Justice RIDES AGAIN!!!
The following is a first draft document of the curricular standards for the classes at AEGIS, modeled after real world curriculum standards that are part of my day job. The first part is a mission statement for each class and the second part is divided up into specific benchmarks for mastery. In the style of one of the workshops we did to try and make sense of common core, all the verbs are boldfaced and their direct objects underlined. The idea is that this makes complex benchmarks easier to digest, and once digested, quicker to review. None of this is set in stone, obviously. I am reasonably comfortable with the standards for CD&Y and EC classes, but I am open to suggestions there also. For classes I don't write/live with the writer of the teacher for, consider this a point of departure. If you have strong feelings about important stuff I left out, or about weird stuff I put in, I'd like input on making it better. Even if you don't play a teacher, in game or in real life, multiple eyes on this would be good.
My goal here is to support the 'grade report' mission. If we are going to finally settle down and discuss student performance, it would be good to have some benchmarks for talking points, it seems to me.
I can't seem to tag anybody, which is frustrating, but I guess I will try tagging in chat... without further ado, here is the proposed curriculum:
AGS-CD 108 Mission Statement:
The collateral damage curriculum covers interaction with the physical environment and the importance of taking steps to minimize the effect thereon by interactions between supers. Students will learn basic principles of civil engineering, recognizing the relative value and vulnerability of various aspects of the modern urban environment. Practical aspects of individual powers in minimizing unintended consequences will also be tailored to individual students.
AGS-EC 108 Mission Statement:
The emotional composure curriculum focuses on the importance of maintaining control of the natural reactions of the human mind, both in dangerous situations and in de-escalation of potentially dangerous situations. Effects of emotional state on power expression and mitigation of those effects will also be covered.
AGS-MD 108 Mission Statement:
The mental discipline curriculum is designed to force students to learn to focus on the task at hand, regardless of distraction. Defusing a ticking time bomb in the middle of a fire fight during Mardi Gras? That might be good enough for James Bond, but Super-Heroes have to be better than that.
AGS-PD 108 Mission Statement:
Also known as gym class, the purpose of Physical Discipline is to push students to their limits, whatever those limits might be. Learning how to use what they have most effectively and efficiently, shaving their obstacle course times down from microseconds to nanoseconds, pushing their lift records from kilotons to megatons, or just dropping fat and building muscle until they are in tip top physical condition. This class is second only to Mental Discipline in keeping students alive in the real world.
AGS-CS 108 Mission Statement:
Community Service seeks to inculcate a sense of civic duty into young supers. As such, any teacher of this class must seek to bring the students out into the community and foster the development of ties with a wide variety of normals in wide variety of roles. Studies show that supers with deep roots in the community seldom go rogue, and from time to time, they save the world.
AGS-FA 108 Mission Statement:
First Aid focuses on the basics of battlefield medicine. The core of the class is techniques of stemming blood loss and maintaining circulation of the blood to keep the brain oxygenated. Secondary topics to be treated include: safe transport of injured individuals, proper precautionary immobilization prior to transport, basic heuristics for triage during a mass casualty event, and mental status evaluation tests for concussion and post traumatic stress.
AGS-PP 108 Mission Statement:
Political powers is arguably the most important subject for young supers to learn, and unfortunately tends to get the least respect. Students typically do not have the perspective necessary to understand the importance of history in how supers came to occupy their current place in society, or how delicate the balance of power actually is. It is the job of the Political Powers teacher to guide students towards a deep understanding of this history in order that they understand the logical and moral necessity that they personally work toward maintaining that balance by understanding their rights and upholding their responsibilities.
AGS-HNK 108 Mission Statement:
Personal combat training is critical for any student planning to deal with super-villains in the real world, but by and large, not killing is about restraint. For students with more power than a weapon of mass destruction, the key is not learning to hit harder, but how to hit just hard enough. At the same time, the flip side of not killing is not allowing oneself to be killed by showing too much restraint. As such, HNK class is always about finding exactly where to toe the line between life and death, both for your assailant, and for yourself
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-CD2-1: Analyze structural damage to best support the remaining structure to minimize the potential loss of life
AGS-CD2-2: Use heuristics and approximations to quickly estimate the time until failure for a damaged piece of infrastructure
AGS-CD2-3: Apply scientific and engineering ideas to rapidly design an improvised device from available materials that minimizes the force during a collision, then evaluate the results.
AGS-CD2-4: Use mathematical representations of stress and strain to describe and predict the maximal forces objects can withstand.
AGS-CD2-5: Plan and conduct an investigation to determine worst case scenarios for a variety of common infrastructural failures
AGS-CD2-6: Communicate scientific and technical information about aftermath of various well known A6G23 incidents and their consequences.
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-EC3-1: Create a psychological model to ameliorate the stress involved when coping with personal losses.
AGS-EC3-2: Develop and use mental techniques to reduce the emotional reaction to various stimuli without reducing empathy scores on standard tests.
AGS-EC3-3: Design and refine an exercise regimen that can be adhered to daily, to reduce stress hormones.
AGS-EC3-4: Plan and conduct an investigation into basic human psychology to demonstrate examples of all the fundamental emotional states of which humans are capable.
AGS-EC3-5: Develop and perform a skit of two or more individuals interacting in high tension circumstances to illustrate the techniques of de-escalation of emotional stakes
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-MD8-1: Focus on cognitive puzzles while excluding distracting details.
AGS-MD8-2: Develop and use mental techniques to increase the perceptual acuity in a chaotic environment.
AGS-MD8-3: Develop and practice pain management strategies to reduce imprecision on tests of recall under increasing levels of stimuli.
AGS-MD8-4: Practice voluntary restraint of power manifestations during simulated limiter failure under various stressors.
AGS-MD8-5: Practice precise control applications of powers under various stressors
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-PD4-1: Analyze personal limitations under controlled conditions to maximize potential speed and power.
AGS-PD4-2: Use all available resources to reduce the time for completion of a standardized obstacle course significantly from initial attempt.
AGS-PD4-3: Apply knowledge of principals, strategies and tactics to maximize physical performance.
AGS-PD4-4: Use various sports to demonstrate competence in a wide variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
AGS-PD4-5: Design a regimen to maintain proper diet and exercise for life after AEGIS
AGS-PD4-6: Develop appreciation for physical recreation for both lifetime health and self expression.
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-CS7-1: Demonstrate critical thinking and practical problem solving skills under real world conditions.
AGS-CS7-2: Create reports on community resources and identify areas of strength and weaknesses
AGS-CS7-3: Document services rendered to improve a community resource documented in CS7-2
AGS-CS7-4: Foster relationships with community members through visits to nursing homes, foster homes, food drives, religious institutions, and hospitals. (Or other institutions subject to approval by director.)
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-FA5-1: Demonstrate fundamentals of stopping blood loss.
AGS-FA5-2: Use heuristics to triage victims in a simulated mass casualty event
AGS-FA5-3: Demonstrate knowledge of cardio pulmonary rescuitation techniques.
AGS-FA5-4: Use best practices for safely moving injured victims to the hospital during a simulated mass casualty event.
AGS-FA5-5: Develop a variety of tricks specific to students own power set for preserving life.
AGS-FA5-6: Produce informational pamphlets about common symptoms of A6G23 related ailments.
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-PP6-1: Demonstrate knowledge of history of supers, not limited to mere facts, but also including solid grasp of techniques of deeper inquiry
AGS-PP6-2: Research legal issues of super rights and responsibilities at local, national and international levels
AGS-PP6-3: Apply civic knowledge to a theoretical or historical civil issue and propose a novel solution.
AGS-PP6-4: Describe a current A6G23 issue and act as an informed advocate for an inclusive and equitable position on that issue in a classroom debate.
AGS-PP6-5: Plan and conduct a virtual campaign to promote social justice and human rights after a hypothetical government crackdown.
AGS-PP6-6: Communicate social and civic information about aftermath of various well known A6G23 incidents and their consequences.
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-HNK1-1: Apply tactical knowledge to disable a superior opponent without resort to powers
AGS-HNK1-2: Use a fluid situation to gain the advantage via either terrain, timing, distance, or unexpected tactic.
AGS-HNK1-3: Analyze a variety of fighting styles to evaluate their weaknesses.
AGS-HNK1-4: Demonstrate defensive applications of offensive powers and vice versa.
AGS-HNK1-5: Research a famous soldier from history and present a report on his or her successes and failures.
AGS-HNK1-6: Demonstrate a variety of power level usages up to maximum effort without exhibiting loss of control.
My goal here is to support the 'grade report' mission. If we are going to finally settle down and discuss student performance, it would be good to have some benchmarks for talking points, it seems to me.
I can't seem to tag anybody, which is frustrating, but I guess I will try tagging in chat... without further ado, here is the proposed curriculum:
AEGIS 108 Faculty Manual Excerpt, pages 23-27, curriculum.
AGS-CD 108 Mission Statement:
The collateral damage curriculum covers interaction with the physical environment and the importance of taking steps to minimize the effect thereon by interactions between supers. Students will learn basic principles of civil engineering, recognizing the relative value and vulnerability of various aspects of the modern urban environment. Practical aspects of individual powers in minimizing unintended consequences will also be tailored to individual students.
AGS-EC 108 Mission Statement:
The emotional composure curriculum focuses on the importance of maintaining control of the natural reactions of the human mind, both in dangerous situations and in de-escalation of potentially dangerous situations. Effects of emotional state on power expression and mitigation of those effects will also be covered.
AGS-MD 108 Mission Statement:
The mental discipline curriculum is designed to force students to learn to focus on the task at hand, regardless of distraction. Defusing a ticking time bomb in the middle of a fire fight during Mardi Gras? That might be good enough for James Bond, but Super-Heroes have to be better than that.
AGS-PD 108 Mission Statement:
Also known as gym class, the purpose of Physical Discipline is to push students to their limits, whatever those limits might be. Learning how to use what they have most effectively and efficiently, shaving their obstacle course times down from microseconds to nanoseconds, pushing their lift records from kilotons to megatons, or just dropping fat and building muscle until they are in tip top physical condition. This class is second only to Mental Discipline in keeping students alive in the real world.
AGS-CS 108 Mission Statement:
Community Service seeks to inculcate a sense of civic duty into young supers. As such, any teacher of this class must seek to bring the students out into the community and foster the development of ties with a wide variety of normals in wide variety of roles. Studies show that supers with deep roots in the community seldom go rogue, and from time to time, they save the world.
AGS-FA 108 Mission Statement:
First Aid focuses on the basics of battlefield medicine. The core of the class is techniques of stemming blood loss and maintaining circulation of the blood to keep the brain oxygenated. Secondary topics to be treated include: safe transport of injured individuals, proper precautionary immobilization prior to transport, basic heuristics for triage during a mass casualty event, and mental status evaluation tests for concussion and post traumatic stress.
AGS-PP 108 Mission Statement:
Political powers is arguably the most important subject for young supers to learn, and unfortunately tends to get the least respect. Students typically do not have the perspective necessary to understand the importance of history in how supers came to occupy their current place in society, or how delicate the balance of power actually is. It is the job of the Political Powers teacher to guide students towards a deep understanding of this history in order that they understand the logical and moral necessity that they personally work toward maintaining that balance by understanding their rights and upholding their responsibilities.
AGS-HNK 108 Mission Statement:
Personal combat training is critical for any student planning to deal with super-villains in the real world, but by and large, not killing is about restraint. For students with more power than a weapon of mass destruction, the key is not learning to hit harder, but how to hit just hard enough. At the same time, the flip side of not killing is not allowing oneself to be killed by showing too much restraint. As such, HNK class is always about finding exactly where to toe the line between life and death, both for your assailant, and for yourself
Core standards for Collateral Damage Class
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-CD2-1: Analyze structural damage to best support the remaining structure to minimize the potential loss of life
AGS-CD2-2: Use heuristics and approximations to quickly estimate the time until failure for a damaged piece of infrastructure
AGS-CD2-3: Apply scientific and engineering ideas to rapidly design an improvised device from available materials that minimizes the force during a collision, then evaluate the results.
AGS-CD2-4: Use mathematical representations of stress and strain to describe and predict the maximal forces objects can withstand.
AGS-CD2-5: Plan and conduct an investigation to determine worst case scenarios for a variety of common infrastructural failures
AGS-CD2-6: Communicate scientific and technical information about aftermath of various well known A6G23 incidents and their consequences.
Core Standards for Emotional Composure Class
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-EC3-1: Create a psychological model to ameliorate the stress involved when coping with personal losses.
AGS-EC3-2: Develop and use mental techniques to reduce the emotional reaction to various stimuli without reducing empathy scores on standard tests.
AGS-EC3-3: Design and refine an exercise regimen that can be adhered to daily, to reduce stress hormones.
AGS-EC3-4: Plan and conduct an investigation into basic human psychology to demonstrate examples of all the fundamental emotional states of which humans are capable.
AGS-EC3-5: Develop and perform a skit of two or more individuals interacting in high tension circumstances to illustrate the techniques of de-escalation of emotional stakes
Core Standards for Mental Discipline Class
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-MD8-1: Focus on cognitive puzzles while excluding distracting details.
AGS-MD8-2: Develop and use mental techniques to increase the perceptual acuity in a chaotic environment.
AGS-MD8-3: Develop and practice pain management strategies to reduce imprecision on tests of recall under increasing levels of stimuli.
AGS-MD8-4: Practice voluntary restraint of power manifestations during simulated limiter failure under various stressors.
AGS-MD8-5: Practice precise control applications of powers under various stressors
Core standards for Physical Discipline Class
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-PD4-1: Analyze personal limitations under controlled conditions to maximize potential speed and power.
AGS-PD4-2: Use all available resources to reduce the time for completion of a standardized obstacle course significantly from initial attempt.
AGS-PD4-3: Apply knowledge of principals, strategies and tactics to maximize physical performance.
AGS-PD4-4: Use various sports to demonstrate competence in a wide variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
AGS-PD4-5: Design a regimen to maintain proper diet and exercise for life after AEGIS
AGS-PD4-6: Develop appreciation for physical recreation for both lifetime health and self expression.
Core standards for Community Service Class
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-CS7-1: Demonstrate critical thinking and practical problem solving skills under real world conditions.
AGS-CS7-2: Create reports on community resources and identify areas of strength and weaknesses
AGS-CS7-3: Document services rendered to improve a community resource documented in CS7-2
AGS-CS7-4: Foster relationships with community members through visits to nursing homes, foster homes, food drives, religious institutions, and hospitals. (Or other institutions subject to approval by director.)
Core standards for First Aid Class
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-FA5-1: Demonstrate fundamentals of stopping blood loss.
AGS-FA5-2: Use heuristics to triage victims in a simulated mass casualty event
AGS-FA5-3: Demonstrate knowledge of cardio pulmonary rescuitation techniques.
AGS-FA5-4: Use best practices for safely moving injured victims to the hospital during a simulated mass casualty event.
AGS-FA5-5: Develop a variety of tricks specific to students own power set for preserving life.
AGS-FA5-6: Produce informational pamphlets about common symptoms of A6G23 related ailments.
Core standards for Political Powers Class
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-PP6-1: Demonstrate knowledge of history of supers, not limited to mere facts, but also including solid grasp of techniques of deeper inquiry
AGS-PP6-2: Research legal issues of super rights and responsibilities at local, national and international levels
AGS-PP6-3: Apply civic knowledge to a theoretical or historical civil issue and propose a novel solution.
AGS-PP6-4: Describe a current A6G23 issue and act as an informed advocate for an inclusive and equitable position on that issue in a classroom debate.
AGS-PP6-5: Plan and conduct a virtual campaign to promote social justice and human rights after a hypothetical government crackdown.
AGS-PP6-6: Communicate social and civic information about aftermath of various well known A6G23 incidents and their consequences.
Core standards for How Not to Kill Class
Students who demonstrate mastery can:
AGS-HNK1-1: Apply tactical knowledge to disable a superior opponent without resort to powers
AGS-HNK1-2: Use a fluid situation to gain the advantage via either terrain, timing, distance, or unexpected tactic.
AGS-HNK1-3: Analyze a variety of fighting styles to evaluate their weaknesses.
AGS-HNK1-4: Demonstrate defensive applications of offensive powers and vice versa.
AGS-HNK1-5: Research a famous soldier from history and present a report on his or her successes and failures.
AGS-HNK1-6: Demonstrate a variety of power level usages up to maximum effort without exhibiting loss of control.