The New Family Member

Anna blinked as she looked at Jack. Her heart racing. "Just don't worry about it." She told him and walked to her room where her leg gave out before she made it to the bed. She fell to the floor and she cursed under her breath. She slammed her hand down on the floor as she began to cry. Why her? Why?

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Jack heard the fall and went into her room he saw her crying, without a word he turned her over and scooped her up and placed her gently on her bed. He didn't speak he simply covered her up, walked to the door, turned out the light and said two simple words," good night." and with that he closed the door and went to bed
Anna didn't say a word to Jack as he helped her to bed. She couldn't sleep during the night. She cried for hours or she was either scared but by the time 9 in the morning came around, Monica barged on. "Wake up Anna! What shall we do today?" She asked and Anna stayed quiet. Monica grew a little sad and closed the door behind her and walked to Jacks room. "What's wrong with Big sister? Did I make her mad?" She asked as she looked a little sad.

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Jack sat up in his bed and looked at his sister," no you didn't do anything wrong she's just tired. Let me talk to her." he got up and went out of his room to Anna's and sat right beside here in her desk chair." ignoring people won't help you. Look I can tell yesterday wasn't the best but you need to tell me what's wrong so I can help." he sat there wondering what had here so spooked
Anna looked over at Jack and shook her head. "I can't tell you or at least not now." She whispered and sighed. "I'm pretty sure you already figured it out anyways." She added and then stayed quiet. "Thanks for tucking me in last night by the way. I probably would have slept on the floor if you didn't come in." She said and sighed. Monica was listening on the other side of the door. She wanted to know what was wrong.

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Jack nodded," yeah I caught on, but your pushing people away that can't help anything. I should know, I can't help what he did to you, but I can help you now. The next time he laids a hand on you I'll break his hand." he chuckled at the thought he got up and sat on the bed right beside Anna." get some rest, because I'm taking you out tonight. Consider it brother sister bonding time." he laughed and headed out side
Anna smiled and laughed softly. "Thanks Jack." She whispered and then she nodded. She wondered what he had planned for them but she didn't mind. She soon fell asleep after he left and Monica walked in quietly. She looked up a picture of Mulan on Anna's laptop and wrote a not saying, "please draw Princess Mulan for me? -wuv Monica. Soon when evening came around, Anna slowly woke up and looked around. what was she going to wear?

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Jack was in the living room watching t.v. he was working out where they would go and what they would do. He tinkered with the car keys and thought to himself," what will happen if we run into Henry again." jack heard shuffling in Anna's room and knew she was awake. Shrugged that thought away and just waited for Anna
Anna finally finished getting dressed. She walked down in maroon leggings with a cream sweater dress and black combat boots. "So um, where are we going?" She asked Jack and Monica ran over. "I wanna go! I wanna go!" She exclaimed and Anna let out a soft laugh.

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Jack walked over to Monica and smiled," sorry Monica its just going to be me and sis tonight. oh and I was going to take us the the little Italian place near the park." jack looked at Anna and thought she looked great, beautiful even. He started to get this warm feeling at the pit of his stomach but ignored it and grinned at them
"That's not cool!" Little Monica exclaimed and stormed off. Anna just nodded and then walked over to him. "So um, you ready?" She asked and swayed on her feet. She then began walking to the door and opened it, walked out and waited for Jack.

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Jack walked out and opened the door for Anna, when she was in he closed the door and got in he cranked the car and drove to the restaurant. On the way he asked," so what type of Italian food do you like Anna his eyes were on the road but he was grinning and he thought it would be nice to talk to her on the way so they both could relax
Anna thought about it then she finally came up with an answer. "The pasta. Preferably Chicken Alfredo." She said and smiled softly. "Yours?" She asked as she looked over at him. It began to rain and the roads became more slippery. "I could never drive in the rain." She told him and then looked around as one car began swerving. It was making her rather nervous.

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Jack was still grinning and he said," I enjoy pizza myself and don't worry were almost there." he chuckled and when they arrived he grabbed an umbrella from the back he kept in case of rain. He opened it and opened Anna's door and held the blanket over it and helped her out. He stayed close to Anna as they walked to the door one reason because he was trying to stay under the umbrella and two he was holding on to Anna in case she lost the feeling in her leg
Anna followed Jack all the way to the entrance and when she walked inside she smiled. "Thanks for the help." She said pointing her arm. She felt numb and she probably would have fallen if Jack didn't have a grip in her. She walked over to the table and ordered a water to drink she sat down and then looked at Jack. "So, what all do you want to know?" She asked

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Jack ordered a coke and grinned," well who are you Anna if we are living together I need to know as much as I can." he keeper an eye out in case Henry showed up. Ever since they left he had a feeling he would run into him again so but didn't think much of it and he listened as Anna talked
"Who am I huh? Well the names Anna Clemente. I'm 17 and well I am female." Anna said stating the very obvious. She noticed Jack was keeping a watch and she smiled. "Hey don't worry about him. I'll be fine." She said and wanted to hold his hand but they were siblings. She couldn't start to fall in love with him.

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Jack looked at her and smiled," I'm jack, I'm 18 and I'm male." he laughed he enjoyed this time with Anna and he stopped glancing around the room for Henry. He felt like he should hold her hand as she said this, but he didn't think he couldn't since they were legally siblings. Jack finally decide to throw caution to the wind and he slowly slipped his hand into hers.
Anna looked at Jack as he slipped his hand into hers. She blinked and then smiled softly. After awhile however, she slowly pulled her hand away. She looked to the side and then when the waiter came she ordered her food.

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Jack ordered his food and couldn't bring himself to look at Anna. What had he just done their siblings he can't do that and Anna pulled away he probably just ruined what ever relationship they had. He waited for the food quietly he glanced around every now and then to make sure Henry wasn't there to bother
Anna stayed looking at the table. Was it okay for them to holds hands like that? They were siblings. Maybe coming to this house was a bad idea. Anna wasn't paying attention until a girl from her soon to be school, which was Jacks school came and sat at the table with them. "So Jack, formals this coming weekend and I want you to go with me." She said then looked at Anna, "and you are?" She asked and Anna didn't say anything. This girl was Bianca and she got everything her way at all. She always liked Jack and was willing to get rid of Anna. "I-I'm Jacks sister. I um, I was just about to leave." Anna said and stood up. "I'll uh, I'll see you at home, Jack." Anna said not making any eye contact and walked out in the rain. She didn't care at this point.

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Jack looked at Bianca," ill talk to you later about that." he pushed his chair back, grabbed his umbrella and went outside to see where Anna was he started searching around the restaurant, when he didn't see her he went down the street, without the car, that led back home. He kept an eye out for her as he searched the road for any sign of here
Sadly Anna was currently nowhere to be found. She was stupid enough to leave by herself and now she was unconscious, resting on a bed back at Henry's house. Anna and Jacks mom had called Jack and reminded him about curfew. When Anna woke up, her arms were tied up and she couldn't move. Her leg lost feeling. She looked at Henry and her eyes grew wide as she struggled to get free. Tears fell and she eventually stopped moving once Henry held a knife to her face.

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Jack was starting to get worried if she made it back to the house by now their parents would have said something. He was about to pass Henry's house when he decide to ask if he seen her. He walked to the door and rang the door bell. Jack had a bad feeling about this, but a thought emerged in the back of his mind. He looked at the house and told himself that if he seemed off Henry would tell him the truth one way or another.
When Anna heard the doorbell ring she had a bad feeling as to who it was. "Ja-!" Was all so could say before Henry put the cloth to her face and Anna fell unconscious again. Henry walked over to the door and looked at Jack. "What do you want squirt?" He asked as he yawned. He was hiding the fact that Anna was there very well.

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