because she cares. She can seem stoic at first glance, but really she just finds it hard to show her affection. She loves the stars, and enjoys studying them at night, as well as caring for nocturnal animals. Many of them have gathered in her garden, and she has a small sanctuary for them.

Biography: Nyx grew up in a normal household, with distant parents that let her get on with whatever she wanted. She was mainly raised by herself, and learnt to cook, clean up after herself, and care for any injuries she sustained. it was because of this that she never had any friends, as she couldn't abide how immature children her age could be. She grew a resentment to her parents over the years, and when she was old enough she left her home, and travelled to Austria to study.

Friendships: N/A



Crush: TBD


-She has absolute power over shadows, and can even turn into

-She can control nocturnal animals

-She gains power in darkness

-She is able to see clearly in the dark

Weapon: She doesn't have an actual weapon, but instead uses darkness to create certain weapons, such as a sword or bow.





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Name: Alexei Slivna

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Birthday: June 30th

God/Goddess spirit: Morpheus

Sexuality: Polysexual

Personality: Alexei is a fun person, who can be bouncy if he gets the right amount of sleep. Trouble is, his perfect amount of sleep is 24 hours, so much of the time he is tired. In this state he is very mellow and relaxed, often seen as being an idiot. However, he is a dutiful person, and dedicates as much time as is needed to a task, not stopping until it is completed, and takes issues very seriously. He enjoys reading philosophy, and is such very well acquainted with both Greek and English, as well as French. He is kind, and prefers not to fight people, as he always tries to see the good in others.

Biography: Alexei was born in Russia, to a single mother. She was kind, but had to work a lot to support them. As soon as he was old enough to get a job, he started to work at a local shop, but he was often fired for falling asleep during work hours. Eventually, he managed to save up enough money to go to university, and managed to win a part scholarship to Belogrod State University.

Friendships: His spirit has an emotional connection with Ciara's

Rivalries: N/A

Relationship: N/A

Crush: TBD


-He can cause hallucinations, and make his enemies see what he wants them to see

-He uses a drink made from the poppy to induce sleep

-In dreams he has absolute power

Weapon: He has no conventional weapon, instead preferring to trap his opponents in Inception style dreams.






(My BBcode is freaking out, in case you couldn't tell.)
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All's been filled out for Despoina, her personality isn't as elaborate as I'd normally do, I hope to write that out some other time.

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