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Fantasy The New Earth

"well isn't that fun" she said grinning "where are they now?" she asked moving towards the girl "what are they doing!" she said getting excited now.
Rose limped away from the cave and towards her home. She saw Anubis and Rowen talking and stopped behind a tree. "Move on Rose you don't want to get in trouble again." She thought. Rose continued to walk, but caught some of the conversation. "That can't be good." She thought.
"I don't know but I know where they all are! There with those mountain monks in your territory!" She chuckled, eyes glinting. "A few are wounded and they don't suspect anything. They didn't even know I left them to tell you this!" She chuckled and Sol raised his head and hissed. "Huh..oh she's one of them..it's your turf, I won't hunt or attack" sAnubis smiled, her teeth whiter than her hair

@Mr Swiftshots @Spotine
((Ooo she can be in the next helocopter landing when April and them get there))

"Wait for me Ocean!" Anna said laughing and skipped up beside Ocean. April folded the map back down and stuck it in her bag. "This is going to be fun." She said laughing a bit following behind the two skipping girls. @Dxni
"this is good news indeed" Rodwen smiled twirling a knife on the tip of her finger "how many" , Rodwen tossed the knife at the tree Rose was behind smiling evilly "you know dont you" she said coldly towards the tree "and next time your trying to listen in dont have the wind blowing your scent towards me!"
Gwen looks around then notices rose over the tree tops, she then saw the two people talking, one of which she and the monks had helped "She better not be doing what I think she is doing..."
"Let's see...the girl behind the tree..Rose isn't it? She knows. Their names and faces" Anubis smiled as Severusé slipped behind the tree and was circling Rose, strapping her to the tree. "Ansssssswer" he hissed in her ear, knowing he could understand him.
((Yeah, that's what I was thinking ^.^))

Walking through the trees Ocean starts humming quietly, "We have to be careful because there are some territories along the way." She comments, "Only one of the territories is an actual tribe of somesorts, but they aren't too welcoming." Ocean warns
(Uh guys... Rose isn't standing behind he tree anymore. She heard a bit of what they were saying and hurried off. Just so you know)
((Awesome! ^u^))

April nodded. "Alright I trust you'll lead us through the territories safely." She said her grip on her back pack tightening. Anna looked around cautiously. @Dxni

Severusé was lazy and a bit blind so he had just coiled around a tree. Anubis laughed and he dipped his head, a bit embarrassed and slid back over to her, climbing up onto her shoulders aand sleeping. Sol was still slithering around in her hair.
"dalm shes quick like a deer..." she sighed before turning back to Anubis "anyway where were they heading do you have any leads?"
(Okay sorry I didn't make that clear) Rose continued to walk. She could see her house from here, but she was worried about that snitch, Anubis.
Gwen leans out from behind her tree and looks around. She did not see Rose, just the two people that seemed to be chasing her. She leans back behind the tree and says quietly to herself "What does that girl think she is doing...."
"As I left, Sol heard they we're going to another landing site. My brothers heron, Creed is following them as we speak. Snakes get the word around quite quickly you know!" She snickered and nodded. "Come on. My brother is waiting at the edge of my turf" she smiled. "Unless you still need to get the supplies to your house.." She added.
"We don't have to be too careful yet. I'll let you know when." Ocean tells the two girls before looking around at the trees, "It's so amazing how much the earth how changed," Ocean comments mindlessly walking ahead, jumping over a log stumbling slightly she looks for a bird or some type of aquatic animal.
"if there moving to the meadow id be better off staying here. " Akira sighed laying down in the grass "as long as they dont bother me i wont bother them"
"Okay, well I'm going to go snoop! See you later Rodwen!" She smirked and ran back to her brother.


Osirus was waiting for Anubis at the edge of her territory, ready to go on to the meadow. "Did you do it?" He asked.


she nodded. Then they both set off running into the meadow, laughing and jumping over and around each other
April nodded jumping over the log. "It sure is majestic." April said looking around. Anna stretched. "I can go for some acorns right about now." She said causing her sister to give her a confused glance. @Dxni
Rose entered her house and changed into a new white dress. She had about 8 white dresses, a new one for each day. This one was ruined and blood stained, so she would probably use it as a cleaning rag now. Rose sat down on her bed after she had changed and sighed. Willow laid next to her.

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