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Realistic or Modern The NEW New OOC Thread (Introduce yourself here!)

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
We've got one character who can do full-on Invisibility; Juliana.
We have one guy who can do camouflage; Jeremiah
We have one guy who may be able to do Invisibility or at the very least, Illusions that could cover himself; Gergo
Yeah but Juliana's invisibility is just a side application of Light Manipulation and she has no finesse with it, meaning people (herself included) go blind
Unless you're like Mitch and your power makes up for it lol

Not that useful if you ask me XD

Also hi The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald , what a small world! I remember ya from NPF >w<
Really thought, all I remember is that your character and mine (Well, Mitsuo at least) were two of the few people actually serious about their jobs in that police station XD

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald I noticed you posted your character already. Not that it's too big of a deal but that is really obviously Solid Snake. Like I said not a big deal but I think it would be better to choose a less recognizable image, like this:

Either that or just ask Lemon Boy Lemon Boy for help with finding an image. Cause he loves looking at hot guys.
Hey Lemon Boy Lemon Boy and The J The J !
I found another!!! Power Ideas Doc
It has more ideas in it :3

If I had to guess, I'd say this was co-written by the both of you and maaaaybe Bag? But not that sure about that last guess >w<

Also, since I'm making a post anyway... welian welian and Giyari Giyari your signatures are broken, postimg is having domain issues (I already said so on discord but IDK if weli has been there?), change 'org' for 'cc' in your image links and it should be back to normal...
Doesn't seem to work on all of them tho ^^'
I seem to always be behind in the image sharing scene. I used photobucket until about a year or so ago when I switched to imgur
I seem to always be behind in the image sharing scene. I used photobucket until about a year or so ago when I switched to imgur
I just use my DeviantArt sta.sh
I get 2 GB of free storage just by having an account, I might as well use it for something! >w<
Hey Lemon Boy Lemon Boy and The J The J !
I found another!!! Power Ideas Doc
It has more ideas in it :3

If I had to guess, I'd say this was co-written by the both of you and maaaaybe Bag? But not that sure about that last guess >w<

Also, since I'm making a post anyway... welian welian and Giyari Giyari your signatures are broken, postimg is having domain issues (I already said so on discord but IDK if weli has been there?), change 'org' for 'cc' in your image links and it should be back to normal...
Doesn't seem to work on all of them tho ^^'
That's my own work. I already put the suitable powers into Sin's thread.

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