The New Wolves (Rexmagic and PhantomxxxKodomo)


New Member
*He walked around Ralph's Convenient Store awaiting the God of discounts to leave. He was dressed in a sleeveless black shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans that were torn at the knee-caps some due to previous fights. His hair a pure white in color as a few strands fell over his light blue eyes which were shielded by a pair of thin red framed glasses. He looked over the discounted goods and smirked as he found his target, the honor sealed special seasoned duck. The god slowly walks out, the double doors swinging open a few times before closing.He dashed out quite quickly, despite his wishes he had received a nom de guerre of "The Alpha". Why it was given to him was unknown. Was it because he was the brother of the famous wolf who recently retired whom went by the title Wizard? Who can say. All he cared about was his dinner for the night as his stomach roared loudly.*
((I'm sorry if this sucks, but I'm kind of brain dead right now. Sorry for taking awhile to post!))

xxxxWearing a heavy, over sized black sweater, the hood concealing light brown eyes along with flowing long, black hair that would fall into ringlets just above hip level, if it weren't tied up into a neat yet messy bun on top her head and hidden away, her figure looking almost masculine rather then feminine as she stood outside Ralph's Convenient Store in the darkness of the streets, the slightest light emitting from inside the store shone out on her. Allowing others to see what else she wore, which consisted of a not so stylish pair of baggy, black sweatpants rolled up to just below her knees and rocking a pair of red converses, with black laces. Shoving her hands into her overly large hood pockets she rocked ever so slightly on her heels as she peered into the store; Observing everyone and everything within it. The brilliant, pure white hair of one of the males stood out like a sore thumb, her eyes observing him and processing any information on how to possibly successfully snatch one of the discounted goods. With this being her first time experiencing what her older brother always raved about and his hardships of getting to were he got, plus all the training he had to go through, she'd just sit back and observe the actual scene before stepping in and trying it herself.

xxxxTurning on the balls of her feet she took the few steps towards the sliding doors, coming to a halt she awaited the doors to slide open before stepping into the store. Once inside her eyes fell back on the white haired boy, and her attention solely on him as she ambled down one of the many isles. Until she reached the end, in which she turned to the shelf stocked up with instant Ramen. Tilting her head back, not allowing her hood to falter of fall off her head she pretended to be interested and having an utterly hard time at picking out what flavor she should get. But her undivided attention was on those around the store. She knew all the rules, and wouldn't step in and for that, dinner that night would be something plain and simple; Instant Ramen.
*A fight ensues for dinner as he soon stopped running and began walking.he dodged each punch thrown at him and snickered.He waited to fight the last one standing so he allowed the other wolves to take each other down.Soon the sound of screeching could be heard as a boar enters the scene.She came barreling down the aisle with a shopping cart.He sighed heavily and looked to the over-sized woman behind the cart.He began to unwind two long chains that were used as a belt from around his waist,he wrapped one around each arm slowly as the boar made her way to him.He held up his now chain covered arms,no flesh of his arms showing at all as he held them in a boxing guard.He used the chains to stop the boar in her tracks,the chains digging into his arms as she continued trying to push through him,blood trickling down his arms as the chains broke the skin some.He moved one arm which redirected all the energy she used to get past him and sling shotted her towards the aisle beside him,sadly he didn't notice a person there,standing in front of instant ramen to be exact.He turned quickly,he was unable to catch the boar due to the enormous energy so he opened his mouth yelling*Watch out!*Despite being in the middle of a war over food he still showed his warning he turned to see only one person standing.He walked over,removing the chains and tying them around his waist yet again.He smirked cracking his knuckles as the two began fighting,punches of the opponent grazing my cheek as he pushed a punch into the opponents stomach causing them to puke some.I then took this chance to grab the honor seal,there by ending the fight.* 
he then took his chance to grab the honor sealed bento, there by ending the fight**

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