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Realistic or Modern The New Parent Squad


The Baddest Tsundere
Roleplay Type(s)






Ah parenthood. It's the time where you have major responsibilities on your shoulder and unbalanced sleeping hours. However, your child makes it all worth it. The smiles and giggles make all of your troubles go away. Enjoy the innocent age now because you're in for a handful.

A group of seven parents are a different bunch when it comes to parental styles. The parents used to be friends in college, but years later they meet up once again to realize they all have kids. Whether out of wedlock or years of planning, they decided it was a great idea to bring their kids together for a play date. What an eventful day.




Okay this is just an idea that I came up with. I haven't seen too many parent related roleplays on this site (unless they're flying right over my head) so I decided to come up with one! Granted, not everyone is a fan of kids so I don't expect everybody to hop on board immediately. I just thought this would be a pretty fun idea to get together. There are seven spots so I hope everyone has an opportunity.

Rules are boring so I'll make it simple:

? This is NOT a first come first serve! Having just a 'pretty chara sheet' ain't gonna cut it yo. Bring some creativity, honey.

? Pls respect the gm, players, and site's regulations

? Don't say you're in then bail. It's knot cute :/

? This is a detailed rp so please at least have over a paragraph



The Super Dad

Need any pampers, binkies, or bottles? This Dad is ready for anything. A tantrum or two isn't going to sway his motion. He's always the parent who gives advice towards any parent nightmare. When things fall apart with his child, he's always able to bounce back.

Status :

The Mighty Mom

Much like the Super Dad, this Mother has been through thick and thin to take care of her children. Throughout all of the tough situations, she's still a great Mother to her kids. However, she tends to talk about her family all of the time. She can't help it, they're pretty awesome.

Status :

The Hot Mess

Oh god, how do you change a diaper again? This parent doesn't have the slightest clue on how to take care of a baby. They never had much experience around children. This is the type of parent who would drive off somewhere and forget that the baby was on top of the car roof.

Status :

The Double Whammy

This parent is different from the others for one reason. Twins! Whether they are good at their job or not, they will most likely have double the trouble. Hopefully they won't confuse their babies on which is which. This is the type of parent who dresses up their kids in the latest baby fashion.

Status :

The Old School Parent

This parent knows it all. Old school remedies to heal their sick child, different swaddling methods so the baby can get a good night's sleep, and the hand-me-down clothes and toys. This parent mostly likely has more experience than the other parents and they are also the most strict.

Status :

The Paranoid Mom

Oh you want to hold the baby? Put on some hand sanitizer. This mother doesn't let any harm whatsoever to come towards this child. Germs? Animals? Nosy people? Back off! This is the kind of parent who nearly dies if their child catches a cold or eats a hot cheetoh.

Status :

The Relaxed Parent

Huh? Where's Timmy? Ah, he's probably around here somewhere. This parent is basically peaceful when it comes to raising a child and making sure they aren't in danger. Yes, this is the parent that probably lets their kids run around without any shoes. These child's parent knows their child well and always know that the baby is in good hands.

Status : Open

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That hot mess and double whammy caught mi ojito.

any idea when the thread will be up? no rush, just wondering so i can get started on my cs (:

[QUOTE="no vacancy]

any idea when the thread will be up? no rush, just wondering so i can get started on my cs (:

Monday most likely c:

@MikkiAli Just a quick question what exactly is the age range going to be? I generally play an Older character so just wanted see how far it would go.
Lord Shaxx] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20644-mikkiali/ said:
@MikkiAli[/URL] You know... Strangely this grabs my attention.
-laughs evilly- eeeeeeeexcellent

Lord Shaxx] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20644-mikkiali/ said:
@MikkiAli[/URL] Just a quick question what exactly is the age range going to be? I generally play an Older character so just wanted see how far it would go.
Hmmm haven't figured that out at the moment actually. You can be as young as 18 then up to 35 most likely. Whichever y'all prefer. Just don't be 12 or 81 ya know?

MikkiAli said:
Hmmm haven't figured that out at the moment actually. You can be as young as 18 then up to 35 most likely. Whichever y'all prefer. Just don't be 12 or 81 ya know?

Wait I thought in the plot they were college friends.
MikkiAli said:
Yeah I know, I haven't figured out ages yet. I was thinking of when they had their babies

Alrighty, sorry if I stepped on any toes. I surely didn't intend too
I'm interested and would love to reserve the "Hot Mess" or "Paranoid mom" (I had an idea on where to go with this one, A mix of old-school and paranoid)

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