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Fandom The Next Generation of Potters

[QUOTE="Gabriel Leko]Ayyy what's happening?

The Hat just sang its song, we firmed up which teachers are who, and the BTT have posted their applications and are now typing the introduction
Ugh sorry that was embarrassing. I was really excited to get back in the thick of things lol (' :) ) I will read the rest of the posts and then change anything necessary. Apologies, hehe.
It's all good, no worries! I think we decided that there's going to eventually be a love triangle between Evelyn, James, and Aria as well, if that's okay with you?
Raina said:
Sitting inbetween Rose and James, Evelyn turned her attention to the Sorting Ceremony, listening respectfully and cheering for the first years. (A bit louder when one of them was sorted into Gryffindor of course.) After the excitement of the Sorting had calmed, Evelyn addressed James and Rose while scooping piles of food on her plate.
"What was that all about?" She asked, referring to the tension in the corridor.
Hey! Welcome back! It's totally cool, also I wrote Rose as a Ravenclaw if that's ok with you.

Yes, yeah everything's fine by me. :) Just disregard anything in my post that doesn't fit, I'm getting caught up now. :)


Okay! My post is edited, let me know if there is anything else I missed, I'm pretty sure I'm caught up...hetalia...france... the trio...Happy Birthday!...James x Aria...James x Evelyn...etc...
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Raina said:
Yes, yeah everything's fine by me. :) Just disregard anything in my post that doesn't fit, I'm getting caught up now. :)

Okay! My post is edited, let me know if there is anything else I missed, I'm pretty sure I'm caught up...hetalia...france... the trio...Happy Birthday!...James x Aria...James x Evelyn...etc...
Thanks! You missed a lot but thank you for remembering my birthday in your catching up!
Okay... Trio update (aka the reason this RP is at a standstill): we are slowly but surely bridging the time gap between entering Hogwarts, and the sorting, and all that good stuff. There's a 'fight scene' and some wondering, and though it may be long, I think timeline wise it is accurate. We should get done with it by the end of this week, but please don't hold us to that. Real life and availability is causing delays, but we're trying.
indiedarling said:
alright, we'll just stall at the sorting i guess
I'm sorry guys... Our schedules are clashing a lot.... I have choir practice tonight, Kitty has had some sports things, and I think Jazz is on a different time zone then us... Bare with us, we be trying....
OK we are so close to actually finishing! I know I said that last week, but they're about to come in through the door, we're just having time zone problems I think ....
I'm assuming, go ahead and post and what not. I'm waiting for the GM to notice my character :/ I'm the Thornheart kid.
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