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Fantasy The Neutral Realm (OOC)

I'm down with that. But I'm at work ATM so you decide if you want to wait for me
I might have exaggerated when i said army. According to Birdsie Birdsie it was a unit of fifty odd troops. They were brought in to arrest the guys hanging out in the tavern.
Okay, good time to get me warrior priest into the action when I make him, not to mention somthing to bash for me dwarf.
I might have exaggerated when i said army. According to Birdsie Birdsie it was a unit of fifty odd troops. They were brought in to arrest the guys hanging out in the tavern.
I'm sorry to say that Alreos doesn't fuck around with security when it comes to adventurers.
Hmmm... So I have this character idea about an elven elite soldier, or something along the lines of guardian, who is assigned to protect like an elven priestess who has like a high rank or something.

He is pretty much an elite soldier with no magical capabilities at all, and maybe some other weaknesses that I have yet to figure out. I was curious if A. This type of character is acceptable, someone who has no magic but is an extremely skilled warrior. B. If anyone wants to help create an elven priestess to go along with my character.
Hmmm... So I have this character idea about an elven elite soldier, or something along the lines of guardian, who is assigned to protect like an elven priestess who has like a high rank or something.

He is pretty much an elite soldier with no magical capabilities at all, and maybe some other weaknesses that I have yet to figure out. I was curious if A. This type of character is acceptable, someone who has no magic but is an extremely skilled warrior. B. If anyone wants to help create an elven priestess to go along with my character.
Look at me dwarf, I’m sure the skill would be acceptable.
Birdsie Birdsie Silly Birb you didn't learn anything about casters in DnD. IN DnD, casters are gods incarnated, there is no stopping them the higher level they are the higher they stand above all those peasants with their dinky swords while they can do that melee combat better just transforming into large dragons if they want... instead of using the powerful spells that just win battles instantly. :P
Birdsie Birdsie Silly Birb you didn't learn anything about casters in DnD. IN DnD, casters are gods incarnated, there is no stopping them the higher level they are the higher they stand above all those peasants with their dinky swords while they can do that melee combat better just transforming into large dragons if they want... instead of using the powerful spells that just win battles instantly. :P
Say that to the party rogue who has the tendency to cut off wizards' hands. Can't perform fancy, magical hand-movements without hands.
Say that to the party rogue who has the tendency to cut off wizards' hands. Can't perform fancy, magical hand-movements without hands.
So that's how you managed to stick in a party as a rogue despite Wizards doing rogue stuff better then you! :P
Look at me dwarf, I’m sure the skill would be acceptable.
Oh okay. Just had to make sure.

Anyways if anyone is interested in being a High elven priestess and having my character be their guard, pm me and we can start planning stuff out.
Hmmm... So I have this character idea about an elven elite soldier, or something along the lines of guardian, who is assigned to protect like an elven priestess who has like a high rank or something.

He is pretty much an elite soldier with no magical capabilities at all, and maybe some other weaknesses that I have yet to figure out. I was curious if A. This type of character is acceptable, someone who has no magic but is an extremely skilled warrior. B. If anyone wants to help create an elven priestess to go along with my character.
Look at me dwarf, I’m sure the skill would be acceptable.
If his dwarf isn't enough, look at my pirate. Seriously, there's a whole squad of us "Screw magic" guys getting made. We're gonna be like the Avengers, except if the team was solely made up of the normal people
If his dwarf isn't enough, look at my pirate. Seriously, there's a whole squad of us "Screw magic" guys getting made. We're gonna be like the Avengers, except if the team was solely made up of the normal people

Sweet, I didn't actually know that. Good to know.

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