The Neko Home. ((Always Open))

Okay cool I'll get to work on my character 
Name: Ayaka Koizumi

Gender: Female

Age: 16



Likes: Boys, being the best, sports,the arts (painting, writing, singing, ect), music, fashion, sweets, nice dogs, cute things, she loves all cheerful colors and things, anything that is cute and colorful. She also likes taking naps in the sun.

Dislikes: Sour things, negativity, bullies, mean people, rude people, yelling, being teased, and disappointing others.

Etc: Ayaka lives on her own because her parents both died when she was 14 years old and she ran away from her Aunt and Uncle because she didn't like them at all. Ayaka had only one friend who died from cancer. Having the one friend she got one nickname which she treasures. Her nickname is Aya and she loves when people call her that. Aya isn't scared of people due to her curious personality. Aya wears a small gold bell that is attached to a silk blue ribbon because when she was born her parents gave it to her. Aya tries her hardest at everything she does and usually succeeds. She is very quiet when you first meet her and acts like she is scared of boys which she partially is. Being a perfectionist has it's pros and cons, but Ayaka seems to only find the cons of being one. Ayaka is also very clumsy, but some find her clumsiness quite charming. Being 170cm she is very self conscious about her height because she thinks that all boys like the cute short girls. She is a hopeless romantic and gets flustered easily around boys she finds attractive. She is a very kindhearted person and thinks of others before herself all the time. Her main goal in coming to The Neko Home was to make more friends and experience things she has never experienced before. When she goes out in public she normally wears things to cover her ears and tail because sometimes she wants to imagine what it would be like just to be normal. Of course she will end up changing into something way cuter and will attract more attention, but at least she is able to be herself. Ayaka works at a small café and she really enjoys it because her co-workers are very kind to her though she doesn't consider them true friends.
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No. Why would I do that? Both the Beast Legacy: Reboot and this are found by me in threads. All my other roleplays are not yet posting, so I'm looking for new ones, and I have a character in mind even before I chose to join this. I was hoping to join the Neko, but I don't think they're accepting anymore.
Oh, good to know then. I just really need more role plays to join. None of the other role plays I'm in are moving forward.
Name: Fenris Ulfur

Gender: Male

Age: 18 in human years.



Likes: Night, meat, silence, his own territory

Dislikes: Noise, crowded rooms, a lot of people, people who invades his privacy.

Etc.: Though he is a werewolf, he is unable to shift back to human. He can speak, making communication with him easier. He is uncivilized and rude, preferring to do things the way he wants too. He hates being bossed around. Being a wolf, he has his own territory and people who come to his territory without his permission will be considered as threats. He is a really annoying person, he won't care if he's hurting you or not. He gets in fights quite often.

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